
Observations on the differences between experienced OTC strippers and those who

layin low but staying high
Sunday, December 27, 2015 8:40 PM

I just finished my first OTC with GingerBread. She is unlike my other regulars in that she is an extras girl ITC who does OTC on a regular basis. My four others are not extras girls and don’t do OTC regularly.

So here are my random observations on the differences between these two types of strippers OTC.

1. Experienced OTC dancers are much easier to get and much cheaper. I could fuck GingerBread two and a half times and just spend roughly the same amount as one DS date.

2. Dancers with higher mileage pussy don’t require a system to fuck them. Out of habit I found myself running my dream stripper system a couple of times on GIngerBread, but it quickly became apparent that it was totally unnecessary to do so. I easily fit her OTC standards so basically all I had to do to get between her legs was ask and agree to her seemingly very reasonable price.

3. We went to dinner beforehand but it wasn’t the same as with the others. I don’t think GingerBread does dinner with most of her other OTC customers. I think she’s used to just fucking them And she clearly didn’t need dinner to feel comfortable with our physical union. She was willing to do the dinner with me and it was pleasant, but it wasn’t the same. Despite her considerable experience otc, I could tell that dinner was relatively new to her.

4. The sex was different with GingerBread. Not necessarily better or worse, but different. For example, it was all about me and she didn’t care to get off. With my others (except video girl), I often focus largely on their pleasure and they only get to taking care of me after I’ve pleasured them for a while.

5. GingerBread was really really good at making me cum. I had to fight the urge to keep from having an orgasm too quickly. She is just clearly very comfortable around a penis. She knew exactly what to do without me asking, and she did lots of hot shit that the others don’t do. Examples: playing with my balls while she sucked my dick, looking into my eyes the whole time while she sucked me (this was really hot), and talking dirty (I had to teach the others to get them comfortable with this). And she did this really cool thing where she plays with my penis and while she’s playing with it she puts on the condom. I didn’t even realize what she was doing until the condom was already on. That would be a great bar trick. And she gave me the best titty fuck ever. I could easily have cum through just that, although I saved myself for her mouth.

6. GingerBread was more honest about her sex life than the others. She told me about her current boyfriend, past boyfriends, sexual experiences, etc in a way and to a degree that the others took months to become comfortable with.

7. GingerBread was much more comfortable talking beforehand about the details, and she was much more comfortable once we got to the hotel room. I guess this makes sense. Once you’ve done it a bunch it becomes second nature. And the discussion with her beforehand wasn’t even really necessary. She’s done this more than me I bet, and she knows exactly how it works. All we really needed to do was agree on a price which took like 30 seconds.

8. GIngerBread gave me a complete GFE. She would do everything that I do with DS I and II except I wouldn’t fuck her uncovered and I’m sure she would have refused even if I had asked. But even though we did all of the same things that I do with the others (like DFK), and even though she was very good and put on a good act, it wasn’t the same. With DS I and II, and free girl, they are building towards an orgasm along with me. With them, theres a mutual, real physical union in which both parties are experiencing physical pleasure which results in orgasm. With GingerBread, even though she tried really hard to act otherwise, she was not expecting or wanting any type of direct sexual stimulation or orgasm. This is what I liked the least about Gingerbread compared to the others. I like to give and receive pleasure.

9. GingerBread kept sucking my dick for 45-60 seconds after I came. I’ve seen that in porn before but never been on the receiving end. It was an unusual sensation to be sucked and licked after the purpose of being sucked and licked had already been achieved. It was pleasant, but only vaguely so. She only stopped when I got soft.

10. The date with GingerBread was much shorter than the others. Start to finish we were done in a little over 2 hours. An average DS date, in comparison, would be more like 8-10 hours. It’s not even 10 pm and I’m writing this post to you losers. A DS date is almost never done before 2-3 am.

11. I prefer the strippers who have much lower mileage pussy, and therefore I know that I am right to be paying DS I and II such large amounts of money. It’s just much more special and seemingly real when they don’t do this with a bunch of other customers. The GFE is as a good as it can get with such lower mileage pussy. But still, its hot to be with a hooker who isn’t afraid to act like or call herself a hooker. GingerBread is a prostitute, and she didn’t try to act like or claim that she isn’t a prostitute. To the contrary, she embraced her hooker status. She is very good at her chosen profession, and she freely admits that what she does for a job is not just stripping. I admired Gingerbread’s honesty. She seemed at peace with what she does which stands in sharp contrast to my other girls who will swear under oath that they have never been a prostitute while at the same moment accepting money for sex from me.

11. Marijuana equally enhances the experience with both types of strippers.


  • RandomMember
    9 years ago
    Lonely, aging, divorced dude, desperately trying to find meaning and affection in his stable of young prostitutes.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I think I'd much rather be with GingerBread than the DS's. With GB, it sounds like there won't be any sort of emotional confusion on just what's happening on either party's part -- it's the business of pleasure, nothing more -- whereas the DS's, well, it really sounds like they want and need all of that wining and dining so they can try to convince themselves they aren't prostitutes, that they're just high-priced dates.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    How old is Gingerbread compared to DS I and II?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Jack she is late 20s. All of the others are early 20s.

    PG, a valid point but I like the wining and dining.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Way too much work & thought dude, just fuck her!
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Well DS 1 did suck your dick in VIP the first night she met you, so she is also an extras girl ITC, even if you have convinced yourself otherwise.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Yes, Nina but she doesn't do that for every one. :)
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    LOL. It was her first time doing that for anyone!

    Anyway, it just seems like GingerBread is more honest than the other girls. If you want more from her, or a different experience, just tell her. I'm sure she would oblige you.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Such venom. Who pissed in everybody's cornflakes over Christmas.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Such venom. Who pissed in everybody's cornflakes over Christmas.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Such venom. Who pissed in everybody's cornflakes over Christmas.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    John, I see where your coming from on this one. I've experienced much the same.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I'm resisting the urge right now. Don't know how long I can hold it in.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Its killing me not calling johnsmith69 a faggot right now. Somebody call js69 a faggot already!
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I can't imagine anybody getting emotionally attached to a stripper. That's pathetic.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    It isn't pathetic. It's human. But every now and again, we just need to get several thousand gallons of cold water splashed in our faces.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Okay. I can see it happening at the moment. I've had the little head do the thinking for me at a club too. But then I sober up and feel silly afterward. Going to a strip club looking for someone to get emotionally attached to is pathetic. I'm not going to be convinced otherwise on that.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Well flag maybe if you had some real money and could afford something better than the $200 an hour skanks that work in Orlando clubs then maybe you could understand. But that's ok. Just keep insulting guys who get better quality women every week than you can imagine in your dreams. Sadly you have lots of company on here.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^and sadly you have none.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    Okay so you are rich and pathetic.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    "... lower mileage pussy..."

    lmfao. you a funny guy john smith
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Makes sense to me – GingerBread is more along the lines of an escort that dances where the others are dancers that may escort on the side somewhat.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    OK, JS -- you know I love your stories about DS I, II, . . ., LXIX and don't join the haters when they engage in their Two Minute Hate against you . . . but didn't you just piss in flagooner's corn flakes with your last post?
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    DS I and DS II are just better actors than Gingerbread, and know what it takes to get more money from a customer than Gingerbread has. As Nina said, DS I sucked him off the first time she met him. I have met quite a few dancers who act like they are very particular who they see outside a club, and are very good actors. However a quick check with the appropriate people and you find out that she isn't particular at all,.
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