
Buying things from the bathroom troll?

Off again on again PL
Friday, September 28, 2018 6:05 PM
So assuming you give the bathroom troll a buck... What is and isn't typically considered complimentary? I would assume a mint or a shot of cheap body spray is free. But the nicer perfume? Obviously cigarettes are not free. Also you know what would be awesome for the trolls to have for sale is... EARPLUGS! Occasionally I'll end up at a club right near a speaker and I would totally pay a few bucks to buy earplugs. On my last trip I ended up making some out of napkin paper.


  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Try to sell him some duct tape to out on his mouth
  • ei8ht_Ball
    6 years ago
    It cost me a dollar to pee. I ain't buyin' nothin' else.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    The real question is who are the ones who won't simply wash their hands after taking a drunk piss (or shit) bc they're too scared to deal with Mr. Bathroom?? Since I don't usually drink unless I'm with buddies, I don't make much trips to his lair. I tip even if I don't buy anything as long as he friendly.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    if i give the troll a buck... i’m gonna get a spray of his good cologne or a small candy or mouthwash.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    "I don't feel that earplugs are really the solution. Otherwise you just won't hear the dancer because you have earplugs in. " Sometimes that's an added bonus.
  • SanchoRG
    6 years ago
    Tip him $5 for a hit off his weed pen
  • ndnman
    6 years ago
    I refuse to tip trolls if all they do is give me a paper towel. I'll tip if I get anything more than that.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Ok so on the earplugs subject... apparently there are special high fidelity earplugs which reduce sound volume without hurting the quality. I bought a set and will post a thread with a review when I get them!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I do my business - wash my hands - tip the troll - and get back to the titties. I’ve not been to a club with a troll in years. It’s a bit too classy for me.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Nobody going to brag about and romantacize buying illegal drugs from the pee troll?
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    I once went to a club in Toronto that had a female topless mens room troll. All these guys with piss on their hands copping a feel for a few bucks adds up. I was pretty drunk and cannot remember which club. Either that or I was in the ladies room.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @flagooner if the pee troll sold fruitcups would you partake;)
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i need to suggest to the hong kong bathroom trolls to have good earplugs available. a few months ago hk installed a new bass unit in the north end of the showroom an it’s not just loud. it’s Frikin LOUD!!!!
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    You can't just come right out and ask about his fat cock. You're supposed to try to strike up a conversation about how the bitches on this shift just haven't been doing it for you lately, maybe drop in a reference to a hot quarterback and see if his eyes light up a little...
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    Also, if you have your coming out ceremony in a troll-attended strip club bathroom, I think it's a standard $20 fee for officiating and any guests should, as usual, leave at least $1 even if they didn't pee or wash their hands. $2 if they couldn't make it to McDonald's and he had to use the room spray in addition to lighting the smoke stick to cover it.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Ok so on the earplugs subject... apparently there are special high fidelity earplugs which reduce sound volume without hurting the quality. I bought a set and will post a thread with a review when I get them!" If you don't mind looking a little silly and wearing ear plugs, you can go all the way and touch sillier: [view link] I haven't tried them, but do have an earmuff version of this type of electronic hearing protection: it muffles loud noises, but amplifies (to whatever extent you want) softer noises, like talking. I use it in the range when I'm teaching beginners to shoot, I have them wear these with the microphones facing backwards (towards me). Would be impressive if these things could simultaneously muffle loud music while amplifying speech, but I'm sure it's not that sophisticated -- guessing the loud music would have the things in constant "muffle everything" mode
  • TXbananas
    6 years ago
    My regular club is 50/50 with the bathroom tips, half the time the troll is asleep and I piss very quietly...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I would not, could not buy any food products from anyone in a strip club bathroom. Even fruit cups.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Thank you for that advice, should I buy the fruitcups from the taco stand in Zona Norte ?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i have not tried the tj fruit cups on the street yet. i enjoy the tacos greatly from two particular taco carts.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’ve no problem with wrapped food items sold by restroom trolls.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    yeah, their beef jerky is legit. you know you're in a high class place if it's grass-fed
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    And what is it with all the shit you give me just because I enjoy my evening fruit cup? You grouchy bastard.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    So what are bathroom trolls doing? Making sure that drugs aren't being consumed in the restroom stalls or something? If the club wanted to make money selling stuff, couldn't they just install a vending machine?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    And no, I've never interacted with a bathroom attendant. I've never had to.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > So what are bathroom trolls doing? Making sure that drugs aren't being consumed in the restroom stalls or something? If the club wanted to make money selling stuff, couldn't they just install a vending machine? I think it's varying combinations of these: keeping the bathroom clean and presentable, pretense, logistics ( keeping a supply of dry paper towels and not having to touch the sink to turn on the water in a possibly suspect men's room), a presence to keep the men's room from being used as a makeshift champagne room, offering Listermint to freshen up in case of bad breath, etc. FWIW, some more upscale places don't have restroom trolls, while some dives do (and vice versa)
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @DC LOL
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Ahahaha. So a pee troll's existence is to take up space and belittle others? What am I doing being a stripper?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    He's not a true troll unless there are roses for sale.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    ...because nothing says love like getting that special someone a flower out of the men's room
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ Bought for $20 ea, no less.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I still don’t see a reason for the bathroom troll. I think it’s simply another way to try an squeeze more money from pl’s. If someone shits on the floor - I’d expect the troll won’t clean it up. So what’s the point?
