
The Walking Dead....

Sunday, April 3, 2016 11:04 PM
Ok, they're milking this for all it's worth. It's a soap opera. I honestly think the creators have no idea where the plot is going or how it's going to end.


  • clubdude
    8 years ago
    Yeah, that ending was a sell out compared to previous seasons.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Who shot JR?
  • JoeCool55
    8 years ago
    I've never watched the show except as I'm walking past the TV where my family is watching it BUT, my Buddy (who was supposed to go to work at 9pm last night) called in with "car problems" so he could watch it. No matter what you may think, it's STILL just a TV show. Work is money, so he paid to watch it by not going into work... What's up with that?
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^ what time did he have to be at work? It was over at 10:30pm eastern time. Well he he watching "walking dead" afterwards which is a talk show about walking dead then he would have been up until 11:30. I've watched every episode and it seems like they are slowly gonna kill each beloved character off - using another 4 seasons to do it. Neegan (did I spell that right?) seems cool. Are we gonna like him more than Rick? My bet is Glenn is the one that got beaten.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    I don't read the comic books, but I believe Glenn is the one that is beaten by Negan in the comic book. But the series does not faithfully follow the comic book. Daryl isn't even a character in the comic book.
  • Longneck
    8 years ago
    In the comic Glenn dies then Abrahm a few days later.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Well one speculation is it isn't Rick or his son since Neegan made a comment about them before the beating started.
  • JoeCool55
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Shailynn, he was supposed to be at work at 9pm Eastern time. I don't know what time he finally "fixed" his mysterious car problems, but he told me last night at about 8:30pm that he was going to watch that show and get to work later, which equates in my book as paying to watch it, at me assuming what he makes, he probably lost over a $100 to see that show.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Yeah I didn't like that they didn't show who died either. But I think the major problem with the show (that I love) is they are getting away from the WALKING DEAD! They already had the governor and now Neegan is like the governor all over again. They need to go back to their roots and make it about zombies!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ I think they killed most of the zombies in their area - so they need more people to kill - so now they're after the humans that are left! Lol
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    It's called a cliffhanger. I never watched TWD until recently. After hearing and reading so much about it over the years i decided to watch a large portion of TWD marathon that AMC ran before this season's episodes. I pretty much got up to speed on it then watched all of this season's episodes. No way am i a WD expert but they ended the season the way they did to give something for watchers to talk about and increase speculation regarding what will happen next . Hence this thread and probably thousands of other WD threads on the internet. The producers know exactly what they're doing.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    @mmrock TWD is by far my favorite show on TV right now. I guess there's something for everyone. I like the soap opera aspect of the interaction of the groups. Sometimes the zombie scenes can be exciting, but I can do without them. Like last night, zombies were rarely shown. One thing the writers have hinted at, is Rick's group REALLY the good guys? We've seen them for 6 seasons so we think they are the "good guys", but are they?
  • footballguy
    8 years ago
    @motorhead That's a good point about whether or not Rick's group are the "good guys". The first few seasons I definitely viewed the group about being good, but as it got later into the series I started questioning whether or not Rick's group was actually good (and more specifically Rick). I can't remember what season it was but when Tyrese and Sasha showed up at the prison they seemed like a good group that weren't a treat and Rck turned them away even though it seemed like the rest of the group wanted them. Then when they first arrived in Alexandria Rick made a comment that they would take over Alrxandria if they needed to. It was getting to the point that Rick just started killing anyone knew that he encountered. But after this past season I now view Ricks group as the "good guys", they are killing people but it's pretty obvious that it's going to be almost impossible for two different groups to co-exist. On a side note, where has Jesus been in the last few episodes? I assume he went back to live at Hilltop but he seemed to be a valuable asset to the group. As far as the closing scene in the season finale I thought it was handled perfectly. I expected it to end as soon as Negan swung Lucille so o was pleased that it went a little longer and at least played the audio, it leaves no doubt that he killed someone. I also thought the guy that played Negam did a good job, he stole that scene by being a bad guy but charismatic at the same time.
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