Annoying Phrases / Which ones do you use ?

avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
New list on Reddit. 75 phrases that annoying people say.…

But I'm looking thru the list. I say some of these things. Maybe I'm annoying. But I'm thinking that I say more than just a couple. Oh well. We will just have to agree to disagree. :-)

Not to be rude, but are you annoying too ?


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avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
If I have to be brutally honest.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Great article

"You know," I use it a little as a filler and a lot as a way to cut people down. As in "your dumb ass should already know, but I'm going to repeat because I can't grunt it out for you."
"Full stop," sounds more aggressive than "period," so I like it.
"I reject the premise of that question" is the best answer to a trap question like "have you stopped beating your wife?"
"I'm only saying what everyone's thinking," I'm guilty of this. Full stop.
"So what?" is useful if someone acts like their point is self-evident, or if they ramble.
"Do better." I'll admit, I say this one to cement the fact that someone's been a real asshole.

"I simply have a powerful personality," yes, and that personality is "complete fucking asshole."
Similar for "I always keep it real...", no, you're just unkind and want to hurt people. Often transforms to "it's just a joke" when it generates a negative response.
"Can't you see that I'm busy," usually means "my time is more important that yours."
"Trust the science," said by someone who's read a few slanted articles and hasn't sat in a science classroom since 11th grade, let alone knows how science is done.
"I work hard" is just virtue signaling. Worse is "work hard play hard," which means escape from my shitty personal life at the office and drink to numb the pain.
"Threat to our democracy," yeah, eat my ass, Chicken Little. Usually used by the left during Trump but the right isn't immune to it either.
"That's just how I was raised," OK, your parents fucked you up and you just want to continue the cycle. Statute of limitations on blaming your parents for your shit is long gone.
"Smile." I'm a large dude with a resting bitch face and I get this. Fuck you.
"We are like family here," is a million horrible workplaces. Usually by a boss that thinks they're your parent and dictator of your life.

"I don't like drama" can be used to squelch drama, or to conceal one's participation in it.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Full stop. I've written it, you've read it.

Used by others? "Threat to our democracy. We don't even live in a democracy, you fucking idiot. We don't live in a democracy because there are too many idiots like you to be involved in the decision- making.

Runner-up? Something is "literally literally" something else.
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Anything that RickDugan uses is variably annoying, especially when he gets all uppity over himself.
avatar for Subraman
2 years ago
My favorite annoying phrase: It is what it is. Translation: I have nothing interesting to say, but I'm such a bobblehead that I feel like I need to say something to cover up being a bobblehead, so I'm going to say a vapid phrase that I'm hoping passes for a philosophical thought among other bobbleheads

avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
We are all probably guilty of using at least one of those phrases on that list from time to time.

I’m guilty of saying “you know” too much. “Well, you know, Bill’s an idiot so nobody should be surprised he did that.”

One phrase I don’t like and I don’t remember seeing it on there is when people say “basically” when they’re explaining something.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
Tetra - "that's just how I was raised" can be used in a positive manner. Example, showing up for a party with dessert in hand and the host says "you didn't need to bring anything" My response: "a guest doesn't show up empty handed, that's just how I was raised."
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
@crosscheck, which might make it an even more annoying flex, lol
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
Some that immediately come to mind

Get go
Match up
For free
Ahead of
Just saying

And people who start sentences or replies to questions with “So”
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
They are so annoying and I never use them
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
^ Oh I HATE "just saying" .
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
"I have it on high authority..."

No you fucking don't. Stop trying to compensate for your lack of importance.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
If I hear “That’s problematic” “that’s my truth” “threat to our democracy” I already know stay from this woke asshole
avatar for loper
2 years ago
I kind of like "I reject the premise of you question," which is appropriate when someone asks you if you stopped beating your wife. Otherwise, I agree, they are annoying and I don't use them.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Only one....kinda

Hoi know what.....
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Every phrase mentioned pales in comparison to "conversate".
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
I hate “just saying”, but feel that “again…” should get an honorable mention.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Oh and lazy, uninformed mispronunciations or mistypes that should get people bullwhipped:

"Should of," "could of," "would of"
"For all intensive purposes"
"A doggy dog world"
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
Agree with Tetra... I hate those misspelled/mispronounced ones.
Add to the list: Suppose to...

However, one that I know is incorrect but I use it intentionally because I think it's kind of funny: Those son-of-a-bitches!
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
I also can't stand when people write or say: Just an FYI

And I'll second the one from an earlier post: Misusing the word "literally". Did you watch that debate last night? He LITERALLY killed the other guy!

One that I am guilty of sometimes is starting a comment with "So".
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
That is a good list.

Here are a few I dislike that weren’t mentioned.

No! I won’t let you stick that in me!
Toda la noche.
Front room make out session.
Keep your pants on.
Yada yada yada

avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
I hate "It's been a minute".
avatar for magicrat
2 years ago
"It is what it is." John Fox after every Panthers loss. Also "we picked a bad day to have a bad day."

Can anybody guess my opinion of him?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
If you ever have the chance, get a recording of yourself the next time you speak publicly or participate in some sort of panel discussion. Unless you're a seasoned public speaker, you'll likely be horrified by all of your verbal tics and cruft.

Even better, get a written transcript of your speaking. Most people have no idea how often they use filler words and phrases while they speak. It's pretty enlightening.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
^ Uh................................................................
avatar for Longball300
2 years ago
Not sure if it's on that list but, my own most hated is "Just So You Know".... to start a comment.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
^ Just so you know, that's pretty common.

Also, I'm a monster.
avatar for 623
2 years ago
Something I didn’t see mentioned is the oft used starting word “Frankly”.

Especially when a politician start to answer a question with “Frankly“ you know whatever follows will be a lie or at least only a half truth.
avatar for panza80
2 years ago
People who say "I have a question" before asking the damn question. There are a ton of variants including "quick question." Why the hell do you need to preface your question?
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