
Name the three branches ..........

of Government: Um, President, Congress and the House -- as stated by Democrat Congresswoman Elect Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. democratic socialist, new power figure among progressives; future Presidential candidate and leading light of a future generation. Of course she answered incorrectly, because the answer, as any normal american 9 year old should know is Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Stupid is as stupid says.


  • FTS
    6 years ago
    idk, if I was making a career in US politics, I think knowing the three branches of our government would be the bedrock of much of my technical knowledge. I suppose it simply demonstrates, once again, that politics is all screwed up nowadays.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    She's not even in top 15 of likely Democrats to get nomination. Beto might be considered favorite right now :


    I just did a Google search under "idiot" and Cortez didn't come up
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Beto lol. None of these fucktards are winning in normal America. The Democrats seem intent on letting Trump continue on. She'll get rid of FOSTA, same as she said she would oppose Pelosi. She's a loosah.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    At least she acknowledges climate change -- unlike some of the goofy geriatric guys on this board.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Go get some pussy and stop talking about ducking politics. There are tits to be had. Focus on what’s important.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    You mean the climate that's been changing for millions of years? Its interesting, but a number of social upheavals were caused by the "little ice age" which caused the dark ages (end of enlightenment); the French revolution (famine due to crop failures); the Irish potato famine (potato blight), etc. In the 70's the same type of climate scientists were all agog over the coming ice age, which as we know, never came. It is obvious that man made carbon emissions saved us from the ice age and if a few hurricanes and fires are what we have to pay to save humanity from the destruction of another ice age I say bravo dirty coal.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Bring on that revolution.

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Ah yes, more progressive "thought". 315 million handguns, rifles and shotguns in circulation. Great idea. Hows that war on poverty doing?
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Cortez and Sanders are way too liberal for me and nominating either would be a gift to the GOP. Not for government-run single-payer healthcare. Not for tuition-free public college. Impossible pie-in-the-sky shit.

    But I think you just don't like Puerto Ricans, @SkiBirther.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    as if we need more proof we've already reached 'idiotocracy'
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Healthcare and education for all being too liberal? Once upon a time the US had a non profit health care sector and university education had just a nominal cost. Then came Nixon and.... Before then, neither party had a problem with it. The problem is conservatives have moved to an extremist fringe. They're the biggest danger to this country.

    We don't live in this country, we struggle to survive because of idiots voting for politicians whose policies are against the people's self interest.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    War On Poverty?

    The issue is how people denigrate the poor. The Right depends on this. Libertarianism is simply social darwinism, the idea that poor people have something wrong with them. So people need to start standing up for themselves.

    And if things continue to worsen, then maybe this will come to deadly force.

    If it were not for the Republicans being able to use Racism and Christian Fundamentalism to drive elections, we would already be a Social Democracy along the lines of Scandinavia.

    Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes, and Trump never could have gotten elected. If the Republican Party had wanted to remain relevant at all, it would have had to really mellow out.

  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    "I just did a Google search under "idiot" and Cortez didn't come up"--which says more about Google than the definitive example of what a idiot looks, acts, and speaks like.

    That BS Pichai was shoveling the other day to Congress was so weak on so many levels it's laughable but why not? This is the same government that believed Lois Lerner and Hillary couldn't be proven guilty by Computer forensics.

    On another note I've yet to meet a person who doesn't believe in global warming....I mean climate change....the question isn't if as much as it is why. And what we as a single nation can do to stop it if other nations will not participate. Are we going to keep our air and water from circulating around the rest of the globe? Force all the dirty air to stay over China and not drift? Force all the water to not run into the oceans from India?

    And I'm confused RA didn't you just say the other day Sanders was not that liberal?

    "AOC" has uttered enough blunders to fill up a full week of Stephen Colbert....what you should be asking yourselves is why you never hear any of them on his show.....or any other MSM show......
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    SJG its not just the Republicans. The Democrats are just wolves in sheeps clothing. They're two sides of the same coin. The problem is systemic.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Warrenboy- How many states did you traverse today?

    You really believe Pichai was pitching a load of horseshit? Really? Did you take any math on the way to getting your law degree? Search engine algorithms are as politically neutral as you get get -- eigenvalues and eigenvectors and all that stuff.

