
OnlyFans Facts

They never tell you what you need to know.
Friday, October 21, 2022 3:02 PM
You always hear about people (mostly women) making tons of money monthly on OnlyFans. In most cases I always thought "year right," but it appears I was wrong, at least in some cases. There's a porn star I think is hot, somehow I came across her Twitter, and there's an OnlyFans link, probably same as 90% of current porn stars out there. Her OnlyFans has a base subscription of $5 a month, then you can pay more for featured videos, access to her private email, etc. etc. So, at $5 a month, 19,100 subscribers = $95,500.00. According to the internet (and the internet is never wrong) OnlyFans takes a 20% cut from every creators fees, and all additional services (think videos, personal messaging access). At the minimum this young lady is making $76,400.00 a month just on base subscription Fees on OnlyFans! I bet if I mentioned her name nobody on here would even know who she is, so imagine if this were a popular porn star with say 75,000 subscribers you could only imagine what they make. (Or) If you were a stripper in a decent market (think larger metro area) with 1,500 followers at $10 a month. That would be $12,000.00 a month just on the base subscription. Just a Friday tidbit that I thought was quite interesting. I wonder how many OnlyFans pages there are in the USA? I Wonder how many of them are adult entertainment oriented (what do you think about 97%? lol).


  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I hear ya and I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I’m extremely skeptical , there’s so much free content available, I find it difficult to believe there’s a sizable number of people actually willing to pay for content of this type.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I just don't get OnlyFans. Who are these subscribers ? With all the free porn on the internet, why pay for anything ?
  • caseyx
    2 years ago
    OTOH I've seen multiple strippers announce on IG that they're starting an OF and then a few months later say they're stopping because it's too much work, not making enough money, or whatever. Like a lot of things, if you get lucky and get a lot of subs you can make bank. But the majority are just going to flame out.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    A dancer that I was seeing weekly at my house told me that she had an OnlyFans account. She had 8 customers paying her $12/mo to watch her play with toys.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    I think the issue is content. Convincing someone to sign up for $5 is easy. Getting them to stay? The creators need to keep adding content. Probably some people forget about it and don’t see the monthly hit to the credit card. Others cancel after a month and find another hottie to whack off to. It’s like anything else, some will do really well for a short time, some will quit because it’s too much like work lol, and others will make a lot of money for a long time. It certainly is a wonder of progress that pretty much everything is monetizeable.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Why the fascination with what others do or don't earn. Why does anyone care.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    The absolute peak for that was probably immediately after the Covid lockdown. I’m sure it takes a lot of work to scale and make a lot of income but I think that applies to basically anything in the online influencer space. It’s easier to “make it” faster when figuring out how to make money from lewds than it is for other types of content creation, like financial advice, parody skits of current events, crypto, natural wellness, etc And those influencers figure out how to get paid somehow when knowledge from libraries are free.
  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    With money like that available, I'm setting up an OnlyFans page. I'm counting on all you guys to subscribe.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ You could give cooking lessons, we know your lasagna was a fan favorite
  • londonguy
    2 years ago
    @ Warrior - you make a valid point. I used to think the same but up until a month or so ago I had an interest in home made porn and my understanding is that for the most part this is what OF is about. I know there’s a ton of home made freely available as well so I think there’s a degree of curiosity that also influences people to subscribe. I’ll admit to subscribing to a handful of profiles for girls that I haven’t seen elsewhere on the net. I never renewed any subscription because they would have done so at full price and paying $20+ for a single profile is ridiculous when you can get a month elsewhere with significantly more content from any number of paid for sites. There’s a lot of girls ripping guys off by having PPV in addition to a subscription charge. IMHO there should not be any paywalls for any content beyond the subscription
  • PhredJohnson
    2 years ago
    I have a FWB who is on OF. OF takes 45% She makes most of her money on Camsoda which takes something like 23%
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    ^ wow OF takes 45%!?!?!? When I googled it - it said 20%. I trust your source more than mine. So many guys say “what’s the point there’s free porn out there.” Yes, but many men (and women) may become obsessed with a particular model or porn star and in some cases a persons OF page gives the subscriber a glimpse into their personal life which people are into and willing to pay for. Let’s face it - there’s people out there obsessed with Bruce Springsteen and want to know every detail of his life. What he eats, what books he reads, what alcohol he drinks. Just think there are many PLs out there that want to know the same info about a hot babe on the internet. That’s why (for some content creators) OF is thriving.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    @shailyn Just because these girls make claims that they are earning fortunes, doesn’t make it true, my opinion is if it was so easy it would’ve caught on and been the latest fad. Truthfully it’s the old fake it till you make it updated.
