
Comments by DFreshPalace (page 2)

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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    So I did drink up until I turned 21. Then I decided I rather spend my money on something I liked better so I started drinking Pepsi 3x - 4x a day until 2009 and Now my drink of choice is Water because I had to give that part of drinking up. But I'm not a coat holder but you're right dancer do appreciate me. Love only 3 so far in my life. Maybe 4 once.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    I don't drink so I No reason to hold anyone's beer.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    Stay calm: Cashman Please stop talking about me. I've already put you in ignore. You don't know shit about me. Stop now because the next time I have to address any issues about me I promise you and every other ass I will go off. I'm trying to be nice. Let's not play games with me. Leave me the FUCK ALONE You don't like me and I really don't care.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    People who think I don't have Social Skills Guess Again. I have quite a bit. I may not be as educated as all of you (I have a Business Degree) and I no I don't make as much money as all of you because making money on Disability pays my bills so I have to rely on my skills to earn money in other ways. Yes I have a photo to prove it that I actually had an interaction with Jane Seymour (Dr Quinn Medicine Woman) Tuesday. My skills have opened many doors including me working the Opera one night. (It didn't Suck even though I had no clue what was going on). I have been able to take my skills and make people's lives better as well as their businesses. I have a lot to offer I don't talk about on here because that is another live like I don't talk about my club life there. My friends are not just friends they are family. It takes a lot of trust to get there. My life has been a living HELL but I will NEVER go back to the dark side of the moon. I know what I have and who I have and those I will never let go of. If you don't want to believe me I can't make you. If you don't want to like me I can't make you. I thought I could come on here and talk about different experiences at clubs. I've been going since I turned 21 and now in my 40s. I can't help if you don't think It's possible making friends with dancers outside of the club that's not my fault. I am a very charming person (I've been told). Trust me when I say there is a few I would never think about having a friendship with not because they aren't nice but I just wouldn't. I said early on I got extremely lucky with 3 girls who I would absolutely die for so that they could be saved. Remember my friends are family. I don't care what they do for a living. They could be a doctor lawyer, work for Amazon It doesn't matter. I am who I am. When I tried to commit suicide I was saved by 3 people. One who does Weather. One an Entertainment Reporter and the other my BEST Friend. You don't know me and If you want to you can ask rather than try to guess or think you know. I have always said I am an open book Don't judge me by the cover. I have an interesting story to tell.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Advice to mdb
    Thank you for all the love. I'm fine on my own. If you want to be in my circle it's one thing but to continue to distrust me or bash me is another. I am broken but I am okay. I have people who love and care about me regardless of what anyone here may think of me. I do what I do I try not to bash anyone and I try to mind my own business. I am broken but I am okay because I know where I have been and where I am now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pleasure Principle
    No my best friend had the stage at home. She has moved to Carolina now so I only talk with her on the phone. She would use the stage at home if she hosted Naughty lady parties or practiced. She has now completely retired from the business. As far as the current girl yes I enjoy watching her on stage at the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Potential Article - Music At The Club
    I sent a message to my DJ friend and if / when I hear back from him I will let you know the answer as to what he says. If I don't hear by the time I go again I will ask my friend who run the club on the nights I go. He should know or point me in the right direction. The staff at my home club are super cool and always help me with stuff. I can also ask another club I've done some things with (Thinking as I write)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pleasure Principle
    One of my favorite things to do is to sit at the stage to watch my girl dance. She only does stage shows Sunday and Monday nights and the other 2 she sticks with private shows because she can make the most money for her on those nights rather than the other 2 when it's slower. I sometimes forget how amazing she is on stage and just find myself getting lost in her dance. We have such a great time with each other regardless of what we do in or out of the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Potential Article - Music At The Club
    My club opens at 5pm Daily but others in the area open for lunch and I know that has been a complaint for years.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Potential Article - Music At The Club
    I have heard this complaint before as well. I will look into and try to find out why
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gift from a Dancer
    I woke up to a NEW picture this morning :) So happy. Love my girl.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gift from a Dancer
    The one thing I like with my girl is we always take a photo together regardless of where we are. I HATE Taking Selfies but with her I don't mind. My best friend is the same way. She has to take a picture everywhere. I don't even ask. Last Sunday night at Club my favorite ask me to take a photo of her and she modeled for me. Then she took that photo and edited it and made it look really cool. It is now my Background on my laptop. I think if you trust each other just ask and see how it goes. I suck at taking selfies but she's great at it and I found most girls are regardless what they do for a living.
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    7 years ago
    Gift from a Dancer
    I'm sorry that made me laugh
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pleasure Principle
    She did have at one time. She moved to Carolina and sold the stage. It was a stage she bought from a online store that has Naughty lady parties. The pole was standard size and moved as the girl moved on stage to give extra help. The lights we got at a party store and a friend of hers hooked up the lights and fog machine to a computer. All we had to do was press the button. It was pretty awesome.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Phone sex
    All you bad boys call her up on Spank Line She reacts on Negotiations. - Van Halen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV1RxIqtyCE
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pleasure Principle
    I have been in Love with Janet since Good Times. Though her Different Stroke Days she got better but then when Control came out I lost all Control. I never got to see her in concert but would love to. She was coming to my area at one time but had to cancel and when she came back I wasn't able to go. I think you picked a good song as well.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pleasure Principle
    We do because I always treat them with respect.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    I have 3 under review and working on 4th but right now I am doing my normal job until 2pm PST
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    I have a few pending.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    Stay tuned for a topic later today. I been working on.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Know Your Audience
    I always try to find interesting topics but sometimes I take things to heart when my friends are hurt so I write how I feel. I should have taken the one from the other night and kept it private rather than put it on here. I will try to do a better job.