
Comments by grinddawg (page 2)

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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    You say that only God can judge us and I have no right to judge Lamepaw and her eunuch cronies, but by the same token you judge me. You called me a "fucking asshole" and an "angry sicko". I can bet you Lamepaw, maggot faggot 5005 and others are reading this. They thrive on bullying and strife. But when people point out their lack of logic and lies and bullshit, they resort to personal insults. Nothing I said has been contradicted by FACT. Lamepaw bragged about girls humming near her crotch and I said maybe they're checking for a dick. She got angry. She wouldn't answer the question about whether she used to be a man. WHY NOT IF SHE IS REALLY A WOMAN? She also said I didn't hit a nerve. Well, she promptly banned me after I pointed out she was the one who took the internet more seriously than me. I'm not trying to spin anything. Re-read the discussion. And I got an email a few days ago from a member thanking me for calling out "nasty dyke" (his words not mine) Lamepaw and her scum friends such as maggot faggot 5005 and chump master. "The reality is that you are judging others and you have no right to judge anyone. Only God can judge us. You have been ranting continuously here about someone that doesn't even seem to be on this thread anymore. You are coming across as angry, vindictive and petty. You can justify your endless ranting all you want but the only person that you are impacting is yourself. Others here aren't reading your content - All we see is someone who can't handle himself properly on a public forum and is obsessed with having the final word. You have really let this issue get to you while the focus of your irrational anger has obviously moved on. You need to do the same. Life's too short to be so angry about an anonymous stripclub forum post. Let it go."
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    9 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Donald Trump is a hero and man of honor. He's the man best qualified to bring this country back to greatness. I remember years ago when he bitch slapped that obnoxious lesbo Rosie O'Donnell and the liberal scum media tried to demonize him but it didn't work because he kept cashing checks and cashing checks and cashing checks. Who would you rather have running the USA? The Donald or that old bag Hillary? Who the fuck wants a women president, fuck that shit.
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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Thank you for your prayers, young man. But wouldn't your prayers be best directed towards Lamepaw and the cowardly sons of whores such as maggotfaggot 5005, chump master, etc? They are the losers who pay for sex, many of them married or in relationships and also substance abusers, and then brag about it on the internet. As if cheating on your significant other or getting laid by a prostitute are events to glorify. The truth is: 1) I asked Lamepaw if she was previously a man and she did not give a straight answer. I noticed her aggression previously, and suspected that maybe she/he used to be a man previously or had some type of mental imbalance. 2)She challenged me to bring it on and then banned me. Who is trying to save face? Me, the guy who reads this site when taking a dump, or Lopaw, the lifetime member for many years who kept replying within 15 minutes every time I reply her? She is the one seeking self validation here. She gets validation from being on strip club boards, not me. Google Lopaw and see how many results come up. She has used the internet to validate her strip club persona and hide her true feelings of despair and shame. I am just here to point out what a piece of vile two faced garbage she is. Pro womens rights but cheats on her wife and brags about eating pussy of escorts and strippers. This thread shows you their feebleness. As if I am going to respond to their trollbait cause anyone who sees the dialogue between me and Lamepaw will see she got all butt hurt when I theorized that maybe the girls were checking for a chick with a stick. She can't face the truth that many people think she is an oddball and an outcast for hanging out at strip clubs, not a hero like so many johns of prostitution on this piece of shit website think she is. Enjoy your holiday. Grinddawg
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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Flush goes the toilet on maggot faggot 5005, Lamepaw, Gayca, Chump Master, and the other jabroneys. I would tell y'all to kiss me where the sun don't shine. But you butt pirates are probably into that kind of shit. Flush goes the toilet on these maggots.
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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    oh my gosh, someone on the INTERNET doesn't like me? What am I gonna do now? You got punked, just like that skanky lesbo Lopaw and her pathetic posse of scum did. I did it the same way The Donald did it to fat lesbo Rosie O'Donnell.
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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    prick22, 0 reviews. get a life, you pussy.
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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    eat a dick, prick22. you jabroney.
