
Comments by grinddawg (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My story of the hand job i got last night at the club
    That is pretty awesome, lol.
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    9 years ago
    Shit Testing Your Fave
    Some of you guys really need to get a life. Trolling dancers and wasting their time. Where is the fun in that?
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    9 years ago
    Shit Testing Your Fave
    I do not shit test my fave or any other dancer. If I tell my girl I will be there, I am going to be there if I can help it. The reason is this: I wouldn't want someone to fuck with my money so I don't do it to someone else. She has a general idea of how much I'm going to spend, and she may need that money to pay a bill the next day or buy something for her kid. If I've told her I'm going to be there a certain night, she may have especially got a ride from the bartender or taken an Uber. Not showing up would be a douche move, unless my car broke down or there were some unforeseeable circumstances. Some of you
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    9 years ago
    Shit Testing Your Fave
    This thread is a multiple fail. #1 There has to be some type of courtship/relationship going on for a "shit test" to take place. Strippers and customers are in a business relationship, not a dating or courtship. Regardless, the vast majority of the time it's a FEMALE shit testing a guy to see if he's congruent with his frame (persona) and not needy. Example: Civvie girl in bar you're chatting up starts making comments to see how you will react. #2 Your shit test totally failed. She ignored all your texts until you apologized to her and then sent the "it's okay" test. She has a stronger frame than you. She may have not even been busy, but saw through your attention getting behavior. Guys and girls, dancers interact with hundreds of customers a month and are hit on constantly on and off the job. They are hustlers and can see through or figure out most customer ruses without much difficulty. Running "shit tests" to see if a dancer cares about you is pretty much a waste of time considering it's a business relationship.
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    9 years ago
    There should be a sign...
    If you are paying them for sex, it's not a "date". You are "hiring" them. When I think of guys "dating" dancers, I think of my buddy, who was in his late 40's/early 50's and coming back from a painful divorce. He began frequenting a club not too far from his house and befriended a dancer there in her 30's. Yes, he paid for dances and fucked her in the club. But they transitioned to an out of club dating relationship, in which they went out of town together, talked on the phone, went out for dinners, etc, and there was no payment of an agreed upon fee for the pleasures. It was the beginning of a relationship, but it never got to the next level for whatever reasons. "Dating" to me equates with meeting a woman and going out on dates to enjoy each other's company with an interest in taking the relationship further, with no sexual services to be provided for an agreed upon fee. If you are paying a dancer or any other woman to meet and eat and drink and then fuck for a prearranged fee, you are HIRING them not dating them.
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    9 years ago
    Repeating The Same Mistake Twice
    You are going to get played like a fiddle, young man. Should have listened to your initial instincts and walked away from the situation. "But hear this one bro, she said she likes me and I would have gotten her if I didn't walk away like what I did last time. She also said, I should be nicer this time to her and treat her well because there is huge payoff for that. I'm going nuts!!!!"
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm pissed, but what should I do?
    When you say this young lady "stole" from you, I'm thinking you paid her up front for a meeting?
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Floyd Mayweather Just Bought a $4,8 million Car
    He posted a picture on Instagram two days ago? I think his cut from the Pacquaio fight is between $100 and $150 million, so he's enjoying the flash right now. On a side note, many people are skeptical about the Berto fight being his last contest. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Credit Cards
    Common in Southern California. Some people charge their dances and pay off the bill later. A lot of the clubs take a thumb print to avoid any later disputes.
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    9 years ago
    And as for your assertion that I need a different site, I don't plan on leaving. I intend to continue to call out the trolls, haters, and other chuckleheads.
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    9 years ago
    "Proscriptive writing", that is a two dollar term indeed. The responses reinforced the premise: this site is filled with low self esteemed losers who have nothing better to than attack people with a different methodology or intended outcomes for their visits to a strip club. I was attacked by an angry lesbian and her eunuch henchmen, and others piled on, probably because they also have a lynch mob mentality and nothing better to do with their time. I'll repeat for all of you slow to comprehend: Why do certain members here have the need to act superior to others and launch personal insults towards others who 1)are not interested in paying for sex 2)choose to pay what they feel an entertainer is worth as opposed to the mythical "market rate"; and 3)continuously spam the forum calling people who have different opinions a "faggot" or other names. A simple explanation would be a certain segment of the population engages in these types of online behaviors because they live vicariously through their online personas. An alternate theory would be these people are just particularly negative human beings and this aggressive behavior is a manifestation of their mental imbalances, drug abuse, etc.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Lol at "other".
