Stupid People

avatar for rockstar666
I have 4 people on ignore and I would think they know who they are so they know I never see what they post. When I start a thread they frequently post on it, thinking I'll see it. But the honest truth is I don't! I've not cheated because I don't think there's anything there but asinine insults. even if they're trolling each other and not me, I don't care to read it.

I'm FINALLY understanding how Trump got elected....some people enjoy the form over the function. A note to the Homophobic Troll Club (anointed HTC from here on out) you can post on my threads all you want, but you're just masturbating for each other. I have no interest to see what you're saying. This makes me laugh!

BTW if I'm wrong and one of you post something that's actually worthwhile, I hope someone tells me about it and I'll check it out. If I do think your post has some redeeming quality, I'll reply to you.


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avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Well! Tittyfag with no dot is the king wanker! LOL Mikeya a close second but might have a life and can only post 20-30 times a day. Looks like Dougie gave up...WTF??? Doug!! Posy on my threads so I can laugh that I'm not reading them! I'll let #4 remain nameless but it wouldn't take too much deep thought to figure out who it is.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
IMO, Trump won because of a combination of factors:
1. The far right had nowhere else to go.
2. The Hillary haters had nowhere else to go.
3. The Clinton haters had nowhere else to go.
4. Working class whites felt Trump spoke more for them than Hillary.
5. Disenfranchised voters that wanted "hope and change" and got neither, are giving the other party a try.

If the Dems can marginalize the elitist lefty faction of their party and move toward the center, especially fiscally, they will reclaim the white house and congress.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yeah. A month ago I took a peek and it was just the same old shit so I never see what they post. I suppose I could admire their focus on trolling...but I don't.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
I often ignored myself
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yeah that's the funny part. They over-trolled to the point that only other trolls read their posts I suppose...kind of a karma thing there.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
@ Rockstar I don't have anyone on ignore and I agree that there is a lot of stupidity here, but there are some pretty intelligent folks as well. I guess I'm trying to understand, and I realize that there are some really hateful folks posting that for some reason you seem to make allowances for but the ones you seem to take issue with are usually just silly.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i auto log out all the time. so when i go to the site i get to see all the 'stuff' before i log in. then peace and tranquility prevails.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
25: No one on my list has impressed me with intelligence. But then I'm sure they think I'm an idiot too. They must be fucking my wife...they think alike.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
That was my point silliness is off limits but hate posters are ok ?
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Sometimes I post actual serious thoughts, but I do prefer the silliness. Maybe the HTC do too but they're just not any good at it?
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
OK, just curious I get the homophobic, but the real homophobes are major bigots too, but I get where you're coming from.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Oh, like those guys aren't major bigots??? Please.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
That isn't what I said, but like I said I get where you are coming from.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Actually I'm disappointed they can't address issues before sinking into the personal insult quagmire....I've found that failing with conservatives in general.

