
Comments by rockstar666 (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stupid People
    Sometimes I post actual serious thoughts, but I do prefer the silliness. Maybe the HTC do too but they're just not any good at it?
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    7 years ago
    Stupid People
    25: No one on my list has impressed me with intelligence. But then I'm sure they think I'm an idiot too. They must be fucking my wife...they think alike.
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    7 years ago
    Stupid People
    Yeah that's the funny part. They over-trolled to the point that only other trolls read their posts I suppose...kind of a karma thing there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Question for our market analysts
    Businesses hate uncertainty, and the more it becomes obvious Trump has no idea what he's dong, the worse it will get. I'm going 100% in silver. Ask me in a year how I did!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stupid People
    Yeah. A month ago I took a peek and it was just the same old shit so I never see what they post. I suppose I could admire their focus on trolling...but I don't.
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    7 years ago
    Stupid People
    Well! Tittyfag with no dot is the king wanker! LOL Mikeya a close second but might have a life and can only post 20-30 times a day. Looks like Dougie gave up...WTF??? Doug!! Posy on my threads so I can laugh that I'm not reading them! I'll let #4 remain nameless but it wouldn't take too much deep thought to figure out who it is.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    WTF Is With My Icon Founder?
    Corvus, if so Founder is not aware of who I am and my usual tone in my posts, which I understand as he/she obviously doesn't read the discussions too much as it must be a big job keeping the site working. This place isn't moderated after all so if my complaint of his technology is off limits, I'm sad by what he/she seems to have no problem with.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Roaming the USA
    Tijuana better to use peso's instead of dollars
    Isn't a 5 cent tip in Mexico generous? *ducking*
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Roaming the USA
    Tijuana better to use peso's instead of dollars
    I traveled a lot in my life and I'd keep a cheat sheet on exchange rates, as in $5 is x $25 is y and $100 is z. If you're only in that country a short time, it's handier than doing it on your phone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    WTF Is With My Icon Founder?
    juice, I consider trolling performance art too...but usually it's kitsch. That's why we have "ignore".
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    WTF Is With My Icon Founder?
    Hi founder!!!!! Much as I love your site, you can rest assured my icon on it is of little concern. But it was frustrating so I did a little performance art. Thanks for the post!!!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    WTF Is With My Icon Founder?
    LOL Well I'm glad it was still there!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    WTF Is With My Icon Founder?
    Hey, there she is!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    OT: House vote on AHCA- will GOP cave to WH demand?
    25: The reason the bill failed wasn't due to some sudden altruistic passion by the GOP for Americans; in reality the bill failed because they couldn't agree on the cruelest way to keep the old and sick from having insurance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    WTF Is With My Icon Founder?
    Ah, thanks shailynn. I'll try that!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Bait and switch
    Sometimes it's the opposite too. The first time I saw my ATF fresh out of bed with no makeup and hair all over, I fell in love. I wish she felt the same! LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Best blow job of your life
    Most girls aren't great at BJ's...at least the ones I usually date. but this one Asian girl I did a long weekend with....she never swallowed and she gave me a really top notch bj. When I regained my senses and tried to grab a tissue or 3, she asked what I was doing, and then replied she swallowed. Perfect! I was 48 and she was a civvie.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Bait and switch
    Ah, that's the "Be careful what you wish for" school of unbridled lust. BTDT....maybe doing it now in fact.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    What to do?
    I'd pick the Asian because like Asians, but shailynn, my ex-ATF was Asian and she never did a lick of schoolwork in her life, and she was as unreliable as any dancer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    AA strippers am i lost in translation ?
    25: Well you didn't address my issue...I'm as liberal as most liberals...just ask my ignore list! LOL But I stand by my claim that "most" black girla share a common scent. That's my experience....call me a racist then....but that's been my 1st hand experience... If you say it wasn't a true random sample I'll listen....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    OT: House vote on AHCA- will GOP cave to WH demand?
    I can see how having the homophobic on "ignore" makes intelligent debate better if not inclusive. That being said, I find it funny that Obamacare isn't looking so bad after all... being a GOP program ( thank you Newt Gingrich with Mitt to prove it works)....the hatred of a black ex-president is NOT serving the conservative cause....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    AA strippers am i lost in translation ?
    Well, again gammanu95 has posted something I heartily agree with. Is the world ending? LOL I'm not bashing 25 because his point of view is valid and meant in good faith, but I'd be a hypocrite if I happened to notice this commonality with my black partners but either pretended it didn't exist because I'm a "liberal", or lied that I noticed. I'm not afraid to talk about race even while I'm sensitive to the feelings of who I'm talking to about it: I would never ask a black girl about black girl's musk unless she brought it up first.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    no extra girls comes back after I do an extras girl and offers extras, what to d
    anonlvone said in harsh terms what I was thinking. If a PL has a bad rep with dancers, red lights go off in my mind. No one likes to be teased, especially when money is at stake. You liked her at first, so if she changes her mind you should THANK HER and spend some money on her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    AA strippers am i lost in translation ?
    25: I don't consider myself bigoted or stupid but I've eaten about 5 black pussies...and it's a common trait. My far flung G/F is 1/2 black and she doesn't have that scent. She also doesn't consider herself black but that's another thread.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    no extra girls comes back after I do an extras girl and offers extras, what to d
    I'd likely have taken her back. My C/F chatted me up for a year while I had other regulars. When my last one quit dancing, the next time she stopped by I said "You've been trying for a year, I guess VIP wouldn't kill me". She wasn't really my type: tall skinny blonde. But she has cute tits and is reasonably pretty. We go upstairs and she's all over me! Complete GFE which in my club just doesn't happen. Even my past OTC girls didn't do what she does ITC. And my first OTC with her is tonight! Should be fun; she's a really fun person to be with besides the GFE, and I'm sure the sex will be amazing. SO...s88, I don't have any hard and fast rules. If I only dated Asian spinners, I'd miss out on a lot!