
Kind Things for Strippers this Holiday Season

former stripper is now an internet slut
There are several different acts of kindness that you can bestow on your favorite stripper this Christmas, but what about the other dancers on the floor? Keep this list in mind when thinking of what to get a Stripper this holiday that will make her feel extra special:

For the broke strippers- Do you know a stripper who is always complaining about her lack of wages? Even if these strippers are not the ones that you usually get lap dances from, use the spirit of giving to give a little back to these gals. A gift basket with various toiletries would be very welcome for these broke strippers. Items to include: deodorant, body spray, condoms, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, tampons. These are the most commonly thieved items, so to give these back to a stripper in need would be incredibly helpful, as she may pass along some of the items to other girls in need as well. If a gift basket is too much, a $20 gift card to Dollar Tree would give a stripper a few months’ supply of common toiletries. Even if you do not ever get lap dances from these women, by helping them with some hygiene products, you will be aiding them to get better sales the next time they are at the club, for example. Also by being kind to them you will in turn receive their favor when they talk about you with other dancers who you may want lap dances from.

For the top earner strippers- Well we all know these girls are beautiful and that men walk hand over foot to give them the skin off their very back … so shouldn't these women be more deserving of holiday charity? Perhaps a gift card to Victoria’s Secret / Fredericks of Hollywood or any other posh lingerie type store. Gift cards in general are welcomed by all strippers, but keep amounts on the cards over $40 so the stripper knows that you really do like her, just for being her. To further explain, gift cards of $100 or more will receive much positive favor from a dancer, whereas the $40 or less gift card will be appreciated, but not so much remembered. A gift is something that makes people feel that someone thinks of them positively, so a gift card of $40+ tells a stripper “here is two lap dances I don’t even want you to give to me … here is $40 for you to spend on YOU.” Expensive items are welcomed and preferred by this type of dancer: top shelf perfume, luxurious dancer outfits / shoes, jewelry.
For your OTC stripper- If you have a very special stripper in your life that you get to take OTC, well take her on the most exquisite date you can. These types of dancers have seen all different walks of life, from the seedy strip club interiors to the most luxurious silk sheets that money could afford. Give her something to remember, a night at a penthouse suite with champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, elegant lingerie brand new, hanging in the closet waiting for her to wear for you. Every girl, has a fantasy for at least one night of total excessive indulgence, give it to your girl if you can. Treat her like the princess that she is, and surprise her with many memories that will be remembered many years after your courtship is over.

For the freaks- sex toys. Need I say more? Okay I will detail: Most women prefer clitoral stimulating toys, but many women love a clitoral with vaginal penetration toy. Here are some toys that I recommend: waterproof rabbit pearl, vibrating bullet toys. There are flavored lubes, edible panties, chocolate massage oil, I find all of these products 100% intriguing but I have only tried the lubes which I liked the JO brand the most. Introduce the toy to your stripper in a private dance; surprise her with your gift, by rubbing it directly on her and exciting her with it during a few dances. She will love taking the toy home and playing with it, remembering your hot session together. For me, the first time with the toy is one of the hottest times, after you have played with her with the toy, you can make plans for her to bring it and you play with the toy again together.
If you are going to give any gifts to dancers, make sure you buy a bouquet for all the dancers to get a few flowers from. Remember how competitive the clubs can get, and when one dancer is particularly favored, other girls watch that one dancer receiving numerous gifts while they have not even made enough money to pay stage fees. So, give all dancers something cheap like a flower. OR, alternatively, pay the dancer’s stage fees for that night … or even for a few days. The dancer that you do this for will probably give you some free lap dances, and the other dancers will take a liking to your generosity. All generous acts in the strip club do not go unnoticed. Girls notice who is giving and will fight other girls to receive some of the gifts from the giver.

Women OTC – Do you remember your cute waitresses and baristas? They especially need a little love this holiday time. They are overworked and under-appreciated by their employers. Be the good tipping customer that makes the good impression with them and it will go far. Surprise her with a $100 tip and it could lead you to many unexpected events such an OTC encounter. Any thoughtful gift is acceptable here, but I would avoid anything to risque or suggestive such as lingerie / sex toys. I would suggest for your waitresses: flowers, perfumes, gift baskets, expensive chocolate, and gift cards are all acceptable and make the best impression.

