Palestine, Israel, and Hamas - the long view
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
I have actually spent a lot of time thinking about what the right and moral way for Israel to handle Hamas, Gaza, and the Palestinians would be. The terrorist and Islamist element in Gaza and the West Bank must be wiped out. However, no one should be advocating for genocide against the Palestinians or the complete displacement of Palestinians from their historical land. The United States has a key strategic National Security interest in keeping a strong and secure Israel in the Middle East as a bulwark and ally for any future conflicts in the area.
The most apparent option, which appears to be underway, is a total warfare purging of Hamas from the Palestinian lands by building-to-building, street-to-street fighting. This will likely compare or even exceed the tally of KIA and wounded during Fallujah or Mosul. It is horrific but necessary. But what happens afterward?
Gaza and the West Bank should be administered by Israel as territories, akin to DC or Puerto Rico here. Palestinians pay taxes, enjoy freedom of speech and religion, social services and entitlements equal to all Israeli citizens, etc. There is no Palestinian Authority. They can elect municipal leaders, city councils, and non-voting delegates to the Knesset. Should they be able to vote in General Elections in Israel? Should they be able to move out of the Palestinian territories to other parts of Israel and vote for other offices? To say “yes” would jeopardize Israel’s Jewish identity in the long-term. To say “no” would turn Israel into the apartheid state that liars already call it as.
Weapons must be prevented from entering the Palestinian territories at all costs. There would be no Palestinian militia or police force. The Israeli government would have to control all ports of entry – land, sea, and air. There would have to be special courts and tribunals set up to review possible violations of the laws restricting Palestinian weapons possession. They should be free from unreasonable search and seizure, but enforcement agencies should be able to move quickly and discreetly when trafficking or planning is reasonably suspected.
All the free world will benefit from Hamas being wiped from the face of the Earth. As such, the UN should establish a fund to assist Israel and the Palestinians in the rebuilding of Gaza. To leave them impoverished and destitute will only make the next generation of Hamas worse – more bitter and more violent. If the United States could heal from the Civil War, as did Europe and Japan from the Second World War, then it is reasonable to expect that Palestine and Israel can heal after this conflict IF the human dignity of both parties is taught and respected to all generations.
Those are my thoughts, I would love to hear yours (some trolling expected and will be ignored)
The most apparent option, which appears to be underway, is a total warfare purging of Hamas from the Palestinian lands by building-to-building, street-to-street fighting. This will likely compare or even exceed the tally of KIA and wounded during Fallujah or Mosul. It is horrific but necessary. But what happens afterward?
Gaza and the West Bank should be administered by Israel as territories, akin to DC or Puerto Rico here. Palestinians pay taxes, enjoy freedom of speech and religion, social services and entitlements equal to all Israeli citizens, etc. There is no Palestinian Authority. They can elect municipal leaders, city councils, and non-voting delegates to the Knesset. Should they be able to vote in General Elections in Israel? Should they be able to move out of the Palestinian territories to other parts of Israel and vote for other offices? To say “yes” would jeopardize Israel’s Jewish identity in the long-term. To say “no” would turn Israel into the apartheid state that liars already call it as.
Weapons must be prevented from entering the Palestinian territories at all costs. There would be no Palestinian militia or police force. The Israeli government would have to control all ports of entry – land, sea, and air. There would have to be special courts and tribunals set up to review possible violations of the laws restricting Palestinian weapons possession. They should be free from unreasonable search and seizure, but enforcement agencies should be able to move quickly and discreetly when trafficking or planning is reasonably suspected.
All the free world will benefit from Hamas being wiped from the face of the Earth. As such, the UN should establish a fund to assist Israel and the Palestinians in the rebuilding of Gaza. To leave them impoverished and destitute will only make the next generation of Hamas worse – more bitter and more violent. If the United States could heal from the Civil War, as did Europe and Japan from the Second World War, then it is reasonable to expect that Palestine and Israel can heal after this conflict IF the human dignity of both parties is taught and respected to all generations.
Those are my thoughts, I would love to hear yours (some trolling expected and will be ignored)
The reason we could make mends with Germany and Japan is because theywere annihilated. 100,000 died in one day in the firebombing of Dresden and many, many, more in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Pretty much all civilians. Israel is actually following your idea - peace will only come after the enemy is eradicated to a tipping point.