  • goldmongerATL
    2 years ago
    There was a local dancer that I subscribed to her OF for a month pre-COVID. Judging from the number of subscribers (which was somehow shown in her profile) she was making about $500 a month posting video of her having sex with her boyfriend and occasionally what appeared to be OTC dates. Those looked like she propped her phone against something in a hotel room. She has since given up on OF.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    45% sounds more right than 20%! I read an article -- I think someone linked it here on tuscl, in fact -- about why people like OF, which was very enlightening. It's mostly younger guys evidently, exactly the guys staying away from strip clubs in droves. The key is the social media style interaction. Essentially, there's a number of ways to interact with the girls, and OF's notifications and interactions are set up to be psychologically addictive, like Facebook's. In particular, the ability to DM the girls (and most DM back), along with other notifications, and even things like dick rates, is just the interaction a milquetoast de-masculinized skinny-jeans wearing millennial or zoomer wants.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Has only fans been god or bad for people like us is my question
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Girls I know use of for extra spending money. Posting a few lingerie pics and tweaking videos like they would ok ig gets them like 1k a month. One girl makes around 3k a month just with feet pics. I only know 3 girls actually living off it. One has 5.4k fans at $20 a month. The other 39k at $10 a month. The third uses it as a platform to hoe.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    The gullibility of cosplay pimps is funny, I doubt these girls are actually booking these numbers, I’ve been involved with some legit subscription businesses, who’s actually auditing these numbers, my guess is most reports of this are actually just shills for OF the entire business is a scam, and it’s too funny to me that so many of y’all believe the hype.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "Has only fans been god or bad for people like us is my question" My take is mostly good. Gets girls who might otherwise have never done cam stuff to consider it based on the hype.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    "Has only fans been god or bad for people like us is my question" What I don't think has ever been studied and we'd need to know to answer this is: is OF a sort of safer part of sexwork, that attracts a lot of women who would otherwise be considering stripping or other in-person sexwork? Or is it the reverse: OF's perceived safeness means many women start an OF who otherwise would not have considered sexwork... and then OF is sort of a gateway drug that leads them incrementally to activities like stripping that they never would have considered otherwise. Without knowing the answer, we have no idea. If you twisted my arm and made me place a longshot bet, I'd put my chips on: the whole linktree web of increasingly risque and compensated content on IG-twitter-tiktok-OF probably means fewer women available to be strippers... but possibly more available as SBs
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I think that OF is primarily a good thing. It's a soft entrance to sex work that didn't exist before. Where Seeking is essentially the Uberization of escorting, OF offers a similar low-grade entry ramp to being a porn actress. I also suspect (though there's no hard data that I know of) that OF leads to some women to transition from online to in-person sex work. Because making an actual living / growing wage solely as a digital content provider is not easy. It requires a lot of time, effort, and media savvy to grow a paying audience. Some OF providers have those skills and tenacity to stay digital only, while others will seek an easier in-person path.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    25 - when you go to someone’s page on OnlyFans it shows how many subscribers they have, that’s how you can determine how much they are making on their base subscription alone. Examples - One girl may have 2,500 subscribers and charge $20 a month. Another girl may have 8,000 subscribers and change $10 a month. I’ve seen several that offer free subscriptions but then you have to pay for each video, or each nude photo, etc. etc. OnlyFans is not for everyone (creators and subscribers) but like it was said above, if a girl can make a living taking pork grade selfies from her bedroom, she’s probably not going to care about ever becoming a stripper, and most of her base doesn’t want to go into a strip club either. Bad news for us - guys who like to go to strip clubs.