Gifts for the budget customer- If you are the customer that does not have a lot to spend on dancers / women this holiday season consider the following ideas which are mostly under $10 gifts. Be thoughtful, make a MIX cd or copy a CD or movie that you like and give as a gift. Flowers can range in price from very inexpensive to over the top insane prices, so choose a cheap bouquet from the grocery store. Any little thoughtful knick-knack from dollar tree like candles or an assortment of items from dollar tree could look like you invested more than you really did. Good Dollar Tree type gift items besides candles are: stationary items, hair clips, chocolates. Grab a gift bag and fill it up with 9 items and you have a wonderful $10 gift from Dollar Tree. I think even McDonald’s has gift cards so next time you are getting something to eat, just think of your dancer and get her a gift card with enough to treat herself like a queen at McD’s (~$10) for lunch. Take a walk around your local thrift store and you can probably find some inexpensive items you can clean off and give to a grateful dancer.

If you do not want to get any gifts for the dancers, there is always the common gratuity that is expected in the club. Keep in mind that many dancers have children and families that they are trying to support and your tips do not go unnoticed or unappreciated, especially in the holiday season. Come into the club prepared to spend on everyone, at least a little, in the spirit of the season, your gratuities will get you much mileage in the club for the upcoming year.


  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I like that about taking waitresses and baristas for OTC. But if they are not accustomed to that, the idea of P4P would insult them. But I like the idea of taking them and dancers too for nice civilian dates. I like the idea of sex toys, like the ones you recommend.

    But as far as the gift cards and all the rest of it, I am certain that dancers would prefer cash.

    Clever article.

  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Many will probably say that the dancers should be giving us the presents. Isn't that what sales people do at Christmas -- give a gift to the customers who buy their products or services throughout the year? Regardless, I'm a PL so I will give a Christmas gift to the DS. In fact, I have a very special night planned for her sort of like what you suggested but more along the lines of what I know that she likes. But I know that the main thing she wants is my money, so there's no need to overdo the gift thing. As an aside, I would never buy her sex toys. Why would I want to give her a device that substitutes for the pleasure giving services
    that I provide?

    As for gifts for everybody else in the club, it sounds nice but I don't have that kinda time. Maybe if I had a single regular club I'd grease a couple of bouncers for the holidays, but with all the clubs I visit I wouldn't know where to start.

  • Holdem2
    10 years ago
    Trixxi, I usually enjoy your articles and really like your wit and point of view but this article is out there. I thought you were kidding, and I was waiting for the punch line.

    You are normally right on track! Did North Korea hack your account and write this? You are usually down to earth and give great advice.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think handing a dancer a pretty gift basket full of hygiene stuff, especially given that it includes tampons, would get a reaction. But I'm not really sure how they would be taking it. Do I mean that they smell bad? Not likely. Am I saying that I see them as a charity case, or that they are always PMS? And especially with something like tampons, better if they handle that themselves.

    Its like with lingerie, I will buy the stuff I want them to wear for me. But when it comes to both everyday underwear and to dance costumes, better if they buy it. They will make better decisions, as they will be considering practical issues I know nothing about.

    But I do think a holiday basket would get a reaction, though I know that what they really want instead is cash. It is clever though because of the reaction it would produce, without needing to cost much.

    I bought an AMP girl a present recently. I considered sexy outfits or perfume or other girlie stuff. But I wanted to give her something which she otherwise would not have, and which might open the door to other types of communications. As I would be paying her for the session, the gift needn't be something which cost much money. So I decided on a book, and I decided on Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mocking Bird". I was quickly able to find it in a used book store.

    With she being from Vietnam, and from my own experiences with Asian immigrants, I know that her view of the US is going to be a superficial one. Fact is, everything in America is coded in terms of race. Unless you have lived here, or unless you have really studied the history, you will not initially be able to perceive the depths of this. So I decided that this would be a great book for her to read. I and many others have read it in high school. It is not set in the present, but in Mississippi in the 1930's. Of course I do have experience giving Asian women books to read. The fact that this was made into a movie staring Gregory Peck is another factor in its favor. She can watch this, or maybe she and I can someday watch it together. Peck made lots of movies, but in interviews and in his memoirs, he always mentions this one.

