
Comments by Mate27 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    2010, Hiliter. I’d get all the bareback bj’s from those good looking dancers that have long retired. The club doesn’t offer the same product or set up like it used to. Now I just no longer attempt to get service from unattractive dancers for patrons who have an open view with no privacy.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting married
    Show me a hot woman and I’ll show you someone tired of fucking her. All men normally get tired of being with a woman no matter her level of attraction. Not only does their pussy smell if not cleaned regularly, but their emotions get more and more overbearing throughout time. This is typical. We men have our nuances that irritate women, too. I think about the life created together, and the easiest way to build wealth is to be successfully married, and the quickest way to destroy wealth is to get divorced. Pick your battles, but pick the woman you’re going to war with and won’t give up, and you’ll find yourself a keeper. One thing is you never know what life throws at you, so definitely avoid fickle women. Looks will fade, and so will your libido, but the memories and content you retain with the family you create allows you to ride off into the sunset being thrown on top of a heap of rubbish, totally exhausted. I’d rather have been married and miserable than to have never tried, and find the same result.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    What was the last great meal you had out?
    The table side Caesar’s salad at the golden stier in Vegas was the tops! Seeing all the old pics of the Rat Pack and other celebrities brought nostalgia and enjoying them making it right in from of you while knowing your meal is being made with a top notch cocktail in hand is priceless. Only cost me about $200 for two people. I make better steaks at home, but at least this one had me full and entertained for over 2 hours.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: High Yield Savings Accounts
    I’d suggest one of two options for your cash to earn higher interest. Either go online and create an account at Treasury Direct, or open a brokerage account at Charles Schwab. Treasury direct will allow you to purchase directly 4 week notes (or longer) and bonds with longer durations. Since this is cash you may need in an unforeseen pinch, I recommend purchasing only 4-8 week notes as their yields are at 5.45% and annualized at 5.7% or more (reinvested with interest). Once the note expires they’ll automatically returned to where you do your banking or you can auto renew to another 4 week or 8 week note by a push of the button. If you prefer immediate liquidity of your cash, then direct it to a brokerage account (Schwab or fidelity), and once it has been deposited into your brokerage account simply by a short term etf like SGOV (1-3 month treasuries) or SHY (1-3 year treasuries). These are funds invested in US treasury notes and bills with a minute charge. The SGOV still gives me close to 5.4% ROR and the SHY is around 5%, but at least my 1-3 year duration on the SHY fund is guaranteed for a longer duration. You could go out further on the yield curve 7-10 years with IEF etf, but my guess is rates on the long end will rise so you’re better of sticking shorter duration. The problem with going to the online banks that offer higher yields on their money markets is that you’ll only get that rate for a minute until the fed decides to cut rates, which is about to happen soon(albeit only a 1/2 % or so). The treasury direct or brokerage account option will lock in your rate of return for a longer duration than those online banks, which will only have the high yield temporarily. The brokerage account funds on short term durations can be liquidated immediately for your needs, and the treasury direct option allows you to ladder out your amounts for differing periods in case you can’t wait too long for them to expire. Good luck, you got some homework but after a couple hours of research you’ll be getting 4-5% higher return on your cash.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Layoffs 2024
    For those reporting hiring freezes, it’s quite the common approach currently by corporations to manage their staff, to take a wait and see approach. This year will mark the highest amount of retirees defaming social security in the history of our country. Those benefits are being unlocked from our treasury department at a higher volume and assets from retirement plans assist. This is somewhat building a safety net for our economy going forward, much like when unemployment insurance and welfare benefits became prevalent after the Great Depression. The main deters to keep your eyes out on the horizon is if tax rates go back up to prior the TCJRA act in 2017. If so small corporations and individuals will take the beutnf od the slowdown, and it will be sometime before we can get out of the stagflation art event. I know I Morgan quit working if the tax rates go up to prior levels. I’d pay almost $40k less in taxes annually if I quit work and maintain the same amount of income to spend. Smh… I ain’t working for the man come that scenario.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Decent Weekday Outing
    Yeah, most of the dancers are sitting in their phones watching Tesla stock they’ve purchased in their brokerage account, hoping it’ll be their white knight to getting them out of the industry.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Songs that don't seem to get old
    I mean this is a strip club website, so I’m amazed somebody hasn’t mentioned “Loyal” by Chris Brown…. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JXRN_LkCa_o
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Bill Burr - ya or nay?
