
Comments by Rick999 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Yo' Bitcoin Skeptics! (Part 3)
    Actually I like more consistent reliable stock options so buying options on cyrpto stocks is a lot riskier. Example. Look at this chart. https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=RIOT It's all over the place. No trend lines even drawn by the automated software.
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    7 years ago
    Yo' Bitcoin Skeptics! (Part 3)
    I can invest in options on cyrpto related stocks, moves as much as cyrptos or more than enough. All I can apply to them are technical indicators since I believe they are all vastly overvalued. I bought one a few days ago when I noticed and it went up a little then started selling off. I sold. Thought it could go down a lot more. I'd rather be right and make money in the process instead of being right and just watching. Since I don't trust the valuation, I probably won't bet much money or invest much money. Not allowed to gamble in South Carolina so I have to use my skills at investing and using technical indicators. I might invest for the long term and even hold it for a few days if that becomes the trend. Might make enough to buy another Hardee's hamburger. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    How the world will end!
    Will humans die out or kill almost all life on this planet before then? Odds might be good. We have nukes and multiple opposing countries talking about using them.
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    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    How the world will end!
    The sun will become a red giant and engulf the Earth boiling our oceans away and burning all life to a cinder if the planet is still here. However that will be at least 2 to 5 billion years. The democrats should invent a time machine to rejoice in global warming at an extreme. Republicans could still argue it's not caused by man and be correct as well. Then the sun will engulf the planet, assuming humans or aliens haven't moved the planet to another orbit.
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    7 years ago
    Ethereum Dreamin'
    Hmmm , I could have made big bucks if I had shorted the cyrpto stock. Darn it, didn't think about it. I thought it was going down too. I might bet that Hardee's hamburger. Err I mean invest the hamburger gain.
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    7 years ago
    Ethereum Dreamin'
    There are laws against gambling or playing poker in South Carolina but I can invest in stocks like this. Can't risk $5 in a poker game but can invest thousands on a cyrpto stock or coin. I did make about 10 bucks on the cyrpto stock so that is like winning a Hardee's third pound burger with fries and shake. :)
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    7 years ago
    Ethereum Dreamin'
    The stock I sold a few days ago is now down 20% from where I sold. Cyrpto related. It shot up from like 1.00 something to like 10 bucks in no time and dropped to 6.00 ish last week now down to about 4.90
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you not let the threat of STDs stop you from having sex with questionable
    I noticed many years ago if I drank enough beer, I didn't worry about things as much. I thought the world might end before I reached 30 as well. If you worry a lot about sex, guess you will be taking a slow calculated approach hoping she's not lying or have a disease she doesn't even know about. If you sleep a lot better at night, do whatever makes you sleep better. If you own too big a stock position, limit risk by buying options and don't buy more contracts than represents 5% of a small account and no more than 1% of an account with 100k or more in it per stock option trade. Then risk no more than 20% total all trades at any one time, risk less if you want to be more cautious. With options you bought, you can only lose the price of the option as max loss. With strippers, it's more complicated. Options to get that pussy could expire worthless very quickly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    "I'm a Feminist, But I'm Also A Victoria's Secret Model Too"
    If we had an edit feature, I would just delete my posts and say Yeah, what flagooner said.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    "I'm a Feminist, But I'm Also A Victoria's Secret Model Too"
    However things will not be equal. Women will not likely be in combat in equal numbers and if they are, due to many women not being as physically strong as men, they might put men's lives in jeopardy not being strong enough to pull an injured solder out of battle. I'm ok with progressive taxes and equal pay for equal work but I don't care for all the feminazis talk about unequal pay of waitresses versus engineers and everyone else thrown in. If I make more money, I'm ok with paying more tax. When I was younger I was ok with the possibility of getting drafted for combat but never liked the idea of the draft. I still don't like the idea of drafting young females for combat. I expect the US to be one of the first countries to do so to be equal when we are not in many ways. Each sex has advantages in general. Ok I'm rambling on after waking up in the middle of the night. Sorry.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    "I'm a Feminist, But I'm Also A Victoria's Secret Model Too"
