
Comments by Rick999 (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why the public doesn't like the tax bill
    Serious issues changed to seizes
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why the public doesn't like the tax bill
    Should have said not spending cuts instead of spending increases. Democrats will likely want to raise taxes after they get elected though. A surprise could be huge economic growth and more republicans elected and no spending cuts. A surprise.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some thoughts and questions about cryptocurrencies
    Even the bible says in the last days when people say they have peace and security, doom will come to them. Dealing with North Korea is a gamble. Life is full of risks and taking chances. Not being able to play games where you can bet some money because risk is involved is stupid beyond belief in my opinion and I'm sure one or two religions drilled something into their followers against gambling for money. We have to gamble or take risks for everything else. Even the whole insurance business is based on estimating risks and making money from calculating chances of disasters striking and getting everyone to pay for the risks. Tyere is a chance if a disaster wiped out millions of people's properties, insurance companies could go bankrupt and if you buy insurance, you are taking a risk you won't get funds in the event of a mega disaster if you go with the wrong insurer. You could also die if you live in a flood plain or along the coast if a tsunami hits. People take risks every day. Can't legally play card games in South Carolina. Ok I'll stop griping.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some thoughts and questions about cryptocurrencies
    Actually I like going with the flow. Waiting for things to start going back up. Not holding while it goes down.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some thoughts and questions about cryptocurrencies
    I'd like it better if atheists fighting to remove in God we trust from currency instead fought against old laws supporting one or two religions against gambling by fighting laws restricting gambling arguing the laws favor one religion over another. I don't have any moral issue with gambling. Life is a gamble. Driving in heavy traffic or the rain is a gamble. Going to see a movie or to work is a gamble. You can die, get shot, get killed in a car wreck. You can stay home and die of a heart attack from lack of activity. Life is a big gamble. Religions that say gambling is against their beliefs are full of crap in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some thoughts and questions about cryptocurrencies
    Poker is more fun to play and is considered a game involving skill in my opinion. We wouldn't have poker tournaments if skill wasn't involved. However stupid South Carolina aw outlaws games involving chance. Being successful trading stocks involves chance, so does driving to work or even going shopping or living life with terrorists, gunmen, traffic accidents, etc, governments pass laws protecting us way too much and then some work to keep the laws on the books based on their own moral religious beliefs even if most others don't have the same religious beliefs. It's much harder to change existing laws. However we can invest in cyrpto that went up 1000% in a week. Can't play poker online .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some thoughts and questions about cryptocurrencies
    I made $10 on a cyrpto stock. Bought a Hardee's hamburger. I'm a big winner in cyrpto. Glad I sold yesterday. Down even. More today. I'd like to play poker online too but we have too many stupid laws against it wherevI live.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some thoughts and questions about cryptocurrencies
    One ceo the other day that had a stock that rose over 1000% in a week said the price wasn't justified in the after hours on CNBC. His stock dropped 36% in seconds or minutes to only down less than 12% to 20% 30 to 60 minutes later. He seemed agitated. Don't know why. Maybe they showed him a big screen where his company stock tanked 36% in seconds and his every word affected the price. If he suddenly lost millions worth of stock, that might agitate someone. I found it all entertaining to watch.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Some thoughts and questions about cryptocurrencies
    If power is out in the US, 1 year or more, US estimates are 90% dead. I wouldn't be worried about value of Bitcoin if power was out across the US past 1 month. At that point, I think we get to a mad max world. I believe our government can keep nuke plants from melting down releasing radiation across the world if military equipment can keep cooling the nuke reactors. I hope. As far as cyrpto currency investing, I found out the other day if you want to speculate, you can already buy related stocks in a regular brokerage. I saw one yesterday go from up 33% to up 51% then only up 28% in about an hour or 2. It rose 20% and then dropped over 20% in less than 2 hours. It was a RIOT. Haha.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tax reform
    Not to worry, democrats will fix things by raising taxes as soon as they get back in office. When I first heard tax cuts, I wanted an across the board tax cut paid by expected increases in economic GDP, not all this crap I've been hearing about.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers wanting to do HARD drugs with you
    I've heard several news stories about people dying first time they used some hard drug, cocaine included. I guess if you want to possibly die or get messed up for life, great idea. Could shoot a hole in your foot too and probably come out ahead.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers wanting to do HARD drugs with you