As far as tunnels? There has to be some miniaturized version of a neutron bomb by now. If not gasoline and explosives in every tunnel should work.
NYC, LAPD and DC have all stepped up their police presence. Personally, I’m not worried but then last weekend’s attack was a surprise too…
The world stands with the people of Gaza against US/Israeli genocide.
Same ADL = Israel is a Jewish national homeland that has an inherent right to exist as an ethnio-national state for the Jewish people with strict border controls and mini-enclaves to segregate the indigenous population.
Oh yeah…these involved black people - so that’s why nobody cares enough to intervene.
Fuck the War in Israel.
This is for you @skifag
How could anyone possibly believe that Israel WANTS conflict with the Palestinians? Israel is a country the size of New Jersey with a paltry 10 million people, surrounded by 100s of millions of Muslims. It has tried to make peace with the Palestinians too many times to count and has spent obscene amounts of money in providing them with humanitarian aid. But all of their offers have been rejected and the money, instead of going to alleviate the suffering of civilians, was instead used to purchase weapons to use against Israel.
In a nutshell, what do you do against an enemy that cares about the destruction of your country over all else? At some point, you have to accept that peace is not possible and destroy them instead.
The human shields argument can also be applied to instances when Palestinians attack Israel. Its purely a statement made by israel- who has a huge history of engaging in dishonesty, theft, and manipulation.
In the literal sense yes they dont want conflict with the Arabs- but they do want the lands from the Arabs.
Self defense is an excuse they make but its dishonest. Theyre basically looking to clear out the area to take over the land. If you look at the Yinon Plan, israels long term agenda is to destabilize and take over the entire middle east. Look at the lavon affair and USS liberty incident… which show the types of things israel is willing to engage in… the lengths they will go to… they wanted the US to believe it was egypt who attacked the uss liberty…. But when it wasn’t possible, they fessed up to doing it but claimed it was just an accident. The lavon affair proves it wasnt a mere accident.
One problem is a lot of the people supporting israel are doing so not because of any legitimate moral belief, but just because of religious reasons. So no matter what happens, even if israel kills billions of people, they will make the necessary excuses to justify it, sweep under the rug, and still present israel as being the right side.
Israel is basically the rights version of BLM… we saw the same sort of excuses being made for BLM where no matter how many people were robbed or killed by BLM… excuses were made. No matter what the context or scenario was, it was presented as showing a black person is always on the right side in any conflict with a non black person or the police…
The rocket misfiring excuse was ridiculous… imagine if people started going around the 1400 civilians killed in israel were killed due to israels own rockets misfiring…?
It’s crazy to see that so many people who believe the media is fake, unreliable, biased, cant be trusted, suddenly believe it’s 100% accurate and honest when it comes to israel. The problem with israel isnt just its initial creation being based on theft. If that was the situation you could make the argument that its been 70+ years, the people living in israel in the modern day have nothing to do with the people who stole it 70+ years ago, so a compromise has to be made with israel and palestine.
Israel has continued to expand during the last 70+ years, it wants more and more (free) stolen land, kills more and more people… it basically wants the entire middle east to itself. Even if it doesnt want the land itself… it considers any Arab country to be a threat. Thus, it will do anything it can to destabilize and control any Arab country.
It’s pretty clear that there’s many different countries who blindly believe anything Israel tells them… the only justification Israel needs to steal and secure a piece of land, is if someone on that land fires weapons or rockets at israel.
So if all that’s necessary for israel to steal billions of dollars worth of land is for someone on that land to fire at them, and if most of the world will blindly believe anything israel says and back israel at all cost, then obviously israel could just send their own rats to different countries to fire rockets back at israel. Then israel needs to secure the area and can use that as justification to steal that land. Theyve done it with Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and would probably do it anywhere they could get away with it.
I feel very sorry for the innocent people on both sides that are being affected by this horrible tragedy. But I wish countries were as anxious to get involved when brown ppl are being slaughtered in droves due to conflict like in Darfur, Ethiopia, Rwanda, etc.
A bunch of ppl that complain about the few isolated instances of white on black violence but ignore the thousands of black-on-black homicides that occur every year.
There is also like 3-4x as much black on white violence as white on black. Plus of course they ignore all the black on mexican, black on asian, black on indian, white on mexican, white on asian, white on indian, vice versa…