
Fights in the club

Thursday, December 21, 2017 7:22 AM
Have you ever seen any? I've only seen this once and it escalated pretty quickly. If i had been paying more attention i should have seen it coming. Basically a couple customers were "talking" a bit around me or behind me (so i was close to the action, but not directly involved) and then they started pushing a little bit and then the fists flew, all within about 15 seconds. It probably got broken up in less time than that. I didn't want any part of that and removed myself from that area quite quickly, but everyone else had considerably interest (more than they did with the girls) and moved closer, lol. If i remember correctly, i think it was between a white and a Latino, both of them pretty young and i think there was some miscommunication. That was within my first few years of SCing. I haven't seen one since. I've seen several dancers argue a bit or quite a bit, but nothing violent. I've seen a drunk guy that couldn't even walk act a little violent and annoying when people/security were trying to help him. I've gotten some dirty looks and just ignore those fools. The few times i've physically bumped into people accidentally, most of them were pretty cool and polite about it, almost as if they really didn't want any issue and i'm not intimidating at all. That's really it. Even with all the alcohol and drunkeness and drug use and all the unsavory types of customers that the strip club attracts, i guess the presence of lovely naked women generally has a calming effect on people. Not that dissimilar to how rates of sex crimes tends to decrease in areas where the availability of porn increases. Coincidence? Maybe. Or it could the general presence of security, but i don't think that's it. At other public events despite the presence of security, crowds/people seem to have shorter fuses. Whatever, how is it with the rest of you guys?


  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Being as busy as the Detwaa clubs are, violence is bound to break out at times. Once I was at Players on E. 8 Mile, and there was a bachelor party going on across the room. One of the guys got into it with a custy at the next table and a fight broke out. I watched from across the room. Eventually I left and the next day on the news there was a story of the party guy getting murdered outside. (:
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Saw my first one at a relatively upscale club a few weeks ago. Just a few guys throwing punches, no bottles over heads. But yeah suddenly everyone in the room was "paying attention to something" and it makes you realize how ambivalent the crowd generally is toward watching dancers.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’ve seen a few but the most memorable one I ever saw was at Rachel’s in WPB which is quite an upscale place for that type of stuff. Anyway there was a young guy getting rather loud and very intoxicated, he was hollering at some 60 something guy quite loud. The older guy kept turning away and the fool follows him towards the bar on the other side of the stage still shouting at the top of his lungs, all of a sudden the older gentleman stopped short and gave him a punch in the mouth which laid him out cold the entire incident took less than 2 minutes and the young guy left the club in an ambulance and handcuffs the older guy just calmly walked to his car and was gone long before the cops or medics got there.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Don't mess with us older guys. LMAO
  • wildbourbon
    7 years ago
    I used to see fights all the time on 6th St. in Austin. On Friday and Saturday nights they closed the street to vehicle traffic so all the college kids could bar hop. Lots of fights, and hotties. My only club fight was when I was walking up to Casa Diablo in Portland. The club is set into a steep hill with the entrance above the parking lot. I parked at the bottom and was walking up the hill when two bearded, flannel-wearing hipsters spilled out of the entrance. The bouncer just let them continue to throw punches at each other while the crowd came outside to follow them. Before I knew it, they were rolling down the steep asphalt parking lot straight toward me. I just moved to the side and kept walking up as they rolled on by. Went inside and found a seat, which is hard to do at CD on weekends.
  • TxVegas
    7 years ago
    At a not very nice club outside Wichita KS, I witnessed a fight between two customers that were both quite drunk. The cops were called and the loser arrested. I am not sure why only him. What I remember most was a flashing red light that went on when the fight started. It stayed on for almost an hour and was turned off when the cops left. I was told by a dancer that the flashing light was a warning to dancers and all stage shows and lap dances were very tame during that time. One dancer told us to come back in an hour or so as nothing fun would be happening until the cops left. Now, this wasn’t an extras club at all, so taking a not very exciting club down a couple of notches made for a pretty boring night.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Sometimes you can see girl fights brewing, and then they explode. But these destroy the ambience of the club and they can lead to guy fights. SJG Karl Marx [view link]
  • K
    7 years ago
    I have seen a few but not many. The Marly Bone in old bridge (closed but reopening as the red zebra soon) was rough in the 90's. I think that is where I saw most of the fights.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Don't recall seeing one.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    wow are you misinformed. you have no idea how often those "lovely naked women" are brawling in the dressing room while you're chilling at the stage.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    With some of the asses that I've come across over the years in the clubs I'm surprised that i never ended up in a fight. Cutting down on late nights has lessened the odds of finding myself in a fight but I recall seeing a couple incidents. The nastiest fights I've seen were between strippers throwing beer bottles at each other and attacking each other using their heels as weapons. I remember one yelling at another claiming she had a gun in her purse and she was going to shoot her. Who said strippers weren't crazy?