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    9 years ago
    Big Brother
    " Firearms are next on the agenda along with religion (you are now only allowed to have beliefs in the privacy of your own mind ie: forcing bakers to bake wedding cakes for gay weddings)" There is some truth in the anti-religion backlash. I was reading something about a Supreme Court case where some loser sued a small town/county because they started their city meetings with a PRAYER. The liberal plaintiffs said this was unconstitutional because there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. The Court said the town could continue to have the prayer as long as they allowed people of different faiths to give the prayer, and nobody was compelled to pray. Also, the city must have had a tradition of prayer. Makes you wonder who are financing these lawsuits. I heard about the cake thing. Another blow against religious freedom.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Are you a FILF
    She may have been better off trying Ashley Madison instead of hitting on other TEACHERS.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Are you a FILF
    It doesn't matter if they are as intimidating, it is still inappropriate and can lead to a hostile work environment. Level playing field. Treat women who engage in these types of activities with the same level or reprehensibility. You need to man up and stop being an apologist.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Are you a FILF
    If the perpetrator had been a man as opposed to a woman, he would have been vilified by the liberal media.
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    9 years ago
    I woke up this morning and had a realization: a fair number of the members here such as GAYca club, 5005 retard, and others are probably on anti-depressant medication or have some form of ADD. They are part of the "Ritalin generation". Why else would a grown man manifest such hostility towards others because they choose not to pay for sex? It's abnormal behavior. I think the real reason is the guilt or shame some people feel about paying for sex and being a john that propels them towards abuse of others that do not share their same world view. It's classic liberal ideology and the premise is basically that since many of them are basically sex addicts, dope addicts, and lowlifes, that others are the same as them or should be like them and everybody should be a lowlife.
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    9 years ago
    I understand OTC is a goal for many members. Fortunately?, where I reside, I can drive 9 or 10 miles and get extras in the club if that's what I really wanted. Granted, many of the gals who offer extras tend to be older or less attractive, but that's neither here or there. My point is why does some joker in the peanut gallery feel the need to consistently attack me because I mentioned I enjoy this young woman for her attractiveness and personality and regular lap dances? He is free to pay for sex if he wishes. Personally, I don't feel that type of vibe with her. I bask in her hotness and it's a fantasy for me that ends when I leave the club that evening. No numbers, no emails, no Facebook, I see her when I want to and enjoy my time and compensate her fairly. Just like the System. One guy made up a system and uses it to get OTC action. Good for him. Do a few trolls need to regularly and repeatedly attack him because he does things differently. And the nincompoop lopaw and her brainless followers just reinforce my point. They attack me because I said I would put a woman who called me a bitch in her place. I never said hit a woman. If you saw that, please copy and paste that. It's the typical liberal and feminazi bullshit and political correctness that's infected this country like a cancer. "1 Hour Ago • G-dawg- I haven't posted on any of your prior threads, but you have to take what many people say on here with a grain of salt. Only when people cross the line and get personal talking about your family members does it really cross the line. I put the one asshole who did that to me on ignore. Most of the discussion posters on here do go for extras and otc. That doesn't mean those who don't won't have a place in the discussion. There are many other posts on here. Chime in on the ones you want to and don't on the others. There will be some who will ride you to see how thick your skin is. If there is someone who bothers you, put them on ignore. Then you never have to hear from them again. Like most places on the internet there are trolls. I hope you decide to stick around."
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    9 years ago
    "Oh let me finish that.....you piece of shit BITCH." zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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    9 years ago
    Yeah, I have put GAYca club and the other douche on the ignore list, and will keep monitoring. Just because someone is willing to pay more or not looking for sex, that doesn't mean their way of clubbing is wrong. And I really don't need lectures on political correctness from some shit for brains on a strip club discussion board. I saw that guy call you a liar. My interpretation of the tone of his post (which could be wrong) is that he thought your reports were too good to be true. But I know first hand that when you find a young one who is still new and hasn't developed into a shark yet, they tend to be more real (not completely real) with customers and less of a scam artist. "As to the other issues that you complain about, I think you need a tougher skin. If people criticize you either ignore it or defend your position. If people repeatedly and seriously irritate you, put them on ignore. I had several people calling me a liar earlier today just because I share stories of sexual adventures with my stripper. Sure I'm disappointed at some level because I'm only trying to share my exploits with like minded people. But I was over it before I responded. Why should it bother me? Ive got my DS, and that's all I really need."
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    9 years ago
    "1 Hour Ago • Don't come here all innocent and whine about "negativity" and "cowardice" when you oh-so bravely sit anonymously behind your keyboard and spew misogynist crap like you did in that other post. You reap what you sow." I am entitled to my opinion, am I not? Where I come from, a woman calling a man a "bitch" is grounds for cutting her down to size. Not everyone thinks the way you think. Grow the fuck up, bitch.