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    If there's a troll and the bathroom isn't cleaner than your average public restroom them they shouldn't bother keeping one. I know some of them actually pay to rent the space from the club. Whether or not that's the norm I don't know.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"If someone shits on the floor - I’d expect the troll won’t clean it up. So what’s the point?" I continue to think the theory is: if someone (Even the bathroom troll) is watching, the guy won't shit on the bathroom floor in the first place. My tuscl-driven philosophy on bathroom trolls: this guy's job is to stand in the men's room of a strip club, and offer towels to drunk PLs. I always tip him -- "there but for the grace of God" and all that
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Some clubs have a female bathroom attendant in the women's bathroom
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Does she sell screen cleaner;)
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    I try to "sympathize" with the bathroom troll the same way I would with a doorman at an expensive New York restaurant. Like, "Hey dude your job sucks but ya know we're all in it together hope you don't have too exhausting a shift" type attitude. I don't necessarily think that the troll's life is any worse than my own, when I apply rational thought to it. But it's a typical social-class distinction situation, same as ordering a McDonald's cheeseburger, I'm a rich white guy in a necktie and a suit and I just drove up in a car that's paid for and fully licensed; whereas the person behind the counter is a poor black woman in a stupid polyester uniform who probably will never have the educational or "connections" opportunities that I had, so, rationally speaking, I could justify being embarrassed for my own privilege and she could justify being resentful, but instead we treat each other jocularly and get the transaction done-with. And then when you look into the specifics, maybe she (the gal at the McDonald's) has gotten MORE government freebie kickbacks for her well-being than I ever will, and maybe she will eventually become a corporate head because of Affirmative Action, whereas I will never actually fulfill my potential ... MAYBE ... due to same. We'll never know, luck of the draw, dumb genetics and random life circumstances, try to be nice to everyone, agree one what you can agree on. Well, that's how I try to treat the bathroom troll. I am just thinking, have I EVER seen a bathroom troll who isn't a member of a highly visible minority? I figure all of them are Black, in my memory. I haven't ever seen a mostly-Hispanic-looking bathroom troll, and I can't recall a single White bathroom troll, ever. Nor an Asian. Maybe it's different in different cities. My favorite troll is a guy from Ghana, with a thick verbal accent, who works at the Penthouse Club in New Orleans (just off Bourbon Street). He's been there about ten years now, always cool to be around, and he really knows his sports. I hear guys talking NBA basketball, college Final Four basketball, NFL football, I will talk World Cup or other international soccer and he never misses a beat with any of them. I figure it's entirely possible that his net-worth is much higher than mine, given that I will possibly SPEND $1,000.oo in one night's visit to that Penthouse Club (well, or, at least, that's what I might have done before our recent crackdown) whereas he could very well MAKE somewhere around the same amount? What if he just socks it all into some kind of Chinese Bond scheme and eventually owns the club? Good for him! I think think I've ever "bought" anything, like, "oh hey I want that packet of gum please here's $5 for what would be $1.25 in a vending machine." But I have "exchanged" as in, "well, I didn't need you to turn the furkin tap on and off for me, I can handle that difficult chore myself, but since you're doing it I guess I'll give you a two-dollar tip for this the first time I visit." Oh, by the way, it's not lost money. Lost $1 bills in a strip club, according to my personal rule, are simply THE COST OF DOING STRIP-CLUB BUSINESS. If it goes to the bartender, the required tip to the girl strolling the bar-top (cf. Visions club, New Orleans), or into a garter because I want it to go there, it's all "well I don't have any One's right now" or "yes I will spend a One" and I don't count them and I assume it will be $20 in One's, minimum, for each two- to three-hour stint spent in a club. So, if the bathroom troll gets some of it, that's just "rent for being inside the club" type thinking, in my books. You "rent" your time in there. If you don't, you're not clubbing, and you're not participating in the "norm" of behaviors that are "expected" these days. I don't DEFEND it, as far as market forces I can either justify it or denigrate it, so it's not like I think of it as "right" (or wrong) to do. But I do say, that this continual tipping IS indeed the current norm, and I participate, sometimes with chagrin and sometimes with glee. So, the troll receives money in tip form, but, I don't necessarily purchase condiments (is that how you spell it?) from him.
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    I think bathroom trolls are secret lesbians
  • minnow
    6 years ago
    MW +1 sentiments. @PD- I buy the 10 or so earplug packets at Walgreens. If you don't have any, there is likely a 24 hr Walgreens within reasonable distance of club. (or the business hotel where you're staying.) I haven't noticed any real issues with itc conversation while wearing those earplugs. I haven't looked, but I'm sure Amazon has several different earplugs. @nicespice- You need to visit 4Play in Los Angeles. Last several times I was there, women's restroom had female bathroom troll.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    I frequently buy coke off the bathroom trolls at the clubs i go to they don't make a whole lotta money cause of broke ass bitches like y'all so they happy to sell me a little coke.
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