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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Coming soon to a cable network near you (;-): "I am Lamepaw" New series highlights the trials and tribulations of female? PL Join us each week as our cameras follow the pathetic exploits of internet "legend" Lamepaw: a female? fat white loudmouthed strip club patron whose claim to fame is being a member of every strip club website on the internet. She/he/it is known as the "Rosie O'Donell" of Strip Clubs. The ensemble cast features he/her annoying side kicks reject5005, chump master, and GAYCA, three of her internet "posse" who also brag about paying for pussy and spending loads of time and money at strip clubs and brothels. Episode 1: Lamepaw buys lap dance and dancer hums around pants. Lamepaw gets excited and goes home to post on TUSCL. Episode 2: Lamepaw visits club. Gets angry when dancer ignores her. How dare a dancer ignore her because they don't want to dance for a dyke. In her liberal/progressive "utopia", a heterosexual dancer has no right to "discriminate" against a female? lesbian club patron. Episode 3: Lamepaw is a member of good standing of TER, a site that reviews prostitutes...ooops I mean escorts. Watch the veteran Jane of prostitution Lamepaw navigate an "OTC" session, cheat on her wife, and brag on the internet about it. Episode 4 "Queer Nation". Lamepaw and her lowly bunch of losers visit Las Vegas. Abuse alcohol and still can't get any action without paying for it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    I bitch slapped that nasty dyke Lopaw like The Donald did to Rosie. She never answered my question about previously being a man and got all butt hurt when I said maybe the dancers were checking if she was a chick with a stick when they "hummed" around her crotch during the dance. Then she told me to bring it on then blocked me when I pointed out that she has more of a reason to "save face". Like I care what these rejects think of me LOL. Ten years on a strip club discussion forum is nothing to be proud of, Lamepaw. And her so called "friends" are pathetic. No real man would shamelessly act like a woman's lap dog, especially for an obnoxious big mouthed lesbo like Slowpaw. She's the Rosie O'Donnell of these forums. A foul mouthed loud low class lesbo. It shows you how some people are truly mindless sheep. Makes me wonder if Lamepaw is a former man because she never gave a straight answer to the question. That retard 5005fag is so stupid he can't even think of his own insults. I called him a douche a couple of weeks ago and now he is repeating it back to me ad nauseam, and copied Dougster's insult also. What a total imbecile. Probably got a tranny lover so he became offended when I asked Lamepaw. What a bunch of losers these people are. Paying for pussy losers who probably never even joined the military or done anything for society. A bunch of real scumbags.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New Jersey
    Spearmint Rhino (Vegas)- $50 cover? Really?
    Damn, I've only paid $30 or gotten in free with the limo service. Dances have been $20 on the main floor forever. What kills me is the price of beer there. Last time I went was 2012, and it was over $10 for a bottle of beer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Grinddawg = Troll Killa You pussy trolls keep posting. You're on ignore. chessmaster [restore] Dougster [restore] GACAclub [restore] georgmicrodong [restore] hiroaki [restore] lopaw [restore] sclvr5005 [restore]
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    @Dancer95 I bitch slapped that nasty dyke Lopaw like The Donald did to Rosie. She never answered my question about previously being a man and got all butt hurt when I said maybe the dancers were checking if she was a chick with a stick when they "hummed" around her crotch during the dance. Then she told me to bring it on then blocked me when I pointed out that she has more of a reason to "save face". Like I care what these rejects think of me LOL. Ten years on a strip club discussion forum is nothing to be proud of, Lamepaw. And her so called "friends" retard5005 and "chumpmaster" and "GayMicro" are pathetic. No real man would shamelessly act like a woman's lap dog, especially for an obnoxious big mouthed lesbo like Slowpaw. She's the Rosie O'Donnell of these forums. A foul mouthed loud low class lesbo. It shows you how some people are truly mindless sheep. Makes me wonder if Lamepaw is a former man because she never gave a straight answer to the question. Just some speculations on these losers. I've only been on this forum less than two months, and I've already seen so many retards. The good thing is there are men of honor like myself to elevate the dialogue and put the trolls back in their place. I bet all these scum never even served in the military.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Grinddawg = Troll Killa You pussy trolls keep posting. You're on ignore. chessmaster [restore] Dougster [restore] GACAclub [restore] georgmicrodong [restore] hiroaki [restore] lopaw [restore] sclvr5005 [restore]
