
Comments by wildRover (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What is the justification for "mandatory" valet parking?
    “ This is a thread I don't understand, if you don't like the way a club does business, don't spend your money there, it's not that complicated people.” I agree 100%. The problem is that a particular poster feels that it’s necessary to continually interject this nonsense into to threads concerning two Detroit area clubs that have mandatory valet parking. He’s never been to either of these clubs and admits that he has no intention of ever going to them, but for some reason he feels compelled to continually denigrate them. You don’t understand this thread. I don’t understand his behavior in general.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What is the justification for "mandatory" valet parking?
    “ Gemstone KNEW management had his keys, he knew he couldn't say "sorry, you're not going to rip me off, I'm leaving".” I’m sorry. I missed the part in his review where he said that. Would you please copy and paste it for me because I’m having trouble finding it. The fact is, there’s nothing in his review that even hints that this was the case. “Are you going to call the cops on the club?” You’re damn right I am. And believe me, the last thing these clubs want is for the cops to show up in their parking lot. It’s bad for business. “ As for "Valets have to return the keys to the legal owner, even if that owner is visibly intoxicated." Really?” Yes really. There’s case law to that effect. Do a simple google search. It’s not complicated. “ Why did Gemstone agree to pay more than he owed?” He paid based on the song count the bouncer gave him. The manager became involved and reduced the amount and gemstones voluntarily paid an extra 20. He was so worried about his car keys that he went back for another VIP session. Sorry but your theory doesn’t hold water.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What is the justification for "mandatory" valet parking?
    “Read the September 3 review by Gemstones. He was robbed, and basically had to pay a ransome to get his car keys” Pussylicker. This is a new low even for you. I read gemstones review and his keys were never mentioned. He had a disagreement with a dancer that was handled by the bouncer and the manager. He wasn’t trying to leave and the valet was never involved. In fact he actually stuck around and got another VIP from a different dancer. You totally mischaracterize what happened. There are legitimate reasons for disliking valet parking but your whole obsession with them keeping your keys borderlines on the kinky. The fact is they can’t keep your keys. Valets have to return the keys to the legal owner, even if that owner is visibly intoxicated. There have been court cases ruling that. The valets are aware of what the law is because they don’t work for a club. They work for a valet service and have to abide by the laws governing valet services. And they DON’T keep your keys. You know this because it’s been pointed out to you in dozens of threads but you keep spewing the same disinformation. But as I said before your characterization of gemstones review is just plain false.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great eye candy and can be fun if you're willing to spend
    @Htxx Lol. I’m not pissed off, but reading that review cost me 30 seconds of my life that I’ll never get back.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Hanging with boys doesn't pay the bills
    I think the most likely reasons have been mentioned by other posters. My guess is she knew the guys and knew that THEIR “sure thing” was going to amount to more than YOUR “sure thing.” I have some questions though. Was this girl a regular, or was she just someone who you’d been with a couple of times and who knew you? If she was my regular and did that I’d be seriously thinking about finding a new regular. Also, did she know you were coming? I have a regular lady right now and I always try to inform her ahead of time when I’m coming so that she can X out a block of her time. But my biggest question is why didn’t you just move on? There were other dancers in the club. Thai and Cassidy are both very hot and they’re both fun in the VIP so you had at least a couple of nice options available. Maybe it’s just me, but after a half hour wait I’m expanding my search terms.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Awkward but took direction
    ^ value is subjective to the reviewer. Exactly! Plus I think a lot of posters confuse price with value. For example, I don’t think anyone would dispute that Bogarts is cheaper than Flight Club, but I would argue that FC is much better value. Why? On my only trip to Bogarts I didn’t see a single dancer that I would’ve taken to the VIP even if it had been FREE. It doesn’t matter how cheap it is, it’s terrible value. At FC I might be paying a premium price but at least I’m with someone I want to be with.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Halloween Party
    Not sure about the coat check because I wasn’t wearing one. If I had to guess I’d say the answer is probably yes.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Halloween Party
    Lol. Good point. As I mentioned in the review I bought a couple of rounds of drinks for dancers and they weren’t drinking cheap. That added around 200 bucks to the overall tab. Plus I was with my regular who I treat more generously than I would a random dancer. But you’re right. Places like Flight Cub and Landing Strip aren’t cheap. Anyone who went to one of those places and claims they spent under 2 or $300 is either lying or didn’t have any fun.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Payoff at Flight Club
    Ulrik. Don’t you know that if you leave your coat in the car those evil valets might decide to keep it? Seriously though. As much as I hate to admit it I do agree with PL on one thing. FC sure does have a tendency to nickel and dime you. I just write it off as a cost of doing business but it is a little annoying. Flight Club has positioned itself at the high end of the market and it seems to be working pretty well for them.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Same old
    Ulrik. I give you credit for trying, but IMO it’s useless to try to reason with PL or to present him with facts because he’s a troll who is only interested in promoting the same tired narrative. The fact is that valets at the FC or LS don’t keep your keys. I’ve been going to both places off and on since back when FC was called The 747 and I’ve never seen or heard of such a thing happening. I’ve seen patrons who were having a dispute with a dancer “politely” escorted to the door by one or more bouncers but I’ve never seen the valets refuse to return someone’s keys. In fact there have been court cases that have ruled that valets have to return keys to the rightful owner, even if he/she is visibly intoxicated. It’s a pity that people have to keep responding to PL’s bullshit comments, but that’s exactly what they are. But I guess the troll has accomplished his objective. He’s gotten people to respond to him, and in the process he’s managed to pollute another thread with garbage.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Pink Eye!!!???
