avatar for TheProphetJuice

Comments by TheProphetJuice (page 5)

discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for TheProphetJuice
Giveth all thy mooney too the hores with golden harts
Four the children Loveth the Grown Hogg and hores of good hart Loveth there blesset childrin
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for TheProphetJuice
Giveth all thy mooney too the hores with golden harts
Giveth the chilren the blesset Grown Hogg as a pett
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Tennessee stripper charged with starving 2-month-old son to death: police
Blesset art the litle children. Al parents should care four there children so sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
That is not creapy so sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
The LORD mane hath tol me that hore is an honourabil profession far moar so than many others so she is preparing her daughter four a lif of honor an warship by holy men
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Diva1975
Blesset are the hores with DD titties. So sayeth the final prophet of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
OT: More on Today's Jobs Report
Whatt need hath your prophet four mooney if he hath food, shelter an hores? The LORD man hath provideth all of that and moar
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
OT: More on Today's Jobs Report
My jobb is bein the final prophet of the LORD mane. I need not the filthy mooney four the LORD mane sustaineth mee with the flesh of the Grown Hogg and the nuggats of KFC an he giveth my holy sausage fingers the abilitie too dazzel the hores.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for ButterMan
Anybody ever take a stripper out of town with you?
Cum too my house bee on of us
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for ButterMan
Anybody ever take a stripper out of town with you?
Jackeslash the LORD mane hath decried that thy shoul take hores on holy pilgrimidges too the house of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for TheProphetJuice
Bee carefull of the StroDiggs
Joeseph my brother RevJohn is going too fuk StroDiggs in the mouf four he is of LUCIFER
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
Wrestler Haystacks Calhoun was a cousin of Juice?
Do any off you have sausage fingers?
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
Wrestler Haystacks Calhoun was a cousin of Juice?
Thank about it I coul bee blood related too any of you
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
Wrestler Haystacks Calhoun was a cousin of Juice?
Billie Dee Calhoun may have been my ganndpappie butt I am not sure. The LORD mane hath hidden my true parentage frum me so I can identify with all men as brothers and al women as sisters
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
OT: "Today's Jobs Report Marks a 'Sea Change' for the U.S. Labor Market"
The LORD mane hath tol me not too worriest about the things of the world lik mooney. Give all your mooney too the hores for sloppie blow jobbies so that thee may live with the Juice, the Duke, and the Holy Shit fourevermore
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for TheProphetJuice
Bee carefull of the StroDiggs
I shalt ward off StroDiggs with my holy sausage fingers
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
@TheProphetJuice.......Amazing Grace by the Mighty Groundhogs
Holy sausage fingers
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
@TheProphetJuice.......Amazing Grace by the Mighty Groundhogs
I need not offerings frum my most loyal discipal Mikha'el four thou art truely on who art Godly. I shalt speeketh with the LORD mane on thy beehalf. But the LORD mane moveth in mysterie wayes and he hath tested his final prophet. I beeleevest that he shalt helpest thou. Blesset bee the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for ButterMan
Anybody ever take a stripper out of town with you?
Verily I have takin a hore on a pilrimage with me too findeth the house of the LORD mane
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for slickwilliam
New York
I approve. Do you?
Thou art truely a mane of the LORD mane Joeseph may you fuketh hores all thy days
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for slickwilliam
New York
I approve. Do you?
Thou art blesset Joeseph four thou hast face fuked a sexie hore
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
@TheProphetJuice.......Amazing Grace by the Mighty Groundhogs
Joeseph I thought thou wast truely a discipal of the LORD mane. I still vuest thou with love in my holy hart and offerest thou the holy KFC nuggats and Frie Grown Hogg with my holy sausage fingers. Cum bake too my flack
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
okay, so what percent of dancers do provide extras?
I tell them too cum too my house and fuk us so thou shouldst cum too my house an bee on of us
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
okay, so what percent of dancers do provide extras?
Every striper that I have touched with my holy sausage fingers has becum a hore four the LORD mane and they art blesset
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for VeryBigDawg
Stripper has "Slut" Tattooed on her Cunt
The LORD mane hath decried that hores an sluts shold markest themselvs with the ink of sluttiness four blesset art the slut an hores