Election results

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Estimated 240M registered voters in 2020.
100M have already voted.
With over 40% of the possible ballots already received (voter turnout ia kever 100%), under what scenario could we not expect clear cut results by tomorrow morning?


  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Not starting counting until the Polls close is just plain stupid. Not announcing any results until polls close OK. But not counting ? Why is that a rule ?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Top answer: the scenario where states count ballots without postmarks received days after the election was held as the democrat party works feverishly to stealnthe election.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    Pennsylvania - Counting: Ballots can start being counted when polls close on Election Day at 8 pm. At least seven Pennsylvania counties plan to hold off on processing or counting their mail ballots until the day after Election Day. Different States, different rules. We have never had the winner confirmed by the States on Nov. 3rd.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    It’s already happening in Philadelphia. Republican poll watchers are being illegally prevented from entering the poll sites. Democratic operatives are running the poll locations. Pro Biden information is being handed out inside the polling places to guide the voter.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    That's a rule in Democrat run states, so you'd have to ask them. Here in NJ we're not allowed to use voting machines due to Covid. You can use the credit card machine at Home Depot, the liquor store, CVS, etc., but not a voting machine. If you chose to wait until election day to cast your vote "in person" all it means is you go to a designated place where you fill out a paper ballot and they put it in a bag to be transported to the Division of Elections. None of the mail-in votes, "in person" ballots, or those placed in the "drop boxes" will be counted until polls close. It makes about as much sense as restricting business hours due to Covid, forcing stores to close early. More people crammed into a confined space. Brilliant!
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    This election is a scam and a farce.

    Our media likes to call Russia a dictatorship even though nearly all fair-minded analysts will admit President Putin has had majority support throughout most or all of tenure.

    They argue that there is unfair media coverage in his favor (despite the existence of widespread opposition media), roadblocks and infiltration of opposition parties (despite there being more opposition members in the Duma than in the California Legislature), and intimidation or harassment of opposition campaigning.

    Hello, what do you call the obstacles and unfairness that the Trump movement has had to put up with in the US. Add to it, the difficulty of a normal campaign due to the Covid scamdemic and the massive opportunity for Dem fraud with this mail in and "early voting" sham, and clearly any Biden-Harris administration will have less legitimacy than President Putin. In fact its not even close.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    "President Putin has had majority support "
    A) Easy to have majority support when the opposition gets poisoned.
    B) Please tell me you're not advocating authoritarian rule as long as it's your guy in power. That would be the most anti-American thing posted to this board yet.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    @warrior “Not starting counting until the Polls close is just plain stupid. Not announcing any results until polls close OK. But not counting ? Why is that a rule ?”

    I haven’t researched, but my assumption is that it’s meant to promote efficiency and a faster calling of the results, not slow it down. Until this year, the overwhelming majority of voters voted in person. If you used poll workers to count mail in ballots, compare signatures, etc. you’d take away time that could be used to make Election Day voting and counting more efficient. Once you’d counted the in person ballots, if the margin of votes for one candidate exceeded the number of mail in votes, the state wouldn’t even need to count those votes to declare a winner. In most cases, this process would save a lot of time.

    Covid and the huge pivot to majority mail in votes turned that purpose on its head. Further, it goes state by state but I don’t think it’s usually a “rule.” I think they’re laws. You can usually change election rules pretty easily. Not so easy to change laws in the middle of an election (even if it would’ve been a good idea) when both parties hate each other. Changing the law would just be viewed as undermining the legitimacy of the election.

    Again, I did zero research but that’s my guess.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago
    Remember, the real presidential election starts after polls close. The Farcical Process of “Picking a President” is only getting started on “Election Day”.

    The system is especially designed to confuse voters into believing their votes matter.

    A “handpicked” group of “allies” known as electors will be send to the Electoral College, where the “actual presidential vote” takes place.

    The “Electoral Votes” will be “officially” read and counted on January 6th 2021 when Members of the House and the Senate all meet in the House chamber.