    My question is why did you let her continue to sit there once she told you she had pink eye? I would have politely asked her to take a hike, and if that didn’t work I would have asked her again, but not so politely.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nickel and Dime...
    Day girl not say girl.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nickel and Dime...
    I’m curious. Did this happen before or after the 7:00 PM shift change? Say girl or night girl?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great time all around, beware of mechanics
    Pussylicker. There’s this new technology called google. If you do a quick google search you’d see that no they can’t keep your keys. Not even if you’re staggeringly drunk. Try it. It’s not hard. As for the hypothetical issue with a dancer. If you think there’s going to be a problem you simply ask her to get the bouncer so that he can verify how many songs you owe her for. Then you pay her in front of the bouncer. This has been covered multiple times in other reviews. It’s not that complicated. The bottom line is that you’re inventing a problem that doesn’t exist and you seem to be doing whatever you can to discredit the Flight Club and other high end clubs. I don’t know what your motives are. Maybe you work at Bogarts or maybe you’re resentful because you can’t afford Flight Club prices. Those are the first two explanations that come to mind. Maybe it’s something else, but the whole spiel about the valets keeping your keys is just made up bullshit. It doesn’t happen.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Great time all around, beware of mechanics
    Good review. You dodged a bullet with River. There’s a review of her below which I commented on. My experience with her was subpar. Very rushed. She’s very young and I was hoping that once she learned the ropes her performance would improve. Based on the previous review and your experience I’d have to say that either she’s an extremely slow learner or she just doesn’t give a damn about giving good service. Too bad because she’s very attractive. My guess is that she’ll be able to attract customers based solely on her looks but I can’t see many of them repeating.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nice club but forgettable dancer
    “Has anyone heard of FC or PH keeping car keys because of a disagreement with an adult entertainment provider? I like giving them my keys.” No. And neither has Pussylicker. If he had he would have posted it hundreds of times by now. I’ve been going to FC off and on for a long time and have never heard of it happening. Just a bunch of made up crap as far as I’m concerned. It’s one thing to say “they can do this” or “they might do this” and an entirely different matter to provide examples of it actually happening.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Quick but enjoyable afternoon visit
    “And because prices are high at this club, I'm convinced Pussylicker is such a whiney little bitch about FC because he can't actually afford fuck the 7s-10s at FC and is stuck with the two Hamilton bars and their $50 bj specials. Either he can't afford it, or he works for one of the Hamilton clubs” LMFAO. You nailed it. In another thread I accused Pussylicker of being a Bogarts shill and I still think that’s probably the case, although the “he can’t afford Flight Club” theory is also very plausible. As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about the valet at the FC is that it keeps him out. I have to say though that you really disappointed me when you started using the term GPS. I’ve always hated that term. I think what a lot of guys don’t understand is that dancers are businesswomen and they they have the right to ask for whatever price they want for the services they provide. I’m thinking about a new car and checked out a Bentley dealer. Once I saw the price tags I decided to look elsewhere but I didn’t accuse the dealer of having Golden Car Syndrome. I simply declined to purchase and turned my attention elsewhere. I know there are ladies who ask for unrealistic prices. If that happens to me I try to negotiate and if that doesn’t work I turn my attention elsewhere.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Saturday night
    Desertscrub. I have a couple of questions for you. 1. Have you ever been to one of the Detroit area clubs? 2. If not how can you make an informed judgment as to whether a review is accurate or not? Two honest questions and I’d appreciate an honest answer but I don’t expect one. You seem to have a bias against Detroit clubs and I suspect it’s for one of two reasons. Either you can’t believe that these things actually go on in clubs with really hot ladies, or you’re jealous because they don’t go on in the shit holes in Phoenix that you usually frequent. But I’m open to changing my mind. I’m throwing it in your face. Tell me something that would make me change my mind.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Quick But Enjoyable Visit
