
Comments by Subraman (page 131)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    One Man Troll Invasion
    I love Cashman, but like to tease him about the fact that he's a stone cold PL in the club, but here in the group, he is helpless to figure out who is a troll and who isn't... I still remember, months after we'd all figured out Mtent, he wanted to give him "the benefit of the doubt". Basically, if you are a troll and you can't fool Cashman, you have to hang your head in shame. Cashman recently called out TrapBaby304, so whoever is behind that persona needs to go back to troll school
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    6 years ago
    One Man Troll Invasion
    Yeah, it's bizarre that all of a sudden we have a pretend pimp & ho invasion. I'm guessing these are the usual suspects who have been behind so many of the troll personas lately. Note there are still a few guys who are... well, maybe gullible, maybe mildly retarded, whatever, who actually buy into it. It's surreal.
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    6 years ago
    One Man Troll Invasion
    Holy fuck, multiple imitation trolls! I've never seen anything so street. This is how you do it, tricks
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    6 years ago
    One Man Troll Invasion
    There's no way on this forum. The weird new trend is pretend pimps and hos. Maybe in a few months we'll be back to pretend "guys who ask obvious questions" trolls
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Test drive 6/7’s or 8/9’s?
    You should go after whatever gives you the most pleasure. I have no use at all for the low-mileage tepid-service 9. On the other hand, I personally am not attracted to 6s, no matter how great they are (with the recognition that we might just be rating the girls differently). But, given the choice between a stripper who is a 7.5 who gives 9.5 service, and one who is a 9 and gives 4 services, I'll take the former in a heartbeat, don't even have to think about it. That said, there is something about a 9+ who gives 9+ services, that is heart-poundingly magical. Don't ever give up seeking that, IMO.
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    6 years ago
    NNJ/NY getting extras cause I'm soooo good looking
    Do you kiss and tell in a club?
    Full disclosure -- okay, almost full disclosure -- to my buddies who SC with me. Hell, sharing that kind of intel is one of the many big plusses for SCing in a group. Do not share with anyone else including here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Product Review - High Fidelity Ear Plugs
    minnow, if Paul fell for it, I fell for it too. I have lots of cheap earplugs for shooting, but they attenuate selectively. The idea of earplugs that retain fidelity but just reduce the sound (so music still sounds good, just lower, rather than the highs getting filtered different than the mids getting filtered differently than the lows) is appealing. Okay, I will see if I can find my "regular" earplugs, and test vs eargasms to see if there's any real difference in fidelity across all ranges
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    -->"It's another to let yourself enjoy the BJ without obsessing over how disgusting she is despite her awesome acting job." Meant to say, without obsessing over how DISGUSTED she is. I assume she is not disgusting :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    -->"I’m now in my third phase, which is go for and get the experience I want, having fun doing it, while being almost entirely non-delusional (that last one is sometimes elusive). " Although in this forum, being "entirely non-delusional" puts you higher on the food chain, I don't think there's any problem with the Subgenius philosophy of "we pull the wool over our own eyes". It's one thing to think "I got her number, she really loves me". It's another to let yourself enjoy the BJ without obsessing over how disgusting she is despite her awesome acting job. I don't think the ideal of stone-cold detached sperm dispenser is what leads to the most fun interactions in the club, either
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How useful are local reviews to you?
    When I went to extras clubs, I found the local reviews very informative. On my rare trips to our local extras clubs, I absolutely pre-arm myself with review reading. At a non-extras club, where I am a regular, local reviews are rarely informative. I get better treatment from both staff and the girls, and more lenient interpretation of the touching rules, as a regular. Most of the negative discussion of ROBs, surly staff, etc. just don't apply to me. And the positive comments, many of which I agree with, are mostly generic in nature ("Fun place to drink with some pretty girls who don't try to hustle you every second!" Well duh, that's why I picked this place :) Almost no one who is getting extras or even YMMV treatment at this places is going to mention it in a review -- and rightfully so IMO
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    NNJ/NY getting extras cause I'm soooo good looking
    Whats the easiest Extra?
    pretend ho doesn't know what daty is lol... I can't say from experience, sacster, but based on several years of TRs from a guy who required DATY, I am certain it's not the easiest extra. For many women it's more intimate than HJ & BJ, and MUCH more intimate if you mean without a dental dam. This guy was often turned down on BBDATY, from girls the rest of us were getting HJ/BJ/FS from. 'course, when we're dealing with a man who is as handsome as you, the rules go by the wayside.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Product Review - High Fidelity Ear Plugs
    I feel it is a bold -- nay, revolutionary -- move to write a review for a product, but never mention the product brand or name. It deconstructs the materialistic tendencies of a post-modern world, where in the end, the review has become primary and the product is ultimately of no consequence. Behold, the reviewer seems to be saying, be content with my review, for the actual product, will forever remain my secret. Well done, brave reviewer! I actually ordered Eargasm high fi ear plugs, but haven't worn them yet. Bought for non-SCing purposes, though
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to meal plan?
