Hate Crime

avatar for deogol
Recently there was a "hate crime" of leaving bacon on a Las Vegas mosque's door handles.

That left me thinking, "Bacon? A crime?" Perhaps a waste yes, but a crime?

This got me thinking a bit, but can we not call laws against strip clubs, a legal business, which must be so many feet from various other churches and the like a hate crime? That governments can say how many clubs can be opened in an area is to a hate crime?

I mean, if bacon is a hate crime, why cannot these laws be stricken down has hate crimes too?


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avatar for WetWilly
9 years ago
I think it is an insult to those who believe, as they, like other religions, specifically require their believers to avoid that food.

So it is known to be an insult to both believers and non believers. Each religion has their habits and foods which are forbidden, some only on certain days.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
As Jesus said to his best friend Biff, "I don't think it's really about food".
avatar for deogol
9 years ago
Yes, I agree the intent was irresponsible. But religious crazies have been giving regular folk trouble over strip clubs for years. Why is that not a hate crime?
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
"Hate crime" should never have become a thing in the U.S. That's for those namby-pamby PC lefties in Canada and Sweden! The only crime in leaving bacon at a mosque is littering (and the crime of wasting delicious meat!) -- it's certainly not a "hate crime".

Of course strip clubs aren't going to get any sympathy if they claim discrimination under "hate crime" statutes, since they aren't a protected group like those that benefit from laws against so-called "hate crimes".

By the way, does anyone else think that "hate crime" sounds like "thoughtcrime" in Orwell's "1984"?
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Good point. I would like to see js69 argue that in court
avatar for sflguy123
9 years ago
Since I'm a minority can I get a stripper arrested if she doesn't agree to suck my dick? lol
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Everyone knows I'm a flaming liberal, right?

I've never loved Hate Crime legislation. Either something is a crime (battery, murder) or it isn't. Is it really worse to kill someone for being gay/muslim/Christian/White/etc than to steal their stuff? Either way, the person is dead.

Plus, proving intent is (and should be) fucking hard.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Hating bacon should be a hate crime
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I don't think I'd want raw bacon on any of my stuff. So wasting bacon should be a crime.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
to JamesSD: In general, the Left supports "hate crime" legislation and the Right opposes it. I'm glad you're doing your own thinking on this issue :)
avatar for PhantomGeek
9 years ago
Leaving bacon on a mosque is about as much of a hate crime as burning the flag -- it's all freedom of speech.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago
The left is now trying to make a police officer doing his job a "hate crime."
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Aren't all (well, most anyway) murders hate crimes?

OJ didn't kill Ron Goldman because he loved him.
avatar for Clubber
9 years ago

Well, no. Many occur during robberies and such. I guess they could since the culprit hates that you have something he wants. :)
avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Motorhead, hate crimes differ from other crimes when the victim is targeted solely for being a member of a specific social group (race, religion, sexual orientation, etc).

If I killed someone because they slept with my boyfriend, the motive would be clear. If I spray-painted "go back to Iraq, terrorist!" on my neighbor's door, not only would I be committing a crime of vandalization, but the motive would be clear (hate/prejudice driven).

I don't really have an Iraqi neighbor, this is just hypothetical.

I'm not surprised some of you view hate crimes as a joke. For those who are victims of it, it can be serious. What if my hypothetical Iraqi neighbor had children? Gee, it would be fun for them to have to explain to their children why people don't want them living in their own private residence.

Bacon on a door is a little tame. But hate crimes in general aren't to be joked about. The KKK used to vandalize homes, churches, etc with the same sort of messages. But since there are even some here who would vote for the nutcase Trump, your apathy doesn't surprise me at all. It's almost pathological.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"As Jesus said to his best friend Biff, "I don't think it's really about food". "


"Yes, I agree the intent was irresponsible. But religious crazies have been giving regular folk trouble over strip clubs for years. Why is that not a hate crime?"