    In one respect I'm not for equal rights. If war breaks out, I'm not in favor of drafting eligibility young women for combat or boot camp. I'd rather see them stripping. With the law changed young women will get drafted if war breaks out. I think a draft is more likely with a democrat in the White House though. Some democrats think war is less likely if a draft or confiscation of young people's labor becomes mandatory. I read that makes war more likely since war becomes less expensive for our government. Hence a draft becomes more likely with someone like Hillary. To be equal young women should get drafted in equal numbers as men.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fights in the club
    A few times but not many. I've heard about several at regular clubs with some clubs I marked as off limits when I heard fights break out every night and people wondered who was going to get shot, stabbed, or whatever. I try to stay away from violent people. I've been in fights when I was a small kid and probably would have been arrested nowadays even though it was self defense. No one used to call the police when a fight broke out when I was a kid.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    "I'm a Feminist, But I'm Also A Victoria's Secret Model Too"
    I thought the most recent wave of feminism was about being better than men and attempting to get superior rights by claiming they need equal rights at the expense of men and deception. Example, talking about means of enforcing equal pay that would restrict men's rights to work certain jobs or require a percentage of women into certain positions based on gender instead of qualifications. This may not be happening but I read when it comes to equal rights for sports programs and equal funding, they shafted men in many examples. I read men overall were more interested in playing sports by a 4 to 1 margin over females. New laws over the last decade or two enforced equal funding for programs based on gender. To pay for women's teams where there wasn't much interest and funds were tight, in many cases they had to stop funding for both sexes is what I read. Many men's teams in different sports were disbanded because there wasn't that much interest in the women's teams. Feminists were perfectly fine with this. Can't find enough female members for a sport, well then, the men's team can't exist either. It's like talk of equal pay. The latest wave of feminists like to talk about equal pay like at 76 cents to the dollar instead of equal pay for the same jobs and work. 76 cents to the dollar groups the pay of everyone, female waitresses compared to male engineers and everyone else and then arguing that's not fair that one gender doesn't makes as much as another gender on average. They don't argue for a female engineer to make as much as a male engineer doing the same work because you don't find much difference if any. I can imagine this progressing at the detriment of men by our government cutting funding or adding funding for females who want to major in higher paying degrees. Both men and women might apply to study and women in the future might work the laws in their favor at the expense of men by claiming unequal pay across the nation and cut funding for scholarships or use tax payer money and restrict funds for males to study STEM degrees. I see the latest wave of feminism as anti male. The younger male ME generation I read has rejected marriage in large numbers and women will pay a price I believe. I have a negative view of feminism based on all the anti male unfair policies feminists have been imposing all in the name of equality. I usually stay quiet since it seems like the feminazis have won.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Perfect ten
    She looks very nice. I'm not sure if I'd rate her a 10 but not far off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Now a fight over who has the largest dick.
    A quick search online. Among the redwoods, a tree named Hyperion dwarfs them all. The tree was discovered in 2006, and is 379.7 feet (115.7 m) tall. Years ago I stumbled on an old pic from Africa and two guys had dicks hanging down to their knees or longer while soft. I did not investigate then nor do I want to now. However the data from this site suggests the possibility of large sizes in Africa exists. https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/1638214/average-size-penis-around-world/ The 2 guys mentioned might be really disappointed if they find out they lost 1st and 2nd place to several guys who don't care about records. https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/1638214/average-size-penis-around-world/
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Now a fight over who has the largest dick.