    I once wrote an essay denouncing "To Kill a Mockingbird", as being a moralistic novel which exposes the injustice in stereo types and prejudice against blacks, but only by reinforcing another type of prejudice and stereo type, that of White Trash.

    Though I didn't know it at the time, my essay advances a type of criticism similar to what James Baldwin wrote in the 1950's, "Everybody's Protest Novel", and arguing against in particular Harriet Beecher-Stowes's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and Richard Wright's "Native Son", and to a degree also making fun of Dickens's "Tale of Two Cities".

    I still stand by what I wrote in the essay, but I still want this girl, H., to read it. I wrote in the book cover about how everything in the US is coded in terms of race. But I also suggested that she pay particular attention to an often overlooked character in the novel, Arthur ( Boo ) Radley.

    H. and I had a nice session. They are always tickled when they find out that I want FS, instead of just the Happy Ending HJ. It not so much that I want this from them, or that I broach the subject verbally. It is more once they see that this is what I intend on doing with them. And I do make it nice for them, if I do say so myself thank you. And on the telephone now, she does talk to me like a girlfriend.

    Back when I was married I drew a line, prohibiting outside communications with AMP girls or SC dancers. It is not that such would have been impossible. It is just that it leads to greater emotional involvement, making the girl into my mistress. And that always leads eventually to hurt feelings and that is explosive. I needed to handle my non-functional marriage responsibly. I needed to keep my side of the sidewalk clean and to work for a solution in a responsible manner. SC dancers and AMP girls are rarely qualified as either Marriage Counselors or Divorce Attorneys.

    Likewise, I am not someone who uses P4P as a regular source of ejaculation services, as many people, some of them on TUSCL, use SC's and AMP's. Rather, each session is something which changes both me and the girl in profound ways. I don't walk in there, and I don't go with the girl into the session room, unless I am ready for this.

    But what I really seek is still something I have to hold back on because of other obligations, a new kind of civilianized relationship, fucking the women in my own bed. I could have set this up with H. very easily, starting perhaps by taking her out to dinner after her shop's closing time. But I still need to hold off on doing things like this.

    Today though I am considering what might be a second present for H., as well as what might be a first present for a second session with each of two other AMP girls.

    I wouldn't bring any of them a present without having meet them previously via window shopping or a previous session, as that would depersonalize it. I need to have had at least some conversation with them first. So with H. it was via two window shopping runs, with me pulling her chain in order to get a reaction out of her. With the others it will have been an earlier session.

    Any present ideas? And please JS69, no talk about car washing or purple dresses.

    Thinking today about Cuba, I know an Afro-American man who grew up in Cuba. He had learned in school to speak Russian, and some other languages too.

    Other people have said that when American's go to Latin America they are hit with school age children pan handling for money, and for food. But in Cuba it is different. What the kids ask for is pencils.

    And also about Cuba and all, I recently finished reading this. It is very interesting. Che died, killed by operatives of the CIA, making revolution in Bolivia.

    Founder, can Articles be made to bump the same way that Discussions do?


    Stevie Ray Vaughan

    Killed in 1990 in a helicopter crash, along with members of Eric Clapton's band

    Mary Had Little Lamb is a song written by Buddy Guy. But this Holley Cole Trio, from Canada, does something which sounds very similar. Not able to find it yet.

    Holley Cole Trio

    at 1:08

    Jersey Girl. It is the Tom Waits song. Oh well, the two songs are very similar.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Ha! Walking into a club with gift baskets full of toiletries would definitely fit the definition of pathetic loser.

    Gift cards? Well, I bet many, if not the majority, go unused. Best to give cash.

    Good advice on the toys.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Seriously, dancers do NOT want physical gifts they have to shove in a tiny locker. It's the same reason flowers are hyperpathetic.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    John, you shouldn't have to buy each individual in the club a gift. A good-sized box of chocolate all of them could dive into would probably suffice. A couple weeks ago, I saw some HUGE boxes of chocolate over at Wal-Mart -- probably a foot and a half by three feet in size -- for a whopping ten bucks. That should keep an entire staff happy and sugared up.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I haven't taken gifts into the club for some time now. I used to take several packages of Reese peanut butter cups in every time. Sometimes individual roses for the girls to carry around in their teeth. Now I give them their gifts OTC. Jewelry, gift cards, cash, etc. They all like the cards and gifts and flowers etc that I give them OTC. They like being treated special and it gets me more attention inside and outside the club. And lots of free extras !
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Women and men have traditionally had different views w.r.t. $$$ - I think trixxi’s post was sincere from a woman’s and dancer’s POV.