That comment is the bee's knees! ;)
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
“But since there are even some here who would vote for the nutcase Trump…”

yeah, you all should be shot you damn haters.

btw there is an opening for a right (i mean a “LEFT”) thinking attorney in Colorado. an energetic go getter is a plus. a good aim is a necessity


Colorado ACLU leader resigns after Facebook rant aimed at Trump supporters: 'I will have to shoot you' before Election Day


i wonder when the hate crime trial will be

avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Wow, what a pro-Trump rant my post clearly prompted that has nothing to do with the topic. Someone got their panties in a bunch about me calling their hero a nutcase.

avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
^^^^^^wow! you really are brain cell challenged.

where in the fuck did you get the idea that i would ever support that Clinton front man and all around idiot Trump?

he is nothing but another WHITE SUPEMACIST LIBERAL along with the Clintons, Bernie
and the ACLU

avatar for NinaBambina
9 years ago
Did you miss medication time?
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago

I know what a "hate crime" is. I just feel it's redundant and not necessary. Murder is murder and vandalism is vandalism.

When a 16 year old gang banger in Chicago gets killed it's just another dead kid that dies on a weekend on the south side and is just another crime statistic.

When a white kid kills a black teenager its labeled a "hate crime" and the Justice Department gets involved along with Al Sharpton and the other media whores.

Myrder is murder. One is not any better or worse than the other.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
NinaBambina, just to clarify: I don't think "hate crime" legislation is a joke -- it is un-American. Nor am I apathetic about "hate crimes" -- I deny that the category exists. In my view, a crime is a hate crime and should not be prosecuted more or less severely based on the perpetrator's alleged prejudice or frame of mind. We are on a slippery slope indeed when we try to determine the severity of the punishment for a crime on the basis of what race, creed, or sexual orientation is hated by the criminal.

Furthermore, you seem to equate opposition to "hate crime" legislation to support for Trump. Those on the Left need to understand that Donald Trump is nothing but a loud, boastful, self-aggrandizing buffoon who finds it expedient at the moment to make certain vaguely rightwing noises (especially on immigration). He has no history of conservative or even Republican ideas. Until approximately the day before yesterday he was pro-"choice" and pro-gun-control, in favor of a wealth tax, and critical of Romney for being too anti-immigration. He has been a Democrat for much of his adult life, giving large donations to Democrats including both Clintons. Most of his support is among blue-collar, non-college-educated people from both parties who are looking for a strong man. I personally find him more fascist than conservative. True conservatives in the Republican Party tend to support either Ted Cruz, Mario Rubio, or Rand Paul (my personal favorite, but he isn't going anywhere).
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
hard to argue with Reverend Al on this one:


avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
oh and @Nina. that you are seemingly blind to the fact that the fascist hate-mongering leftist lawyer received a pass for threatening to kill people (a crime) to prevent them from voting (a federal offense) because he hates their choice of political candidate and his ideas (a hate crime) has any relevance to the thread topic speaks volumes about your prospects and suitability of becoming an attorney.

btw, reading some of your past posts i’ve been meaning to ask, what’s up with this “drop mic” shit you use as your rebuttal of choice. what are you, in the fourth grade? that’s right up there with “BOOM SIPPY CUP WINS AGAIN”.

i can just picture how you are going to run circles around all the other lawyers:

Nina: “…so ladies and disgusting pigs of the jury, in conclusion ipso-factoid, la-di-da, don’t you love my cute new outfit with matching handbag and shoes, AND e pluribus urethra for all – drop mic”

Judge: “uhhh, okay then, umm does the defense rest?”

Nina: “well duh! i SAID drop mic. sheeesh how did you get to be a judge anyway?”

Judge: “first day out of law school isn’t it? well congratulations on your bulldog like determination but i hope you kept your stripper shoes though i doubt there is much demand for a 72 year old stripper.”

avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Whether you're on the Left and think that Trump is just another rightwing Republican . . . or you're on the Right and are contemplating a vote for Trump because "he's a strong leader and he'll make America great again" . . . you should watch DoctoPhil's YouTube video (less than 3 minutes long), in which none other than Al Sharpton, with whom I otherwise *never* agree, cites evidence that the Donald is a Democrat in disguise.
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