Stupid People
I have 4 people on ignore and I would think they know who they are so they know I never see what they post. When I start a thread they frequently post on it, thinking I'll see it. But the honest truth is I don't! I've not cheated because I don't think there's anything there but asinine insults. even if they're trolling each other and not me, I don't care to read it.
I'm FINALLY understanding how Trump got elected....some people enjoy the form over the function. A note to the Homophobic Troll Club (anointed HTC from here on out) you can post on my threads all you want, but you're just masturbating for each other. I have no interest to see what you're saying. This makes me laugh!
BTW if I'm wrong and one of you post something that's actually worthwhile, I hope someone tells me about it and I'll check it out. If I do think your post has some redeeming quality, I'll reply to you.
I'm FINALLY understanding how Trump got elected....some people enjoy the form over the function. A note to the Homophobic Troll Club (anointed HTC from here on out) you can post on my threads all you want, but you're just masturbating for each other. I have no interest to see what you're saying. This makes me laugh!
BTW if I'm wrong and one of you post something that's actually worthwhile, I hope someone tells me about it and I'll check it out. If I do think your post has some redeeming quality, I'll reply to you.
1. The far right had nowhere else to go.
2. The Hillary haters had nowhere else to go.
3. The Clinton haters had nowhere else to go.
4. Working class whites felt Trump spoke more for them than Hillary.
5. Disenfranchised voters that wanted "hope and change" and got neither, are giving the other party a try.
If the Dems can marginalize the elitist lefty faction of their party and move toward the center, especially fiscally, they will reclaim the white house and congress.
I debate issues without personal insults as a rule, but conservatives (at least on TUSCL) seem incapable of that. At least the ones on my ignore list! There are some that can chat and even if we disagree on policy, at least they stick to the subject.
Trump is not in bed with the Russians. That is a lie, and no evidence has nor will be produced.
Russia did not meddle in our elections. Still no evidence has been produced to support these false claims. Russia may or may not have given WikiLeaks the emails showing how the DNC manipulated the primaries, but that was only letting the truth out for people to see and judge for themselves.
When Trump suggested that the Washington establishment may rig the election or tamper with the results, to ensure their fellow insider (Hillary) won, the response from everyone was complete and total derision. Every available talking head who supported Hillary went on television to declare, unequivocally, that our election system was unhackable and infallible. Suddenly, when Trump was elected, all those same individuals and organizations are adamant that our election system was hacked. Aren't you insulted by the hypocrisy?
There are many places where I go to read about and discuss politics. This isn't one of them.
Yeah, b/c there's never been wars and the US has never had enemies before.
North Korea
the Taliban
Boko Haram
You need to be more specific...I can't see how many/most of your list qualifies as us being a "laughing stock" in their eyes...
grammanutcase posting priceless !