
Do u people collect anything besides porn?

>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 5:31 PM
Like I collect perfume and am very greedy about it. I am like a dragon guarding my horde. If someone wanted me to get rid of it then they gotta fight me for me to let go of my treasure lmfao.


  • Mate27
    7 months ago
    I collect cash and spank bank material when I hit the clubs. Is that so rong?
  • Dolfan
    7 months ago
    Whiskey. Cars.
  • blahblahblah23
    7 months ago
    ^ that's kinda neat lol
  • ilbbaicnl
    7 months ago
    Souvenirs from vacations, including dumb ones, like soaps with the address/logo of a hotel. Possessions of deceased loved ones. One of my favs would send greeting cards and fill all the empty space inside with sweet talk, I saved all of those.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    I am a coin collector and I also have a collection of baggage tags (no longer used) from when aviation was still new. If you've seen an old movie with hard sided luggage, I have all the stickers people used to put on them. Both collections are worth serious money and they go to my one blood nephew (rest are women), who will keep and display them, as he is into that kind of thing.
  • crosscheck
    7 months ago
    Hockey cards, mostly older. It's a pretty impressive collection at this point as far as they go.
  • twentyfive
    7 months ago
    I collect watches, I have a few that are very valuable but owning them brings me great pleasure, I also collect coins I own many old silver dollars a few old gold coins, and I have a collection of civil war, WWI and WWII, weapons several calvary swords from e few different eras of American History and a few different German weapons from WWII that my father left to me. I don’t have any saved porn
  • shailynn
    7 months ago
    I thought for sure blah was going to say she collected knives and pairs of mens balls which she kept in jars on a shelf. As for me, bourbon, rye whiskey and wine. It’s all a waste of money but the bottles look pretty. I also used to collect sneakers but sold most of them in the early days of COVID. The market went crazy on anything “rare” so I thought I’d never have another opportunity like this so might as well do it. I took that money and invested it actually using some advice Mate27 gave me here.
  • blahblahblah23
    7 months ago
    ^ ah that is a good point. I need to start investing at least on a basic level lmfao. I'm glad that my collection habit is more mid priced as far as collections go. I am aware that collecting watches/guns/cars etc is way more expensive.
  • gSteph
    7 months ago
    I collect memories. I have an old notebook with notes of each of my 200+ days on rivers (whitewater rafting mostly, some kayak or canoe). I’ve kept a diary or our 300+ nights in our camping trailer, noting the memorable outdoor sexcapades of our life. I’ve got a list of 110 bodies of water wife and I have swam in – almost always naked – in the last 40 years. I keep a spreadsheet of my strip club visits to help remember the delightful young lasses that have rubbed their asses on my lap. I write reviews of some of my visits so if I should live so long as to become feeble minded I can reread and marvel at the memories of the mammories I have known. Collections of things can be cool, but memories are what you are.
  • shadowcat
    7 months ago
    I have 5,000+ music files on my hard drive.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    In 1966 my parents, thinking they would complete my collection of G.I. Joe action figures (not dolls) bought me a G.I. Joe nurse. Nine year old me was horrified, and it went into the closet, unopened and was forgotten. When my Mom moved last year, she still had it, almost 60 years later and asked if I wanted it, so I have it. The last one to sell on ebayin its original box sold for $3,500.00. This one has never been opened or touched, so it's probably worth more. I plan on giving it to my nieces oldest when she's old enough
  • wallanon
    7 months ago
    "Do u people collect anything besides porn?" Not really. I wouldn't say it's worth much but took a little time and money to put together.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 months ago
    Rare books. It's not a huge collection, but I've got a handful of good ones.
  • rell
    7 months ago
    I actually collect fragrances as well. I have about 630 bottles in my collection currently .
  • Huntsman
    7 months ago
    Well, I may own a firearm or two.
  • whodey
    7 months ago
    I collect vintage video games. Last count I had 28 different consoles starting back at the Magnavox Odyssey from 1972 up until the Nintendo GameCube in 2001 and about 2000ish games. I also have 20 different arcade games.
  • drewcareypnw
    7 months ago
    Books (some rare), Vinyl, Guitars. I don't actually collect porn, I just know where to get it online and that seems to get the job done. I suppose I collect memories of all the delightful experiences I have had with dancers over the years.
  • SalaoLikeSantiago
    7 months ago
    Nobody fessing up to collecting penicillin-resistant infections and divorce attorney bills? Well, there's always 2024...
  • wallanon
    7 months ago
    Those are more like hidden bonuses Santiago lol. Don't spoil the ending.
  • NinaBambina
    7 months ago
    Hm. I don't think I'm a collector of much else besides shot glasses at this point. Wherever I travel to, I have to get a little touristy shot glass while I'm there. Even when I am not drinking, I still collect shot glasses when I travel. I also used to have a decent collection of various foreign currencies, but lost those a few years ago in a move. Oh well. When I was a kid, I'd go to WNBA games in Detroit. If you wait by the opposing team's tunnel, after the game when they go back to the locker room my sister and I would wait there and players would give us their sweatbands from the game lol. Mostly wristbands, but some headbands too. I had a pretty vast collection - Sue Bird, Diana Taurasi, Becky Hammon, Sheryl Swoopes, Lisa Leslie, etc. Even if I didn't like the players because I was a hater, I got sweatbands from all the greats. I moved around a bunch as a kid so those eventually got lost as well. I do have a decent collection of designer fashion, but that's more vanity than a hobby if I'm being honest.
