Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
Comments by NinaBambina (page 2)
discussion comment
13 days ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
"Your anger made me laugh so hard I coughed for about 5 minutes."
No shit, I bet you did, you ancient miserable fuck. You shouldn't have started with me if you didn't want me to finish with you.
discussion comment
13 days ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Skibum. You're a 70 year old fucking DIVORCE ATTORNEY and you have no kids and never will so you try to feel better about yourself by shitting on undocumented immigrants because their wives actually produced children for them and your wife didn't, while you pretend that your 70 year old wife is as hot as a 25 year old stripper (LMAO) and that's why you're always angry at your life and have to go skiing all the time to air out the frustration of your pathetic hate-filled and otherwise empty life while pretending to be "conservative" just because you're a miserable fucking old bastard who complains all the time about literally everything. And the reality is that the majority of these "illegals" are ACTUALLY far more conservative than you are, while you jerk off to strippers who are way hotter than the geriatric woman you are married to who has clearly left you unfulfilled on every level in life. Go smoke a joint and maybe you will feel better, you prime example of a hypocrite conservative oxygen thief. How's that for virtue signaling?
discussion comment
13 days ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
"As far as Juan picking strawberries? Get a green card and welcome."
You seem to be under the impression that Green Cards are given out like candy. It is actually incredibly hard, if not nearly impossible, for Juan to get a Green Card, since he comes from an impoverished nation, doesn't speak much English, didn't go to college, and isn't qualified for a job that would magically grant him a Green Card or even a temporary work Visa. But Juan lives in a dangerous area. He can either stay in Mexico and possibly die or watch his kids die, or he could enter the US and work his ass off without a Green Card, minding his business and giving his children a better life while contributing to our economy. I know giving poor children a better life is a foreign and dirty concept to you, because you neither have children nor empathy, and you'll never have either. But believe it or not, there are billions of people on earth who weren't lucky enough to have been born in a first world nation and they are striving for better for themselves.
discussion comment
13 days ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
^Juan is undocumented* in this scenarios, not documented. Typo.
discussion comment
13 days ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
"90% of drivers admit to speeding, so they are criminals."
A lot of the PLs here admit to getting extras, so they're criminals too. But special rules apply to them. It's OK when they commit crimes, but when Juan who picks strawberries for 14 hours a day is only a "criminal" because he's documented, that's a problem, even though he is positively contributing to our economy and helping to feed Americans.
These idiots also don't understand how the agriculture industry and its economy works and how even Trump supporters who are farmers admit that a lot of their workers are undocumented. There was a dairy farmer in Nebraska who voted for Trump and said at least half his workers are undocumented. He runs that dairy farm 24/7 in order to make a profit. When asked why he voted for Trump even though his business relies on cheap undocumented labor, he simply said that Trump isn't actually going to deport his workers, because if he did, his shelves would be empty in two days.
Certain groups of people who are too blinded by hate to educate themselves, have no idea how much our agriculture industry is reliant on undocumented workers' labor. So not only will there be shortages on fresh food of many varieties, but even the staff at restaurants (cooks, bus boys, etc) will be at risk of deportation as well. The cost of food everywhere will go up, from grocery stores to restaurants. Some fresh produce and even dairy simply won't be available in many locations for long periods of time, and when they do become available they will cost significantly more.
discussion comment
14 days ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
I'm co-hosting a Superbowl party this year since my man is a big football fan so he's having friends and work pals over. I told him to tell them all to invite their wives, girlfriends, and side pieces. I can't wait to think of good appetizers and snacks. And our indoor pool is finally finished so anyone who gets drunk or high and wants to celebrate their team's victory can jump in, and conversely anyone who wants to kill themselves after their team loses can do the same.
discussion comment
14 days ago

I love boobies
"Are Philly fans the worst in the NFL?"
If you are talking about being rude and abrasive, yeah their fans are up there along with the Packers and probably the Cowboys. The Patriots fanbase had their time too but have taken a backseat over the last few years. Browns fans are some of the most delusional, though.
discussion comment
14 days ago

I love boobies
Fuck the Chiefs and fuck Philly if they lose to them.
discussion comment
15 days ago
I'll add Inglourious Basterds and The Dark Knight.
discussion comment
24 days ago