    I've consistently stated that Sanders is too liberal for me. For example I prefer the ACA model for healthcare that preserves the kind of great PPO coverage I've had all along. Don't want rationing like the UK. Not interested in government control of healthcare costs and I want medical doctors to make a very good salary. I don't think we can pay for free college-tuition; it's a pie-in-the-sky dream that can't be paid for.

    Might help if Trump had not pulled out of Paris climate agreement. Might help if Trump could think rationally.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Sugar date in about an hour.
  • azdd
    6 years ago
    Interesting article in the conservative publication The Federalist. Actually compares Cortez to Trump in her ability to whip supporters into a frenzy. Plus, she is a master at using social media to stroke her base and build support. We should be afraid, very afraid...

  • PhatBoyHell
    6 years ago
    An apple branch, a cherry branch Nd a peach branch
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    At the heart of progressive theory is that government spending expands the economy, essentially paying for itself. At the heart of conservative theory is that tax cuts put money back into the real economy, generating growth that more than offsets reduced tax revenue.

    You’d think we’d have definitive proof of one theory, or other, by now. Still, Ocasio-Cortez belief that we can pay for a $32 trillion Medicare-for-all program by trimming defense spending stretches credulity.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    ^^ Not quite. Progressives believe government spending is necessary when we are in recession and far from full enployment.

    Medicare-for-all is way too radical and raising taxes to pay for it would be horribly unpopular. But improving on the ACA is within reach and benefits everyone (because it protects pre-existing conditions).
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Much ado about nothing: Cortez will not be the nominee.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    She trolls FOX really well, but I'm not in love with her overall. If Bernie runs she would have no support.
  • ARagingFlamingGay
    6 years ago
    Name the three branches of my asshole.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    DC - I am a Rockerfeller republican and always have been. If Islam didn't exist I would hate Christianity the most of all religions, so nothing about my belief system is based on the inane belief in God. You are right that living in left wing hell Massachusetts, where the left cheat the taxpayers daily has made me look at Progressives the way I do Isis. Its a fucking disgrace here and the wealth gap in left wing states is tremendous. Fact is that rich liberals cheat the people they lie about representing. Whenever you cite facts you always have some asshole liberal calling you a racist, cue Random. Massachusetts lawyers, on average are so left wing, that once our firm resigned from the Mass Bar Association, I never rejoined or even re-joined the local association, despite being a past President. Not over the law, but over politics. A liberal lawyer in Massachusetts spouts off about helping people then go to their glass tower downtown and represent rich people who look like casper. I am the racist right winger. My office is in a neighborhood where native born English speaking Americans are 25% of the populace and if I see a client after sundown I walk them to the car and watch them drive off before going back in. My clientele over the past 4 years has come from 38 different countries and is about 40% minority, whatever the fuck that means. I bill people based on their income and volunteer at the Courthouse to represent the poor pro bono. I have done this almost 36 years, the next most experienced volunteer has done it for 19. Progressives are useless, all hat and no cattle frauds, who want everything for free, even though nothing is free. Tired of paying for the fucking assholes who do not deserve it and denigrate my success, my family, my beliefs and my work effort. If they are the future of America, then let America fail today. My political beliefs are not based on what is best for me, but what I believe is best for this formerly great country.
    I don't denigrate the poor, nor do I make excuses for them. Poor people, for the most part, make life choices that make them poor and make them time and time again. Progressives idolize failures because it gives them a sense of superiority and an excuse to make money off their misery.
    DC - When a man makes a drunken mistake and sleeps with someone awful he blames alcohol and himself. When a woman does it she cries rape. My roommate used to tell me that she and all of her friends had been raped at one time or another. This was back in 1991. I used to look at her and remind her that we met in 1969 and that one of the men she claimed to her friends had raped her, was someone she chased for almost 2 years after the "rape". Her response? As she "grew" as a woman she realized her reaction to the rape was because of the white male dominated way she was raised. We're on a friendship hiatus over Christine Ford's perjury.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    DC - I am a Rockerfeller republican and always have been. If Islam didn't exist I would hate Christianity the most of all religions, so nothing about my belief system is based on the inane belief in God. You are right that living in left wing hell Massachusetts, where the left cheat the taxpayers daily has made me look at Progressives the way I do Isis. Its a fucking disgrace here and the wealth gap in left wing states is tremendous. Fact is that rich liberals cheat the people they lie about representing. Whenever you cite facts you always have some asshole liberal calling you a racist, cue Random. Massachusetts lawyers, on average are so left wing, that once our firm resigned from the Mass Bar Association, I never rejoined or even re-joined the local association, despite being a past President. Not over the law, but over politics. A liberal lawyer in Massachusetts spouts off about helping people then go to their glass tower downtown and represent rich people who look like casper. I am the racist right winger. My office is in a neighborhood where native born English speaking Americans are 25% of the populace and if I see a client after sundown I walk them to the car and watch them drive off before going back in. My clientele over the past 4 years has come from 38 different countries and is about 40% minority, whatever the fuck that means. I bill people based on their income and volunteer at the Courthouse to represent the poor pro bono. I have done this almost 36 years, the next most experienced volunteer has done it for 19. Progressives are useless, all hat and no cattle frauds, who want everything for free, even though nothing is free. Tired of paying for the fucking assholes who do not deserve it and denigrate my success, my family, my beliefs and my work effort. If they are the future of America, then let America fail today. My political beliefs are not based on what is best for me, but what I believe is best for this formerly great country.
    I don't denigrate the poor, nor do I make excuses for them. Poor people, for the most part, make life choices that make them poor and make them time and time again. Progressives idolize failures because it gives them a sense of superiority and an excuse to make money off their misery.
    DC - When a man makes a drunken mistake and sleeps with someone awful he blames alcohol and himself. When a woman does it she cries rape. My roommate used to tell me that she and all of her friends had been raped at one time or another. This was back in 1991. I used to look at her and remind her that we met in 1969 and that one of the men she claimed to her friends had raped her, was someone she chased for almost 2 years after the "rape". Her response? As she "grew" as a woman she realized her reaction to the rape was because of the white male dominated way she was raised. We're on a friendship hiatus over Christine Ford's perjury.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Wow, I had a good time last night.

