Well, the average lifespan of a wild lion is only 12 years, but I'm a hyperintelligent badass so I've made it to the ripe old age of 15. Being a rick I suspect that I have another 5 years in me. ROAR!
My vulture bud is actually 22 and ricktheshark is 25. The turtle is somewhere north of 110.
The turtle is kind of irritating me right now because his gay bud just broke up with his boyfriend. He said he asked if any of you were bi. I told him that many of you cranky old guys were a high homophobic, but I figured I tell him to send his gay bud to dickless George's house just for shits and giggles.
Stay tuned because wackiness will ensue when dickless George wakes up with a turtle on his back doing it turtlestyle.
You hairless apes would be endlessly entertaining if you hadn't fucked up the planet. ROAR!
I need to find another hairless ape with an iPad that has a keyboard. Do you know how hard it is to type on a touchscreen with claws? And the voice recognition sucks.
Who wants to give me a new keyboard? How about the Viking ape. Just hand it to me and you'll be unharmed. Otherwise l, something will happen to you. Something that rhymes with schmildebeest. ROAR!
@JS69, I recall somewhere in the archives you said you were ~55 at some point. Maybe I am recalling incorrectly though. I would have guessed 55-6 myself.
lf: Why don't you just post your guesses on our ages, and we'll tell you ~ how far off your guesses are.
RE: JS69 ...."how do you have any idea how old I am".
Lawyer Joke Time:::: A 50 something lawyer suddenly keels over and dies of a heart attack. Immediately, he starts yelling at God- "It isn't fair that I should die in my 50's when the average male lives to be about 75." "There are so many things I'd like to do, it just isn't fair." A booming voice from above says: "I've been going over your billing records, and based on that you must be at least 75 years old."
I was about to say it looks like I'm the youngest one on here (along with futuretrackstar), but it looks like Phoenix133 is the youngest :) I wish I could be 21 again.
last commentIt's just nice to know the ages of the TUSCLers that I see on the discussion threads. It gives me better insight on their posts.
He was just giving a ballpark figure. JS69 is actually at least 56.
I'm 55.
You should give me an example of what you mean.
My vulture bud is actually 22 and ricktheshark is 25. The turtle is somewhere north of 110.
The turtle is kind of irritating me right now because his gay bud just broke up with his boyfriend. He said he asked if any of you were bi. I told him that many of you cranky old guys were a high homophobic, but I figured I tell him to send his gay bud to dickless George's house just for shits and giggles.
Stay tuned because wackiness will ensue when dickless George wakes up with a turtle on his back doing it turtlestyle.
You hairless apes would be endlessly entertaining if you hadn't fucked up the planet. ROAR!
Who wants to give me a new keyboard? How about the Viking ape. Just hand it to me and you'll be unharmed. Otherwise l, something will happen to you. Something that rhymes with schmildebeest. ROAR!
Last year JohnSmith told me he was 50, so I'm gonna say he's 51 now.
If you click on my name and go to my Discussions I started a thread called Age? a while ago. Might see some that aren't on this one.
RE: JS69 ...."how do you have any idea how old I am".
Lawyer Joke Time:::: A 50 something lawyer suddenly keels over and dies of a heart attack. Immediately, he starts yelling at God- "It isn't fair that I should die in my 50's when the average male lives to be about 75." "There are so many things I'd like to do, it just isn't fair."
A booming voice from above says: "I've been going over your billing records, and based on that you must be at least 75 years old."
I knew it was approximation (that's why I said ballpark) because you are not really 54. Am I lying?
I believe you are at least 56, possibly a couple years older. I'm not wrong.
I don't want to be that stupid ever again. :)