    On January 20th, 2021, at noon, the Pedophile-Rapist-in-Chief will take the oath of office for his second of three terms.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    Hypothetical: If Trump were to lose, what do you think happens next?
    Resignation so Pence can pardon pending litigation?
    Keeps playing to his base and starts a lucrative media company?
    Goes quietly into the good night?
    Cooperative transition and Obama's portrait finally gets hung in the White House?
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    If Trump loses AFAIK he keeps being president till January
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    ^ Of course. I meant going forward.
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Far be it for this lion to be the voice of reason, but shouldn’t this thread be in the “political discourse” room? (aka the “room for damn dirty apes who are constantly spout off about political shit”)

    Jes’ sayin’...
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    According to Axios, the plan is for left wing news outlets to declare Biden the winner then for Biden to claim victory and act accordingly.

    This might work if various voter frauds give Biden the lead at some point. Timing is the key. They need to act before Trump can challenge the fraudulent votes in the court.

  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Biden can act however he wants, but he is not even truly the president-elect until the Electoral College has its vote. Again, I don't think the plan is to have a President Biden. He's too moderate. I think the plan is to have a President Pelosi.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Ivanka and kayley mcenany doing lesbo shit though
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    A couple of days ago I heard that for the last 50-years, who ever has won Ohio, has won the election (if I heard it correctly)
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Even w/ the electoral college, the Dems have a good leg up - w/ just 3-states that vote democrat all-the-time even if Satan is the Dem nominee, w/ just 3 states, they already have close to 40% of the electoral college votes they need:

    California (55 Electoral Votes)
    New York (29 Electoral Votes)
    Illinois (20 Electoral Votes)

    Meanwhile the Republicans seem to have less sure-things - even TX is turning purple and it'll probably be close
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I don't get Libs that often leave places like New York and California b/c of high-taxes or quality-of-life, then still vote for the same policies in the new areas they move to

    I was reading an article a couple of days ago w.r.t. people leaving NYC in large part b/c of the out-of-control taxes where high-income-earners are paying up to 13% combined state and city taxes (not to mention a combined city/state sales-tax of almost 9%); and it seems these same people still support the Dems that are causing them to leave in the first-place - SMCH
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The Republicans need to expand their base - they've won the popular vote only once in 30-years (2004)
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Georgia seems to have gone from red in the past, to purple, to possibly going blue going-forward (not looking like Trump will carry GA)
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Arizona is another state that has gone from red to purple and now blue
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Georgia will go Trump. Arizona is WAY too early to call. One million votes left and those are heavily Republican.

    Biden to speak shortly. As I predicted, he will prematurely declare victory and look for the media to back him in this claim.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I think I got confused with Georgia early-on; either the #s weren't looking good or I misread what I saw.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Biden is up by about 8 in Arizona (and the Dem won the Senate seat) - I think Arizona has transitioned to a blue state going forward
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Biden may very well win Arizona but, with 1,000,000 uncounted, Fox called it way too early.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Its 1am Wednesday - all precincts are closed - just got an email from Trump hitting me up for more $$$
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Assuming Trump wins Georgia and NC, Trump only needs to win Wisconsin or Michigan or Pennsylvania to win. He is currently ahead in all 3 states.
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    Wait? Did they do that today? Or are you just joking around?
  • PredragDr
    4 years ago
    Looks promising for Trump. If he gets 4 of 5 from PA, NC, GA, WI and MI, it’s four more years. He is favored in all five of those states currently.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Trump basically declared victory a few minutes ago.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Incredible amounts of funny business going on in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia suddenly stops counting votes at 10pm with no explanation. Scranton goes from 59% of vote counted and Trump lead to suddenly 100% counted and Biden lead. No explanation. Mail in ballots “cured” ( officials “correct” errors on ballots ). No postmark or signature required on mail in ballots. Votes accepted until this Thursday ( State law says must be received by Election Day). Trump poll watchers refused access to public voting areas. People video’d dropping off stacks of ballots ( illegal harvesting ). Pro-Biden posters displayed in polling locations.