    Cortez isn't qualified to be president and I very much doubt that she'll be nominated. However, you could say the same thing about Trump.

    @WarrenBoy, if you believe that a little man behind the curtain at Google deliberately associated "Trump" with "Idiot" then you're completely off-the-wall nuts.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Trump is an asshole. He shouldn't be President of a condo board, let alone this country. Still better than Hillary. If the Democrats wanted the White House back and were serious about it, they'd nominate and run Joe Manchin. They won't.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    No disrespect skibum609, but I’m with JohnSmith69.

    We just had an election. ACO hasn’t even been sworn in. She won’t even be old enough to run for president until 2024. Maybe a moratorium on comments about her until she is actually a congresswoman is warranted.

    Unless she flashes her tits ( . )( . )

    That would be some brilliant TUSCL conversation right there! But without any titty flashing it is probably better to let her move into her office before freaking out. ;)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    The Republican Party provided us with Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle. Neither are Mensa Society candidates and both have more than their fair share of embarrassing gaffes.

    I won't define a person's effectiveness based on a single fumble during an impromptu video. I'll take note of it, but it's a single data point. Treating it as more than that is either obtuse and/or pot stirring.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ "...I feel like healthcare is the same situation as fire and police are, its an emergency service and it doesn't really make a lot of sense to privatize an emergency service."

    I feel like Blowjobs are an emergency service but I don't want the government involved with that.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ shouldn’t thre be free fruitcups for all or is that fruitism;)
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Education used to be almost free. Tuitions used to be heavily subsidized and students paid nominal fees. No reason we can't go back to that. The problem is universities taking up research vs teaching models and imitating corporations to combat decreasing funding for higher education.