  • ilbbaicnl
    7 months ago
    I have a small collection of foreign currency too. I've given most of it away to strippers, to give to their kids.
  • Studme53
    7 months ago
    Baseball cards until mom threw away the 5 shoe boxes stuffed with cards when they sold the house in 1981. Ouch.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    ^ They are probably with my 22 HO cars two transformers and 200 feet of track, "misplaced" when my mom moved.
  • CJKent_band
    7 months ago
    @blahblahblah23 I will play along and answer your question. Q: Do u people collect anything besides porn? A: Yes I do collect Pics, Vids and Memories of the women I have the pleasure of meeting and seeing them cum, cream and squirt, thanks to the things we have done while making love. So I can relive the fun, the silliness, and the love as I picture our time together. And I can smile as I remember. :D
  • Studme53
    7 months ago
    Gave all my old rock albums to my hipster son who bought a vintage stereo console with turn table. They were in a couple milk crates in my attic for the past 20 years. I found out after the fact that some of them are worth a lot of money.
  • drewcareypnw
    7 months ago
    ^thats a rad dad, good on ya!
  • Rob1115
    7 months ago
    Nautical navigation instruments and marine art. Plus I buy and sell antique/vintage woodworking tools
  • bang69
    7 months ago
    Guns and ammunition.
  • gammanu95
    7 months ago
    Guns and ammo. Seriously, i have about a dozen guns (handguns/rifles/shotguns) and over 100 different rounds of ammo - some overlapping calibers but different grain loads and bullet construction. I've gotten back into woodworking to build the perfect display case for them.
  • blahblahblah23
    7 months ago
    Ah I should really get a gun or 2 or 3. I've calmed the fuck down a lot over the years. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • blahblahblah23
    7 months ago
    I think there is actually a pretty high chance I will inherit a stupid amount of guns/rifles/ammo
  • shailynn
    7 months ago
    Blah you don’t need any guns, just stick with knives, please!!!!
  • gammanu95
    7 months ago
    If blah gets guns, I'm calling a red flag hotline.
  • Jascoi
    7 months ago
    over the decades I have collected way too much stuff and not focused it is a sickness and a pain in the ass too. liquidate. presently I have made it about halfway through all the stuff. the easy stuff. it takes focus and discipline to find the right markets for selling off these things. I find it better just to collect memories!!!
  • funonthaside
    7 months ago
    Someone who creates a post containing words "you people", referring to men, mere days after proposing use of men as lab rats, should be precluded from being near anything that can cause harm. I'm with others....I prefer to collect memories and experiences vs material items.
  • Dolfan
    7 months ago
    "I prefer to collect memories and experiences vs material items" I'm getting way off track here, but I hear this one all the time and can't resist pointing out that very often the collection of the joy of the collection of the material items stems from the experiences and memories associated. 95% of guys with car collections spend considerable time talking to other car guys. Often talking about their experiences in areas extremely loosely related to cars. Someone see's my old square body C-10 and we'll swap stories about the shenanigans we got into in one of them as teenagers, or I'll see their old fastback Mustang and do the same. Shit like shot glasses I'm sure work largely the same way, the mere possession of a shot glass from some exotic destination isn't the appeal. It's merely a token to trigger the memory and an excuse to share the story with someone who see's it. Someone comes over and see's the one from Cancun and asks about it, or shares their story about their trip to Honolulu. I suppose a picture could achieve similar results, but there's something about being able to hop in that old C10 or take a shot from that glass again that can't be reproduced from a picture.
  • blahblahblah23
    7 months ago
    hahaha I'm so glad I never got into the whole designer purse/clothes thing a lot of women love. $500 for a fucking silk scarf I'd probably drop/lose somewhere or like $2000 for a purse that will get raggedy in a few months a year tops is just too damn much lol. I can't be bothered to "baby" my things lol. I am really rough with all my handbags and have a major talent for wearing them out. I just end up donating to goodwill at some point :x but they are also cheap enough I don't give a shit. Oh and I'd say the same for sunglasses; I can't have nice sunglasses cuz I have lost count of how many I have lost/dropped who knows where or accidentally broke lmfao. I do think it is cool if someone collects that stuff and is able to baby their items and all that so they stay nice and not lost lmao!!! I am actually gonna try and declutter a few more perfumes, and maybe some bodymists. I tend to just give mine away, but then certain people bitch about how many perfumes I give away lmfao. Maybe I ought to try selling? LOL
  • Studme53
    7 months ago
    One of my sons has a huge gun safe and collects guns and ammo and he doesn’t even hunt. I get it I guess, and I’ll probably go to his house when the zombie apocalypse happens, but I’m content with 1 Sig 9mm and a 1 box of ammo.
  • blahblahblah23
    7 months ago
    I'm more worried about retardedass brainwashed masses than actual zombies
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