I love boobies
"gamma is definitely a racist."
discussion comment
a month ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
OK GamGam, I see you were obviously thrilled when 9/11 happened and you generally hate other Americans... but burning down the part of our country that also happens to be the financial capital of the world is not exactly pragmatic thinking.
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
It is funny when people mention freedom here in the US when we have such alarming imprisonment stats. I haven't looked up this stat in a couple years, but I doubt things have changed much in that time; we make up slightly less than 5% of the world's population, yet have more than 20% of the entire world's prison population. We have more people in prison than any other country, even more than CHINA which is over 4x our size with over 1.4B people. And at China's seems relative - they are second most populous country in the world and have the second highest prison population. Our prison population numbers are extreme in comparison. I won't call a country that has such a disproportionately large prison population the best country on earth, as it means we either have an incredibly unfair justice system, or that we have a lot of shitty people here who commit felonies. Or both. We are not #1 in education, access to healthcare, infrastructure, or life expectancy... but we're damn sure gonna represent and be #1 in prison population.
Also interesting to note that our prison recidivism rates are high too, so we're not rehabilitating the criminals, either, as the majority of them will reoffend. Not surprisingly, the country with the lowest recidivism rate I have heard of is Norway, which is always ranked highly in standard of living.
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
"Gratitude and being an honorable ally is only for unmanly looosers!"
I don't care if we lose all our allies, as long as we own the libs!
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Yeah that's exactly what I thought. You're such an empty vessel.
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
"If your fat ass is happy to sit on the couch eating fried chicken and watching Joy Reed, then you have a happy standard of living."
Just because those things make YOU personally happy does not mean they're reflective of an entire country's standard of living. "Happy standard of living" because you get to be fat and eat fried chicken is not an actual metric of standard of living. It's also not healthy.
Being so poor that you qualify for medicaid is not a high standard of living and is contradictory to your argument. Neither is going into debt over healthcare because you're not quite poor enough for medicaid. Nothing about our healthcare system is indicative of a high standard of living and it's laughable to try to argue otherwise. The richest people in a nation having access to the best healthcare while others are left to die shows a wealth AND health disparity that is not present in nations with higher standards of living than the US.
The fact that to argue your point, you have to pretend that San Francisco is not a part of the US, only supports the fact that you're ignorant to the argument and can't make valid points. You're driven by emotion only, and armed with ad hominems instead of actual substance.
Lmao at you showing education numbers from the 1940s to 2009 to "prove" somehow that we're super educated today in 2025 compared to the rest of the competitive nations. Let's compare our current education to that of Japan, or Sweden, or Switzerland - I dare you to come back here and say we're the most educated country. Lmao.
How about the working class I was talking about? Let's compare our minimum wage to those other countries. Let's compare vacation time, sick leave, matertinity and paternity leave, retirement, savings, home ownership. Get back to me on that.
Yes, our infrastructure compared to other nations with high(er) standards of living is subpar. Look at our bridges and roads. Oh and our trains are really world class, too, is that what you're going to tell me next?
I remember when I was ignorant like you and I argued for hours with another girl because I really thought the US was far and away the best country in the world with the highest standard of living. Well, I realized I was wrong when I actually researched things. Of course, I was about 16 at that time. Perhaps Google what "standard of living" means and see that your narrow world view can be *gasp* broadened by facts! Or, continue being wrong. Your choice.
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
Mate27, the fact that you are however old you are and can't differentiate fact vs emotion is... well, it's expected. I stand uncorrected. Unless you're also in the camp that believes the US has the highest standard of living on earth. Do you believe that?
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
"^ she doesn't believe a word she wrote, she's just mad that I was right again."
Prove me wrong, then, Gammanu. Refute what I said. I said we don't have the highest standard of living in the world. How am I wrong? I said we, as a nation, are collectively obese. Am I incorrect in that assessment? No. I said our healthcare sucks. It does. Sure America has some of the best health care on earth... for only the richest people who can afford it; our healthcare system makes people who are not financially blessed who might get sick either have to die because they can't afford treatment, or get treatment and spend the rest of their lives as a debt slave. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Am I wrong? Our infrastructure is subpar for a developed nation; are you actually contesting that? We get less educated as time goes by. We're a nation of uneducated fatsos. Working class people slave away for two weeks' vacation time per year and those same working class people have to work until they are old and disabled instead of retiring debt free. Please show me where I'm incorrect here. Please refute any of those statements and please explain to me how and why you think the US has the best standard of living in the world. If I'm so wrong, prove it.
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
"Then why are you still here?"
I have family, business, properly, etc here. I actually was going to move to Europe years ago and then the pandemic happened and my plans changed. And I'm doing quite well here. That doesn't change a thing I said, and the "love it or leave it!" retorts got old quite some time ago.
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
"This is called a self-own, LOL. None of them have the standard of living which is the envy of the world, either. "
If you think the US has the highest standard of living in the world, then you don't think. You also haven't done much traveling or simple research. Our healthcare sucks, we're collectively obese, our life expectancy is like 50th in the world and projected to get even worse in the next couple decades, working class people barely get any time off all year and will retire broke, our infrastructure is poor, our education system is bad. I mean sure, compared to third world countries in Africa and the middle east, we are doing great. Compared to other wealthy nations, our standard of living is not the best and is on a decline. Your metric of "standard of living" is obviously not one that's based in reality.
discussion comment
a month ago

