
Yo' Bitcoin Skeptics! (Part 3)

Friday, December 22, 2017 6:31 AM
Who had the balls to make a big short recently and rolling in the dough this morning?


  • mark94
    7 years ago
    A: Someone who is not you. Q: Who needs to cover his ass after urging others to jump on the Bitcoin bandwagon ? A: Dougster.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @mark94: One little probably though: I told them rotate out to altcoins recently. I said get into BTC when it was around $2200. Said rotate out around $17000. Keep fishing @mark94. I am still 100x times smarter than you about the markets. (Not that that is hard!) LOL!
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    I bought more at 11k this morning. It is now up over 13k
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I went to almost all cash yesterday morning when I saw GBTC correcting rapidly towards its NAV after trading a 100% premium. Jumped back into altcoins this morning. Even picked up some ETH under $500.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I thought you said you shorted Bitcoin. Now you are saying you sold it. Which is it ?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Gee mark we didn’t listen to you when you said it could go up or maybe go down,I took nice profits this week how’d you do.? O geez, I forgot you said it could go up or it could go down. We’ll call you the “Oracle ofTUSCL”. More like the “Fence Sitter of TUSCL” world be more appropriate.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    So, did you short or sell ? I call bullshit on your perfect market timing. Your ego is so wrapped up in being right on crypto currency you need to lie when things go south. I still don’t know if Bitcoin will be 20,000 or 5,000 next week. Neither do you, though you will claim to after it happens.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I sold twice and still have a bit. First sale was my original investment second was around 15500 took some nice profit your bullshit call is bullshit you don’t have the balls to make a call on anything Now I’ll give you a boba dude opinion on BTC it’s going to be very volitale until the futures sorts itself out but I don’t think it will go below about 10000+~ and slowly rise till the end of January by then it should be around 22-23000. Let’s hear your sage advice
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Boba dude should have been bonafide Ducking spell check
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    My advice ? It looks like a bubble, walks like a bubble, smells like a bubble. It might go on for years, or it could bottom next week. Investing in crypto is a gamble, more so than most “investments”. People who recognize that will cash in after they’ve made a nice profit. The true believers will ride it into the ground.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The Fence Sitter of TUSCL a real no call balls to the wall ROFLMAO
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    I sold off about 95% of my Bitcoins within an hour after Coinbase announced their support of BCH trading, so at around $16k.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^That should cover a nice bunch of visits to your favorite stripclub.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Dougster, Wait, I thought you said it was going to $350k ;) Seriously though, what made you guys sell? Are you just reading the charts or was it something fundamental? Are there contracts expiring at the end of this month/year? If so, I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for buying and shorting at ridiculous prices
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    What made me sell was the sharp drop combined with the news about a 1Million dollar short on the futures exchange. Plus all of the hype on the finance reports convinced me that when everyone is getting in it’s time to get out.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    A $1million short? That doesn't sound very big. Besides, wouldn't news of a big short position just encourage people to buy in order to squeeze him out?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    When that sot of stuff hits the news you can be sure its a planted story, truth be told when the herd adopts the contrarian position and makes it theirs its time to look for the next big thing because the party is over with the herd trampling all over the grass.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I hear that. Ironic headline of 2017: "Bitcoin Embraced by Libertarians, Killed by Market Forces." ;)
