Too many faggits to combat complaining about trolling, so he gave up and decided to spend time in the strip club instead. That fucker is funny. It's even funnier when sensitive people get irritated by his jeering sense of comedy. Priceless.
maybe because we are still stuck in the doldrums of the worst economic recovery in the entire history of the nation, Dougster’s NYC employer finally got fed up with the endless “there’s an economic BOOM a’comin” talk that never showed even a hint of being true and Dougster got a pink slip in his holiday bonus envelope so now he is hitch hiking back to Seattle in search of a non-existent $15/hr (would you like fries with that?) job in that communist clown town
Years ago, when I first started posting on TUSCL, I seem to remember Dougster trying to actually contribute positive input to topics versus just spewing constant hate and insults.
It must take a toll on someone's life to be so miserable as to spread constant negativity like that. The hate will eat them from the inside out.
Hopefully Dougster is doing some serious self analysis and will come back with a healthier attitude.
I almost forgot about his periodic reminder...
Fuck that faggot lol…
I second that
Love u buddy
I like NinaBambina's comment. It does seem that Nubster disappeared right after she destroyed him.
or could be he is just on vacation
It must take a toll on someone's life to be so miserable as to spread constant negativity like that. The hate will eat them from the inside out.
Hopefully Dougster is doing some serious self analysis and will come back with a healthier attitude.
Yeah, right. And hopefully my DS will turn out to be a faithful wife too. But don't hold your breath.
He's just fucking with all of us. Disappearing is his new strategy to get attention, which is what trolls do.