    Exactly. Actually, I think this is the perfect introduction to Pollan, and the article that changed the way I think about food, a quick read in one sitting: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/28/magazine/28nutritionism.t.html
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    That's where you're wrong -- the whole point is that there's a very real, non-fantasy aspect to it. The fact that I can get a stripper to suck my dick at the SC is 100% real, 0% fantasy. She actually sucks my dick, I actually climax. You're delusional if you think this real-life experience is difficult to attain. It's 100% real. The fantasy part is that she's not disgusted by the whole thing. Still, that leaves a LOT of pretty awesome reality. I come for the reality but I am glad for the fantasy LOL
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to meal plan?
    -->"@subra When I eat a lot of small stuff throughout the day, I’m not being trendy. I’ve always been like that. " If that's the way that works for you, go for it. I'm just saying, don't do "6 small meals a day" because someone told you it gives some magical metabolic advantage -- it doesn't. But if eating lots of small meals a day helps you keep healthy and fit, then sure, go for it. Although your Wendy's example does not inspire confidence :) lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to meal plan?
    -->"I do a lot of batch cooking of things I can add into dishes so I can have variety. For example I will cook a chicken do a roast etc. And Freeze portions. These portions can be used in salads, pastas, stir frys, pulled pork or chicken sandwiches or ??? Whatever you like" Exactly ... instead of fighting your urge to love variety, it takes just a little imagination to use one main dish -- the chicken you cooked -- in 5 different styles of meals. One of the big things for me is: eating, and the pleasure that ensues, it a primal urge. Fighting millions of years of evolution is always a losing strategy. Find healthy ways to work with your desires. One of the things that always struck me, there was a study that showed that Americans associated eating with guilt; the French (who are much healthier) associated eating with pleasure. I'm all-in with the French (fuck, never thought I'd say *that*). Eating should be incredibly pleasurable and satiating. You won't stick to a lifestyle change if it's not... but there may be a little tastebud retraining to do before you start to associate steel-cut oats w/ cinnamon & blueberries with more pleasure than Cap'n Crunch
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    6 years ago
    How to meal plan?
    I think among the keys here is to find what works for you personally. No matter what anyone says, there is no one right perfect diet. In fact, some of the most provably healthy diets in the world (e.g., Japanese, Mediterranean) are neither vegan, paleo, low-carb, over-fixated on the ridiculous notion of "super foods", low-fat, intermittent fasting, eating 6 small meals a day, vegetarian, calorie-counting... well, you get the idea. Healthiest diets in the world are none of those trendy things I just mentioned; you do not have to be low-carb or no-grain or low-fat, or any of those other things, to be healthy or fit. Which doesn't mean that, if they happen to work for you, you should do those things. But none are required; anyone who tells you otherwise is only cherry-picking a slice of the evidence. About the only thing required for a healthy diet is eating real food (vs processed food), not too much, lots of plants (more leaves than seeds). Other than that, just find what works for you. -->"1. Becoming very basic with what perishable ingredients I buy. I just try to satisfy my need for variety by owning lots of different kinds of seasonings in the smallest quantities I can get. 2. Batch cook and do a lot of freezing. " That's brilliant and I do those things too -- not so much freezing, but cooking for the week. -->"3. Try to figure out how to psychologically get over my need for variety. And just learn to enjoy the same damn 10 recipes of my choosing. " Trying to "get over" those kinds of things is usually a losing strategy. You're better off learning how to do small things (like seasonings) to make changes. I found for me, having a variety of healthy snacks, all of which were ready to go, to be a real key. I am perfectly fine eating chicken & swiss chard & garlic over wild rice for both lunch and dinner (In fact, it's freaking delicious), but between meals, I like having any of hummus, salad, steamed veggies, pumpkin seeds, etc etc., all available -- and they must be available conveniently. -->"4. Throw in the towel and spend the money on a place like this: zedrics.com" Everyone I know who has ever tried those plans, 1. lost a ton of weight while on it, and 2. gained it all back within 2 years. Everyone.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    -->"@Subraman - Thanks for replying. I was hoping you would post on here as I knew you would have good insight. I would 1000% agree that I have some toughening up to do as a PL. Sometimes I still struggle with emotions. But over time I have put things more and more in perspective." Almost everyone starts there. I spent plenty of years in the "I'm different from the other guys" zone, and the girls played me like a fiddle. If you've got some self-awareness, and also allow yourself to more single-mindedly pursue your desires without feeling guilty about it, that tends to go away
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    SirL: sorry, I worded my responses badly, when I said "you", I didn't mean you personally, I realize the point you were making about fundamentally why we're all there. To re-phrase: if someone thinks "am I different from the other PLs?" is an important question, THAT is actually the important thing worth pondering, why in the world do they think that's an important/interesting question? Usually, it's probably because it's vitally important to them to define themselves as "different" for some reason. I'm not sure that reason is particularly healthy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Buying things from the bathroom troll?
    -->"If someone shits on the floor - I’d expect the troll won’t clean it up. So what’s the point?" I continue to think the theory is: if someone (Even the bathroom troll) is watching, the guy won't shit on the bathroom floor in the first place. My tuscl-driven philosophy on bathroom trolls: this guy's job is to stand in the men's room of a strip club, and offer towels to drunk PLs. I always tip him -- "there but for the grace of God" and all that
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Not wanting to be like all the other guys...
    -->"We are all alike in that we pay strippers for some sort of physical and/or psychological satisfaction. That's the point! Everything else is minutia details." Ya. I think the fact that you think "am I like the other guys" is an important question, is actually the telling point