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I heard one of the “opening bell” commentators on TV this morning repeat my sentiment, which is to invest in blockchain, the technology/security behind the delivery of this product. It will not only revolutionize the banking industry, but how many industries/corporations/commerce will transact in the future. A case in point, I’m still awaiting on a check to process from one week ago at one of my investment provider. It’s about $35k US dollars, so why the fuck is there such a long hold on this? And why have they charged me a $15 fee to process? Cryptos have the ability to securely do the transaction I’m waiting on quickly, and thousandths less costly.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dougster himself was a little short this morning, that is until he agreed to take someone's short on a BitCoin. He needed that money to pay that second line phone bill. If he didn't, then that old PC-AT that's in Shailynn's Mom's attic and connected to a 2400 baud modem would have been cut off. Every single one of these BitCoin offerings is hosted on that computer. SJG
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @mark94: I never said I shorted it. Try and keep up with the posts here. I don't have an account with the means to short which I've mentioned in the past. I have no desire to get one either. But if you think I say I shorted it, please find me the relevant thread.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @mark94: "I still don’t know if Bitcoin will be 20,000 or 5,000 next week. Neither do you, though you will claim to after it happens." False representation of what happen last time. When if fell to $5600 from about $8000 you said you didn't know if would recover or not. But I said before the fact that I knew it would. And guess what? I was right. I have no further interest in BTC. Stated a while back that I was all out except for a small 0.5 BTC reserved for a limit order on altcoin. Again, read my threads for what I actually said instead of making stuff up. And, yes, my market timing has been pretty good this year. There's was even a time I got the exact top down to the exact penny. On the correction where you said you didn't know what would happen, I called the bottom within $100. It's really strange how I can be so good: just really good instincts combined with have some really smart friends I discuss things with and combined with how great TUSCL is as a contrarian indicator. My trading instincts are quite uncanny. Which is why they pay me the big bucks on Wall Street. LOL! LOL!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @Burlington: Go back and read the post. I said if the Lightning was success it would go to $350k. I said it unsuccessful $100. I then said I went to all altcoins. So what does that tell you about my thoughts on the matter?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @Burlington: three reasons I sold: 1) watching fast money: absence of skepticism 2) GBTC going back to its NAV instead of ridiculous premium 3) discussed it with a few friends in morning and we agreed things were just too hot
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Btw, I'll y'all a free little trading tip. Just because it is x-mas and all. If you are wondering what to get back into, look at what snapped back quickly from this morning selloff. That, obviously, indicates lots of buyers. Of course, you'll still have to believe in your coin for other reasons, but that's a pretty big tell.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    That seems fair enough. These things move way too fast for me, but I'm happy that you guys are able to make money on them. I went to Atlantic City a few weeks ago. Found a roulette table that kept coming up red. I bet on black. I lost. Then I bet on red. I won. I bet on red again. I won again. Did this three more times, until it finally came up black again. Then I walked away. The winnings paid for my buffet, my parking, my tolls, and a comedy show. Plus I got to see a bunch of hot chicks with their tits half-hanging out serving drinks (that was for free). Not a bad night. The trick is knowing when to walk away I guess.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I can invest in options on cyrpto related stocks, moves as much as cyrptos or more than enough. All I can apply to them are technical indicators since I believe they are all vastly overvalued. I bought one a few days ago when I noticed and it went up a little then started selling off. I sold. Thought it could go down a lot more. I'd rather be right and make money in the process instead of being right and just watching. Since I don't trust the valuation, I probably won't bet much money or invest much money. Not allowed to gamble in South Carolina so I have to use my skills at investing and using technical indicators. I might invest for the long term and even hold it for a few days if that becomes the trend. Might make enough to buy another Hardee's hamburger. :)
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Actually I like more consistent reliable stock options so buying options on cyrpto stocks is a lot riskier. Example. Look at this chart. [view link] It's all over the place. No trend lines even drawn by the automated software.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    One way to make money though would be to set up a non directional option play. Glad I thought of it. I just need the price to move and I don't think that's an issue if the options aren't too expensive. Dougster have you been making non directional option plays on these?