    Its funny how people have no problem with their tax dollars going to fund imperialist wars, corporate welfare and funding right wing dictatorships and rogue states like Israel. Yet become outraged at the thought of Americans having universal healthcare or going to school without years of debt. Americans think perpetual war is a legit use of public funds but heaven forbid we use it to help poor Americans.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    That's ridiculous. College is expensive because of a lack of gov funding. Meanwhile, most classes are taught by adjuncts making less than minimum wage for the most part. The price of it is just an arbitrary number that doesn't reflect actual costs. Its about what companies can make giving out student loans and shit.

    Stop funding wars, stop propping up rogue states like Israel, stop paying for right wing dictatorships abroad, and there's plenty of money.

    Its not that the gov can't its that it doesn't want to and most people are too stupid to remember what things used to be like and how it worked just fine then.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Actually the largest increase in the cost of tuition, is the subsidizing of athletic programs, look at the size of the stadiums, these universities have built over the last few decades, even Harvard, which is mostly funded by endowments, and alumni subsidies, is in the red due to the cost of athletics. You need to realize the out of proportion funding goes to these so called student athletes, where a normal school might have a cost of X per student, spending on athletics as a pro-rata ends up being cost X+ Y&Z
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Your a fucking retard loco. College is expensive because of government funding. Cutr funding in half and the easy money for colleges goes away and prices come down. Without Government money Pocahontas and her husband would not have earned a combined 800k; free medical; free housing and other benefits for each teaching one class. When things worked in america we were the American people, not a bunch of little fucktard communities catering to the failed and the foreign. Ever in New England shoot me a message and I will show you the true PL experience.

    DC I appreciate the comments. What pisses me off is the idea that somehow protesting and demanding laws that make others pay more in taxes is somehow "doing" something, while my paying the tab; giving to charity; volunteering and actually working with and for poor people, is somehow all bullshit because I am a conservative. Progressives are all about words and in the real world "actions speak louder than words". Kind of humorous to think that the guy who represents minorities, with an office in a tough neighborhood, who works in a profession with 80% females is somehow a danger to the people who i see face to face daily, while those who give them nothing but pity and words are somehow "good" people.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ there’s a lot of truth there, government funding always increases costs, each subsequent level of funding creates a new level of bureaucracy which increases costs across the board and creates unnecessary duplication.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Infrastructure improvement and an instead of a minimum wage, enact a living wage instead...more unionized jobs, go after companies that abuse illegal alien labor instead of hiring Americans.

    University sports aren't amateur competitions anymore, they're a corporate affair. Sports are way over funded. Instead of wasting tax payer money, let sponsors pay or go back to amateur competitions.

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    One unpopular view is that public school teachers are overpaid. Going through the public pay records, some of the ones out here are making 120k for teaching second grade. Kindergarten teachers making 90k. Teachers in the ghetto where programs are getting cut for lack of funds and school lunches are skimped on have secretaries earning 50k and teachers making 60k and up.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I know one teacher who works at a ghetto school and complains about her pay when she makes 92k a year. This bitch teaches at a school where kids eat bologna sandwiches or Dominos pizza for lunches, have no afterschool programs, no breakfast programs, nothing. They even cut kids off from the lunch program as a punishment for misbehaving. Yetshe doesn't get its coz of her wages.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ urban myths at their finest, no attribution available from any recognized source, if you want to converse on a topic there are many problems with, the truth is bad enough, but stupid blanket statements don’t qualify anything.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    guess it depends on the location. wages like that are pretty common out here. but then cost of living is too high in southern california.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Provide attribution for the data.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Regardless the cost of college...

    Listening to her talk, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez never graduated from high school.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    because she has a working class background and dialect?
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    @IceyLoco - you are complaining about the money we give to Israel every year. Do you know how much that actually is? Well in 2019, we are giving them a grand total $3.1B and that is only because of a missile defense system we agreed to upgrade for them. In 2017, the US government gave a grand total of $50.1B in foreign aid to the ENTIRE world. Taking DC's estimated $200B per year for tuition, we would be giving out more in 1 year than we have given too Israel since they declared independence ($149B TOTAL since 1949 [69 YEARS]) or 4 times the amount we give out in foreign aid to the world. And like DC stated, that assumes the number of students does not skyrocket when free tuition is offered.

