
Comments by Subraman (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How are the rest of you guys buying your cyber currency? And everyone doing just bitcoin?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I just learned how to buy it, basically probably buying it the stupidest most expensive way just so I can learn more. But I am going to put a little money in it... very little, really.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Bay Area, California
    San Fran Strip Clubs Open?
    Quick update: I heard back from a manager, and confirmed via checking the website (the websites don't outline the details though). Some of the clubs, like Hustler and Gold Club (I imagine Penthouse as well -- any place with a kitchen) have re-opened, nightshift only, basically as restaurants. No lapdances or stage dances. Buying dinner is required if you want to drink. The girls can come sit at your table, but if they want to drink, they too need to get a dinner (basically, you're buying dinner for them too... I suppose in lieu of dances). You can bump up to have dinner with your stripper in a private VIP room. Must be wearing a mask to get in the club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I’m the new guy
    Well I figured I might as well introduce myself
    Shin: in addition to the review elements outlined by papi, all new reviews should all address the following: - What kind of sneakers were you wearing? - How fast can you run in those sneakers? - Do you think you could beat me in a race? Sneakers are an important topic among grown men & pimps.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Something I noticed a recently
    He has no respect for you because your sneaker game isn't tight. How ya fit gonna be saucy if your sneaker game ain't tight?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The fact that you were able to fight off that grandma means that you're in better shape than 90% of tusclers
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    PUA stuff is all bullshit anyway, but even if it were accurate -- PUA is about picking up girls, we are trying to get a stripper OTC and are comfortable paying for it. I buy strippers drinks because I fucking love drinking with strippers, they're fun girls, and even more fun buzzed (sometimes they get mean when they're drunk). I SC alone about 50% of the time. I just find a table that's out of the way and just sit in the dark like a mushroom until an interesting stripper comes by (or if it's my CF, I would have texted her and she knows I'm there), and the two of us drink and carry one. I always buy her lunch -- it's the best deal in the club. If it's slow, it's not uncommon that I end up with a table full of her friends, which is pretty awesome.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another legend closes forever.
    "and I always wished I had been able to experience it in its heyday." Here's my description -- probably over-romanticized a bit lol I was obviously not there in the 70s and 80s, there was a period in there the really old timers talk about that sounds amazing. I started going during it's second renaissance, in 96 when willie brown got voted in and we all knew it would become a free-for-all. My first trip there I was struck by how beautiful the girls were. At the time, it was transitioning to an extras club -- there were no extras girls, "you can jerk yourself off but I'm not touching it" girls, HJ-only, BJ-only, and FS girls, all roaming the place at the same time. Multiple private rooms, from little standup phone booths, to small couch rooms, to bed like rooms were around. By 1998: 1. Most of the girls were doing extras 2. The club saw that too much money was being made and wanted a piece, so put meters in the rooms 3. The beauty standards remained top tier. Imagine Sapphire Vegas on Saturday night -- they had that level of talent on all shifts, including dayshift (which even Sapphires and Spearmint Rhino Vegas can't manage). Lots of PLs in tech preferred dayshift, and that's who could afford the prices, so dayshift was a match for night shift, the only difference was 20-30 girls dayshift and 50+ nightshift. You'd walk in and be so struck by how many incredibly beautiful girls were in one small place. ON DAYSHIFT Through the next 5 years, beauty levels stayed the same. I particularly remember a legendary new class in 2001 of impossibly gorgeous girls. At the same time, the club continued to raise prices in various ways. Unfortunately, by about 2005 the business model had changed so much that it was harder to justify going, and beauty standards starting slipping also. 2007 was the consent decree and the last straw for me, the business model made it so costs to me didn't make any sense, and because the girls were now employees: 1. there were far fewer of them, sometimes 4-6 girls on day shift, and 2. the girls made far less and as a result the hotter girls looked elsewhere. Gold Club, a no-extras low-contact alcohol club run by the evil empire, secured and has easily retained the title of hottest girls in the city. All of my SC time revolved around MBOT until 2007. I switched to no-extras alcohol clubs and doing OTC after that, as the remaining extras clubs were not that interesting (CH through like 2012 could be fun at times)
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    No idea of the percentages. The way I do things, there's never any guarantee she'll say yes ,and sometimes she doesn't. As I said, I really don't care, as I love being in the club for its own sake, and it's not wasted time or money to me if I have to move on -- especially because I wouldn't be seeing her multiple times if she weren't blowing me away in the club each time anyway. That said, I get my CFs to meet me OTC a pretty high % of the time. Each trip to see my CF, I get drinks, buy her lunch or dinner, and do at least two VIPs -- so way more than your $40, and then add to that she might make a few hundred dollars off dances from my buddies also, since I often SC with friends. By the time I've seen her 3 or 4 times, she's thinking of me as a regular she wants to keep. They say yes a lot, but sometimes they don't. A few select ATFs have been to my place and slept over. I mostly don't invite them to my place. Typical is: we meet for late lunch & drinks, go bar hopping, often head to a strip club (not the one she works at), get all horny, fuck it off in a hotel.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Something I noticed a recently
    Holy shit 25, talk about pressure. I definitely need to upgrade my sneakers if I'm going to try to hang
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Something I noticed a recently
    Now now, I was just making an observation
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Something I noticed a recently
    Your mistake is that it's about the general ideas instead of how you word things. Everything is worded as if some socially awkward PL in his basement is trying his best to sound like he's an actual person, but instead ends up sounding off and cringy. That's all I'm saying. Has nothing to do with the concept of how women flirt, but the words whoever is behind "Icey Loco" uses
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Something I noticed a recently
    Everything Icey writes continues to make me cringe or feel embarrassed for him. You guys don't all get this too, or everyone else has him on ignore?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Something I noticed a recently
    My big observation is: I'm surprised someone on twitter hasn't already invented a clever term for a woman who looks attractive in her mask, but not as attractive out of it. Someone get black people twitter on the case. Or tuscl. Mask Hot, maybe.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another legend closes forever.
