Club Drug Dealer
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
One of my local clubs now has a drug dealer who is more or less a permanent fixture. He is also the most popular guy in the club, even though he of course spends no money. It's a small club and everyone who works there knows what he's doing, but he continues to camp out in a small table against a side wall with impunity as the girls visit him in fits and starts. I can only guess that he has a deal with what passes for management of this club. I've even seen off shift dancers come in just to speak with him.
I used to dislike this guy a lot, but now I use him as a barometer. Any girl who I see spending time with him is immediately cut the fuck off of my OTC prospect list.
I used to dislike this guy a lot, but now I use him as a barometer. Any girl who I see spending time with him is immediately cut the fuck off of my OTC prospect list.
I've also seen it where the DJ is also the drug dealer.
It's kinda fucked-up I give my hard-earned money to these chicks to then see them go give it to this guy but that is the nature-of-the-beast/SCing
If you see a guy sitting - barely drinking - not spending at all - but with lots of strippers around him. That’s the dealer. Dancers will follow him out for smoke breaks too.
Lets say that I don’t avoid the dancers who flock to him...
Think of it this way. Girls on drugs are like the girls that you love who have their rent due the next day. You can duck them cheap. And it’s easy.
I also strongly suspect that the girls taking the guys drugs love white three piece suits. They can’t resist that angelic shine. Go get ‘Em.
It was obvious as a few of the less attractive dancers would rush to his table and hand over their money.
I guess he could have been the CPA.