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Besides that one fight, i've only "heard" from dancers, of customers getting into fights, often with security. Usually about money and sometimes a girl. And i know that the girls usually get fired immediately for fighting, but that's usually not in the front room. I've heard of a girl throwing a bottle (champagne?) at a floor host/manager because she was too drunk; when she's sober, she's actually quite pleasant. I heard of another girl that actually three stooged another girl in the eyes. She never was able to work in that club again. I've also heard of the jealous wife/GF running to the chump station to beat the stripper or BF when he snuck back there when she told him not to go. Yeah, the girls don't seem to be as chilled by the atmosphere as the PLs, lol.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    A few times but not many. I've heard about several at regular clubs with some clubs I marked as off limits when I heard fights break out every night and people wondered who was going to get shot, stabbed, or whatever. I try to stay away from violent people. I've been in fights when I was a small kid and probably would have been arrested nowadays even though it was self defense. No one used to call the police when a fight broke out when I was a kid.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    @SJG Yeah, the toxic energy from girls toward each other is palpable and just kills the general chill mood of the strip club. Almost like a this is why we can't have nice things feeling. I remember one stripper yelling angrily across the club to the dancer before her on stage about leaving her coochie juice all over the pole. I think that was an exaggeration, but she really had it against that girl. All the PLs are like, huh, awkward, can't we just all get alone, the DJ is trying to smooth things out until another girl (i guess a peacemaker), a sweet athletic girl climbs the pole with a rag and cleans it off. And then the other girl just proceeds as if nothing happened, but it took a good while for the sexy feels to come back in the club, smh. Gotta keep it sexy.
  • zef8mich
    7 years ago
    I remember this one fight that was a little unusual. The owner of the club got into a fight with his brother and was chasing him out the door swinging a wooden chair at him.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    That sibling probably deserved it, zef8mich. LOL
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Damn, fag, all the poles up your dumbass have you cranky tonight Here's another 1834 of them. ROTFLMMFAO
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    All you do is whine and bitch stupid shit. I don't deserve any of that. That's what you crave, ya dumbass fag. LMAO
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’ve seen several fights over my years. However, I avoid being in clubs near closing time, as I think that’s when the major crazy shit goes down - in the parking lot or on the street - when the club closes. I remember hearing a young muscle head talking out loud “If that old guy bumps me again - I’ll knock his ass out!” I heard that - saw an old drunk wobbling near me - and moved to the other end of the bar. Sure enough - the old guy bumped the muscle head again. The muscle head broke the guys jaw and left him in a pool of blood - and teeth - on the floor. There was minimal security - so the muscle head strutted out of the place like a proud rooster. The bar tenders had to get the old guy off the floor - and out to the street - and call the ambulance.
  • rl27
    7 years ago
    A few. First time I ever went to a club in New Orleans, not even thirty minutes had passed when a fight broke out and security tossed all three guys out on their ass in New Orleans, and the cops were waiting to take them away. Got the heck out of there soon after and went to a more upscale club outside the main French Quarter area. I also saw a dancer shove a guy out of the club a few times.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    I can only recall once and in Key West. There was a dancer that I'd taken back for a couple of "private" dance. After wards there was this one customer being a bit of an ass to the dancers as they circulated. Also very "hands on" as they were near him. On one of her passes by me after out session, I mentioned to her about the guy. Well turns out when she passed by him, he seemed OK and she went private with him Just a couple of minutes after that there were raised voices coming from the VIP area. I couldn't hear what was said, but the VIP bouncer went running in. You could hear a scuffle and her still loud. Then the guy was brought out by the bouncer and being walked to the exit, peacefully it seemed. Right in the middle of the club he pulls away and all hell broke out between him and ALL the bouncers. I don't know the final results, but I would bet that guy was not conscious when he was deposited outside, wherever.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Papi, WOW! I would expect there to be more problems in the black clubs. I guess as you are a pretty frequent visitor to those clubs, I "read" the brothers incorrectly.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    anon, In the time I spent in a clubs dressing room, I never saw nor heard a real flareup. Nor did any of my CFs or my ATF every mention any. Now if you check online, one can find some horrendous dressing room fights, that's for sure! :)
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