OT: House vote on AHCA- will GOP cave to WH demand?

New Jersey
Absolutely. Freedom Caucus members like the rest of the GOP have already swallowed so much shit from Trump, are sitting on so much bad news, that passing this ridiculous package is a walk in the Spring rain. They are just holding out to push the envelope on what they can get. Do they dare face the wrath of Trump's Twitter account?
Even if it does get through, the Pottery Barn rule applies: You broke it, you own it. When millions of people lose their health insurance, there will be a massive voter backlash. Hard to feel sorry for the working class rural white dudes who voted for Trump. But at least he's not a black guy with a funny Muslim-sounding first name.
I don't like Obama-Care b/c it's a huge gov program that as w/ most gov programs (especially the bigger they are) they often become less and less efficient w/ time.
But health-care costs were outta control pre Obama-care to where many working folks could not afford it - IMO the special-interests fucking-up a possible good free-market solution is what led to Obama-Care.
I would've liked for the current administration to have taken its time coming-up w/ a truly good plan instead of LDKing w/ the desire to repeal Obama-Care.
And 100 Senators and 435 Representatives have gov run health care, and you don't hear them complaining about it. I suspect that even Trump and Pence will accept it openly.
Now Trump is pushing a bill that will kick millions of Americans off their coverage, reduce subsidies for those with low income, and give large tax breaks for the wealthy. The only time Trump isn't lying is when he's sucking Putin's dick.
Here are the numbers on the Trumpcare bill:
@ Dougster if this doesn't pass there will be a large pullback in the markets this will be a major concern because the man who claimed to be tha great deal maker has not yet made a deal with anybody all of his edicts have been by exec order that doesn't bode well for tax reform which is really what I think Wall Street is looking for.
@RandomThis is Paul Ryan getting even with Donald J Trump we'll see what happens now either way this is far from over.
They're going for a make-or-break vote today on Trump's healthcare reform legislation. Personally, I don't think it will pass in its current form.
Does it mean, longer term, he won't be able to get things like tax cuts and infrastructure spending done? Quite possibly!
And it shouldn't since the original idea of giving insurance companies another 13 million or so customers was started by a Republican (Gingrich) and first implemented by a Republican (Romney). When the GOP turns its back on its own principles in the name of hatred for Obama, they really have no where else to turn.
I think this is a good thing as it sounds like it wasn't ready to even be passed by either members of congress.
Marilyn Ferguson
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David Duchovny
Hilarious humiliation for Trump and the GOP. After 7 years of complaining about ObamaCare, the best the GOP could come up with is a bill that throws 24M people off their insurance, delivering mostly tax breaks to the top 2%. So much for that master policy-wonk Ryan and that master negotiator, Trump. But what can really expect form a geezer who has no patience or understanding of the issues, and who came into power based on being the leader of the crackpot birthers?
Maybe this is a good place for my favorite Paul Ryan quotes:
"I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are and what my beliefs are.
"It's inspired me so much that it's required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff."
I won't get into the weeds on the flaws in this analysis, like how many enrolled people would still qualify for Medicaid even if the expansion was rolled back, or how many of them would age into Medicare eligibility, or how many would/could find employment based insurance if they lost Obamacare, or how many would buy a cheaper plan on their own if these atrocious mandates were nixed, etc., etc. Nevermind the fact that many of the healthy subsidized people in that 12mm number don't really want the insurance anyway, but only buy these useless as shit policies because they do not want to pay a penalty with zilch return.
As someone who purchases insurance in the individual marketplace, I detest what Obamacare has done. I didn't get to keep my plan or my doctors the first year the mandates kicked in. Who cares if some people lose insurance when it costs a ton and is utterly useless anyway? I pay a fortune (seriously like a mortgage payment) for insurance that doesn't cover jack shit except for some nominal routine stuff until I've already shelled out $7,500 (14k for the family deductible) - not including the high co-pays, which don't get included in the out-of-pockets.
