Comments by san_jose_guy (page 92)

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    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Eliminate extra’s from Gentlemen clubs
    There is no reason to ever solicit a woman. I don't talk to women that way, ever. Mental Illness is a myth, and those psychiatric neurotoxins should not even exist. The people who make and distribute them should be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity and they should receive the death penalty. And Icey, I don't know exactly what your problem is. But there is something strange going on with you. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Chaos Magick
    The Color of Magic, by Terry Pratchett. Finally have this in hand. This would be the first of about 40 fantasy novels for Pratchett. This one introduced DISCWORLD, and this idea of the Chaos Start and its 8 Rays, each corresponding to a different color, or type of magic. Peter J. Carroll started writing about Chaos Magick before this, but by his second book Liber Kaos, he had adopted Pratchett's 8 colors and Chaos Star. SJG Gimme Shelter - School of Rock
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    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Eliminate extra’s from Gentlemen clubs
    CA is one of just a few states which link alcohol to the skin level. But then this county has a whole bunch more rules of its own. If subject to Constitutional test, most of these could be overturned. But no one has been willing to do this yet. For a long time our DA was George Kennedy and he was extreme and excessive in a lot of ways. We run around 12,000 felony cases a year. 39 out of 40 are settled by plea agreements. It is really just the most serious that go to trial, making for around 300 trials per year. And of those trials there is a 98% conviction rate. So 6 out of 12,000 felonies are able to beat the rap. Close evaluation by a panel of law school professors and retired appeals court judges found that around 1/3 of our felony trials had serious problems with them, things for which they should have been overturned. The voters dumped George Kennedy, but it was probably the Appeals Court which was really failing to do its job. This county's DA's office known though that just one lost jury trial could make this county the same as San Francisco, so they do what it takes to prevent that. For myself, having been in underground places where there really are no rules, it is just between you and the women, and having some Latina hotties with the perfect attitude, I would never want to take any dance buying place at face value again. You need to break out of the box and get the girl you want completely off script. And then probably be waking up with her in the monrings. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Eliminate extra’s from Gentlemen clubs
    It is true in this county, much more strict than other places. Strict when there is alcohol, as there are all sorts of rules added to the alcohol licensing. The only ones without alcohol are our nude clubs, but there have never been more than our two. All kinds of Adult Entertainment Rules, and then stuff club owners are bullied into. Very strict. Now, is there really no touching at all? Often this has not been true, limited touching. And of FRMOS, in our above ground clubs, when that happens it is usually the doing of a girl. Not everyone always follows all rules all the time. And plenty of OTC providers. SJG Gimme Shelter - School of Rock
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    2 years ago
    Sri Lanka, could it happen here ?
    We've also set up a political and economic system which guarantees poverty amidst plenty, writing off a large segment of our population, usually the scapegoats of the middle-class family, and with more people than not just barely making it. SJG Gimme Shelter - School of Rock
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    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Eliminate extra’s from Gentlemen clubs
    Things got loose in San Francisco because the Mitchell Bros would not be intimidated and went through a felony jury trial. After that it was impossible for LE to do anything. But because of that, in this county, LE will not let anything go before a jury. They bully defendants into pleading guilty, or they use civil methods of closing down venues. The DA's office is terrified of what a jury could do, and that a genie could get out of its bottle. SJG
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    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Eliminate extra’s from Gentlemen clubs
    In this county our above ground strip clubs are still no touching. Long ago people thought that was the only way that it could be legal. No one really sees it like that anymore, but our DA's office is committed to not letting things get like San Francisco, so they hold to preposterous interpretations of the law and use methods to intimidate defendants and use civil procedures to stop anything involving touching. But this is why we have an on and off again underground where things are much looser, and where most all the girls do all the OTC they can. And then the real future seems to be in these Private Party / Membership venues, where it will be impractical for LE to enforce any law on consenting adults. SJG Gimme Shelter - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    " You won't get a public defender for a misdemeanor without the da asking for jail time. And the point of a public defender is to provide counsel for those who cannot afford it ie the indigent. And you have to apply to procede in forma pauperis if you file things yourself in small cases " Totally untrue. You are entitled to a public defender as soon as you are named as a suspect or charged. You can communicate with them at anytime. For most small cases you can meet with them on the day of your arraignment and they can try to get it dismissed. You do not have to be indigent or answer any questions about your finances. If not dismissed, they will prepare a defense for you as your trial date approaches. And you are also entitled to represent yourself if you wish, indigent or not. LE does not want to proceed with cases which have no evidence because they will get humiliated, and they could also be sued for false arrest. THis is why CA and lots of places came up with this loitering with intent law because fairly enforcing the prostitution law is just about impossible. SJG Rainbow - Stone Cold
