Shit Testing Your Fave

avatar for alabegonz
After reading about a discussion here and thinking about how a certain type of stripper acts like she is entitled to have money without providing the service, I decided to play my new stripper friend who I ran into last Friday.

I thought what would happen if I do this and see how she reacts? Would she dump me right away? Maybe, let's find out.

So, we were texting and somehow the conversation went like I should come and visit her tonight and my reply to that was a big yes.

The night came and I was like: OK here goes the shit test. I'm supposed to show up on that time and have a fun time with her. Instead I was miles away, sitting in chair thinking what would I do to enjoy my night. So I send a text without mentioning I was late and all that crap. I get no reply, silence. I text her again around 1:30AM and again no reply.

Hmmm, this is interesting, she may just be busy.

2:30AM, I send her a message saying I am going home. No reply from her.

3:00AM, I send her "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." Then I get a message "It's OK."

Oh man. Let's see if she can handle that. I'm sure she will dump me and flake on me from here on and simply go cold on me.

Like I give a fuck.


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avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
There are a ton of men out there.

It's not like she would shed a tear for one guy--me.

Dude, these girls can handle it, she has seen thousands of dudes already.

I'll be a bad memory to her.

If she can't get over it, well, I will stay with her and move it forward. But first she has to get over this one.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
"ATF is going to notice. Curious to see what happens."

I think you will get punished for that.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Why the fuck bother? I mean, you sit there and complain about how she treats you, and then, instead of just saying good bye and moving on, you have to fuck with her?

You are *way* too emotionally wrapped up in this girl. Move on *now* before it's too late.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
This thread is a multiple fail.

#1 There has to be some type of courtship/relationship going on for a "shit test" to take place. Strippers and customers are in a business relationship, not a dating or courtship.

Regardless, the vast majority of the time it's a FEMALE shit testing a guy to see if he's congruent with his frame (persona) and not needy.

Example: Civvie girl in bar you're chatting up starts making comments to see how you will react.

#2 Your shit test totally failed. She ignored all your texts until you apologized to her and then sent the "it's okay" test. She has a stronger frame than you. She may have not even been busy, but saw through your attention getting behavior.

Guys and girls, dancers interact with hundreds of customers a month and are hit on constantly on and off the job. They are hustlers and can see through or figure out most customer ruses without much difficulty.

Running "shit tests" to see if a dancer cares about you is pretty much a waste of time considering it's a business relationship.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
If you engage with them at all, especially if you have exchanged phone numbers with them, then you will be involved in their drama.

Good to see you back Alabegonz.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
OP: I read your post's about this dancer a couple of times and still can't figure out the issue. Seems like she is giving you pretty good service when you are with her. What is it exactly you want from her?
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
+1 for what gmd said. I just don't see the point in any of that.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
It sounds like she didn't even care.

You were probably one of a dozen guys she texted.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I don't usually return stripper shit with customer shit. But I guess my thread the other day about getting even with a DS back up who screwed me proves that there are exceptions to that rule. Still, this doesn't strike me as a situation where that was called for.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
It's funny you guys (???) tell that shit like you do not do those things to your girls.

What I did was simply Shit Testing her, nothing big about that, mi hermanos.

Wait, I guess she lost a drop of of money that night, a Benjamin or two if I may say. She's awesome looking girl, bro. She can make at least fives on a night.

Plus, these Joes/Joses/Morons are by the dozen emptying their wallets on lapdances which actually good for every dancers working at that club.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
"Running "shit tests" to see if a dancer cares about you is pretty much a waste of time considering it's a business relationship. "

It's cool bro. She's still around, we are still texting.

I think that one did not even put a dent on her armor.

She's stronger than what most people think.
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
I do not shit test my fave or any other dancer. If I tell my girl I will be there, I am going to be there if I can help it.

The reason is this: I wouldn't want someone to fuck with my money so I don't do it to someone else. She has a general idea of how much I'm going to spend, and she may need that money to pay a bill the next day or buy something for her kid. If I've told her I'm going to be there a certain night, she may have especially got a ride from the bartender or taken an Uber. Not showing up would be a douche move, unless my car broke down or there were some unforeseeable circumstances.