I debate issues without personal insults as a rule, but conservatives (at least on TUSCL) seem incapable of that. At least the ones on my ignore list! There are some that can chat and even if we disagree on policy, at least they stick to the subject.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
My pet peeve is when they make up shit about what "liberals" think when no liberal I know thinks that...too many straw men. When I say conservatives hurl too many personal insults, at least there's a body of work to support that here in TUSCAL, especially from those in my ignore list, which is why they're there in the first place.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@suckstar37: Just a second. Weren't you the one who insisted that North Korea is a socialist country and the doubled down on your wrongness when called out? Not think you have any business calling other people stupid given that.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Ha! txtittyfag (no dot) posted 3 things!!! He gets the Ultimate Masturbater Award (MA)...and I still won't un-ignore you just to see!!!! LOL What a fucking idiot. Stop posting on my's pointless IMHO.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
OH! He posted again!!! I hope he has a lot of Kleenex so he doesn't short out his keyboard...
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I love I get email notifications but can't see the post!!! Founder, despite the icon issue...this is a cool feature.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Looks like Txtfag and Doug are sitting in each other's cum. Nice.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Why can't the HTC just stop posting on my threads? I don't see them; I just get the emails that you posted/ You'd be better off coming to one of my shows and yelling at us that we suck... at least I'd hear you.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Pissing off trolls is not a goal of mine, but if it happens, so much the better. Karma.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Yeah. Douggie was someone I actually thought I'd like at first because he can make complete sentences (a TUSCL troll rarity), but his intelligence turned out to disappoint me as his homophobia seemed to take control; maybe he's a drunk? he can't seem to control his he's one of the four. Sorry Douggie.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Rockstar on a rampage...
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Please Rock, don't be a hypocrite. Lefties and righties are merely opposite sides of the same coin. Trump won because America is sick of progressives, as shown by congressional, gubernatorial, mayoral and state legislative victories over the past ten years. You simply believe your own biases to be correct and its nothing more than that. Yesterday, after my custody trial wrapped up, the mother of the plaintiff told me she hoped my wife died of cancer, because I deserved it. Do you really think anything an anonymous poster says to me on a sex site is anything other than laughable? Having said tht I obviously believe I am not #4 lol.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
LOL, it looks like Rockstar is talking to all the fools I ignore. I actually have had a couple of tuscl'ers give me a heads up on the lies that the losers and trolls are posting, but I just don't care. It seems the height of hypocrisy and cowardice for them to not simply accept that I have let them go and decided to focus instead on people and posters who actually have something intelligent and worthwhile to discuss. Furthermore, Rockstar and I have shown that if ignore and move past political differences you can have pleasant discussions, and even debates, and find much common ground in which to agree. My ultimate point is that the trolls who post against people who ignore them are the true cowards, so weak and ignorant and fearful of those who disagree that they just can't let it go and move on. That those who post hate threads are the true bigots who will not accept the differences between people. That losers who lump all their opponents together as republicans, conservatives, democrats, and progressives are the true trash, the real haters, the fearful and ignorant who hide from the truth and refuse to allow freedom of speech. As you can see, when I realized they had nothing meaningful to add and removed their drivel from my thread, I really enjoy these discussions.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Yeah Skidum knows that progressives are responsible for all of the problems of the world, gosh if we could just go back in time, how far would y ou say, 200 years maybe life would be so much simpler for him ! ROFLMAO What a crackpot !
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Gramma Nutcase is another liar calls anyone who disagrees with him "Porch Monkeys" who the fuck would pay any attention to that idiot.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
And, pensionking analyzed the Trump win excellently. I can be counted as one of the "Never Hillary" camp who voted for Trump solely to spare our country from Hillary.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
gammanu95: And how do you feel about it now?
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Try all you want, gammanu95: after you call people "porch monkies" that is one hole you just aren't gonna dig your way out of.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
I still feel Trump was a better option.
Trump is not in bed with the Russians. That is a lie, and no evidence has nor will be produced.
Russia did not meddle in our elections. Still no evidence has been produced to support these false claims. Russia may or may not have given WikiLeaks the emails showing how the DNC manipulated the primaries, but that was only letting the truth out for people to see and judge for themselves.
When Trump suggested that the Washington establishment may rig the election or tamper with the results, to ensure their fellow insider (Hillary) won, the response from everyone was complete and total derision. Every available talking head who supported Hillary went on television to declare, unequivocally, that our election system was unhackable and infallible. Suddenly, when Trump was elected, all those same individuals and organizations are adamant that our election system was hacked. Aren't you insulted by the hypocrisy?
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Russia has metaled in elections in many're playing ostrich on this issue. I can't account for talking heads, but the evidence on Russia is getting worse, not better.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Your critical mistake is giving a shit.