    As I've said many times: In its heyday -- pre-2007 -- it was probably the best SC that ever has, or ever will, exist on American soil... I guess the caveat is, "if you had the money". I've never heard of anything like it before or since. Girls as hot as the high end alcohol LV or LA clubs, in fact, LV girls used to fly in to work shifts, the only time I've ever heard of the out-migration from LV. But at the same time, fully available extras in private rooms. Relatively (for an extras club) artistic dances on stage. Multiple performance rooms with different ways of interacting. It's been useless for 13+ years -- it went to complete shit after the consent decree, and previewed in part what would happen once the girls became employees. But it was a privilege to come of age as a PL during the runnup to that catastrophe
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC with Strippers: the Caviar of the Sex Industry
    Holy shit that's a lotta questions man! If only this software had quoting capabilities, like all forum software had back in like 1998. "Do you pick a specific date that seems more likely that will happen?" There's no way to know which day of the week is free in a stripper's crazy life. You have to ask her. The only rule for success is: set the OTC date for as soon as possible, strippers don't schedule 2 weeks out. "Do you pick a specific time? Like you show up at 3am when the club is about to close?" This question, and many of the ones that follow, assume I'm taking her OTC immediately after her shift. I do that sometimes, but that's the exception. I strongly prefer to get her OTC on a day she's not working at all. I prefer starting in the afternoon and letting it go as late as it goes. I'll skip all the rest of the questions that seem to assume I'm taking her OTC right from the club. "Do you pick specific clubs that you know will be more conducive to OTC? Maybe non-alcohol clubs?" I usually see a stripper a bunch of times before we go OTC -- I just like getting a bit crazy about her before getting her off campus. So I go to clubs that are fun for me (alcohol clubs, so I can drink with her) and that have the hottest chicks (alcohol clubs, since they're lower contact). "Do you pick a specific dancer that seems more prone to do OTC?" Nope, I pick a smokin' hot dancer, get to know her over multiple visits, then pop the question. My experience is, other than the obvious high volume skanks, it's not easy to guess who will or will not entertain OTC. "Do you drink with the dancer to get to know her?" Do you know who I am bro? THAT'S MY THING. I see her over multiple visits, 3-5 hours per visit, drinking and doing dances. By the time I ask her OTC, she'll already consider me a customer "How do you know the girl you'd made a connection with a girl that's she'll want to meet you?" I don't. If she ends up not meeting me, I move on. No big deal. I love being in the club and getting dances and drinking, OTC is the cherry on top, but it's not like I regret my time ITC if she won't go. "How would you do this discreetly without the bouncers trying to intimate you?" I'm the one who does the intimidating. ha ha, just kidding, you think I'm Rick or something? Seriously though, I have no idea what the bouncers would try to intimidate me over. I'm a great customer, I spend money, the girls are happy, and I typically get to know the bouncers in my regular clubs. "How much does it matters if you are regular?" You can do all this without ever being a regular. But in my regular clubs, I get to know the bouncers and managers, the benefits are huge. I have not paid an entrance fee in years. I have not had a bouncer walk through my VIP dances in years -- they walk through once per every song or two for everyone else. The benefits are huge if you are not socially awkward and are okay talking with staff. (skiipping another bunch of questions that assume I'm getting her right after her shift) "Would you say its a numbers game or connection game?" Not a numbers game for me. I pick a girl I'm crazy about, see her a few times so she feels comfortable, and she's the one I pursue. She's already my CF by the time I'm asking her OTC, and she may well be my new ATF a few months later, since I just stick with her until she retires or starts to suck
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    @Founder, PL's only private group? What do you guys think?
