I need to take a break

avatar for Clackport
I've been going to the strip clubs at least once a week for as long as I can remember. I can afford it, so it's fine. However I recently unexpectedly got some big time bills that need to be taken care of soon. This is gonna require me taking a 2-3 month break from the strip clubs in order to get my finances in order.

How the fuck am I gonna resist the urge to hit the strip clubs up? Any useful ideas/strategies? Anyone been in the situation where they had to take a break, not necessarily that they wanted to take a break? How did you do it?


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avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
The only breaks I've taken were because of lack of desire, or because the clubs sucked. It had nothing to do with finances.

Jerk off more?
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Go to the gym and run some hoops. Join a basketball league .Pursue your hobbies more. Spend quality time with your girlfriend.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
9 years ago
Well, I had to take a break for over six months due to a severe quadriceps tear injury that I sustained at my job back in August 2013. I had to have surgery and I was stuck wearing a hinged brace and walking on crutches (and later a cane) until I was able to walk on my own again. I couldn't work for two months as I was forced to be on bed rest. I was in a relationship at the time though so it wasn't too bad until that bitch left me for another man during my convalescence.

I resumed in March 2014 shortly after joining this site and later received a VERY NICE Worker's Comp settlement so you know I went buck wild in the strip clubs.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Get a girlfriend or a flashlight. Not really a lot of other options.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I've only been in once in the last three weeks I have so much other shit to do I'm fine. Play a little golf that'll frustrate ya
avatar for Clackport
9 years ago
"Spend quality time with your girlfriend." My GF lives with me, recently the reason I've been hitting up the strip clubs more frequently is to get some space from her. I've been spending too much quality time with her.

avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
No, 25. With green fees and drinks, golf will be more expensive and much less fun!
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

WTF are you going to do with a flashlight JS? Lol!

Is that some kind of role play fetish you got going on with the DS?
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
to ATAC not quite as expensive but it is frustrating, just when you think you got it all figured out something else will come up.
To War flash light is good for finding pussy in the dark.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Most habits are hard to break.

As I've mentioned b/f; for me the hardest part is the initial period of abstinence and after that for me personally it gets easier to not-go as time goes-by.
avatar for Corvus
9 years ago
"Too much quality time with the girlfriend". Flip her over every once in awhile! Lol.

Seriously though, just set a goal and stick with it. Such as " I'm going to save $X and until I do, no SC visits. ". You can do it.

avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Watch free porn and jack off. a lot. :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Take up transcendental meditation
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I stick the flashlight up the pussy of the DS for a more intimate visual experience.

But for those of you without a DS, get a FleshLight.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Pray the strip club habit away.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Use the time away from the SC to feed the homeless
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Netflix and chill.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I don't understand -- what's a "break"?
avatar for just_the_nuts
9 years ago
Play online poker
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
I don't understand -- what's a "break"?

^^^^ retarded
avatar for bubba267
9 years ago
Keep your hormones level low but jacking off in the morning, every morning until it is time to go back. Done daily will keep your prostate healthy and significantly reduce the desire to go to the club
avatar for jester214
9 years ago
It's not fucking heroin.
avatar for Clackport
9 years ago
For context, I've been strip clubbing for over 7 years. The longest "break" I've ever taken is a month, and that month break was only because my GF at the time found about my strip club hobby.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
If you think pasties are a complete turnoff, move to Greenviile, SC. problem solved.
Watch myfreecams and get the Internet to show up on your tv with multiple girls in different parts of the screen stripping for you. You could take out some dollar bills and even make it rain by throwing them at your computer or tv screen. Just pick them up and use them again with each girl you like.

Unfortunately, I thought more advanced holographic tv's would be here by now so we could all see hot naked girls stripping in our living rooms or lying on our tables or floors but the tech seems to be delayed or there are technical or monetary delays. Right now 3d tv without glasses would be an improvement. Tech is advancing very slowly. Maybe when I'm retired, tech will advance enough so that we will have hot holographic girls lying in our living rooms we can talk if we want to that will resemble the real thing.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I played a holographic arcade game back in the late 80's or 90's and could move my hand through the holograms. Everything looked real. 20 to 30 years later, still no advances like that for the home. I haven't even seen any holographic arcade games like the first one I saw for over 20 years.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I googled it, street fighter 2 killed it.

I think the tech could have been a big success if they had gone into porn and had images jump out almost real life size or at least wide screen tv size. That was 3d without glasses and viewable from 360 degrees.
avatar for jestrite50
9 years ago
Cut your dick off !
avatar for DoctorPhil
9 years ago
@JohnSmith69 “I stick the flashlight up the pussy of the DS for a more intimate visual experience.”

hey John, while you are rooting around in there you’re going to find an empty pony keg. sorry about that but me and some of the bros left it behind. don’t worry i don’t want it back or anything but a little bird told me that lately you’ve been looking for loose change under the couch cushions. hey, nothing shameful about that. we’ve all been there dude. not really but that is the kind of thing we all say to break those uncomfortable silences when running into someone who is, let’s just call it “down on their luck”.

but about the pony keg, you can take it in and collect the deposit. it’s all yours dude. seriously. just take it to “Joe's 2AM Liquors, Night Law School for Aging Strippers With No Future and 24 Hour Gravy Emporium”. your hooker, uh i mean your dick sucker, er DS or whatever you call her can show you where it is. her pimp, uh i mean her “BOYFRIEND” lives upstairs in the back. hey you should totally meet him. he’s supposedly a big wig with BlackLivesMatters. he has this awesome bumper sticker on his Caddy. it reads “Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are just two more WHITE SUPREMACIST LIBERALS.

btw, back to your hooker’s, uh your DS’s pussy, i know it was pretty trashed but that wasn’t us. it was like that when we got there. no doubt it was those guys from the Buccaneers front line. they were really going to town on your hooker, uh your whatever.

hey good look with the search for loose change
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