
Comments by DFreshPalace (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    Thank you.
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    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    I am always thinking about story ideas. I write stories each day. Mostly for work as I work in Social Media and for a Morning Show. I also write a lot of stories about my life mostly because of the hell I've been through but how people have reached out to me to make me a better person. When I stated I was on top of the world I got a phone call from my favorite person. I had my first cancer treatment today prior to Surgery next month and with her working tonight she wanted to see how it went. Nothing can bring me down after that phone call. I honestly feel like the luckiest person on earth. So again I may not always be perfect but I try to fit in and will try harder as well.
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    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    BJ99 I saw your point and that's why I did this. I hope people think I am a nice guy. That is always my goal. As far as everyone who likes to name call and say other things. It really doesn't matter what you say or think of me tonight because as of now I am standing on top of the world. I have the BEST support team and people who really care about me are always there for me. I am broken but I am okay. Nothing can bring me down tonight.
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    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Are strips clubs your most expensive form of "live" entertainment?
    I would say for me probably yes. I retired from concerts because like my hearing. The last time I went to a casino I almost lost everything because I wanted the big one. Our local sports team has a shiny new arena but they really suck. I haven't been to a nightclub in so long I don't give it any thought.
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    7 years ago
    Strip Club Wives
    I won't say she's my wife but I have one girl that I only see. However we have an understanding we can't be together all the time while she's working and I am always looking for others for her or when we do a couple of sets she will work the floor for a bit and come get me for a couple more sets. We usually do about 6 a night on avg. When I am not with her she has me stay in one spot so she can find me when she's ready and I am okay with that. I am able to either watch stages or she will leave me with management so I can learn about the business because she knows I like to learn about it and they are super cool teaching me. She is always checking on me to make sure I am okay and if she needs me for anything we have our spot to go to plus it's a great place for her to rest and not have to worry about performing. It gives her a chance to get some water, Coffee or a Red Bull and maybe a meal if she's hungry.
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    7 years ago
    Natural assets
    I know a model (not personally) But I have met her once before she blew up that has a Fake butt I will just say she is Asian and goes by "CJ" and can be seen for "Miles". She's still hot but very unnatural now.
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    7 years ago
    How I found TUSCL
    I hope you do and if you go to PG please see Ronni if she's there. My favorite is off tonight but Ronni is a good one.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Natural assets
    For me it's not about real or fake it's about the interaction. If you're able to have good interaction with the guy then nothing else should matter. Everyone is made differently and everyone is beautiful in some way. My Best friend was only a Size B and that didn't stop me because of how well we interacted with each other and connected with each other. My current girl is bigger in those areas but that is just because of how we interacted with each other and the club put us together when I almost quit the Club Life. From your description you sound like you have a great ambition and you care about your work. I think you will do fine. As far as the LD and the Tits on Month I LOVE That. Keep doing what you do and you will be a favorite in no time. I would love to watch you on stage to see how that goes. I think a dancer is a beautiful thing and such an amazing art form. I wish you nothing but the best.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    When a dancer asks "So what do you do for fun?"
    I tell her I come to the club to see beautiful girls like you. She Smiles and we would go from there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Money Dance
    It's my home Club. My favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Money Dance
    I never said anything about Deja Vu Hollywood in this article.
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    7 years ago
    The Money Dance
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    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    I agreed to $450 not $2350 he tried he failed. I didn't buy in. I took to the bank against his wishes of just depositing because I didn't trust him now his scam is exposed. My anger from last night lead me to motivation today. I can get down but I get back up again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tips for dealing with strippers perfume/lotion/etc
    I love the scent of a woman. She can rub all over me. I love the scent my girl wears. It's always from VS and I always tell her she smells beautiful.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    The latest is my bank now has the check in their procession and will be turning it over to the FBI Fraud Dept. They have the name of the person as well and can take the appropriate steps to make sure it doesn't happen again from them anyway.
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    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    He's been reported to Police in the event he or anyone shows up at my house. That was my main concern.
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    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    You're right but it still sucks. I'm always trying to do the right thing and then this. I just didn't need it in my life.
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    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    I don't like being scammed. I even told him back on January 5th it better not be or else.
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    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    Update I just talked with the bank where the check is from and though the funds are available it is a fraudulent check and they have begun their own investigation into the incident. 1 down 2 more ideas to go as the day goes on. I want to put his dick in a vice grip and make it hurt like in Stir Crazy with the Taxi Driver scene. For those who don't know it stars Richard Pryor.
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    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    It was an eBay item that didn't sell in the the time allotted that he was interested in.
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    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    I'm not looking for sympathy ass. I'm pissed. I had no idea the check was going to be in that amount until I opened the envelope. My plan was to cash it pay a bill and have a nice meal. But that all got Fucked. So no I'm not looking for anything serious piss off jerk
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    It was an online transaction so no I never met. He sent me a private email asking if he could buy the item for $450 rather than waiting for the item to end in 7 days. Which by the time I got the money it was 10 days anyway so he could have just paid the asking price. It's only been text message conversation and a check in the mail.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bad Day
    The check was never cashed because the bank wouldn't do it and I still have the item. I'm technically not out anything other than I don't have what I planned on and he has my address phone number and name.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I Died and Want to Paradise
    I tried to commit suicide once I'll never do it again but I definitely know what's ahead with ups and downs.
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    7 years ago
    I Died and Want to Paradise
    Just depression