    As for AOC, she is just clueless. Her $21T complaint about the department of defense not being able to detail where money was spent and that it could have been used instead to finance health care was even mocked by the DEMOCRATS. The $21T was money that was moved around between programs and fund sites internally to the DOD, so it was essentially double counted when it was moved from 1 fund site and counted again when it was added to the new fund site. Also, the time period for that amount was over a decade, yet she thought that all $21T was available to pay for health care right now. She is in SO far over her head, she is essentially wasting a seat in the House that could be held by a competent person from either party that has at least some grasp of reality.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in international relations and a minor in economics.

    With that degree, how the hell is she that clueless about politics and economics.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You're out of touch with reality if you don't think 3.1 billion would be better spent at home.

    I don't need stats on inflated prices based on what the private sector overcharges the gov for porkbelly projects that rob tax payers.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ exactly.
    No, not the accent or dialect. I'm referring to her idiocy. Her views on things make no rational sense.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    your 200 billion figure isn't real, its arbitrary. Just like with health care estimates. A system based on preventive care is much cheaper than what we have now. Likewise, take the profit motive out of education and you get more bang for your buck.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    @Icey: okay I see your point. We can spend $3.1B to build a TOTAL of 150 miles of interstate (per the Federal Government's weighted rural/urban average) or we can spend it in Israel, so they can help us fight ISIS. Where do you think we get a vast majority of our intel on the Middle East, but from our little friend on the Mediterranean coast. I personally would prefer option #2 over an extra 150 miles of pavement.

    And guess what, a huge chunk of the other $47B we spend on foreign aid goes to Latin America and Africa to try and bolster their economies, so we hopefully don't end up with a huge influx of migrants wanting to enter the country. But we all know how well those dollars are working, so should we stop making those payments as well and if so, how do we deal with the increased migration then when all the folks that are subsisting now are forced to move because they can no longer survive in their country since the US aid has dried up?

    As for pork-belly projects robbing the tax payer. Guess what numb-nuts, your politicians are responsible for them. Look at the interstate to nowhere we have in West Virginia all because Richard Byrd kept slapping more funding on other bills to pay for it. If you really wanted to save money and spend it efficiently, you would need a government that cared about the spending and how it was spent. We have billions of dollars spent annually on subsidies here in the US that are so ingrained in Washington, that I doubt even an act of congress couldn't get them cancelled. We currently subsidize Alpaca wool production in the US and have since WW2.

    The private sector has a right to make a profit on what business they do with the federal government and there are often cost overruns on projects, but you have to realize that a lot of the projects generating the overcharges are due to the federal government making changes to the original project. Also, unlike with commercial projects, when a company does work for the government, they often have a very limited product run for the money invested in R&D. The government is only going to buy X number of F35 aircraft, so the R&D costs are concentrated over that small production run, thus driving up costs. It probably costs more for Boeing to design a new jumbo jet, but they can expect to sell hundreds or thousands more aircraft commercially than they can a fighter jet, so the R&D costs become minimal. And guess what, the majority of federal contractors/supplies are small businesses that are owned by females, vets, minorities, disabled, and located in economically depressed areas. These people are not gouging the federal tax payer, they are trying to make a living. When I worked for the federal government, we used to joke the ultimate vendors was a disabled, female, Latino/Asian, veteran that had their company in the middle of nowhere Alabama or Mississippi because it hit all the required checkmarks. This is a popular misconception people have because the news tells them about the huge cost overruns on defense projects and people assume they apply to everything. So before you make accusations, you might want to do a little research.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Syria, Russia and Iran are fighting ISIS. The US created it. Israel just cares about destabilizing the region. If we didn't start wars in the region and support Israel, we'd have nothing to worry about. But American corporations love that oil and weapons are a big business so we gotta support the Saudi dictatorship and shit.

    It goes to right wing regimes in Latin America. Not to Latin America.

    The private sector controls the government and is keeping the American people hostage to capitalist interests.

    The private sector does gouge the tax payer. Welfare exists in order to subsidize the low wages that the private sector pays.

