Why do weirdos try to strike up conversations with me at strip clubs I'm obviously not here for you. Stop talking to me.
One time I actually got approached by a weirdo asking if I wanted to play pool with him because the other guy left, how pathetic do you have to be to be playing pool in a strip club?
It is sort of weird as I'm usually scanning the crowd trying to see check out the girls and see whom I want to spend my time. I don't mind idle banter but once she's free I'm gone.
I’ve never been to a club with a pool table. I think it would be ok to play as long as the other guy understands that I will most likely dissapear without notice at some point.
Lots of clubs have pool tables. But if you're extra cool, you'll just sit around nursing a drink while waiting for a purty gurl to approach instead of shooting a game or two.
When I was younger I'd go to a particular SC with my buddy and we'd shoot pool in between breaks to stage tip, get dances, etc. Sometimes we'd grab a stripper and she'd shoot some stick with us, which was always fun. I realize this isn't what a hardcore PL is looking for as far as a strip club experience, but as two guys looking to shoot some pool, drink some beer, all while having pretty girls around to tip and talk to, it was pretty fun.
The etiquette at the strip club we used to go to was, if guys were sitting along the back area near the pool table, they were looking to play (otherwise they'd be sitting anywhere else in the club, to be closer to the girls or the bar), so if one of us wanted to go get some dances, the other would just ask one of the guys sitting back there to play. And if we were sitting back there drinking, we knew we might get invited to play. Nothing to freak about. Some of you guys make this stuff very hard -- a guy offers to shoot some pool with you but you don't want to play, "no thanks man".
Like I said, I'm looking for a completely different experience now, totally uninterested in playing pool at the SC, but understand why some guys do. If it ruins your day to be asked if you want to play, don't go to an SC with a pool table, or at least, don't sit near the tables, is my thought.
I’ve got no issue with other pl’s starting conversation in a club. However, it is distracting.
The thing that I find annoying is when another pl begins a conversation and gets annoyed when I find some pussy and break off the conversation quickly. I’m not going to clubs for conversation with other guys, and I’d expect the other pl’s to understand.
Geez, you guys act like going to a SC is a sport that requires full concentr!tion and focus. Why get annoyed by something so trivial? Just enjoy the entire experience for what it is.
I get approached for conversation almost every time I go to a club and not because I am a regular.
Unless the guy is a fall down drunk or I get the feeling he is trying to poach the dancer I am spending time with it doesn't impact me one way or another.
1) Guys (no girls so far, unless lopaw cares to come visit) I’ve come to know, whether through frequent online interaction, or frequent ITC conversations, or actual friends, or whatever. These folks I’ll sit with and talk about the girls (sometimes in detail), other clubs, sports, families, etc.
2) Guys I’ve seen around moderately frequently. If we’re sitting near enough to talk, I’ll have casual conversation about the club in general, what’s on TV, the food, or generalities about the girls, i.e. how hot we think they are or how good they look at the moment, nothing about dirty details.
3) Guys I’ve seen only infrequently or never before. No conversations, just an occasional comment about how “she looks good” or the like.
I enjoy a short conversation. At some of the places I go to the women are so beautiful its great to have someone to have a short quip or two with. An easy way to avoid long conversation is to buy a girl a drink. If the guy thinks its ok to continue conversation with the both of you then ask the girl to bring over one of her uglier dancer friends. Its a fun way to turn the tables and I always get a kick out of watching the guy trying to turn her down.
Some of the best local intel I’ve gotten is from a dudes that say hi while sitting next to me at a SC bar. Try opening up a bit and you might learn something.
If you’re really into antisocial experiences try grunting one word answers and most guys will get the idea you aren’t into conversations.
I found this interesting in that with dudes I have no tolerance. If a guy is an idiot or a bad dude or even just seems like it, I’ll have nothing to do with him and won’t even talk to him. With women, in particular the hoes at SC, as long as she looks pretty my expectations are a lot lower and I’ve pretended to be interested in a lot of stupid crap they talk about.
Most of the PLs I've seen in any club often look like losers in life that I would not want to talk to. Maybe I look the same to them. As the saying goes, "I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member." Unless it's a strip club, there seems to be a solidarity of purpose.
Let's be more refined, though. If it's a high mileage club I'm less apt to want to talk to anyone, even strippers, unless it's the strippers I want to play with. I don't even want to talk to the door guy, I just want to throw across my $10 or $20 and walk in and look around the environment like a terminator looking for my object of desire.
If it's a low mileage club, I may be fine to talk as there's little pressure to do anything other than look around at the eye candy. There is no time pressure in those places to grab a dancer before it's too late.