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I'm thinking a 50 delta put and 50 delta call. What do you think Dougster? I will check past history in some software and see if this stock even registers.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I will test run some option plays. I think some out of the money delta options might work better.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    Chart of the day: [view link]
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @Rick: no I'm not messing around with derivatives. In the case of options on crypto related stocks it's a derivative on a derivative too. Getting the direction right is good enough, no need to add in challenge of trying to get the change in volatility and exact timing right as well.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @Burlington: I would just avoid negative sum games altogether and stick to something positive sum like crypto-currencies.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @rogertex: You sure it's not more like this? [view link]
  • ime
    7 years ago
    The market is insanely volatile especially in the smaller altcoins not on the big sites like coinbase. Coordinated pump n dumps happen daily, and coins getting shilled like crazy. Bitcoin will recover but bitcoin cash and many others utilize far better tech as bitcoin actually sucks transactionally. I haven't taken any money out yet or exchanged a lot, mostly doing research, i am worried about how it gets taxed, if it is gains or losses on every trade it could be an absolute nightmare to track. Its really hard to find consensus on this. Any crypto tax experts out there. I have read plenty of posts on other forums where people have made hundreds or thousands of trades but didn't/ couldn't track them all and now have no idea what to do. Not an issue if you just bought into one crypto but if you made lots of trades you could be fucked.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Try Green Trader Tax.He blogs about it often. Get the feeling they will have lots of business this year: [view link] I'll probably be writing my own software this year to figure it out. The sites will definitely be making records with all your trades available if they don't want the IRS to fry them like eggs.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    And I wonder where @mark94 is this morning when about 24h hours later we have almost a complete recovery in everything form yesterday's correction? His pattern seems to be: - say contradictory statement while cryptocurrencies are going up ("nobody knows where the price is going" "it's a bubble") - on a day with a 30% correction show up all confident that he has been proven right "See the bubble is popping" but again hedge it with a contradictory statement "nobody knows what will happen to the price" - when the price quickly recovers... say nothing What a stupid fag.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    He’s practicing his fence sitting skills LOL
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Not that there’s anything rong with that
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin Plunges, Extending Bearish Run | CNBC, yippee! [view link] Usually Dougster prefers face to face scams. Entering town via a Rolls-Royce followed by an armored car to hold all the money: [view link] Dougster learned these tactics when he apprenticed for Rev. Ike. [view link] But since he lost his Rolls-Royce in the "correction" which signaled the end of the Boom of 2015, for now he is fucked. This is why he is focusing on online scams, until he can get another Rolls. SJG Worst Cities To Live In Every State [view link] Albany Georgia, lowest median home price? Merced CA, near Fresno, also site of newest UC campus. Warren Haynes ­with Joe Bonamassa [view link]
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    Dougster wrote: You sure it's not more like this? [view link] Rogertex wrote: Chart of the day: [view link] ================================== Ha Ha Time will tell. I'm not a bit involved in shitcoin. Yet.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Rogertex +25 SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yo Dougster, You're in the deep doo-doo now. Shailynn's mom found the old PC-AT and the telephone line and the 2400 baud modem in her attic. She knows you have something to do with it. And she says that even though you and Shailynn are in the same homeroom, that he is forbidden from talking to you anymore. She says that if she doesn't start getting some straight answers right away, then she's going to pull the plug on that computer. If she does that, then every single one of those BitBanks and their account records will be gone. SJG ELO [view link]
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Dougster want to hear you opinion on a matter of Bcash. Unfortunately to me BitcoinCash management staff are a bunch of unethical fucktards. Roger Ver in particular has got his face out there and spreading all kinds of disinformation and confusing the comman man who doesnt understand theBicoin vs. BitcoinCash tech. He advocates insider trading, gets his wifes connections to make a softie bs pitch to the general public on CNBC. He is banned from entering the usa for selling nitrates online for the purposes of making explosives (which he did Federal time for). Guys like that make me cringe for the cryptocurrency future. Bitcoin greatest strength (decentralization) is also its greatest weakness due to the lack of leader/advocates and snake oil salesman like Ver can thrive getting media time. Seeking opinions regarding long term positions on BC vs. Bcash.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I don't have much interest anymore in any of the Bitcoins. More interested in alts now.I don't think they'll be able to pull off the lightning network, and I think its foundations run somewhat contrary to decentralization. I think alts will outperform this year, and BTC's % of overall market cap has peaked out.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dougster is not going to last as long as his mentor Bernie Madoff did. SJG
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Now is time for Ripple and stellar lumens, don't miss out.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Great call on ripple, @ime! I think market cap passed Ethereum today.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Holy shit, Roger Ver sold me a DOA SCSI controller as-is in like 1999 on eBay. Small world.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Ripple is a long term hold this is nothing. I actually hope weak hands and pnd jackoffs sell, and it dips so when my coinbase funds finally show up(fucking site sucks), i can buy more. I want to buy more before it gets to coinbase and really takes off.
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