    You're a right wing nutjob.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    also corporate welfare robs the tax payer, as do pork belly projects contracted to the private sector so it can profit in exchange for buying politicians.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    The US supports the right wing regimes in Honduras, Haiti, Colombia, now Brazil, Argentina.... keep up with world affairs. Your estimate is arbitrary.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    Guess what, Israel has no desire to destabilize the region. It does not serve any purpose to destabilize the Middle East for Israel. They are the small fish in the fishbowl over there. They spend a HUGE portion of their GDP on defense because the other countries refuse to play nicely in their own sandboxes. If the Middle East honestly wanted to end Israel, they could do it simply by working together, but they have far too many other issues between each other to join in a united effort against their "Jewish enemy". Yes, Israel does occasionally do stupid shit inside their boarders and in Lebanon, but those are usually a reaction to the Palestinians stirring up crap. Israel would much rather have a bunch of happy neighbors, so they could spend more of their GDP on their populace and not on defense.

    Just wondering, IceyLoco, are you actually a communist or socialist? You are complaining about the capitalist interests robbing the welfare state. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work under those political orientations. The Soviet Union proved that communism doesn't work and only retards progress. China is more capitalist today than they want to acknowledge. North Korea, the only true communist holdout, is a joke and as 3rd world as they come. Venezuela is socialist and their economy is destroyed. The French have tried socialism a couple of times since WW2 and keep switching away from it. Progress requires a capitalistic orientation and I certainly hope the US never wavers.

    Finally, I am tired of people spouting the low wage crap and the need to raise everyone's wages. Guess what, all that does in raise the cost of living for EVERYONE. This is a viscous cycle no one ever wants to talk about. If you get paid more, that means your employer has to charge more to pay your wages. Look at Seattle. They raised the minimum wage, so now it costs more for everything because the shopkeepers have a higher salary responsibility. It is actually turning out that businesses are reducing their workforce because of the higher wages, so what do you say to those people loosing their jobs because of the higher minimum wages that now have to pay more for their groceries even though they no longer have a job because of the layoffs.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    The majority of the pork-belly projects are for the representative's/senator's constituents. That is the meaning of pork belly. Getting projects that put or keep the voters working in their region. Big industry is not going to Washington and telling them to build a tank in Ohio. No it is the labor unions in Ohio telling the representatives/senators for Ohio that they want to keep their jobs, so we end up buying 2000 tanks the military does not want in order to keep the production plant in operation.

    How is that corporate America forcing pork-belly projects? This happens ALL the time with these projects. It isn't the companies pushing it, it is the citizens wanting to keep their jobs or the representatives/senators want to keep their people happy so they keep their jobs in DC.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Israel is destabilizing the region via its occupation of Palestine and support of US atrocities and war crimes. Saudis are the same shit.

    Pork belly projects are politicians' gifts to the capitalists who fund their campaigns.

    Higher wages don't mean higher prices. Raising minimum wages proves that. Thats just a scare tactic . As is capitalists use the gov to provide welfare to offset their refusal to give people a living wage coz of profits.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    Iceyloco is off his meds. Somebody Baker Act him before he hurts himself.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    Iceyloco is off his meds. Somebody Baker Act him before he hurts himself.
  • Skippy10
    6 years ago
    Ahhhh occasional Kotex. Just what we need. Not !!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Rich people make money off of the rest of us.

    Taxing them and spending it is what keeps the middle sector of the economy going, it's what protects middle tier of wages.

    The US has always propped up right wing dictatorships, all around the globe. Our own Right gets real mad when they find a leftist government which they cannot co-opt. The US also protected and paid $1 billion per year of bribe money to Iran's Islamic Fundamentalists, in order to prop up the Shaw.

    Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega are but two of those the US helped to install and prop up.

    The US was behind Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam too.


    TJ Street
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    I think someone needs to ask the POTUS where AOC ranks on the 1-10 scale. (If he says any number over 2 he’s a freakin liar)
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    No less immature than your trolling and retarded shit.

    Lookswise, Cortez is a plain girl....not that it matters. Looks have nothing to do with her job. I support her.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Trolling is cyberbullying and isn't harmless. Troll profiles aimed at harassing people and posing as others aren't "joke aliases". You only sound like a textbook coz you're bland with no personality, not coz you have anything intelligent to say. You're basically a whiny little bitch boy with an unmerited sense of entitlement.
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