    Go to one of the small rooms and tell her to turn on the flashlight on her phone.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Avoid River
    Mr. Tibbs. I understand what you’re saying but it’s not quite that simple. Bubble Yum touched on this in her post but I think it’s worth expanding on. I think most guys probably believe that if it’s a slow night it’s in the dancer’s interest to lower her prices. Some money is better than none. In the case of a dancer that’s not necessarily true. In fact, the opposite may be true. Let’s say you’re a dancer on a night when there’s a very low customer to dancer ratio. It just turned midnight, there’s more dancers than customers, and you haven’t been to the VIP room yet. A guy offers you 150 or 200 to go upstairs. Better than nothing. Right? Or is it? Once you’ve been in the VIP for more than two songs the VIP tax kicks in which I believe is 100 bucks at the Flight Club. So you end up netting 50 or 100 bucks. To put it crudely the question becomes “do you really want to get fucked by some guy you don’t know and probably find unattractive for that amount of money?” For a lot of dancers the answer will probably be no. Wait and hope for a better offer and if you don’t get it …… there’s always another night. Now if the dancer has already been to the VIP and covered the tax then the equation changes a little. Go back and reread Bubble Yums post. She explains it pretty well. The bottom line though is that the high tip outs that the dancers have to pay establishes a pretty high minimum.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Avoid River
    “ Wait. I thought I'd read recently that Cassidy & friends were back/rehired at FC? “ Lol. They were. Now things have changed and they’ve moved to LS. I’m not sure about Rain. I didn’t see her on either of my trips but the others are definitely at LS. My understanding is that it’s probably not a permanent situation.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Avoid River
    I had a similar experience a while back with a River at the Landing Strip. Not quite as bad as the experience you describe but very rushed. Got to the point where I lost interest. By the description you give it sounds like the same girl. This River was very young. Sounds like the LS customers got wise to her act and she’s moved it to the FC. How was the overall talent level? Last time I was at FC I was very disappointed. FWIW several of the better looking FC ladies are now at the landing strip. Thai, Cassidy, Allison and Daniella that I know of. I think there are a couple of others as well.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My fav. spot in town
    This is probably the first time ever, but I have to agree with desertscrub on this one. Sure sounds like a club ad to me. And yes mwtraveler, the vip rooms are extremely dark.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Fashion Police
    Interesting review. There’s actually a sign in the entrance regarding the dress code. No white T’s, hoodies or athletic wear. My understanding is that it’s wet unevenly enforced. A dancer told me that you’re much more likely to catch flack if you’re non-white. TIFWIW. It’s also interesting that they specify white T’s. My interpretation of that is that non-white T’s ar ok. I’ve never had an issue with waitresses pushing me to start a tab. When you do run a tab they never charge anything to your card until you cash out, and then they always ask if you want to leave it on the card before they charge anything. I actually find it convenient. My biggest issue with the waitresses is that you can never find one when you need. Attentive and speedy service has never been one of Flight Club’s strong suits. As far as the talent level goes I haven’t had any major complaints. Things can vary wildly from night to night but the last time I was there I had no complaints. In fact I noticed that a couple of out of town dancers who disappeared after Christmas have returned.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New Mexico
    Lovely little club, worth a visit
    Have to agree with the other comments. I doubt this guy has ever set foot in the Flight Club. The club description is totally inaccurate and his info on pricing is totally out of wack with my experience. 50-5000? I can see a dancer asking for 5k if he wanted an overnighter but 50 bucks at the Flight Club? No f’ing way. And whoever heard of a dancer not even looking at the money you gave her? Especially at the Flight Club!!! I’m not buying it. I’m calling fake on this one. One last thing. I’ve run into an occasional drunk or high dancer there, but it’s not that common. All of them that way? NFW.