
The Money Dance

I wrote this article a couple of weeks ago and while I wait for it to publish my favorite girl and I talked about it today and I thought I would share here. So please keep in mind when reading this was written in the first part of the month. Thank you.

I am writing this article today because I am saddened by some of the recent reviews I've read and because of something I was witness to on Friday January 5th.

As we all know going to the club we go to have a good time. We go to maybe enjoy a couple of dancer or 1 on a one on one basis with some private time and up close and personal time with her or them depending on your liking.

Over the last couple of nights I've been reading bad reviews of customers saying they have been taken by the dancer. I also got to see this first hand on Friday night at my favorite club as a man talked with my favorite girl saying he had been and then he talked with Management about the incident as well. Then I got to see the girl get confronted about what may have occurred to hear her side of the story. I know that in the past it was easier for the girl to give a suggested price and it may differ from customer to customer. I also know that a lot of customers think the songs are too short and what may feel like 1 song is really 2. Nowadays the clubs have a video arcade type machine where you put $5 in for 4 songs at the negotiated price of the dancer before hand. Once the money goes in the light goes out until the music ends and the light comes back on. It's ALMOST Impossible to cheat the customer but I imagine it still can be done and I know the girl in question at my club was suspended at one time for something similar and is on probation.

I come from a broken home and one thing I hate to see is a woman cry. The other night when the dancer got questioned she cried. As I stood watching and listening I found myself believing her over the customer. Was it because of the tears? Maybe a little but I also know she has broken english and can be difficult to understand at times and I think the guy misunderstood the price of 3 for $25 Each meaning $75. The club decided to make him happy by returning $50 to him even though they believed she was correct in this one.

We as customers need to be more careful and not quickly blame the dancer. The Dancers also need to be more careful as my friend and I have talked about. She has a set price and is very up front with everyone. I never want to see anyone get taken for money nor do I want the girl to lose money. They have to work extremely hard and if you don't work at a club with High Traffic or if they work on busier nights like Friday or Saturday when money is harder to come by they have to work that much harder.

Working in the club is very much rewarding work for most dancers. I won't say what my Best Friend took home when she danced but she was able to buy her first car (Mazda) with cash and didn't have to make payments in the 90's and early 2000's Now it's different and so are the times. Let's treat the dancers with respect and understand how much The Money Dance is before you agree to that one on one time before anyone is hurt emotionally and in the wallet.


  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    Agree with you should respect the dancers.

    One can never be too explicit about costs.
    1 song $25. 3 songs $75. It's that simple.
    A "3 for $25 ..... each" can easily be mis-understood.

    I appreciate new dancers who check with me on pricing, ask about continuing dances and check on my happiness level. I reward them.
  • DFreshPalace
    7 years ago
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I respect others - until they give me good reason to not respect them. In strip clubs - I’m quite aware of whether I’m being taken by a dancer.

    The dancer in question should learn from this experience - so that she clearly communicates her price to the customer in the future. It’s not the customers fault - it’s her fault for not communicating properly with the customer. Clubs are dark and loud - and if a dancer doesn’t communicate her price so a customer can understand it (in English) - then she’s at fault. The customer was correct. Your relationship with the dancer - and your concern over seeing her in tears has clouded your view.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Maybe i'm not quite as cynical with dancers yet that i do side more with the dancer in this example. The customer seemed to try to pay a ridiculous (relatively) price on a verbal technicality rather than an misunderstanding. I doubt he really believed that 3 songs cost $25 unless it was his first time there and even then. Most clubs have set prices or at least suggested ones. It seemed like he only was willing to pay $25 and had no problem getting the other two dances for "free". What if she had stopped at one dance? Would he have "demanded" that she give two more? I do believe in customer service, but no establishment wants those kind of customers and in the long run they only hurt the business. He couldn't even tip the girl or pay any potential or additional dance fees the girl owed.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m a bit confused by his post. Is it regarding a dancer at Deja Vu Hollywood? If so - has he been to the club recently? If this is speculation - and a he said she said issue - it’s probably as much SS as it is CS (customer shit). Who knows? I doubt he knows the actual truth.
  • DFreshPalace
    7 years ago
    I never said anything about Deja Vu Hollywood in this article.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Was it a different club? You’ve only reviewed 2 clubs - so it is either one of the other...
  • DFreshPalace
    7 years ago
    It's my home Club. My favorite club.
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