    No reason to hit a woman??!! The gall to say that. I can list 9 off the top of my head in a drunken stupor, but you just don’t do it. There are thousands of reasons to hit a woman. Burr commenting after watching a clip from “The View”.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Bill Burr - ya or nay?
    Something I totally agree with OP about. Bill Burr is one comedian I will listen to his podcasts. The guy has proven delivery from years of honing his skill. Just saw him a couple months ago and he gave us two hours of belly laughs. The only thing I disagree with the OP on this topic is his wife. My wife was the one who bought tickets to see him, and she said she nearly kissed her pants during the show. My favorite line from Burr is when he remarks about people getting plastic surgery when they’re older, and says “quit trying to look fuckable in your 50’s! You’ve had a good run.” So true….its funny seeing those old fucks trying to keep their youth.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Name One Movie…
    I concur with Jackslash’s recommendation on “Nebraska”. I remember watching it when it came out and thought even though it is dark, will forte played it well and shed comedy onto an unforgiving topic like dementia. My father watched it too and was just starting his dementia, and it was a real slap in the face to wake up to what was about to become to him shortly after that movie. Great story.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    That was rough one to watch. Unfortunately the average voter doesn’t understand the system or n place, knowing that it’s the Supreme Court and congress that runs most of politics. It’s why FDR was in nay shown in certain photos, but Biden didn’t get the same treatment. I hate liberal policy, but I hate unbridled power and self grandizinf even more from Trump. Wow, we need a youthful regeneration so bad I the USA right now! We’re all turning into a nation of SkiDumbs! That’s glum…..
  • article comment
    4 months ago
    A tale of two strip clubs... and a book signing!
    You’re old, but in a good way in that you remember the good old days. They’re not like that anymore. The man wants to control everything, and give little in return.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Name One Movie…
    I’ve said it before and it’s worth repeating. This movie is an under the radar comedy about a sheltered small town insurance salesman (Ed Helms) from Wisconsin that travels to an insurance seminar to the big City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He meets other peers in the industry like John C Reilly and Anne Heche. Ed Helms gets wrapped up in an ethical dilemma and struggles with his identity after some eye opening dealings that include bribery and infidelity with Anne Heche. It’s an independent film so was never advertised titled “Cedar Rapids”.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    OP, just a thought that if push comes to shove you can apply the feature on your phone and anytime you go to the club simply turn it off until you leave. Reading through all these uppity comments from “Dumb” posters shows me they failed to read your post, which is the wife isn’t demanding anything, she is simply doing what most women do, which is they follow others in the group with their ultra herd mentality. Since her offspring is onboard with the tech feature she believes she should also follow so it may be time to agree with her, but come up with the excuse that your phone died whenever you go into the club for what, an hour or so? Simple solutions for which common sense seems to not apply to those that are “Dumb”!
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Joey Votto walks a lot and he'd also walk out of here
    Who’s Joey Votto?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    How many strippers do you think are on the spectrum?
    My experience with strippers is they tend to be overly dramatic, and like hype up the most mundane Of topics. This autism thing is the low hanging fruit where media has spotlighted a big nothing burger. An a similar note, people who use drugs tend to reveal autistic like symptoms!
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Friday afternoon fun after several months of not going to clubs.
    Glad to see they hire new talent, and most are pretty. Regular status should get you access to regular service. I’m not a regular but would like to try to be with some of them.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “Felony”? I think we all know those “felony” charges won’t hold. Misdemeanor you are more in line, but not felony.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Mary's works as an opener but not a main event
    An old sailors pub with architect from back in the early 20th century. Great landmark but not a great strip club. Do the dancers still feed a juke box for music? They used to ask me for tips and they’d play me a song.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Top 40 is Back!
    The list to me only means two of the stupidest people on the internet have me on mute, ie SkiDumb and 2-bits. lol!!
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Sunday Not So Funday
    Wonder what the loss is on liquor with less customers going here? Trying to get more production per unit of business when the market is being reduced doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. Best to try and increase their market share for increased revenue streams, but that’s just seems like too much common sense I guess.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Top 40 is Back!
    Band AIDS is back into the worst 40 clubs, a title well earned.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Diamond in the rough
    You’re so dumb^^(and old) that you permanently need a ventilator to keep you alive. Way to defend the geriatric trick clique SkiDumb!!
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    No consistency at Bandaids
    ive pretty much avoided thus club lately due to your headline. i find it difficult to find some dancer suitable to my liking, hence the only thing consistent is the lack of talent, and the lack of english used.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Diamond in the rough
    ^^ you’re so dumb I’m surprised you can breathe.