I am a very sociable person and you never know who you may find. So as long as they're not begging me for money or a drink, I'm fine. It's a social gathering, not a chess tournament.
I don't mind chatting with other customers. I would not say I go out of my way to gab at the titty bar, but it does happen. From talking with other clubbers, I have learned from other patrons the club's SOP's, which dancers are scammers, or some history of the area I'm visiting. The only bad experience I have had was when a guy started begging for money from me in a strip club: https://www.tuscl.net/discussi…
Being friendly and talking to strangers is more common in some parts of the United States than others.
-->"I am a very sociable person and you never know who you may find. So as long as they're not begging me for money or a drink, I'm fine. It's a social gathering, not a chess tournament."
I'm not the most sociable person in the world, but even I find saying a few words to a customer or male staff member to be a stress-free, effortless, and sometimes fun thing. So if even find it easy, I sometimes wonder about the guys who find it super stressful. I've always felt "I'm there for the girls, not to talk to other guys" is always just code for "I'm anti-social by nature and find it stressful to talk to strangers, my sex drive is what lets me talk to strippers" "I'm uncomfortable talk to blue collar workers" "I don't do male bonding talk easily" .... which, by the way, is all fine, I have my own social quirks for sure. No need to try to spin it like you're some type-a mission-oriented operator who can only focus on his single mission at a time: talk to strippers.
last commentAs long as you're not trying to get me to join some cult or sell me some pyramid scheme I don't think I would get mad
The etiquette at the strip club we used to go to was, if guys were sitting along the back area near the pool table, they were looking to play (otherwise they'd be sitting anywhere else in the club, to be closer to the girls or the bar), so if one of us wanted to go get some dances, the other would just ask one of the guys sitting back there to play. And if we were sitting back there drinking, we knew we might get invited to play. Nothing to freak about. Some of you guys make this stuff very hard -- a guy offers to shoot some pool with you but you don't want to play, "no thanks man".
Like I said, I'm looking for a completely different experience now, totally uninterested in playing pool at the SC, but understand why some guys do. If it ruins your day to be asked if you want to play, don't go to an SC with a pool table, or at least, don't sit near the tables, is my thought.
The thing that I find annoying is when another pl begins a conversation and gets annoyed when I find some pussy and break off the conversation quickly. I’m not going to clubs for conversation with other guys, and I’d expect the other pl’s to understand.
Geez, you guys act like going to a SC is a sport that requires full concentr!tion and focus. Why get annoyed by something so trivial? Just enjoy the entire experience for what it is.
Unless the guy is a fall down drunk or I get the feeling he is trying to poach the dancer I am spending time with it doesn't impact me one way or another.
1) Guys (no girls so far, unless lopaw cares to come visit) I’ve come to know, whether through frequent online interaction, or frequent ITC conversations, or actual friends, or whatever. These folks I’ll sit with and talk about the girls (sometimes in detail), other clubs, sports, families, etc.
2) Guys I’ve seen around moderately frequently. If we’re sitting near enough to talk, I’ll have casual conversation about the club in general, what’s on TV, the food, or generalities about the girls, i.e. how hot we think they are or how good they look at the moment, nothing about dirty details.
3) Guys I’ve seen only infrequently or never before. No conversations, just an occasional comment about how “she looks good” or the like.
If you’re really into antisocial experiences try grunting one word answers and most guys will get the idea you aren’t into conversations.
I've made some good friends in the club that aren't dancers/staff
Let's be more refined, though. If it's a high mileage club I'm less apt to want to talk to anyone, even strippers, unless it's the strippers I want to play with. I don't even want to talk to the door guy, I just want to throw across my $10 or $20 and walk in and look around the environment like a terminator looking for my object of desire.
If it's a low mileage club, I may be fine to talk as there's little pressure to do anything other than look around at the eye candy. There is no time pressure in those places to grab a dancer before it's too late.
Or do you view higher mileage clubs as more busy and difficult to get anyone’s attention?
Being friendly and talking to strangers is more common in some parts of the United States than others.
I'm not the most sociable person in the world, but even I find saying a few words to a customer or male staff member to be a stress-free, effortless, and sometimes fun thing. So if even find it easy, I sometimes wonder about the guys who find it super stressful. I've always felt "I'm there for the girls, not to talk to other guys" is always just code for "I'm anti-social by nature and find it stressful to talk to strangers, my sex drive is what lets me talk to strippers" "I'm uncomfortable talk to blue collar workers" "I don't do male bonding talk easily" .... which, by the way, is all fine, I have my own social quirks for sure. No need to try to spin it like you're some type-a mission-oriented operator who can only focus on his single mission at a time: talk to strippers.