Comments by TheProphetJuice (page 4)
discussion comment
10 years ago
Thy prophet does knot swin that wayeth brother Shylynne butt I am sure thou couldst fine many willin too do so. Blesset bee the jackers off
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10 years ago
Al while waring a KFC boukettt on there head an givin thank too the holy Grown Hogg
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10 years ago
They shoul do so in the name of the Juice, the Duke, an the Holy Shit
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10 years ago
So sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
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10 years ago
John mye discipal thou shouldst fine the a hore too warship. Kno the sabbit an keep it holy
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10 years ago
Xcept four those times when your prophet usesth the dilute pea aftur a nite of drinkin 40 oz Schlitz all nite. That holy water is xtra holy becuz it cameth fourth frum my holy dick whut was bein held bye my holy sausage fingers
discussion comment
10 years ago
Butt my holy water is gin brother Shylynne
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10 years ago
Thou speekest the true brother Mikha'el four Bukethead is frum the choir off the LORD mane
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10 years ago
Four I am a holy mane of yhe LORD mane
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10 years ago
Her willangness too engageth in acts of warship with the final prophet of the LORD mane. Woodest thou enjoy a holy sausage finger up your asswhole?
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10 years ago
I jacketh off wit my holy sausage fingers
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10 years ago
I loveth the holy porno sights
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10 years ago
In the nam of the Juice, the Duke, and the Holy Shit
discussion comment
10 years ago
If yor Prohet is especialy move he wilt give the holy shocker wit his holy sausage fingers
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10 years ago
I inserteth my holy sausage fingers in her asswhole and sayeth that she is blesset bye the LORD mane
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Cum too my house bee one of us
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Thou art warshipfull John wood you like too bee a disipal of the LORD mane?
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
It is the dooty of all holy pilgrims to the stripclub too treet the hores wit respect
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Al hores art sacret so sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
So sayeth the final prophet off the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
The LORD mane hath tol me to warship the hores with sexe butt never too fuketh the doggs. An treet the Grown Hoggs with respect too
discussion comment
10 years ago
Yankiefan83 thou shouldst posteth naked piktures of thy wife four all of us too jack off too. Dildos and buttplougs would also bee goode. So sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Thou hast truely hadest a warship xperiance xtroordinaire ujay. So sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
Solo PL
The LORD mane sayeth that it is not so. The LORD mane loveth all of us howsoever we art thy prophet is 300 pounds and has the holy sausage fingers