    Trump lawyers in court at 9am to challenge this. Biden declares “ all votes must count” ( even the fake ones ?).
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    Jesus fuck this is dragging on esp pennsylfucky
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Pennsylfucky and North Carolina will be counting late arriving ballots, those will drag on for 3-9 days. That is where the election will be fought in the courts. If WI and NV go to Biden, then Trump will have to win NC, PA, and MI.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Florida approved the minimum wage increase to $15. That's the end of small business in Florida.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Oregon decriminalized smack, crystal, and coke? Were they not fucked up enough already? Who lives there?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    It's looking pretty good for Trump right now given where the votes are trending. It's looking really good for the GOP to retain Senate control.

    This dragged out shit in PA and NC really sucks. This allows way too much time for shenanigans and controversy.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    In Wisconsin, they seem to have stopped counting the Green Bay votes, a solid Trump area. In Georgia they are delaying Atlanta votes, giving them time to manufacture votes for Biden. Same thing in Philadelphia. What a mess.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    Trump announced that he won.
    How shocking!!!
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Only DJT can simultaneously declare victory and election fraud and have 49% of the country agree with him. I have to hand it to him, he is a showman who knows how to entertain.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    ^and it really shows what sheeplike idiots the Trumpanzees really are. They'll believe anything 😂🤣!
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    The election is being stolen by the democrat party as we speak. Shameful.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    ^^^ whatsa matter? Got tired of stalking 25? Loser.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    To be fair, declaring both victory and fraud is happening on the left-side as well. Ooh man at the CBS network last night and all those snippy comments. And all the declarations the past few weeks about a 90% chance of a landslide victory or whatnot. And complaining about Trumpers intimidating voters or something? Same side of the coin.

    But meanwhile Libertarians (and other third-party candidates) weren’t allowed to even participate in the debates, so I’ll go ahead and throw in my complaining about voter suppression while others are doing the same.

  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Here’s how it plays out the rest of the day. The media refuses to declare Georgia and North Carolina for Trump even though he has an insurmountable lead. He also has an insurmountable lead in Pennsylvania, despite all the shenanigans. But, the media will refuse to declare Penn for Trump. Those 3 states give Trump 267 electoral votes, only 3 short of 270. But, the media won’t announce this.

    Last night, Wisconsin was leaning Trump but, in the dead of night, 138,000 Biden votes appeared out of nowhere. Similarly, Biden has a razor thin lead in Michigan with lots of questionable activity. Either of these states could give Trump a win after a legal challenge.

    At some point, the media will unanimously declare Biden the winner and declare Trump is trying to steal the election by proceeding with justifiable legal challenges.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    On another note, freaking Colorado and Hickenlooper winning in a landslide. Gardner had WAY more substance in his campaign ads.😞
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Also, what is up with Vermont? *Super* blue for Biden, but *super* red for governor? Not a rhetorical question, just wondering.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Isn't there another room for this?

    rickthelian thinks so.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    @spice “To be fair, declaring both victory and fraud is happening on the left-side as well.“

    Legit question - where are you seeing this? I’m mostly following blue news sites and probably missing it, but the dem message has been “wait until all the votes are counted.”

    I would think both sides could agree (ha, fat chance) that the mail in ballots are likely to be in Biden’s favor. How much? That’s what the waiting is for. 🍿
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    As long as the Republicans keep the Senate (still waiting to see there), I'm happy if Biden wins. The mail-in votes from cities are overwhelmingly for Biden and why the expectation is that some states where Trump is leading might go to Biden. The critical thing is that Biden not get free reign in Congress.