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Eliminate extra’s from Gentlemen clubs
    That is not how the term extra has usually be used. But what I like is beautiful women. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    We are going to have Younger, Better Looking, and More Proactively Dressed SG! All LE ever does is drive down the looks and the manner of dress in the SG until no one can take them seriously as hookers! SJG
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    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    Totally untrue! Once named as a suspect you are entitled to a free attorney. For small cases you will usually meet a representative of the Public Defender's Office on the day of your arraignment, and you don't have to be indigent. Public Defenders routinely get bull shit cases dismissed at arraignment. Most traffic citations are infractions and then you don't get to have a jury trial or a Public Defender. If police arrest you without evidence, you can sue them. SJG Rainbow - Stone Cold
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Site of former Las Vegas strip club catches fire for third time in recent weeks
    Curious. I wonder how long the club has been closed for, and if they were preparing to do anything else with the site. Buildings with construction going on can be more vulnerable to fires. SJG Rainbow - Stone Cold
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    You will be assigned a Public Defender. But the simple fact is, not even LE will pursue a case with no evidence. SJG David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart denounce the notion that these spree shootings are caused by “Mental Illness”. Vanilla Fudge - Keep Me Hanging On - Chicago School of Rock Show Team
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Eliminate extra’s from Gentlemen clubs
    Champ, we have talked a little bit about this before. Let me just confirm here, you are a strip club customer, not a dancer. And you are male. I for one have never gone a long with the concept of "Extras". I mean usually that means BJ. And for me I don't see BJ in that situation as that big of a deal. If you like the girl, then you want her to open up to you, and so you want to be acting on her body. So its DFKing, DATY, FIV, and FS. BJ is something that can happen when there is time and a suitable situation, as an extra step of embellishment. And if that is not to be right then, then you want her to see and feel that you are saving your load for when she gives it up for you. That she sees this increases the chances that it will be happening soon. I think though maybe you are saying that the women need to be protected from what they are doing, protected from the desires of customers, or protected from themselves. Well they are of legal age, so they are presumed able to make their own decisions. This is about the only country that is really zealous about enforcing the prostitution law. So this is why we have strip clubs. We can't have brothels, or at least not openly, but our constitution protects free speech, and in this courts have found a right to nude dancing. So it is the conjunction of these two pulls which have given us strip clubs. In most other countries strip clubs are brothels. The strip club idea is just something that they, influenced by the US, have grafted onto it. Over time, support for the prostitution law continues to dissipate. Most laws only work because most people agree with them. With prostitution this is getting to be less and less so. And then it being a victimless crime, the prostitution law is very hard to enforce without all sorts of LE misconduct. I think eventually the Extras concept will go away and we will have straight up brothels for strip clubs. I look forward to this. SJG David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart denounce the notion that these spree shootings are caused by “Mental Illness”. Vanilla Fudge - Keep Me Hanging On - Chicago School of Rock Show Team
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    Icee, prostitution is a misdemeanor, so you are entitled to a jury trial. Here it is a jury of 6. Unless all 6 can come to a unanimous verdict of guilt, then they cannot convict you. Now true, most of the time in prostitution cases defendants are bullied into pleading guilty. They are afraid of the public exposure and the penalties really amount to nothing. But this is why Senator Scott Wiener authored SB-357, as police have been engaging in all manner of harassment and they have been arresting people with no real evidence. California lawmakers are proposing to decriminalize loitering with the intent for prostitution Icee, when the DA burns 6 jurors and can't get a conviction, they look foolish. Jury trial is what keeps the system honest. DAs, Cops, and Courts don't like to be publicly humiliated. So they drop cases which have no real evidence right off. Would you really want this to be the kind of a society where picking up a woman on the sidewalk is a crime? And as far as Care Courts, civil rights groups remain adamant in their opposition and they have testified at each committee hearing. Hope of blocking it is not lost. But as it does seem likely that it will pass, plans are being laid for adamant opposition at every juncture. And this Susan Eggman is involved in Mental Health, Social Work, and Euthanasia because she gets off on persecuting family scape goats. SJG David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart denounce the notion that these spree shootings are caused by “Mental Illness”. Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Spree Shooting!
