
Comments by Subraman (page 132)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    sober or non sober?
    Buzzed if I'm by myself, more likely drunk if I'm with a group
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Ever seen a smokeshow or 9 out of 10 in the club as a customer?
    It's pretty common that during my OTCs, we make a stop in at an SC. So, when I'm lucky enough to have a 9+ ATF, during OTCs, I and every other customer there gets to see a 9+ female customer :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    TL;DR: the fact that you think "am I like the other guys or not" is an important question, might indicate you have a little PL growing to do :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    I think everyone goes through a "I'm not like all the other guys" phase. And I think strippers are better salespeople than we think they are, and pick up on it, and reflect it back to make guys feel nice. It is downright liberating to get past the phase ... I mean, when I was in it, I avoided asking for a lot of things that I really wanted, so I could maintain my "not like the other guys" status (I can recite the exact instance I realized this, and started changing things) . And that, of course, is why strippers will take any opportunity to manipulate you into that position. They'll talk about what animals the other guys are and how it's refreshing to be with a gentleman... for a non-PL, that initiates their inner white knight sequence, and motivates them to live up to her lofty savior-like opinion of him. Once you get to the point where you're pretty focused on getting the experience you want -- and that experience is highly sexual -- I think it becomes a bit harder to convince yourself that you're not like all the other guys. I think an everyday PL doesn't compare himself to others at all -- I really give no fucks whether I am or am not like any other guys, as long as I'm getting the experience I'm after. I really don't think the question of whether I'm like the other guys or not is important; I'm not defined by whether I'm different from them. I haven't lost "me" in the process. I still am not looking to get over on a stripper. I don't treat her badly, I seek consent rather than to take advantage of her letting her guard down. I genuinely like my ATFs. I like socializing with strippers -- not just because it gets me hornier for the sex, but because I like it in and of itself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tuscl terms
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    My Social Experiment: Gonna Start Out as a Trick & Make a Hoe Fall in Love in 2
    I'm not "hating" because you're living a different life. I'm pointing out that you're not actually a person, you're the troll persona of a tuscl'er doing a cringeworthy job at pretending to be a pimp. I realize a few of our most gullible tusclers have bought in, but reminders to the lurkers are worth it. It would probably be fun to have an actual pimp here, at least for a little while
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tuscl terms
    Yes. But not "all men" ... just PLs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tuscl terms
    I was around when PL was coined. Back then a.s.s-c was the first and only forum to talk about strip clubs. It had nationwide participation but the center was SF, which back then had some of the best clubs around -- although most likely that wasn't the reason for the SF-centricity, but rather that only college kids and engineers had access to USENET, and silicon valley has a lot of engineers. Anyway, ass-c HQ back then was Chez Paree, and there was a lot of intermingling between assc'ers and CP dancers, who were still trying to figure out if they hated us or loved us. Mostly, I reckon they did what strippers do, pretended to love us while they hated us. Anyway, a stripper name Siren tried to vent to another stripper, but forum software could be a bit tricky, and instead of emailing to another female stripper, she posted to the entire group. That venting contained the first use of the now-famous term, calling the male assc'ers "pathetic losers". There was an uproar, we immediate co-opted the term, and SCers have been using it ever since
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tuscl terms
    Extras was used way back in the alt.sex.strip-club days too ... so well preceding tuscl So far the only terms I've only heard here, are the ones guys here have made up -- ldk, DS
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    -->"I love how autocorrect is changing the word "ducking" to mean fucking." It's not; JS really "Ducks" all his DSes. He feeds them little bits of white bread and then makes them waddle around the bedroom. Weird guy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    My Social Experiment: Gonna Start Out as a Trick & Make a Hoe Fall in Love in 2
    Yes they did. There's no way a story with the word "trick" in it is fictional. The word "trick" means the author is street and automatically a real person.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tuscl terms
    So DS > ATF > CF
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tuscl terms
    "Dream stripper"... Has always been downright cringeworthy to me, but somehow it stuck
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tuscl terms
    -->"I think Tuscl is the only place where we use the term PL and DS" JS69 came up with DS, so that's definitely tuscl only PL was coined outside tuscl (alt.sex.strip-clubs, back in the USENET days. A couple of us were around when it happened, pretty fun story), and has been used in most forums I've been on
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    If you were new to strip clubbing and needed advice . . .
    Hell no. But, if I were looking to be a pretend pimp? Fuck to the yes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    My Social Experiment: Gonna Start Out as a Trick & Make a Hoe Fall in Love in 2
    I dunno, I'm actually kinda shocked at this turn of events. I was sure the narrative was going to make him the hero, trick-to-pimp fairy tale! I was looking forward to the usual storybook happy ending -- you know, when the pimp smacks up the ho
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Buying things from the bathroom troll?
    -->"Ok so on the earplugs subject... apparently there are special high fidelity earplugs which reduce sound volume without hurting the quality. I bought a set and will post a thread with a review when I get them!" If you don't mind looking a little silly and wearing ear plugs, you can go all the way and touch sillier: https://www.goaxil.com/products/ghost-stryke-essential-universal-hearing-protection-and-enhancement I haven't tried them, but do have an earmuff version of this type of electronic hearing protection: it muffles loud noises, but amplifies (to whatever extent you want) softer noises, like talking. I use it in the range when I'm teaching beginners to shoot, I have them wear these with the microphones facing backwards (towards me). Would be impressive if these things could simultaneously muffle loud music while amplifying speech, but I'm sure it's not that sophisticated -- guessing the loud music would have the things in constant "muffle everything" mode
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    I foresee some docking action between nicespice and I at the dungeon get-together
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Mexico
    What are the differences between a stripper and a bowling ball…?
    My bowling ball doesn't think "a good breakfast" consists of redbull and cocaine My bowling ball doesn't eat breakfast at 3pm
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Mexico
    What are the differences between a stripper and a bowling ball…?
    My bowling ball never loses it's phone My bowling ball has never told me that I have nice eyes My bowling ball doesn't have to hide from its baby daddy when we're in public
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Mexico
    Seeing your ITC Fav at work - only for sex, or sometimes casual?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Mexico
    Seeing your ITC Fav at work - only for sex, or sometimes casual?
    -->"We got on well and had real conversations. Once in a while, if we were both in town, we'd meet for coffee and a sandwich, and nothing else." I've had similar outside-the-club socializing with a number of ATFs. That, actually, is something I enjoy, and am happy to pursue it whenever it's available. I had probably my #2 ATF who would often call me up when she was in my neighborhood, "I'm at Santana Row, come take me to lunch!"... lunch with a scorchingly hot chick who I'm crazy in lust with? No brainer, I'm in.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Mexico
    Seeing your ITC Fav at work - only for sex, or sometimes casual?
    When I went to extras clubs, 100% of the time when I saw her, at some point, we were doing extras. Now I spend most of my time at non-extras clubs, so 100% of the time, it's for non-extras. But every time, we'll be going to the VIP and doing as much as I can get away with. Not interested in "come by for just friendly socialization", if I'm paying for anything other than the cost of food/alcohol. My sexual appetites are the foundation of our relationship for me, just as much as money is the foundation for her. I like getting to know my ATFs on a deeper level, but it's a house built on sex and $.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    I don't know about you all, but I have an erection already over this
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Yes! I'll bring the buttplugs. Which obviously I'll have to go buy, it's not like I have a case of buttplugs that I bought years ago, waiting for this moment.