There are many places where I go to read about and discuss politics. This isn't one of them.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
In response to Gramma Nutcase I'm insulted by how many porch monkeys can fit in the brain of a pinhead !
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
We are at an impasse, Rockstar; nor does it matter what we think. This will play out publicly and the results will be beyond our individual controls.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I just it wasn't OUR country...
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
^^^^ "laughing stock"! Proof you're one when you place "fag" in your handle....lmfao!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
No...we're not a laughingstock because of Trump since every country has rude people, but we're a laughingstock because we elected him.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
America was something worse than a laughingstock when Obama was our president - we were weak and unreliable. Both our allies and our enemies knew this. That's why Russia invaded Crimea. That's why ISIS began and spread. That's why the Taliban became resurgent. That's why jobs streamed out of the US, and illegal aliens flooded in. That's why terror attacks at home and abroad proliferated exponentially. We would have been a laughingstock if we had elected a criminal like Hillary (comparable to Putin or Maduro), or an ignorant rookie ideologue like Sanders (comparable to Hollande, Merkel, Trudeau, and yes, BHO). However, my point is that America has been weak and feckless because our leadership was weak and feckless.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
gaymanu95: "Both our allies and our enemies knew this. That's why Russia invaded Crimea. That's why ISIS began and spread."

Yeah, b/c there's never been wars and the US has never had enemies before.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
What?? Obama was wildly popular in Europe and with all our allies. Who thought we were a "laughingstock" under Obama besides American conservatives?
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Going to my point @Rockstar that jackass grammanutcase isn't interested in a legit debate he is only interested in spreading his alt. right bullshit if you engage with that psycho you will get fleas.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^problem@ txtittydot is rock is a decent but naive guy doesn't seem to understand that those two you mentioned have an agenda and as a result plays into their hand too bad too sad.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Gamm isn't on ignore because even though we differ in politics, he doesn't hurl personal insults. I would never ignore anyone who thinks my brand of liberalism is bad policy, but call me a libtard enough with nothing else to offer to the debate and I'd rather not waste my time. I'm feeling my mortality.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
@Rockstar: Mega-dittoes
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Who considered Barrack's America a laughingstock?
North Korea
the Taliban
Boko Haram
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Addendum to my mega-dittoes: Life is short. I'm not going to suffer fools.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Oh so Mexico respects us now?? LOL
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Russia yes; they laugh at us that they have a friend in Trump. N. Korea doesn't matter. Venezuuela??? Really??? the worst dictatorship this side of N Korea and you care what they think???? Syria??? They don't even have a government...Israel is an important ally that I don't think anything Obama did/said will change that even when our government disagrees with their West Bank policy...

You need to be more specific...I can't see how many/most of your list qualifies as us being a "laughing stock" in their eyes...
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Kind of funny that Obama, who meddled in the Brexit vote and his cronies would whine about the Russians, who did, allegedly, the same thing. Then again without hypocrites there'd be 5 liberals. I notice that under Obama Libya was taken over by Isis; North Korea developed their first ICBM; his pivot to Asia resulted in the Chinese building artificial Islands; he lost the Phillipines; 150,000 died in Syria after he drew a line in the sand Israel started doing military sales to China. If Russia trusted Trump they are dumber than we are and quite frankly the last survey done during Obama's years on how popular America is indicated only three countries liked us more than they hated us, soI seriously doubt Trump can make us fall further. Twenty Five: I may not like you, but the idea I have an agenda is inane. You realize where we are? You realize I live in one of the most liberal areas of the country and deal with the people you think I hate every day of my life? Do you really take this seriously? Serious? Gee, if all I did was push people's buttons as a way of relieving stress, that would be pretty funny. I forget which one of the yammering yahoos posted it, but I believe it was one of the idiots using the TF name, saying no one would say what they say here in person, but I know I say the same shit. Said it before and will say it again, I will spend days golfing with my group at the Indian River Preserve and every evening at the inner room cabaret in cocoa beach, the last week of next month. Happy to buy anyone a beer and have the exact same conversation face to face. If you have never been to the IR, you are missing a unique experience that won't last much longer.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^I didn't know that you could wear your white robes with the pointy hat at Indian River Preserve, last time I was there they had a dress code and it was golf casual.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Why, what are you expecting to happen to IRC?
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
The more you hate me, the more I'll post: Just to piss you off .
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
MasterCard for what you need
grammanutcase posting priceless !
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