
Comments by Troll_Defense_HQ

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Favorite Nazi and WWII German General
    It is disturbing to see one who previously professed to being Jewish finding humor in a discussion about Nazi generals. Obviously you did not grow up with family with tattooed numbers on their arms like I did. Shame on you. Even for a fake Jew that was crude.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New service in Russia St.Petersburg
    Toodles princess. :) So THAT is what it takes to shut a troll up. In the words of the recently departed cupcake, "Groo-vey."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Never let it be said that I'm cruel
    ^^^ And you believed all that nonsense? You may not be cruel, but you sure are stupid! Oh my!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New service in Russia St.Petersburg
    ^^^ Imagine the girl tied to a radiator his crappy apartment in Seattle, begging him to beat her, starve her, do anything but try to have sex with her. Oh the image!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New service in Russia St.Petersburg
    ^^^ For a guy who couldn't even get laid in a whorehouse, a girl who can't say no might be the only way you'll ever get laid. Aiyee!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Never let it be said that I'm cruel
    Boo hoo zippy! If this doesn't interest you, then don't respond. I do this for my giggles not yours. Trolls trolling trolls. In his case troll and troll baiter. Yee-haw. Now go ahead and give us more of that fake tv language uber geek. Fuck this nerd couldn't get laid if the girl was naked, bound, gagged, blindfolded and unconscious. What a goober.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Never let it be said that I'm cruel
    Zippy is so bored that he must resort to analyzing other trolls' behavior. What a faggot!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New service in Russia St.Petersburg
    "Someone here who is a "heavyweight" with lots of intel represents the majority of the community here would be bigtuna or sippycup." Taxi, you should pm the heavy hitter Dougster too. He has nothing better to do anyway.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Alutard and RickyBoy are Both Massive Faggots!
    ***TDHQ WINS AGAIN!!***
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Alutard and RickyBoy are Both Massive Faggots!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Alutard and RickyBoy are Both Massive Faggots!
    ^^^ Impotent pussy. [May be on to something here. It would explain alot...]
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Alutard and RickyBoy are Both Massive Faggots!
    What a fucked up bunch of trolls you are. Shame on Alucard and rickdugan for entertaining you. They need to shut the fuck up and ignore you. First there's Dougster, the full of shit lying recluse who couldn't even get laid in a real life whore house. Performance anxiety maybe? That's if he went at all because he has lied about everything else on here, including his religion and even his bullshit reviews. I liked him better as davids, when he was much more honest about his many shortcomings. And then there's this dickless little white boy who won't stop trying to be black. His claim to fame is fucking skanky whores in the shithole clubs in NC. Way to go boy blunder. I guess the whores and your night job at the convenience store aren't eating up your time since you never leave this site. Do you really have nothing else to do in your life? And that last question also goes to the assclown who spends his time piecing together posts from a fake tv language. Go outside and get some air; read a book; get laid for once in your life, even if you have to pay for it. You remind me of the guy who is so nerdy that he can't even get laid by the geeky girls at the sci-fi conventions. This place needs a much better class of troll. Where did the guys like DickJohnson go? Now there was a funny guy, who had the talent to weave his humor into discussions. This crew is pathetic and thoroughly untalented.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Really the Greatest SC Story EVAH Told!!!
    I am the product of a career Isreali soldier and a beautiful Eastern European woman. Both are noble and strong. Weak bloodlines may explain the stuff I see here. Grown men on this all day making up stories and even speaking in fake tv languages. Disgustingly pathetic. How do you stand living with yourself? At least natural selection can work, even in this country. After all, you, the disabled shut-in davids and the 400 lb fake black guy (if you are even different people) are probably not serious breeding risks. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund! Part Duh
    zippy posted: "Don't worry guys...my next review will be better. I plan to write it in Klingonese..." Go right ahead. After all, it's not like it was gonna be useful even if we could read it. LMAO. And you really need to get out of your mother's basement nutjob. For real.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Emergancy Cash
    *** To the audience: Zippy has cracked again, retreating into his own delusions. Ssshhh - I won't tell him that I'm not juice if you don't. ;) ***
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Emergancy Cash
    I agree too! We need a better class of troll around here! This circle jerk with the utterly fraudulent fake Jew davids, the 400 lb white slob shitting out bad Ebonics and the so-called "voice of reason" who keeps cracking like a bitch under pressure are getting tiresome. This is just too easy. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Emergancy Cash
    @camby: Would someone really do this to himself? @fake_Jew: You're confused. Though you can't even keep your religion straight, so we shouldn't expect much from you. Must be brain trauma caused by repetitive rough sex with men who are too much for you, which means most all of them. ;) I'm havin a blast! For a few days the trolls went quiet. This resurgence is like manna from heaven. :) Easy pickins too. Boo-yaa!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ugly Bitches need Sex too
    Juice has hit a new low. Having been rejected by all the self respecting whores, he now has to resort to begging skanks to take his money.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Emergancy Cash
    pablo wrote: "Can someone please translate what the OP wrote?" Sorry pablo, but I lost my copy of "Ebonics for Retarded White Boys, Wannabe Edition."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    no aliases from juice yesterday
    You've just confirmed that you're not actually Jewish. Just another part of your silly troll act. Shouldn't be surprised actually. Very little else you've said on this site is true. Why would this be any different? What a worthless little cunt you are.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    no aliases from juice yesterday
    @rickdugan: You are correct. Our religious days run from sundown to sundown. Yom Kippur and Shabbos started yesterday evening and ended this evening. Yom Kippur is the most holy day of the Jewish year as it is our Day of Atonement. We fast for the duration, with no food and water permitted, and otherwise spend the time in sacrifice and worshiping at shul. Or at least real Jews do. Even most drive-by Jews will buy tickets for High Holiday services and visit their synagogues on this day, if on no other, and otherwise refrain from most leisure activities. But not Dougster, ho posted his crap even today. Paper Jew indeed.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ass Play
    A finger today, a cock tomorrow. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    i have a confession
    Troll perp #1 pointing the finger at a character that's only been here for two days. ;) If you believe anything you are actually saying davids then I'll have to amend your diagnosis to include "delusional episodes." You're like a kid who takes several dumps in the pool and then points at another kid who just jumps in and yells "I think he's peeing!"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    i have a confession
    I am no one man. I am the collective will of board members, past and present, who wish to deliver righteous suffering unto these trolls. For cursed is he who trolls his neighbor treacherously, and let all who have seen and heard say, So be it; and the member who has seen and facilitated, let him be accursed as the troll.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    A public service for rickdugan...
    Zippy, Dougster gives shit to Ricky-boy and others because he's a faggy, obsessive homebound troll with no life. A poor substitute for human interaction this is, but it's all he has. Most people don't like him here but I think he's a hoot! Fuckin with that assclown is gonna give me my LOLZ for as long as he can take it. I'm gonna give him the man attention he truly craves. ;) See below for more info about the Dougsta'! https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=25066 As for you creepy boy, each composition essay you post about how you don't care about what I say just tells me that you do. LOL. Keep it up! You're right about one thing. If these fuckheads had any clue they would put Dougster on ignore. Dougster may even be right about Dugan's narcissistic need to know what's being said about him. But you're just as bad. Maybe worse since you spend your days sucking troll dick on here. LMAO. Put me on ignore already. But you can't, can you? ;)