  • yahtzee74
    2 years ago
    Why trust OnlyFans stated number either? They have their own reasons to make their business seem more profitable.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    "OnlyFans is not for everyone (creators and subscribers) but like it was said above, if a girl can make a living taking pork grade selfies from her bedroom, she’s probably not going to care about ever becoming a stripper, and most of her base doesn’t want to go into a strip club either. " Right, that's where I'd bet. To continue, though, in that web of IG/Tiktok/Twitter/OF, sugar is much less stigmatized, and almost normalized in some places, where stripping is still solidly stigmatized. Plus a wealthy SD can help a content provider seem fancier & sexier on her IG, which drives guys to her OF. All just guesses until someone uses my tax dollars to perform a study that leads to nothing 🤣
  • Elitis
    2 years ago
    Came to here to say exactly what Subraman mentioned. It, ironically, isn't the sex that's selling. Or at least not entirely. It's the interaction with women that is. I think most of the people here are older so most of you (men) grew up interacting with other people and going up and talking to women in real life. For the under 30's, online interaction has either been a significant portion of their interactions or it's been the majority. A lot easier (mentally) for a 22 year old today to pay gorgeous women online $5 or $10 to not only see her naked but also get to talk to her about everything things and feel like he has a girlfriend that cares about him. Treating the symptoms pays better than fixing the root cause and all that. Also, shailynn, subscriber count can be hidden. It's not on every girl's page. In fact, I'd argue the girls making serious amounts of money (i.e hundreds of thousands or more) on OF have their subscriber counts hidden. You can however see total number of likes and the likes on each post, which when combined with the monthly fee, can give you a ballpark estimate of how much they make. All that said, in reality and just like in the real world, very few people are making significant amounts of money. If there's a million "creators" on OF, there's maybe under 1000 or so making millions, and probably under 20,000 making $100,000 or more.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    @shailynn I’m not trying for be difficult, but I’m dubious, when I used a click thru it was audited and certified, I don’t see any auditor’s certification on the OF and for that reason it seems sketchy, I just don’t believe the subscription service is legit, and for them to take such a large percentage as their fee, tells me they’re less than honest with their numbers.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    25 - can't disagree with your statement at all! A lot of it may indeed be some smoke and mirrors.
  • 8TM
    2 years ago
    Phone sex lines were big business before any millennials were even born. Also it looks stupid to give a lecture about millennials needing to “man up” on a site about paying for sex.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    I use only fans. Mostly I will follow a local barista or dancer for a few months and then not renew the subscription. It's inexpensive and lets you see a level of porn that you won't see in the club or at a coffee stand. The idea of watching porn made by a local girl you've met is interesting to an extent. Oh yeah, and I follow Rachel Dolezal because she's pretty good looking for a milf and she's so weird that it's kind of interesting. Somebody on here posted that she was on of and I subscribed! Hah
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Why do you assume young guys are mainly subscribing to of? I think it attracts voyeurs and men who crave human contact but can't get it. And realistic of earnings are around 1k a month. It's good extra money. A girl posting the same pics she does on ig can easily make that. The interaction aspect comes from only replying to messages with tips included. I'm seeing girls and even guys charging people like $20 a month to be on their friends only stories. Also. Men shouldn't be intimidated by of. There are a lot of fetishes out there. Like fat guys can make money posting belly pics and videos. Small dick fetishism. I'm being real. Anyone can make some money. Like with women on there. Those doing niche fetishes are top earners. The worst thing I think is the celebrities charging to view pics and messages. It's like price gouging fans
  • Nixur68
    2 years ago
    I have no idea how much girls are making but OnlyFans is confusing to me. It's so hard to find girls and sometimes you have no idea what they're sharing until you pay for it.
  • Dave_Anderson
    2 years ago
    Slighly off topic but I've always hated the term "make bank."
  • 623
    2 years ago
    Dave, it’s entirely off topic. As far as subscriber counts, that could be “lifetime” vs “current”. Anything to make the site look more lucrative would be used. Since all the dollars are electronic it’s traceable so only the IRS knows for sure. Unless they are public, then you can just read the filings.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The subscriber count is current. And gets updated as they subscribe or fall off
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Too funny, our resident cosplay pimp who constantly is anti-business and anti-corporate, believes OF is legit, what a laugher, Hey Iceefag you are about as consistent as a bedbug.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    It seems to be well known in the OF community that there's a steep falloff in revenue. The top 5% are making serious money. The next 10-15% are making good money. Everyone else is putting in a lot of time and work, for various levels of side-hustle level income.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    ^ does the organization have an OF page? I’m sure people like Cashman would pay to see SJG bang some fat chicks.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    We do except instead of a cash subscription you have to pay in meth and fentanyl. You want to see some "thicc" cottage-cheesey tatted and grilled up ghetto girls, well pour yourself something purple to drink and subscribe!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Subraman you're just like sjg. Scouring the internet for stuff on strippers to match your views then posting it here. 20fag. I know girls on of snd know how it works
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ We get it you're an expert on everything, you're a cosplay pimp!
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