    David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart denounce the notion that these spree shootings are caused by “Mental Illness”. 1st funeral for victim of Highland Park shooting gets under way | GMA Law Enforcement Struggles Explaining How Highland Park Shooter Avoided Illinois Red Flag Law Highland Park shooting left an 8 year old paralyzed from the waist down SJG Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    Trial By Jury! And a case like you are describing, zero evidence, would get thrown out of court! SJG girl's amazing voice
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Strategy for OTC
    You have to pick the one you like and let her know it. Never treat her like a prostitute. ANd if possible find an FS-ITC club and do her in the back room. And always always try for a front room feel up and make out session with the one you want. SJG this girl's voice is amazing
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    How Many Dances Would It Take?
    Cowboy, WTF? SJG this girl's voice is amazing
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    2 years ago
    SJG and Charlie Manson?
    One of the most disturbing facets is that long after Manson and his people were behind bars, like for two years, there were other killings which seem to have been connected. This Process Church, made by dissident members of Scientology UK. Levenda references a classic text on this subject: SJG 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 3 Set 2 ELO - Mr Blue Sky - School of Rock All Stars - Team 5 - Metro
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is there a correlation with a dancer’s willingness to do OTC and her relationshi
    I think a woman serious attached will not want to be doing other guys. But she will also be backing herself out of strip clubs. For the others, their willingness, in my opinion will usually have a lot to do with how it is being presented. It is important never to treat them as prostitutes, as the will run many off, and there really is no reason to ever treat them that way. SJG Yes - I've Seen All Good People - 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 3
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    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    James Caan famous for his role as Sonny Corleone from The Godfather dies at 82
    Note also that NYPD Police Capt. McCluskey hit Michael in the face hard enough to break his jaw. Michael was just trying to protect his father from this corrupt pig. Well some one also hit the daughter of Americgo Boneseara hard enough to break her jaw. We are left having to ask ourselves whether or not we really believe her father's version of events. SJG A Taste of Honey - Boogie Oogie Oogie - 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
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    2 years ago
    SJG and Charlie Manson?
    Peter Levenda Sinister Forces 3 extremely well researched thick volumes. They deal with a whole lot of stuff, but the Manson nexus gets the most pages in each of the volumes. SJG Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    " If a car pulls up and a known hooker enters that's solicitation. A cops word is evidence enough for cases like this. " That is patent bullshit. We don't live in a society where picking up a pretty girl on the sidewalk is a crime. And it is not a crime for a pretty girl to stand on the sidewalk either. The loitering with intent law was just an attempt to codify completely unconstitutional practices. So State Senator Scott Wiener was absolutely right in submitting a bill to nullify it, and fortunately it passed. This is not Saudi Arabia. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    James Caan famous for his role as Sonny Corleone from The Godfather dies at 82
    I tried to do it from memory, I think I got it close. But here: Sonny : Hey, whaddya gonna do, nice college boy, eh? Didn't want to get mixed up in the Family business, huh? Now you wanna gun down a police captain. Why? Because he slapped ya in the face a little bit? Hah? What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot 'em a mile away? You've gotta get up close like this and - bada-BING! - you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. C'mere... [kisses Michael's head] Michael : Sonny... Sonny : You're taking this very personal. Tom, this is business and this man is taking it very, very personal. Also when these guys talk about what is business instead of personal, nonsense. It is all completely personal. SJG