    Someone should search Africa with an award to find bigger people to shut these guys up. However it's not that important to most people. It's like a trivia item to me like what is the tallest tree in the world. I can imagine one continent claiming the title and years later someone discovers the redwood forest.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ethereum Dreamin'
    I'd hate to be dreaming that I did not throw away 7,000 bitcoins on a thumbdrive and know it was in a landfill like one guy did. Worth 127 million if he could retrieve it. Likely buried under several thousand tons of garbage and against the law for him to look for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tax reform
    I heard Trump may hold off signing the bill so that Medicare spending cuts don't go into effect until 2019 by holding off signing bill until January 1st or later. Republicans could lose seats and votes if people find out Medicare is getting cut in 2018. I'm not even sure why they included cuts. Maybe it's fake news and the cuts are not really cuts but curbs in spending growth. Different people word things different. Might be going to spend a record amount but curb the growth in spending increases a little bit but someone says they are cutting spending. I'm happy they will be eliminating the mandate and fines for Obamacare.
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    7 years ago
    Why the public doesn't like the tax bill
    I think we would be in a recession right now if Hilary or sanders had won. Best choice among terrible choices. However trumps comments about fire and brimstone against North Korea like the world has never seen cost me thousands. Shouldn't have sold but I once used to believe what the president of the US said meant something. Demi's and republicans like two sides of same coin, taxes go up, spending goes up, we get shafted.
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    7 years ago
    Why the public doesn't like the tax bill
    However since I know democrats will never go along with Obama care mandate repeal nor reduction in business taxes which I think will increase growth temporarily, I think they should pass this bill , then work with democrats to eliminate Medicare, Medicaid cuts and make middle class cuts permanent and hopefully in get a rise in economic growth with infrastructure spending. Cuts I wouldn't mind would be cuts to federal payrolls, not cuts in spending for the poor. I wouldn't mind if spending was increased to keep elder patients in assisted living or at home, nuch less expensive, than paying for them in a Medicaid facility after wiping out all their life savings. Medicaid facilities can cost 8000 a month for the same level of care as assisted living at only 4000 a month but if people don't have money, the government ends up paying. The government doesn't think about providing assistance first, then reducing costs, they just stick to pay only for Medicaid facilities. I can hope I make lots of money and pay less taxes. Actually the government could get a huge tax boost if they let people take money out of iras and 401k's without the extra 10% tax penalty if you are under 65. Plus drop the rate down to 20% like a corporation. Should have asked someone to put that in tax bill to boost economic growth. Now that would have saved me a lot.
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    7 years ago
    Why the public doesn't like the tax bill
    Who honestly thinks republicans will make middle class tax cuts permanent? I do not. Makes the bill even less popular.
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    7 years ago
    Why the public doesn't like the tax bill
    Yes there are lots of things to not like in the tax reform bill. I'm concerned about expenses in the future for my elder mother who is not rich and my older brothers and sisters and myself in future years when we will be using social services Medicare, social security, Medicaid etc. For now I think I might come out slightly ahead, could pay more in future years. Not really sure. I figure my mother will be paying more and that's not what I wanted. I did not want rules for iras to be affected either. Won't be able to recharactize an Ira to Roth IRA conversion anymore. I even heard today Medicare could be cut. Said neither republicans nor democrats wanted Medicare cuts to start in 2018 so the president may hold off on signing the tax bill until 2018 so that cuts don't go into effect until 2019. Makes me a lot less happy with the bill if I hear my mother on Medicare and social security will have to pay more.
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    7 years ago
    Dancers That Don't Hustle
    If you're talking about a small club,might be hard to say. They may be allowed an hour to check emails etc if a club isn't busy and want to do it at that time. Might be like going into work in the morning and checking emails and phone calls to start off your day.
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    7 years ago
    Dancers That Don't Hustle
    Usually the best way not to be approached is to sit like a rock at a table not tipping anyone or moving about. I did that one time when I didn't want to spend money and it worked pretty good. I was a rock and dint get noticed much. Another night Itried it with some success. Saw a girl on stage I liked, tipped her, suddenly other dancers suddenly kept coming over.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers That Don't Hustle
    If a dancer likes you or acts like she knows you, you won't be waiting an hour or even 15 minutes unless she is really busy. If I like someone, I will approach unless I just want to sit and watch. Why wait if you don't want to? Approach and be proactive if you want company. I don't wait around unless I want to watch. Dancers must notice that because I get approached almost immediately after not sitting around.