
Comments by Troll_Defense_HQ (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    For the last time
    zippy wrote: "TDHQ is upsetting our delicate ecosystem. LET'S ALL PUT THAT TDHQ ASSHOLE ON IGNORE!!! That'll fix his little red wagon." What a bitch! LOL. Look at little zippy pleading for help last night. He started tough but folded like a cheap lawn chair once the smack down started. I barely got going on the good and proper ass raping I gave him last night before he was already crying to be saved from the mean ol' Troll. ;) As you can see girly man, nobody ran to your rescue. Like Rick-boy said, you made your bed troll enabler. Now take it like a man and stop your fuckin sniveling already, it's interfering with our LOLZ. LMAO.
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    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    @lopaw: Duly noted ma'am. :) @zippy: I'm juice, right. Roger that and great logic there. I came here to abuse myself and burn my most ardent fan and defender (that would be you in case you're confused). Ok then. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot TDHQ...
    Another story about feces zippy? You really need to get your head out of the toilet. Or is it up your ass? :) Hey now little zippy, don't feel so blue just 'cause your review sucked. There's always a bright side. In this case, there were also enough real reviews of the club that the 20 seconds I wasted reading yours was more than made up for by good stuff from others. Guess I won't cancel my membership just yet. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    Where are all the "LOLZ" now zippy? Seems like you're startin to get a little hurt about all of this. A little while ago you were making creepy offers to share your vast insights into the art of trolling and now you just want me to go away? I'm hurt too now. ;) Looks like I touched a nerve.....TDHQ wins again!... ***Boooom !***
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot TDHQ...
    Don't buy into your own hype zip. You're just a troll enabler at best. This "let me help you/teach you" schtick just makes you seem creepy. Let's get dirty already! I'm a soldier troll zippy. I live in the muck. I win just by carving me up pieces of troll for my own amusement. The longer they are around for me to use and abuse the better it is for me. ;) I'm here to provide myself some LOLZ, not you. So carry on enabler. :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    Refund! I'm gonna just copy and paste zip's shit from now on. I want a refund dammit!
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    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    ^ Not surprising camby. Zip's hype apparatus isn't limited just to the other trolls. He's so convinced that everything he's posting is gold that he can't even recognize when he just left a shit stain on his computer screen. ;) zipman68 posted: "It seems that the members here are better served by an accurate representation of events." Don't set the bar so high for yourself zip. After reading that drivel we'd settle for ANY representation of events. LMAO.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    That remarkable masterpiece was authored by zipman68. :) Bad creative writing? Just sheer laziness? A $5 investment in a diet coke for just enough material for a drive by review? YOU be the judge. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot TDHQ...
    @Zip: Get a hobby son. No, get two. If this is what you need to get your "LOLZ" then you're more fucked in the head than I thought. Like a melodramatic comedy writer with an overactive imagination, yet atrocious screenwriting skills. Character development is not your gig. You need to get on board with that reality. All you're gonna do by trying to carry a 400 fag troll carcass is to strain your back. ;) Oh, and thanks for all those insightful fighting lessons, but I think I'll figure it out as I go. LOL. *** Humanitarian plea to the readers: If anyone here knows this wingnut IRL, please call him and make sure he's ok. Better yet, go check on him and maybe open the windows at his pad to let some air and sunshine in. This dude's obviously one beer short of a six pack and can use all the help he can get. ***
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Spartacus in reverse
    I don't Alutard (that psycho shut-in Dougster gets on thing right at least). I just enjoy pointing out the absurdity of these cartoonish troll stories. :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Spartacus in reverse
    Juice as Spartacus? LOL. Kinda' like proppin up a big fluffy bunny rabbit and calling it a wolf, is it not? Nice try zip, but it's a stretch even for an assclown as fucked in the head as you. I can't tell if juice is sucking your dick or if you're suckin his. Maybe you're just sucking your own dick, which I'm starting to think is the same thing anyway. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    @zipman68: Davids/bobbyl/Fagster (combo txtittyfag and Dougster) was actually quiet for a few days. No credit to me for that, but surely a much more pleasant board experience for everyone. Btw you're full of shit and you know it. Your proposed fix for the troll dilemma is the same bologna that you and other troll supporters/apologists have been spouting forever on here as an alternative to holding them accountable. The ignore function is much over-hyped and largely ineffective, which is why I now exist and that other members are supplying me with recon data. You're also full of shit because you've been around this place long enough to have seen davids run this game over and over. The names of his targets change, but the game stays the same. Rickdugan is only the latest in a long line of characters that davids has fixated upon. Rickdugan is not the cause of the davids/bobbyl/fagster engaging in flame wars. Like the scorpion who stung the turtle while riding on the turtle's back, it is his nature. My goal is not to get rid of davids and the other trolls. To the contrary, they'll provide me entertainment for a long time. Every time they troll a member of the board it gives me a free pass to troll them. I hate trolls, but their actions provide moral air cover. I gave up thoughts of enjoying this board in a conventional fashion many years ago, so this is what I've got now. And davids in particular is just a wealth of good material. For example, like when he admitted that the strippers he visited made more than he did, which explains so much even now, along with so much other great stuff. Wow this is gonna be fun. :) Saddle up boys.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    Zip, my advice to you would be to stay out of the way. Unless you are also part of the problem here.