    Look up heroine or meth aging effects to see how messed up those drugs make you look. I can imagine every use may take years off of your life. Maybe it's just months for each use for heavy users. Could be a prescription instead that says, take away 10 months per use of life. People take it anyway. They don't think about side effects.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers wanting to do HARD drugs with you
    Your body can create endorphins, not relate endorphins. Typing on a mobile device.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers wanting to do HARD drugs with you
    I remember a dancer drank 3 red bulls. She was jumping all over the place. Stay away from drugs if you want to enjoy your future. Hard drugs mess you up. They give you a temporary high that can never be repeated and deplete the levels of endorphins that your body can relate to make you feel good. Every follow up high won't be as good. You are messed up and decreasing the level of endorphins your body can naturally produce with each use of the hard stuff. I actually remember this from High School when they taught kids about drugs. Seemed stupid to ever use them in the first place and get addicted. Drug dealers offer samples for free to get people addicted. Then when people feel they can't stop and don't want to feel withdrawal symptoms, they cheat and steal from wherever they can to feed their addiction. Things go downhill fast. Drug dealers get rich at the druggies expense until they get caught.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Sexy Christmas outfits
    Thanks for this thread and links. I like seeing hot girls in red outfits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    I'm not married so have no experience cheating on someone so no advice. Good luck with whatever you choose. No idea if you want a divorce or not or if your wife wants a divorce but is going to take as much of your money as possible before telling you or not. My older brother threatened divorce with his wife and she nagged him to death. First claimed some type of cancer and in one year, got thousands from him to pay for an experimental drug each visit. When I suggested going to Doctor with her to verify things, miraculous recovery after months of treatment at $1500 a visit. Then she nagged him to pay off the house mortgage and taking all money out of a former 401k. Caused massive taxes and money in 401k had been protected. I think my sister in law had sneaky ulterior motives. Now my older brother is old and broke. Sad story. Still married though if that's what he wanted. She also nagged him into taking a drug for cholesterol which had a side effect that wasted his muscles away so much that he had to quit his job and go on disability and retire early. When I told him there were class action lawsuits against doctors prescribing the dosage of drug he was taking, he said his doctor lost his medical records. His wife picked out the doctor. I personally think she's not too bright and am staying out of it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what keeps him going. He might die before my mother. Males on my fathers side have died in their 60's. I would t be surprised to live a lot longer since I haven't had all the stress he's lived with. Just an example of what can happen if you decide to stick it out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is it really that hard for strippers to get credit?
    I have no idea about having trouble getting credit. I have more beef with all the mail I keep getting for new credit offers. I know a phone call will cut out most of that for 5 years. I'm now getting credit card offers mailed in my name at a relatives address. Kind of annoying since I don't want those offers stopped for 5 years, I want them stopped permanently at that address. Side effect from my name being added to one piece of financial information at a different address.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Floriduh Attorney visited jail to make porn with inmate, sheriff says
    Having sex with inmates and filming it and getting away with it. What could go wrong?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Some board related Christmas humor
    Lol, someone might claim they were sexually harassed by the palm trees and sue the city.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do dancers love country music?
    I know of some dancers who like country music and some dancers like me that only like rock and heavy metal. It annoys me when the local club plays country music. I think I prefer almost every other type of music better than country. Country is like scratching a chalkboard. Which would I rather hear? Tough question.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Lack Of College Educated Women?
    This site is my break from living in a world of females everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Lack Of College Educated Women?
    "Am I missing something?" Good question. Obviously all the single college girls left your area. I see them all over the place. I do have a couple of male neighbors but they are married. Unfortunately my hot young female neighbor that used to occasionally wash her car in a bikini outside my window moved away. Sometimes I wondered if she did that on purpose so that I would see her. She was single.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is one way for horny teachers to beat the law.
    We just need hot teachers stripping and looking for sex with tusclers. Everything legal then. It will just seem odd trying to figure out that the teacher is very horny and doesn't want money. She can keep her teaching job and moonlight stripping job. Actually if she donates money to me, I'd be happy to be friends with a hot teacher. I could save her job and keep her respectable because I'm over 18.