Step by step approch to set yourself apart from the others in a strip club

avatar for UGK.22
#1 rent a tuxedo

#2 order flowers for the girls dressing room and have it delivered before you get their

#3 Repeat over and over again how your not like the other guys

#4 Order a special meal for you and your main dancer.

#5 Order any drink from any dancer that ask

#6 pay your main dancer $200 to hang with you

#7 Tip every dancer on stage $5 every time up

#8 beg your main dancer to visit your hotel for non sexual activities then pay her up front an extra $300

#9 wait with expectations in your lonely hotel room


last comment
avatar for NaturalSelection
8 years ago
10. Go home and jack off to PornHub.

11. Write a lengthy sob story on TUSCL for all to ridicule you over
Good ones
#12 take a cold shower and cry
the tux idea is probably the single cheapest idea...
You've just described the rookie pathetic loser starter kit.
We also just described that fagget Ricky Boy and his little system too to walking in completely naked.
Au contraire...

The system specifies a "white" tuxedo.

Also, you have to grease the manager and bouncers.

And a little extra to the bathroom troll greases the skids for a good time...
Don't forget buying dances is a chumps game just feed her money in the front room till it's time for your pants to come off than run around the front room with your pants off. LOL
LMFAO this thread is brilliant gentleman
I have one of these and it works pretty good. :)

12. Have a dick bigger than my thumb, for god's sake
Carolynne then I'm screwed LMFAO
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
@25: Ha!
Sorry, UGK -- carolynne's #12 cuts your chances way down.
Perfect. This is just what I needed, a new system.
Carolyn has a 12-inch thumb? ;-)
Pro Tip: if you find the cost of constant rentals is putting a dent in your wallet, offer to buy the white tuxedo directly from the rental place, at a fair used price. You'll be surprised how much you save! (another pro tip: during the price negotiation, make sure you say in a loud voice, "I'm not going to pay full price for a white tuxedo that is obviously cum-stained!")
Yes, one might do all those things, but most of it is going too far. Girls respect guys who are both tactful and direct.

To distinguish yourself from the other guys in the club you only really need to do one thing, and that's to not ever treat dancers like prostitutes.

If further, you are open and direct about approaching a girl you like, then more often than not, she will quickly become yours.

avatar for ChadT
8 years ago
I might try the flower one just so i can see how many more dancers come at me even harder for my money.
The System (tm) works, nice business suit. Not good for back room fun, but it does get you preferential OTC offers.

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