
Comments by Subraman (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    I’ve NEVER asked for Permission … EVER!
    "I consider it absurd that some advocate “asking permission” of a woman before you kiss her, fondle her or get sticky with her." Who is advocating this? It seems to be something mostly powered by American university gender politics -- the reliable and consistent source of the most retarded ideas ever. I don't think you're going to get a forum full of old guys to disagree that the "ask permission" culture is ridiculous.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tomorrow is Friday the 13th...in 2020!
    Hey, if friday the 13th guarantees merely bad luck, that's a huge step up from the horrific luck we've had so far
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    4 years ago
    and I"m not counting it as a gain yet since I'm not selling
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    4 years ago
    Honestly, I think the skepticism is understandable and I'm still a bit skeptical myself. But I put a little money it at 1300, which was just like 2 weeks ago, and now it's 1600. Not a terrible 2 week return, although my investment was very small
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCLers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    Honestly you wound demented. You talk down on sex industry claim thete jave low iqs and r sikc
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    strippers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    "To counteract this and get them to behave better would be to act a little less eager to please, don't put up with bad behavior, drop them and find someone else if bad behavior persists, and don't reward the bad behavior by throwing more money at them." And stop calling them, man!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    strippers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    HONESTLY YOU WOUND DEMENTED. YOU TALK DOWN ON SEX INDUSTRY CLAIM THETE JAVE LOW IQS AND R SIKC Also, did you look up with EQ is, so you can see how foolish you're making yourself look? lol
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    strippers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    Honestly you wound demented. You talk down on sex industry claim thete jave low iqs and r sikc
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    strippers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    2icee: I don't think they're beneath me, that's you projecting your pretend progressive weirdness. And your unhealthy attitude towards the sex industry -- that is a sick mentality. It's two consenting adults, it doesn't make either person bad. There ARE bad things and bad people -- those who advocate drugging, beating, or psychologically abusing people, for example. But there's nothing sick or unhealthy about consenting sex workers or the sex industry
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    4 years ago
    strippers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    lol... 2icee fail. In all fairness, I never said anything about IQ -- I said emotional intelligence (EQ), which is a completely different thing. Moreover, being a customer is a reflection on neither my IQ or EQ, it just means I like having sex with strippers. None of this makes me misogynist, none if it was a reflection on women. It was a specific reflection on strippers, who themselves will tell you they have to deal with a lot of low EQ strippers. You're welcome for the lesson, 2icee! Now you get to go look up EQ and see what it is :) Now someone who would write this, THIS is reflective of low IQ: "Subraman you wound demented. You talk down on strippers claim thete jave low iqs"
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    strippers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    I did not wound demented. Demented wounded itself, probably on the sharp wit! 🤣🤣🤣
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    strippers getting annoyed no matter what you say
    To the extent that any of the venting on stripperweb reflects actual behavior in the club, it's definitely the case that the girls can get annoyed over practically anything. Many of them are young, immature, frustrated and angry (over things that happened ITC or in their personal lives), and incredibly commonly among strippers, have very low EQ (one of the hallmarks of which is, you take anything that doesn't meet your needs, to be a personal insult). I have a feeling many of us recognize and next such girls quickly, so we don't experience it firsthand as much. The only other comment I'd make is on phone calls. With few exceptions, no stripper wants you to actually dial her number for a voice call. Even if she really means she wants to call you while she's drunk and rolling in the club, that will go away as soon as she wakes up the next morning. No matter what she calls it, just text her, man.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Congrats to the Winners
    And we shot down rent control too. Basically, Californians voted the opposite way that the legislature, governor, and media told us we had to vote, and the way all good progressives are supposed to vote. Really surprising.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Congrats to the Winners
    This has been a good election for me. All the state propositions that were important to me, went the way I wanted -- CA shot down affirmative action again (shocking, right?), made gig workers contractors, kept cash bail, looks like it's on its way to not rolling back proposition 13 to increase taxes for corporations. On the national scene, Trump is out (as a never trumper, I'm fine with that), but Republicans probably keep the senate to keep the progressives from doing much real harm until 2022, when Republicans likely re-take the house as well, unless by some miracle Biden keeps the progressive arm in check. Americans do not want to shut down ice, defund the police, etc., so if he can't keep the lid on that, 2022-2024 see Republicans in both houses. Eh, could be worse.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    A carriage without horses? Dang fools!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Election results
    "My fear is he has damaged the Republican party with moderate voters." That's what I was terrified of, but current voting results seem to indicate that's not the case, don't you think? And again, I think the loony left, social justice movement, etc get the credit for that. If they are emboldened by a Biden win, I think the center continues to be up for grabs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Election results
    'course, I could just be seeing what I want to see :) lol
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Election results
    "The results seem to suggest overall America rejected Trump but not necessarily the Republican party." I dunno James, the popular vote difference is less than 4% currently, which doesn't seem like an America-wide rejection. Trump is losing by a hair. The question I have is, why just a hair? What I think happened: the progressive left is so completely, outrageously out of control, that some number of centrists were vulnerable to having their fears played up about progressive control of Biden, held their nose and voted for Trump. The fact is, outside of the loony progressive left, no one thinks rioting and looting is justified in any way, no one wants to defund the police, no one wants statues pulled down, etc. Result, Biden probably squeaks by, Republicans probably keep the senate, democrats keep the house but their majority is reduced (and likely in for a real trimming in 2022). The loony left out wilding is the only thing that could have delivered this result
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    Thanks bro! I mostly only OTCs with girls I'm a bit attached to -- generally they're already my CF by the time I'm asking them OTC, I've seen them 2-4 times already. I usually don't ask for OTC when I'm clubbing as a tourist, out of town in AZ or Vegas, say. If I did I'd have to completely change styles I imagine, and just drink with her, and hope she'll hang out OTC after her shift.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Election results
    misterorange: most states -- NJ specifically included -- start counting ballots before the polls close, and even before election day. From what I can tell, and every source I could find, the information you were given that absentee ballots would not be counted in NJ until polls closed was factually incorrect. NJ actually allows counties to start counting up to 10 days before election day. PA is one of the few (only?) states that do what you outlined -- no counting until polls closed.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Election results
    Oh, and replace cash bail with some sort of risk analysis. Still being decided, but going my way. Kind of shocking the way Californians are voting on these 5 propositions, I was expecting I'd be on the losing side of all five
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Election results
    As long as the Republicans keep the Senate (still waiting to see there), I'm happy if Biden wins. The mail-in votes from cities are overwhelmingly for Biden and why the expectation is that some states where Trump is leading might go to Biden. The critical thing is that Biden not get free reign in Congress. The CA propositions I most cared about, are all going my way so far (prop 13 rollback on commercial properties, re-institution of affirmative action, gig workers as employees, rent control), although the first two are still a bit up in the air, the final two are decided.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Bay Area, California
    San Fran Strip Clubs Open?
    I'm not in any rush to go eat indoors at this point, I've been outside eating only. But, if I were the eating indoors type, I'd consider heading there for drinks and dinner, and basically look at it as the ante to re-connect with some strippers and see if I can get some OTC going. I figure many of the girls must be ripe for it.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Interesting, thanks! I'm using a hardware wallet also, though transferring by hand each time from coinbase
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Just regular little debit card purchases off coinbase, say, is what you're suggesting?