
Comments by JoeCool55

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Pick 3 Dream-Women To Sleep With
    Angelina Jolie - Movie "Tomb Raider" Selma Hayek - Movie "From Dusk till Dawn" Jennifer Love Hewitt = TV "The Client List"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The Walking Dead....
    ^^^ Shailynn, he was supposed to be at work at 9pm Eastern time. I don't know what time he finally "fixed" his mysterious car problems, but he told me last night at about 8:30pm that he was going to watch that show and get to work later, which equates in my book as paying to watch it, at me assuming what he makes, he probably lost over a $100 to see that show.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The Walking Dead....
    I've never watched the show except as I'm walking past the TV where my family is watching it BUT, my Buddy (who was supposed to go to work at 9pm last night) called in with "car problems" so he could watch it. No matter what you may think, it's STILL just a TV show. Work is money, so he paid to watch it by not going into work... What's up with that?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Just Curious
    Correction guys. If I let my wife read these she would be more mad that I said we've been married 23 years than she would be that I had a GF... hahaha (38 in July).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Just Curious
    Not only am I married (23 years) to an ex-stripper (started dating her while she was still working), but my current girlfriend of 9 months is a stripper. So you might say, I like strippers. And I definitely don't agree with some of the posts above that basically says just fuck 'em cuz that's all they're good for. To those people I say, WTF Dude, if you have so much disdain for strippers, why do you fuck 'em in the first place, hell, go to a BP girl or a street girl and save yourself a shitload of money. There is a lot of drama and craziness in a stripper's life cuz they bring it on themselves. You need to be patient and get past that if you truly find yourself attracted to a stripper in a GF kind of way and want to actually for real date them. But you have to be REAL REAL careful not to get caught up in the bullshit yourself. I wish some of you Ol' Time Mongers" would put some of your positive experiences with strippers here, cuz you and I both know you've had 'em.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The age thread
    ! was 60, then I met my 27yr old FS. Now I'm as old as my next RX of Viagra!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How much to tip the bouncer
    This is a joke right... where's the camera??
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Buying a dancers shift
    Hopefully one of you Dancers will weigh in on this one. Personally Jared, I have a FS that I take OTC every once in a while, and I give her $75 because that is what (I know) she has to pay the club for missing a shift, no matter what day it falls on. I'm pretty sure this "missing a shift" charge (she calls it a fine) is pretty normal for not showing up to work, just not sure what the norm $ is as I only do that with one girl.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dancers as wives.
    I'm curious on why some of you (well most of you) wouldn't marry a stripper. Is it cuz of all the guys/girls they have had sex with, or maybe it's the drugs, cheating, and lack of morals they have while working (which is all mostly true). Really, I'm curious if its because of your religious beliefs.... what??? Are you saying that even years later, if a stripper is no longer stripping, that you could tell they once were, and wouldn't date or marry them. Or if they told you (in a moment of truthfulness) after you got married, that they use to be a stripper you would divorce them? C'mon, y'all are supposed to be experts. But to answer the original question... yes I did, 38 years ago, and it worked out fine. We are both the same age (in our 60s now) so I'm not preaching here cuz I plan on being one of you (ha ha ha) if I live long enough (and she don't find out), but that was a pretty open ended question. I think in general terms, it was good advice, but it absolutely depends on the girl, the guy, and the situation. You can't always pick who you fall in love with gentlemen.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    dancer's weight
    I have to agree with a lot of the posters here and say that thicker girls can make the big bucks also, and I've always seen the dancer get offered dayshift or non-premium shifts first, if weight became an issue. Then "reinstated" to the good shifts when the weight came back in line. Personally, I'm not a spinner lover, but more of the Marilyn Monroe type of body build. Maybe there might be additional reasons for the firing....
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    All white female strip clubs
    I agree, at least from what I read, with Meat72, this is a perfect example of people jumping on the politically correct band wagon that says someone cannot mention something that references "all white". Yet from television to books to holidays we are taught to not say "white only", but "black only" is okay. Now to go on..... As far as the original person that started this, he may be a black guy that just wants to do a white girl, or he may be white guy that doesn't like anything but white girls. The point being is that, are we going now let the "Racist Card" creep into the SC World... c'mon guys, were talking about someone's preference in strippers, give him a break. Some of the discussions I've read here make strippers sound like just a piece of meat (sorry Meat72 no pun intended, haha), like a stripper isn't hardly human but just a cum bucket for us horny toads! But mention the "white" word in connection with a Club there work at, and now its "WTF' what a racist. And for you people about to jump MY ass, my ATF is mixed so fuck you, don't try that one....JS
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The Doll House, Jacksonville, FL
    Okay guys, I get it, my apologies, was trying to take a shortcut and save a $$$. Will do my own homework as suggested. Thanks
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Nude Club in Jacksonville
    Eajatl, my apologies to you, I thought I was asking you, in a nice way, for more information.... but it seems other people didn't see it that way. Sorry that your post got used in such a rude way,, this was not the forum for it..
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Nude Club in Jacksonville
    No Shit you DF, that's exactly what I'm doing. Its people like you that give sites like this a bad name. What do you think people come on here for, "FOR INFORMATION"...... what the hell do you think reviews are for DA, not for people like you to just brag about your accomplishments. GET IT STRAIGHT, it's for people to have a place to get INFORMATION..... get it, that's why they call them reviews!
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Nude Club in Jacksonville
    And did you VIP with any one while you were there.... Short, tall, thick, skinny, dark hair, blond hair, AA, Latino, White.... lets here more about your experience. If your not comfortable with using names at least a first initial and a rating so that we might have some intel before we go there. Thanks
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Wow - the Lap Dances are incredible.
    Well, for us guys who haven't been there yet, any chance you can give us a hint who she was, or at least what she looked like, so maybe we don't waste our money!!
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Stopped in on a slow weekday...
    How about a little more info on the girl herself!! All you said was she was a brunette, was she white, Hispanic, etc. tall short, good personality, what kind of figure, short, tall, skinny, plump, etc...NAME would definitely help when I go there!!!
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    Mariah= :) and :(
    The buddy I mentioned at the end of my last prop said he made a mistake and was actually talking about a different girl in another Club so.....I still like that girl Mariah, anybody had (interactions) with her please post a review or answer on this review about her. Any help for me would definitely be appreciated!!
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    ;)Florida-hooking up with Ms. EveHartley, since 2010!
    Mariah= :) and :(
    Great review. I will be visiting Jacksonville pretty soon and I plan on going to the Doll House. I was told by a buddy of mine to go there and actually look up this girl Mariah that your talking about. He said she was very friendly and seemed to honestly enjoy the physical part of being taken care of herself. Also he said she asked to finish him "bareback" and wasted none of it, which is a real turn on for me.