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    It said new posts were made but I'm not seeing anything. That leads me to believe it must have been a post by retard5005, Rosie O'Donell aka Lamepaw, Chump Master, or some other queer affiliated with them who I speedily blocked within weeks of joining. Talk about some keyboard warriors. I'm ex military and trained in boxing and jeet kune do. It would be a dream to drop the dawgs on some of these anonymous trolls one day in real life. What a bunch of douchebags. Grinddawg = Troll Killa
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Yes, I struck a nerve. You started talking tough and told me to bring it on and then beat a hasty retreat when I pointed out that you take this board way more seriously. Logic is obviously not your strong point. She never answered the question about transgender. Anyone else notice? I slam dunked this dumb bitch just like THE DONALD did to Rosie. LOL. And I put her retard buddies/other screen names on ignore so I don't have to read their stupid shit anymore lol. "You made it a point to provoke me here. You wanna continue to bring it, then bring it. The only point that you are continuing to make is how butthurt you are about me calling you out and this apparently is your sad little way to try and "get even". It ain't gonna work" "I'm not gonna waste one more post on you. You are an epic fail here, as I suppose you are in real life. You can now argue with yourself because you are a sad waste of time for everyone."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Looks like the "nasty dyke" (another member's words not mine) has tucked her tail and ran. It's quite obvious she took umbrage with the "chick with a stick" theory in regards to dancers "humming thru the pants alot" when they are giving her a lap dance.And when I pointed out I wasn't trying to save face but maybe she was, she resorted to more personal attacks like the "nasty dyke" (another member's words not mine) that she is.
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    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    Yes, I hit a nerve. And notice you did not answer the question about being transgender. That is very interesting. Nice try to spin things. You attacked me personally twice and your "friends" or yourself under different screen names attempted to pile on. But it didn't work. The "troll" here is you. Full of aggressiveness and name calling in order to provoke reactions from people with different opinions. And it's failing. I'm trying to save face?. This is the Internet: a bunch of anonymous people with screen names. Most reasonable people don't take it very seriously. Obviously you have a significant amount of time and emotion invested here, judging by your longevity here and the fact you respond to my posts so quickly.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Cum on her face
    It can be a great source of comedy when you get spunk in their hair because they sometimes become annoyed at the thought of cleaning their hair and getting your load out.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    You have a schlong? So you're a transgender claiming to be a lesbian? Looks like I hit a nerve with the chick with a stick comment? haha. Where are your other screen names...oh I mean "friends" to protect you? And I've gotten my share of compliments about my girth, sweetie. You sound curious. Maybe Lopaw swings both ways but doesn't want to ruin her street cred with the "queer is cool" simpletons and fag hags. ha ha. "Awwwww, don't be jealous grinddickless coz my shlongs bigger than yours."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is this an extra?
    "I get the humming thru the pants alot. It's nice (especially if she gets a nice vibration going) but it certainly isn't an extra in my book." The dancers are checking out Lamepaw to see if she is actually a chick with a stick. LOL
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Detroit Meetup Saturday Sept 12 Penthouse 8 pm
    Mayweather fight card starts at 8pm Eastern Standard Time that night.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Could I start stripping?
    I've known dancers with "Mommy titties" as one dancer referred to them, and one of them was able to save up money from her boob job by dancing. She was 20/21, and the rest of her body was kickin like a Bruce Lee flick. She had a flat tummy, ass so tight you could bounce a quarter off it, and pretty face. Do you work out? Are you in good shape? If you are average or above average in other areas besides the titties, you could make money. A big factor is personality. And your age can be used to your advantage, if you are one of the younger gals who is wild and funny. My YLDH (Young Latina Dream Hottie) is less than 21 years of age and has a fun and cute personality which helps her in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Help, what should I do?
    She may not be 18, or it may be a set up or sting. Better to save your energy for when you get back home.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I Finally Found My ATF
    Sure, she only did those things behind the curtain because she was with you, her most studly cool guy customer. She would never do that with anyone else.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Shit Testing Your Fave
    How do you reconcile your self proclaimed "win" with the fact that she totally ignored you until you apologized to her? As I said yesterday, she knows your games and your weakness. You are just a customer to her, and sooner or later she will end up firing you as a client.