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
'All you people who want free stuff - healthcare, housing, food, public transportation, should be down with “America First”.
Don’t you get the connection? We need to maintain world economic supremacy. Sorry if that doesn’t seem fair but that’s the way it is.'
And yet, there are over 70 countries worldwide that have some form of free or universal Healthcare. Zero of those countries have the largest economy in the world.
Also, LOL at Greenland being called a continent.
discussion comment
a month ago

I had an amazing Christmas because I didn't have to go anywhere nor did I have to host; in-laws are doing their Christmas thing this weekend, so we didn't even have to drive anywhere on Christmas day. I said it was going to be a "lazy Christmas," and that it was.
Woke up around 7:30AM. My man wakes up early AF every day, so he was already up. Within an hour or so of that, we opened gifts. He was extremely happy with all the gifts I surprised him with, as I always go hard for my loved ones for Christmas. I got everything I asked for and more. Then we hung out with iur Christmas gifts and eventually made a huge brunch. Then we watched some football and some Christmas movies while using some of our new Christmas presents and ended up making a delicious roast chicken and potatoes dinner.
Since we plan on possibly starting a family next year, this was the last Christmas we might have without a 3rd human to worry about, so I was looking forward to relaxing and being lazy. 10/10.
discussion comment
2 months ago

Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
First took it and got, "your food choices could not be tied to any one social class." LMAO.
I retook it and I tried to be as particular as possible and got 78.5% Upper-middle class. But no, I do not want to eat a foie gras burger, and ice cream with gold on it is too stupid for me to care about.
discussion comment
2 months ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Play against someone who's spent years in prison. I'm serious.
I've been playing chess since my dad taught me and my twin when we were 5 or 6. My dad has not been to prison, but to used to be very intellectual and his brain can figure out analytics very easily. So he had a fancy chess set. My sister and I would frequently play each other when we were young. My mom is good at chess too, and was surprised when I beat her in my early 20s. She's been playing chess for decades and played some chess in prison, but she was only in prison for less than a year so she's not an expert, just better than average.
Then when I was like 25, my sister had a drug dealer who had just finished a 10+ years prison sentence. I considered myself a pretty good player at that time. The drug dealer guy sat down and finished me within two minutes (that's what she said). Played him again, same thing. Again, same thing. I got tired of getting my ass kicked so I stopped playing him.
Then I downloaded the chess app and would breeze through until I leveled up so much that I was playing some really tough people. I'd ask my ex (boyfriend at the time) to look at the board on my screen and help me play. He's been in and out of prison since he was 18. He'd just tell me exactly what moves to make and I would beat EVERYONE I played on that app. And my ex wasn't some genius, he had above average intelligence in some areas, but when it came to chess, it was as if his mind was programmed into the board.
So that's my advice. People who've spent years in prison and played chess there have an extreme advantage over most of us law abiding folk.
discussion comment
2 months ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
"Thoughts and prayers if Tren de Aragua gang rapes and strangles you in the process."
Aw, how Christlike of you.