    The CA propositions I most cared about, are all going my way so far (prop 13 rollback on commercial properties, re-institution of affirmative action, gig workers as employees, rent control), although the first two are still a bit up in the air, the final two are decided.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    No, plenty of mail-in ballots are for Trump, like mine was. However, ballots receoved AFTER the electuon or missing a postmark should not be counted. PA and NC are totally set up for fraud. The delays in MI, WI, NV, and GA are bullshit and inexcusable. If there was ever an election which had to avoid any appearance of impropriety, it was this one. Lawsuits are unavoidable, now, and whoever wins will always be in the shadow of a suspected fraudulent election victory.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Oh, and replace cash bail with some sort of risk analysis. Still being decided, but going my way. Kind of shocking the way Californians are voting on these 5 propositions, I was expecting I'd be on the losing side of all five
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Yeah, my bad, I posted this in the wrong forum. Oops.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    The reason the media matters is because public opinion matters. Going way back to Gore/Bush, Al at first conceded, then reversed his position. That allowed Bush to grab the public opinion high ground. That was a powerful tailwind in his efforts to win Florida through legal challenge.

    There will be a point where Biden will claim he has 270 and the win. The media will rush in to support his claim. That will give a huge public opinion headwind to any efforts by Trump to pursue legal challenges.

    The Democrats always counsel patience when they are behind but the instant they take the lead, they declare the time for patience is over.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    The democrats are the biggest hypocrites and liars in politics. Period. I am not saying the GOP does not do it, but no one does it as much and as shamelessly as the democrat party.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The way 2020 has gone I guess it was only fitting the election would be a mess
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Trump has multiple paths to victory. The easiest path at this point is Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania. Then, Nevada puts him at 270. Or, Arizona puts him at 275.

    Despite obfuscation by the media, these are all straightforward wins available with no legal challenges needed. He has the votes, even with the mail in ballot fraud that has been perpetrated.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    ^ again your hand-wringing desperation knows no bounds.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago

    Random thoughts:

    (*) The polling was inaccurate and the election was far closer than indicated by sites like 538 and The Economist. But it looks like Biden will win and that's the only thing people will remember about the polling.

    (*) It's very disappointing to Democrats that the Senate is unlikely to flip (polling and simulations were incorrect here, too). Look for gridlock for at least the next two years. Those that find themselves destitute because of the pandemic may find that no further help is on the way. Forget about raising the corporate tax rate. I'm guessing the ACA will not be repealed by the supreme court -- but forget about Biden's plan to add a Medicare buy-in.

    (*) After Trump launched his campaign under the premise that Mexicans are rapists and murderers, he won Florida and S. Texas from strong Hispanic support. Go figure. Puerto Ricans and Cubans voted for Trump under the ludicrous assumption that Biden is a socialist.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ if that's true then that is what I was afraid of with democrat controlled battleground states
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Here's a strange thing regarding mail-in ballots. In NJ there were no voting machines allowed. Your choices were only:

    1. Mail-in ballot sent in by US Mail
    2. Mail-in ballot put in a "drop box"
    3. Mail-in ballot hand delivered to Division of Elections
    4. "In person" vote on election day, which is a "paper provisional ballot" put into a sealed envelope (just like a mail-in ballot) and then delivered by poll workers to the Division of Elections, to be counted along with the regular mail-in ballots.
    5. EXCEPTION: If you are handicapped in such a way that you are unable to fill out a mail-in or paper provisional, but you ARE able to use a machine (how is that even possible?) there were special machines available. I'm guessing that's maybe a dozen people statewide? No idea what that even means.

    Counting of any type of ballot submission was not to be started until polls close. I was told that first-hand by the DOE help center. And for that reason, on-line tracking would not be updated from "received" to "accepted" until your ballot was processed.

    In other words, EVERY BALLOT in the State of NJ was on paper (except handicapped, see above) and manual counting was not to begin until 8PM on election night. But by some kind of miracle, NJ was among the first states called as going for Biden, by a very wide margin, only a few minutes after polls closed.

    As of 2:00 PM today, my ballot still shows as "received" (not "accepted"). Contacted five of my friends (who live in several different counties, so different groups of people/locations doing the processing/counting) and NOT ONE of them sees their on-line tracking updated to "accepted."