Some of you
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
Some of you guys really need to get a life. Trolling dancers and wasting their time. Where is the fun in that?
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
"If I've told her I'm going to be there a certain night, she may have especially got a ride from the bartender or taken an Uber. "

You're implying like I'm the only possible source for that night. Nope, I'm not the only guy with a wallet that night.

What about the Stripper Shit I got from her? I'm OK with that, I took it like a man.

I manned-up on that one, took the shit and called it good.
avatar for motownkid
9 years ago
dude - Like they told Michael Corleone - remember - "it wasn't personal - it was business". This is her job - I am sure if she did not return the texts - she was busy making another dude pay up. Sorry man - hate to be so harsh but it is what it is...
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
bitch slapping grinddawg is much more fun.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
@alabegonz: "It's funny you guys (???) tell that shit like you do not do those things to your girls."

If you're talking about the whole going back for more punishment thing you appear to be doing, not once we figure out what's going on.

If you're talking about the "shit testing", no, I don't. Why waste time and energy that would be better spent having actual sex, instead of wishing for it?
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
alabegonz posted: "It's funny you guys (???) tell that shit like you do not do those things to your girls."

Maybe because we don't. Why the fuck bother? There are too many other chicks in the farm yard to be wasting time on that crap.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
"If you're talking about the "shit testing", no, I don't. Why waste time and energy that would be better spent having actual sex, instead of wishing for it?"

Shit test a waste of time?

Dude, hear me out, here.

I just made a huge win doing that.

Not going to tell how it went down, but I'm sure those words she said is going to put a big smile on my face.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
"Maybe because we don't. Why the fuck bother? There are too many other chicks in the farm yard to be wasting time on that crap."

Dude, turning your back and walking away is not the way to go.

Of course you can contest me on that one, I will not say it works all the time.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
" I do not shit test my fave or any other dancer. If I tell my girl I will be there, I am going to be there if I can help it."

I dunno dude, this may work for you but if I do what you say -- she will walk all over me.
avatar for grinddawg
9 years ago
How do you reconcile your self proclaimed "win" with the fact that she totally ignored you until you apologized to her?

As I said yesterday, she knows your games and your weakness. You are just a customer to her, and sooner or later she will end up firing you as a client.
avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
"As I said yesterday, she knows your games and your weakness. You are just a customer to her, and sooner or later she will end up firing you as a client."

No contest there, bro. Logically I agree to that as well.

But we are dealing with stripper/woman here who is also into it. She has a buy-in into the game.

That means she's going to play.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Alabegonz shit tests them. GACAclub uses pimp moves on them. But no matter, anyone who engages with them still gets wound up in their drama. Posturing only makes it worse because it isn't being straight.

avatar for alabegonz
9 years ago
I forgot about this thread.

"Posturing only makes it worse because it isn't being straight."

Straight what?

Posturing is a strategic move designed to make her line up with an agreed protocol.

I dunno dude, these girls are pros, hustlers, mentirosas. I can't even figure out what straight means.

It has been a time since I posted back and a lot of things happened already with this girl.

One thing I'm sure of.

1. When I'm there to see here, she is one hell of the friend inside the club. She hates it when I toss singles to other girls.
2. When we go out, oh my man, she is muy loca en la cama, very very wild.
3. When she is not available, that's the part I don't even think about.

Bottomline here is dude, this girl does not want a relationship, she is very happy where she is at right now, and I am just a phone call away from having a very intense serious moment.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
"Posturing is a strategic move designed to make her line up with an agreed protocol."

Being straight just means being yourself, saying and doing what you feel and nothing else. It means you are not trying to manipulate her by playing games with her.

Being straight is how you stay grounded. She probably is playing games. But you playing games ( shit testing, pimp moves, posturing, etc. ) only makes it worse because you no longer have an anchor. So once you stop being straight you get wound into her drama. But if you stay straight you can pull back when needed.

Girl who doesn't want a relationship, part of it is just that she doesn't want to get hurt. Pull back, but still stay close by. And always stay straight yourself.

Good Luck


Santana 2000…
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