    Yeah my "PL formative years" were spent in a organization-and-pressure culture -- a local forum that dominated the area. The culture was very detailed reviews and organized action... and so many PLs and johns were part of the forum, the pressure we could bring to bear was immense and often effective. Too effective in the case of escorts, where organized johns drove the prices down to extremes and put effective pressure for unsafe sex acts. On the SC side of things, PLs didn't wield quite so much power, but did control things effectively enough that it made the girls pretty angry... definitely did not want to admit you were a reader of the forums I don't see any way to do that off tuscl, I don't think we have critical mass in any one locality. Mostly the only holdover I have from those days is that I continue to prefer trip report style reviews (without details on the girls that would get them in trouble) over drink-prices/shape-of-bar/location-of-bathroom reviews, which puts me at odds with everyone else.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    @Founder, PL's only private group? What do you guys think?
    Agree that this is already a male-dominated site, I don't feel a need for a guy-only forum. There's already too many sausages here. beat, it sounds like you're looking for a forum where PLs could exchange more detailed information and exert market pressure on the girls, something that definitely happens in areas where there are local hobbyist forums and the johns are well-organized. I don't think tuscl has the organization-and-pressure culture that hobbyist forums do; moreover, even if we did, it's unclear that we could exert any real market pressure given how spread out we are. We are more in "protect the girls" mode, other than specifically outing ROBs by name, and making general observations about prices ("lapdances cost $20 here, don't pay $30 some of the girls are asking")
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Have you ever dated a dancer? Dancers, what kind of guy did you date?(Client/No
    Yep, like I said, faux-wisdom repeated by rote by those who want to sound authoritative despite having no firsthand experience. I mean, it sounds all strategical -- "customer frame", that's great lol. And just to re-emphasize -- you asked about dating ,which implies a level of commitment. I would argue that FWB, not dating, is the prize (at least for those of us whose MO isn't hit it and quit it), and never understood all the obsession with dating. I would have been miserable really dating any of those girls, in a committed relationship. FWB? Most fun thing ever.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Have you ever dated a dancer? Dancers, what kind of guy did you date?(Client/No
    PS and I realize nicespice didn't specifically say he was a customer. I just used it to riff on the very many "customer to FWB or dating" stories, told by both PLs and strippers
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Have you ever dated a dancer? Dancers, what kind of guy did you date?(Client/No
    nicespice: "I dated somebody I met at a club for two years." This is a pretty common story among strippers. Both among strippers I've known well, and on stripper forum sites, a ton of strippers have dated guys they've met at the club, often someone who was clearly a *customer* first, not just "met in the club once and started dating him". Of course, "I've dated a customer" is often followed by the phrase "ONCE. Never again". It's actually very similar to what I hear from customers. Many customers have dated a dancer, many times they were a customer first and then it transitioned. And "I dated a stripper I was a customer of" is very often followed by "ONCE. Never again." I personally have had three strippers that transitioned to ... well, definitely FWB, although sometimes crossing the line to non-serious dating. In all cases, I was a customer (in fact, a regular) first, though for all I knew, the stripper had FWB on her mind the whole time. That's how I know when I see things like "once you go pay her for a lapdance you're a customer and will never date her" or "once a trick always a trick", I know that person is just repeating by rote the "standard wisdom" you see on PUA pages, hobby forums, etc. It's the standard tell that that person doesn't have any actual experience and is just repeating common wisdom they read somewhere.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Bay Area, California
    San Fran Strip Clubs Open?
    MBOT closing is a bummer. It's been shit for almost 15 years, but man, the years before that....
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Bay Area, California
    San Fran Strip Clubs Open?
    I keep in touch with a handful of managers at my fave clubs, although they're flakier than strippers about responding :) I'll shoot out a text today and let you know if anyone is opening
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Regulars on OnlyFans
    Thanks, got it! yes indeed, on the home page there's a little magnifying glass. I typed in "stripper" and got tons of results back. Including a lot of dudes, but that's the risks. At least you can try searching on ATF's stripper name
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Regulars on OnlyFans
    That's a good point, I'm not an expert either. I just jumped on and can't find any way to browse or do a search, so that kills my idea of trolling through OF to find your ATF OTC. I do notice that there's a Suggestions section, which contains quite a few suggested profiles, and which you can refresh. Wonder if there's a way to game the Suggestions algorithm to focus in on local strippers, although for all I know the girls can set their OF site to not show up in suggestions.