    It is also easy to say to be generous when it’s someone else’s $$$ - women in general have a bad rap when it comes to tipping and dancers often prefer to have everything bought for them in a club (drinks; food; cigarettes; etc) even if they bank.

    Furthermore – many a stripper; especially the hotter ones; already have a man and he should be the one gifting her – why am I going to give a dancer a gift that she will use to spend with, or on, *her* man.

    w.r.t. giving everyone in the club something and spreading the $$$ - again – easy to say when it’s someone else’s $$$ - strippers rarely ever themselves give anything for free (unless they will somehow get something in return $omehow $omeway) – I would imagine most dancers are frugal and careful of how they spend their $$$;yet they want a PL to spend like there’s no tomorrow.

    Not saying that a PL should not give a dancer gifts if he so chooses – but the dancer/PL relationship is a business relationship especially from the dancer’s POV and such dancer would not give the time of day to a fave PL once/if he goes broke.
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    Giving a dancer a $20 gift card to the Dollar Tree is downright insulting, and I think you are intelligent enough to know that, so I can't help but come to the conclusion that you have some very condescending attitudes towards certain dancers. Very catty in my opinion. Mery Christmas Trixxi
  • Chanel
    10 years ago
    I too, was thinking that this would be a facetious account of gift giving for the various strippers in a man's life. I then realized, "she's actually serious".

    You especially did the hard working waitresses a dis-service by suggesting that OTC may be rewarded by a $100 tip. Most waitresses don't dance or work as escorts for a reason-they don't want to. For you to open the door to the possibility of OTC expectations just made their job that much more difficult..

    Speak for yourself next time. If YOU want to do OTC for $100, be my guest.

    Don't get me started on the dollar store or gift ideas for the "broke stripper". Just insulting all the way around.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Interesting that two TUSCL dancer members are In disagreement with one another (Trixxi and Chanel).
  • trixxi
    10 years ago
    thanks to everyone for taking the time to read my article. I am sorry some of you did not like it. I meant the ideas only as suggestions about some kind gifts for dancers. It it is up to you to decide to give, what to give, or to not give. I made my suggestions based on my own experience working in a high extras dive where plenty of girls including myself barely make $8 a night. I never intended to sound insulting, but I know myself, and I know the dancers I work with, and they all would be grateful for these types of gifts I mentioned. In the spirit of the season I think everyone should think of giving the people in their lives something, whether big or small. And that includes the dancers that you know. Again, thanks for taking the time to read, and I apologize if I sounded offensive. I hope the article encourages one person to do something kind and unexpected for a stripper / woman in their life that they hadn't thought of before. All the best
  • trixxi
    10 years ago
    "Surprise her with a $100 tip and IT COULD lead you to many UNEXPECTED EVENTS such an OTC encounter" I never intended to state that a guarantee OTC encounter WOULD happen, only that it COULD, if the female wanted to. I work a waitress job and have received such gift cards from a few customers lately, I was grateful. I did not prostitute myself for the cards nor was I asked for that, I simply suggested that gift because I personally had received it and thought it was kind. My service for those customers has remained positive and I was only encouraging positive tipping and the possibility (be it 1 in a million) that it could maybe lead to OTC if the girl wanted it to.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    It would feel really weird for me to give a dancer flowers, or perfume or any of the types of gifts that are traditionally given to a woman as tokens of love and romance. I will, however, give her a generous tip as a show of my gratitude for her looking after me & my needs as well as a nice holiday "bonus".
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Trixxi, you and some of the other ladies barely make $8 a night? I'm really hoping there's a typo there.
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    Be ever Wonderful trixxi, and stay as you are... Don't let the world change your mind ,, Your awareness of, this is the season of giving is something special... Best article of 2014 on this site !!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    About the $8 per night, there is a minimum economic threshold of viability for an SC. If it drops below this, then the dancers would be doing better standing out on the sidewalk in front.

