
Comments by Troll_Defense_HQ (page 3)

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    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    Papi, the guess that he was corporate came from a reference to having to relocate to Charlotte for a job. The Dugan character hit him with both the corporate assertion several times after and he never refuted. Dougster also mentioned at one point that both he and juicebox69 were Jewish, something which juicebox didn't dispute in that same thread. There are black Jews out there, but honestly not many. Rickdugan also hit him with the white assertion several times and he never refuted that either. Obviously anything like this contains speculation, but when part of a character is an act then normally all of it is. I encountered several posts where he spoke in plain English and rather eloquently. No surprise - he had to speak real English because his weak attempts at Ebonics just plain sucked.
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    11 years ago
    Something for the BB* people to think about
    He called me a troll. Pot, kettle, black, LMAO! Don't worry Dougster, we all know that you're way too much of a pussy to have ever touched something like meth. Smellin a kernel of truth in that "disability" comment though. ;) *** Let's see how many times this whackjob posts today. Doesn't take much to set this brittle sissy off. I think he broke a personal record yesterday... ***
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    11 years ago
    Something for the BB* people to think about
    At least Dougster's documented inability to get laid has one benefit. He will never be at risk of contracting an STD. ;) Probably small comfort when faced with girls who would rather chew their own arms off than let him near their pussies (just ask the whores at the Wild Horse brothel), hence his rabid misogyny, but catch an STD he will not. At least he'll be clean when he finally convinces a whore to take his money for sex. He may want to check out juice's favorite clubs. They'll fuck anything in those hell holes.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confessions of Dougster (formerly known as davids)
    Dougster is davids. Same geographic location; same clubs reviewed; same high density posting habits; same behaviors and practices, including flame wars; same accusations leveled against him during both eras by other members; etc. He has matured and become more cagey since then but the patters are clear. It was obvious to members at the time when bobbyl hit the scene. Most of those members are inactive now, but the few remaining surely know. His revisionist history and diversionary posts are this long lived troll's attempt to hide from his past. Understandable since davids really crashed and burned amid scorn and ridicule. Young Dougster went face first into that board and gave others too much to use against him. His reason for being so evasive now are much clearer. He does not want to repeat the mistakes of his younger troll years, especially with how he behaves around here. Nine years of kicking up shit and fixating on members who he dislikes. Fascinating that a troll has become one of the most senior active members of this discussion forum. If I was a conspiracy buff I might actually think that he is a state sanctioned troll. ;) Recon continues. This is really gettin fun now.
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    11 years ago
    TDHQ "Dougster" Update
    I realize that this post was less humorous than I had hoped. I believed that it was important to fully out the target to the public before launching the next round. I suspect that you will be entertained with what is coming next.
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    11 years ago
    TDHQ Initial Profile of "Dougster"
    @Dougster: This is not an AA site or a marriage counseling forum and I don't represent MADD. This is a place where men talk about their experiences with strip clubs and strippers. Sometimes drinking and sex will be a part of that, at least for most men. But creating or embellishing issues and then using your constructs for additional amusement is just another part of your game. Initial recon indicates that accuracy is not necessary for you to level hyperbolic accusations at your targets. Your "wins" are gained primarily by wearing down your targets with excessive and obsessive posting patterns and content. Also, it is suspected that your tacit "support" from other members is more a function of those members hoping to stay out of your trolling crosshairs than any real agreement with your viewpoints. Break over uber troll. ;)
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    11 years ago
    TDHQ Initial Profile of "Dougster"
    Pikey, some perspective may be in order. I come from a time when people like shadowcat, DandyDan, Kyle1111, Yoda, Lopaw, Chandler, Shadowcat, JC2003, DandyDan, BookGuy, Clubber, Chitownlawyer and others put lots of good stuff on here. Some are gone now, but the ones that have stayed don't bother anymore. Why should they when all it will do is provide ammo for the trolls that infest this board now? Look what happens when guys like rickdugan and other newer members of the board try to share stories on here. Like I said in my intro. post, what has happened to this fucking place? So now I take great pleasure in chasing down trolls and making them sweat and my pm box tells me that others feel the same. Funny as hell!
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    11 years ago
    TDHQ Initial Profile of "Dougster"
    And he is only the first. I'm gonna have a good time around here. Saddle up boys!
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    11 years ago
    TDHQ Initial Profile of "Dougster"
    No "pikey", you tried to ground it out with serve and volley nitpicking with Fraudster about the definition of anti-social, but it didn't work. This shit is hilarious. LOL. Indeed, the is probably the first time that I've actually enjoyed troll posting on this board. ;)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    TDHQ Initial Profile of "Dougster"
    @Dougster: You were properly roasted, troll, and that is just the first salvo. Continued targeting of other members will result in additional retaliatory action. What's wrong with you anyway? Were you ass raped as a child? Do some of these guys remind you of disappointing father figures? My bet is on both, combined with latent homosexuality. It fits since you are a nasty little drama queen with an unquenchable need for attention from other men. @CP: Initial recon puts posts just referencing or targeting this Dugan character at several hundred in the last year and many others focusing on txtitty and jester. Maybe he was broken in by some hard drinkin gentile and this is his pathetic way of striking back. Can't say for sure, but any way you slice it this guy is all sorts of fucked up. He needs to explore these issues in more detail with his shrink, but I doubt that he's gonna step back. He needs this too much. Like in *An Officer and a Gentlemean*, I could see him crying out the way Richard Gere's character did when Louis Gossett, Jr.'s character was about to bust him out, with "I got nowhere else to go! I got nowhere else to go!" while sobbing uncontrollably. Sad stuff.
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    11 years ago
    TDHQ Initial Profile of "Dougster"
    @motor: I believe I used anti-social in the proper context. Only his overworked psychiatrist really knows the answer but it looks that way to me. @ranukam: Show some spine. You know you were also laughing at the insults. Not really insults though. I just wrote it up the way I saw it. @Duo: Didn't take as much time as you think. A few long time members were eager to help when they figured out that I was serious. @Dougster: Glad you thought it was funny. Be prepared for a lot more laughs then retard. @rickdugan: Those both may be true but I did not have enough reliable intel to confirm either of those accusations.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    About Troll_Defense_HQ
    All of the messages received are much appreciated. This problem is more deeply entrenched than originally anticipated. Anti-troll campaign parameters are being developed and Stage 1 will commence after final recon is completed.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Clubbing around the holidays
    Don't feed the trolls Ricky-boy. It just makes them harder to harass and kill. That goes for the rest of you fucknuts who actually treat these pathetic fucking trolls like their opinions matter. I'm gonna have a good fucking time bringing this shit in line. YEE HAW! TDHQ reporting for motha fuckin duty!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    what happen to Juicebox ?
    Who the fuck cares? Just one less middle aged white guy pretending to be a hip black playa'. Time to get rid of the rest of this ass clown's aliases now. TDHQ