    Anyone who can explain this... I'm all ears.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I also heard something about Wisconsin having more ballots counted than there are registered voters but IDK if that story is accurate
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    misterorange: most states -- NJ specifically included -- start counting ballots before the polls close, and even before election day. From what I can tell, and every source I could find, the information you were given that absentee ballots would not be counted in NJ until polls closed was factually incorrect. NJ actually allows counties to start counting up to 10 days before election day.

    PA is one of the few (only?) states that do what you outlined -- no counting until polls closed.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    According to Yahoo News, Trump presently has 214 electoral votes, awaiting results in AK, NV, MI, GA, NC, and PA. I feel sure about 2 things- the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning and Trump will get AK's 3 electoral votes, putting him at 217. Trump leading in GA, NC, and PA. Winning those 3 will give Trump 268 electoral votes. He must take either NV (6 votes) or MI (16 votes) to put him over the top. I had a feeling this presidential election would be a drawn out affair.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    if things stay the way they are, then Trump it's looking that Trump will come up short - seems Michigan may be the back-breaker
  • PredragDr
    4 years ago
    They are calling MI for Biden now and that likely clinched it for him. My how things have changed in 12 hours.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Before the election, it seemed the election was a referendum on America, and a referendum on Trump.

    Given that the blue-wave didn't necessarily happen - it was a close election, and it seems the GOP will hold the Senate and perhaps even pick up some seats in the House.

    One can then argue it came down to being about Trump and it being a Trump vs Trump race - Trump had several things he could hang his hat on starting w/ the economy; foreign policy wins including the trade-deals; and running against a candidate that seemed out of it half the time and even had a big scandal (Hunter) right b/f the election - it may have come down to Trump's policy-wins vs Trump-hate and seems the latter may be about to win.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Biden at 264 - Michigan was just called for Biden - Trump's only hope may be thru the courts and that's unlikely
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Trump's hail-mary may be Nevada but he's behind there so it's not looking good
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    —>“you cannot talk down to 53% of the electorate (women) and win anything.”

    How do you get yer OTC discount deals?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Too many democrat committee shenanigans, just like 2000, 2008, and 2012. Boxes of pristine ballots for Joe just happen to be found during late counts. Bullshit.

    Maybe it is time for another revolution.
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    So one of the worst Presidential candidates in American history somehow now has the most votes of any Presidential candidate ever? Interesting take.
  • LapHunt
    4 years ago
    mark94 17 Hours Ago
    Arizona is WAY too early to call. One million votes left and those are heavily Republican.

    mark94 7 Hours Ago
    Last night, Wisconsin was leaning Trump but, in the dead of night, 138,000 Biden votes appeared out of nowhere. Similarly, Biden has a razor thin lead in Michigan with lots of questionable activity.

    So if a huge chunk of votes flood in for the GOP in Arizona, count them...but the votes that came in for Biden in Wisconsin, those "came out of nowhere"?

    Wisconsin was at about 89% reported in the midnight-2am period on election night, and the outstanding vote yet to be counted was in Milwaukee.

    Similarly, the outstanding vote in Michigan was in Wayne County (Detroit area). Unsure of the "questionable activity" being referenced there. That's black people in Detroit voting for Biden. It's not that complicated.

    The GOP will retain the Senate. There shouldn't be any AOC-like Green New Deals or large-scale marxist garbage happening as long as that is the case.

    This result will allow the GOP the possibility to regroup and run a capable candidate (maybe Hawley) in 2024 who has the intellectual capability to actually stop cultural marxism. Though it would be unsurprising if Trump ran again in 2024 against Kamala (a race he would almost surely win).

    Four more years of a Kushner administration with Trump merely acting as a front man and sending inane tweets does not allow for that possibility. Ann Coulter has articulated the uselessness of Trump's circus act of a presidency better than most.

  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    The results seem to suggest overall America rejected Trump but not necessarily the Republican party.