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    11 years ago
    JuiceBox69 Most Discussed Member on Tuscl
    He reminds me of a cross dresser who visited my club. Got all sorts of attention, but all the wrong kind.
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    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    Keep bumping this thread all you want shit for brains. I want everyone to read this poem. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    @zipman68: BigTuna is juice and we all know it. You've now tried to defuse comments aimed at him or otherwise support him in every thread in which I hit him. Is there a reason for that? If juice wants to start threads and keep it fun he'll stay out of my gun sights. But if he engages in further trolling ops then the persecution will continue. It's that simple. And it won't be the "keep it classy" brand that you advocate because it doesn't work. Trolls only understand force and can only be rooted out through trench warfare. I'll get as dirty, mean and nasty as I must to hit him and any other troll who crosses the line right where it counts. I am the collective will of members of the board who are tired of troll excesses. Troll activities that include targeting other members and/or good threds or clogging the board with dead threads are no longer going to be fun for the perps involved.
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    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    @zipman68: Trying to prop a silly myth around the goofball formerly known as juicebox69 is pointless now. That ship has sailed. He has been exposed for the sniveling little con artist that he is and punished accordingly. Additional trolling by him will be subject to persecution and prosecution.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Divine Message for.Today
    ^I'm sure you do. I bet you still have a hard-on from the time you snuck into Follies, on that 'Unknown Afternoon", hid behind a chair and watched him get his dick sucked. You are all sorts of fucked up Big Cunt.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    some warning signs if juice is in your club
    We already know that son. The only question now is why hang in strip clubs when you obviously prefer men. I was about to include "man ass" but then it struck me that you seem more like a catcher than a pitcher to me. Even fags use you as their bitch. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Divine Message for.Today
    You're obviously repressing a lot of something. Are you a product of child molestation? It fits, the attention seeking behavior, the emotional weakness and most especially the implied (in the case of shadow explicit) offers of sex to older men in order to gain their approval. I bet "Father Figure" by George Michaels is one of your favorite songs, and most especially these lyrics: "I will be your father figure Put your tiny hand in mine I will be your preacher teacher Anything you have in mind I will be your father figure I have had enough of crime I will be the one who loves you till the end of time" I could see you, your pudgy tear streak face bent down as you raise your trembling hand into the air, sobbing out the refrains and desperately wishing that someone would take your hand. Sad, just sad.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    some warning signs if juice is in your club
    I know you do juice. Any male attention is good attention for a guy like you.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    some warning signs if juice is in your club
    When you see a hole in the divider between the men's toilet stalls. When you see a man camping out in the men's bathroom in a club with no bathroom attendant. When you see a guy holding KFC bucket in his lap telling other men to take a piece. When you see a customer who is more interested in other customers than the girls. Give me some more time, I'll come up with others. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Divine Message for.Today
    Big Cunt, maybe you should stop bumping threads with empty posts. Just a thought.
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    11 years ago
    Shanah Tovah
    ^Along with the dietary restrictions, wearing of a kippah and other minutiae I won't get into here.
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    11 years ago
    Shanah Tovah
    @Motor: Not really. First, Shabbos ended at sundown, so anyone on the East Coast who posted after 7:55 ET would be in the clear (which was the case with me). Second, Many American Jews do not take Shabbos very seriously anyway. Judaism breaks down into three major denominations in the U.S., Reform, Conservative and Orthodox (which further breaks down into a number of sub-groups). The Reform might as well not be Jews at all as they don't really follow any of the rules and their offspring almost always intermarry with Gentiles. The Conservative branch is only slightly more observant. I am what is commonly called Modern Orthodox, which means that I am affiliated with a branch of Judaism that observes the holidays and weekly Sabbath much more strictly.