    Rather than let this happen, need to look at changes.

    If there are too many non-paying people in there, then there needs to be a cover charge. Apply a cover charge, but reduce all dancer fees.

    A cover charge is like moving it a bit in the direction of AMP's, Lingerie Modeling, and Adult Entertainment. You cannot hang out in such places. All you can do is select, pay, and session.

    Being able to hang out in a strip club is nice, but not if it means the dancers are not making money.

    Sometimes food offerings conflict with dancers, especially when the place is seen as scandalous because of the high mileage.

    In Portland, Casa Diablo has food, but it is also no touching and mandatory tipping of $2 per song if you sit at the stage.

    In most clubs, I suspect that food raises the costs of running the club, but it is also competing with the dancers. So you need to have either high mileage dancers, or food. Not both.

  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Yeah, I do understand where Trixxi is coming from.

    It did hit me when I read the paragraph about Dollar Tree gift card.

    Thank you for writing what it is be like on your end.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I took my CF to one fancy restaurant along with her child. We enjoyed the night like we were a family.
  • Xeinok
    10 years ago
    I remember very well that once you get acquinted with a stripper. They expect you to do all sorts of special things for her. I used to take one of my favorite stripper to the bar next door and buying her so much shot that she couldn't walk straight, take her to a restaurant in morning for breakfast after her shift. Even as far as to go to WaWa to get her dinner or drinks just because she was hungry or thirsty in the middle of her shift, sometimes they offered to pay me back but I never accepted any money from them. I guess once you heard they mentioned that how much asshole their baby daddy is and how they have to raise two kids on their own, being late on rent all the times or how their cars always break down and they need to borrow money from you with the promise that they will pay you back asap or pay you back with sex. That only happen after you exchange phone number with them tho. Instead of buying them gift during holiday season, I would rather just buy more LD from them or tip extra generously to show how much I love them.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    Another great article Trixxi. Your writing style is very candid - and that's refreshing. Keep it this way and hope you write a book on wild adventures.

    A couple of years ago I paid for dinner and movie night out for a dancer's family (dancer, her daughter, her little brother and mom). No I did not accompany them. I didn't think much of it - until every dancer (and waitress) started to compliment me on the wonderful gift. Damn it lasted months! Of course the dancer was the first to text me that night itself how much fun she & fam had. I dismissed it assuming strippershit - until I started hearing from others.

    So that's all I give to deserving dancers and others in strip club world.
    Some rules:
    1. Dancer must take at least one member of her family to the night out. (could be mom, brother, if not husband, boyfriend). Cannot go alone or with just a buddy.
    2. I pick the movie.
    3. I pick the dinner venue.
    4. I am specifically excluded from joining the night out.

    Based on feedback, it turns out to be a very unique gift for the dancer. Every dancer has said that - and in particular, one tearfully stated her life changed from that night onwards (tears of joy).

    There's an art in picking #2 and #3 - but that's a long discussion. Use your gut instincts but don't leave it open.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    "I took my CF to one fancy restaurant along with her child. We enjoyed the night like we were a family. "

    What you are describing is not a CF, she is clearly to you a GF!

  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I like the KISS principle... keep-it-simple-stupid ... Starbucks gift cards. Every dancer I have met is a caffeine addict.
    I have given gift cards to milfs from chain restaurants like Applebees (big enough for her and her kids). When you travel you get all kinds of discount offers for shit you don't use like chain restaurants I don't frequent and I use the discounts to buy gift cards for Christmas. Simple, easy to transport and she thinks you put effort into the gift because you included her kids. With my promotion stuff I can many time get a $75 gift card for $50 by getting 2.
    I save the coupons I get to these places to spend on people and since many of my meals are on the bosses dime these freebies go to a good cause as I seldom eat out when at home.
    I once had a dancer who I gave a gift card to just because she was always sweet to everyone and never gave me a sob story to try and milk me. One of the other girls told me was having to give a ride to work as her car was broken down and with Christmas coming she was short on cash (also I never heard of her doing extras). I re-gifted a $100 card I got for my birthday to walmart I did not tell her how much was on the card. You'd have thought I was father Christmas when I was next in the club a few weeks later.
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