    I'll admit I expected more of a wave. But y'all better watch Texas and Georgia or 2024 may be silly.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Assuming Biden wins the Whitehouse and the Republicans hold the Senate then we will have a souring economy, progressives fighting Democratic moderates over policy issues; nothing getting passed and the Democrats getting blamed. In a year where they planned on taking over the Senate; some/many statehouses and increasing their house control by large margins they accomplished none of it. No Biden landslide; No senate takeover; they got hurt bad in the house, losing 2 very blue seats in Miami and while Biden won the meaningless national vote, it was minimal. Trump made inroads into black and hispanic communities and a lot of Republican women were elected. Also no Scotus court packing if things hold. Republican party just went through a civil war and emerged; lets see how the Democrats do in theirs. Republican House in 2022?
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Politics is a people business – you are a salesman in many ways – thus you can’t be a flame-thrower all the time – this might’ve worked for Trump in 2016 as an outsider anti-establishment guy and might’ve played well (to a certain extent) not being like "the typical politician”; but once you are president you are expected to act a certain way by both your supporters and non-supporters – there’s a reason most politicians are partisan in primaries then try to move to the middle in the general – you can’t be constantly in the public-eye and so often be that abrasive w/o creating massive backlash by those that don’t support you, and even a good amount of backlash by those that would o/w support you (e.g. never-Trumpers that are not necessarily pro-democrat).
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... But y'all better watch Texas and Georgia or 2024 may be silly ...

    Yeah - unless the GOP regroups, they may have trouble having enough of a base - the population leak from California and New York is gonna cause issues in other states for Republicans (since it seems a lot of those folks keep their liberal views wherever they move)
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    "The results seem to suggest overall America rejected Trump but not necessarily the Republican party."

    I dunno James, the popular vote difference is less than 4% currently, which doesn't seem like an America-wide rejection. Trump is losing by a hair. The question I have is, why just a hair? What I think happened: the progressive left is so completely, outrageously out of control, that some number of centrists were vulnerable to having their fears played up about progressive control of Biden, held their nose and voted for Trump. The fact is, outside of the loony progressive left, no one thinks rioting and looting is justified in any way, no one wants to defund the police, no one wants statues pulled down, etc. Result, Biden probably squeaks by, Republicans probably keep the senate, democrats keep the house but their majority is reduced (and likely in for a real trimming in 2022). The loony left out wilding is the only thing that could have delivered this result
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    'course, I could just be seeing what I want to see :) lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... he loony left out wilding is the only thing that could have delivered this result ..."

    That likely had a significant effect - but I think the biggest effect was OMBS (Trump-hatred) - Trump delivered on two things that are typically big for politicians (a strong economy; and safety (in terms of the U.S. not being involved in any major wars)) - not to mention that Biden was not exactly a strong opponent nor seemed to have great enthusiasm behind him - for all intents and purposes, Trump was a bigger headwind for Trump than Biden was.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    I think this is less about the Dems finfing a winning strategy and more about the polarizing nature of his behavior. The way I see it Trump is his own worst enemy (and the Republicans). The opposition didd'nt have to do anything but let him act out in his typical impulsive child like behavior during a national crisis. Like it or not most people want stable leaders who inspire and bring out the best in people.

    My fear is he has damaged the Republican party with moderate voters. There is going to have to be a period of regroup to rebuild credibility in the party again and put someone there that voters can get behind.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Starting in the early-90s, the two parties started being wider apart - nowadays it seems less about who's running and more about which party he's running for - depending on whether a person leans right or left, they are gonna stick with the particular party no matter who's running since the parties' platforms are so wide-apart.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago

    "My fear is he has damaged the Republican party with moderate voters."