Oh yeah, and now there is only one insurer left in my individual marketplace. Same can now be said of 70% of the counties in the U.S.
So fuck Obama and doubly fuck this hideous fucking Obamacare disaster.
I wish they had gone ahead with vote even if it was a loss. Wonder if that means there was more "no" votes than the just the Freedom Caucase boys.
The CBO is non-partisan and has a pretty decent track record. The Obamacare markets are in some trouble, but the CBO came out stating that the markets are not in a death-spiral. Congress has the option of fixing Obamacare or sabotaging what's left. Sabotage and blaming the Democrats isn't a smart way to prevent massive voter backlash.
Just wait and see what the replacement t plan looks like and you will likely find less expensive, but less coverage. This is a zero sum game with the pendulum swinging back and forth between balance of power. In due time the lendukum will begin shifting back, and then forth. That's the nature of
Politics and big policy. The next democratic/liberal controlled administration will be increasing OASDI or FICA payroll taxes higher than the mandated inflation adjusted caps (above $120k/ annual income). The uncertain is what you plan for.
That being said, I find it funny that Obamacare isn't looking so bad after all... being a GOP program ( thank you Newt Gingrich with Mitt to prove it works)....the hatred of a black ex-president is NOT serving the conservative cause....
As far as all of that other nonsense, there were far more targeted approaches that could have been used if we were simply looking to treat the sick. This mandate laden monstrosity is simply unsustainable and far too expensive, which you would understand if you actually had to buy insurance in the individual market. And as I said before, what good is insurance if many of the people who buy it cannot actually afford to use it because of high deductibles and copays?
Oh, and if my daughters need insurance in their 20s, then they can buy it themselves, with my money if necessary. It's not like there are family discounts in the individual marketplace anyway - it is all priced per head now based upon age and gender. I bet you didn't know that either, but there it is.
I am pissed that they are struggling to get the votes to roll this shit back.
There are no people on "Obamacare" per se. Obamacare is a combination of changes in regulation of the individual market, the availability of subsidies, and Medicaid expansion.
You eliminate all of those parts and people will lose insurance, period. The CBO was far more accurate than you say about Obamacare. What they got wrong is the relative numbers of people affected by expanded availability of the individual market vs Medicaid expansion.
The problem with health care policy is that Americans haven't agreed on what they want, except most people (especially people who voted Republican) want to have their cake and eat it too.
There is no way we can achieve universal coverage without single payer or something like Obamacare (but hopefully improved). If universal coverage what you want, and remember that Trump explicitly promised universal coverage that's better than coverage under the current system, then the AHCA sucked.
If you want people to pay their way and never to have low risk people subsidizing high risk people then there will be people who can't get insurance, period.
But nobody in politics has the guts to lay it out that way. The problem is that Trump promised something impossible unless we go single payer for everybody or have very intrusive regulation of insurance.
This is academic to me, since I have a secure salary and excellent insurance. But I will say that Paul Ryan really accomplished something. Specifically, he devised a bill that almost everybody hates, regardless of their politics. Getting that much bipartisan hate is hard.
Remember that having the option to buy good insurance on the open market stimulates entrepreneurship.
This is the sole reason why the cost continue to increase, because you can't mandate coverage without costs, and most of those costs will be eaten up by the people who actually make money. It's a power grab by the liberals, and now we are seeing G of the pendulum swings back to at least something more centrist. It's why the bill could t garner enough votes. Maybe next year they can rewrite it to agree with more elected officials who have to answer to their constituents in order to get re-elected.
We'll see what happens from here. Obamacare does need some tweaks to get more insurance companies back into the exchanges. Trump's essentially admitted that he wants Obamacare to fail, and he'll do his best to blame the Democrats. I think that strategy will backfire.
My ideal healthcare system would give everyone some essential Medicaid-like benefits, while affluent people could buy into a private insurance market for the very best surgeons and private rooms. My understanding is that the UK has that sort of system with the NHS co-existing with a private insurance market.