    That's what I was terrified of, but current voting results seem to indicate that's not the case, don't you think? And again, I think the loony left, social justice movement, etc get the credit for that. If they are emboldened by a Biden win, I think the center continues to be up for grabs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    In my eyes, the Trump administration was more about Trumpism than Republicanism - there is likely more dislike now for Republicans as a result of Trump, but I think the dislike for Trump outweighs the dislike for the Republican party (perhaps by a good amount)
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I think going forward Trump is not the biggest anchor weighing-down the Republican party - it's the changing demographics of America and that at least for now it seems America may be becoming more liberal than more conservative - I'm thinking of moving to a more conservative country than the U.S. like France.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    For Trump to win now he has to run the table of the 4 states that are yet to be called (GA, NC< PA, and NV) - that's a tall order
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Michigan is a head-scratcher - when I went to bed past midnight (several hours after the polls closed), both Trump and the Senate Republican challenger were ahead (it wasn't a huge lead but not razor-thing either) - then I wake up this morning and both Trump and the Senate Republican are down and Trump down by a sizeable amount - it was a hell of a turnaround late in the game
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Papi - Michigan law prohibited them from starting to count absentee ballots (including "early voting" done in person) until after the polls closed. Two things we know about absentee ballots are that they lean heavily towards democrats and they take longer to count than the electronic votes that were done at the polls.

    What is still to be seen is how many of those absentee ballots are legitimate. In a normal election year I would say that 99.99% are legitimate but with the emotions and money involved this year who knows. I can see corrupt people in both parties forging absentee ballots so it may come down to which side did it more.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    They know how to stuff ballot boxes in Wayne Co.😀

    Gary Peters [D] is re-elected by about 60k vote margin
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    The rhetoric on corruption is simply front running a predicted loss. The math is not hard. Mail in ballots in 2020 have a high percentage of being from compliant citizens staying at home and taking the safe way to vote. Call them whatever you want but do you think they think the pandemic is real? Who do you think the majority of mail in ballots will support? Its natural the poles will swing Dem while Trump makes it a shameful exercise to his supporters.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Resource posted earlier: State by state guide to vote counting -- when started,mail-in ballots due etc.


    I believe AP website has a similar article and list

    In Missouri, they could start to count already received mail-in/absentee ballots at 7AM on ELECTION DAY. All ballots must be in the hands of county election board by 7PM election day to be counted.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    @misterorange - re: voting machines for the physically impaired

    There are a wealth of devices and techniques for those with various physical impairments to interact with a computer. Think of Stephen Hawking using a probe held between his teeth to activate points on a touchscreen. Foot pedals, large gamer-trackball devices adapted for handicapped, etc

    As to the voting machine process vs hand-marked paper ballot - I used one 2yrs ago.
    Used a mouse to mark selection. One race/office or ballot question per screen to avoid confusion. If I failed to make a choice on a particular screen the computer returned to that screen before allowing me to finish. You would have to mark a choice or deliberately mark a selection saying you did not wish to vote this issue or race. When finished with on-screen ballot but BEFORE my choices were recorded I was presented with a scrolling screen showing my completed ballot with option to 'correct' or 'accept' each choice. If not satisfied session could be nullified and new voting process started by poll worker.

    After I verified my choices on-screen a PAPER RECEIPT, a little wider than a grocery store receipt, printed up a copy of my ballot choices. Signed off on paper receipt. Machine then recorded my ballot choices electronically with an ID keyed to the paper receipt and indicating key time date info of session. Receipt placed in envelope retained by election board as paper back-up of machine recorded ballot.

    Took longer to explain here than complete.

    So its possible to accommodate persons with physical impairments without compromising ballot integrity AND with a linked paper back-up.
  • Hannathedog79
    4 years ago
    Found this interesting. Hearing from a number of military families who voted against Trump. Also, am hearing about a lot of folks who've voted straight down the GOP ticket for a couple of decades and did so again this year, except for President. Although I'm generally 60/40 Democrat over my 40+ years of voting, I found myself voting GOP for everybody local and statewide this week, but could not make myself vote for Trump. (Left that slot blank in 2016 because both candidates were equally terrible people) You Republicans have plenty of decent human beings you could run out there who could do just as good a job with-out resorting to name-calling, bullying, giving racists a foothold(KKK-plenty of good people there), generally acting like an 11 year old spoiled brat and dissing POW's (those military families heard that loud and clear). Good chance I would have gone GOP if a non-Trump Train Republican had been up for the spot.
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