
How is this happening in a "free country"?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023 10:11 PM
Its so far beyond unbelievable the systematic censorship has gone this far. How can this be legal? Thats a rhetorical question, by the way, for any of you defending this. Any technical excuse you come up with can never justify this level of censorship and political discrimination. [view link] By the way how is a so-called "false" claim of ethnic cleansing and genocide? These are completely reasonable terms to use, in fact its almost obviously true that is both what's happening in Gaza and certainly what the Israeli intent is. Israeli government officials have said they want to depopulate at least the Northern part of the territory. What other term would be appropriate?


  • Dave_Anderson
    7 months ago
    If big companies can conspire to "punish" people with loss of employment and financial harm over reasonable off-hours political opinions, we live in a dictatorship. Its enough that the government does nithing to protect people from this even its not the one doing the "punishment" itself.
  • BumHip
    7 months ago
    Free speech only pertains to the government restricting almost all speech. Private companies can do as they wish. Free speech also does not mean free from consequences. To be clear, I am not defending, or supporting her. My comment only pertains to the topic of what free speech in America actually means.
  • twentyfive
    7 months ago
    Dave This item was designed to provide you with protection [view link]
  • RonJax2
    7 months ago
    Dave, I have a challenge for you. Solve this expression: 3(X+12) / (X -3) Where X = 3.
  • JamesSD
    7 months ago
    Censorship can only be performed by a government.
  • motorhead
    7 months ago
    James - not true And I’m quoting the ACLU direct from their website “Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups”
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    Like most fucking ignorant garbage Dave is too stupid to understand that Susan Sarandon exercised her right to free speech but is now suffering the consequences. Nazi homos like Dave want repercussion free speech. So weak. So gay. The Palestinians are rodents and should be exterminated, with all of their supporters.
  • twentyfive
    7 months ago
    I find it ridiculous to use the situation in the Middle East to complain about free speech in America, if Susan Sarandon wants genuine context let her speak out in a Muslim country, and watch what happens, even in Muslim countries that are American allies. so Dave say what you like, if you get a reaction you don't like, that isn't censorship, that's my free speech to respond how I like.
  • Jascoi
    7 months ago
    hate sucks.
  • RamPaige
    7 months ago
    Free speech? Take a look at who owns all the media outlets. The NY Times even sends their articles to the CIA for approval before publishing them.
  • 5footguy
    7 months ago
    Susan Sarandon has voiced support for Trump in the past, so, all of the weirdos who think Trump is evil or something were no doubt just waiting to pounce on her for something. But it's legal for a company to do what they want. I think it's short-sighted and asinine, but if Hollyweird wants to eat its own, so be it. It was also legal for Twitter to suppress speech before Elon took over. Asinine, but legal. What crosses the boundaries of legality is things like Joe Biden's White House pressuring Twitter to censor info on Covid, for example. This is a government entity attempting to suppress speech, and is clearly unconstitutional.
  • 5footguy
    7 months ago
    What this situation so beautifully illustrates is that extreme left and extreme right are one in the same. The right was supposedly about "free speech" but apparently it's only ok in certain circumstances. The left hasn't supported free speech in years, so they are just doing what they always do. So, they're two sides of the same coin. Just look at how a leftie, twentyfive, and a righty, skibum, who have nothing in common politically and have called each other the most vile things, suddenly like each other's posts. If you can't agree about immigration, minimum wage, or anything like that, then just discuss the notion of eliminating an entire race of people, and that'll bring you together. "Palestinians are rodents and should be exterminated, with all of their supporters" ... just, wow.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    ^Pretty darn ridiculous to call generic Arabs a race. Ignorance run amuk. Oh, and by the way adults can seriously beef and hang out. It's only young, kind of males, who feel differently and are afraid. The Palestinians are a blight on humanity, making them better than their progressive rump swab allies.
  • twentyfive
    7 months ago
    ^^ short guy, are you aware that one of the hostages escaped captivity in Gaza, and was hiding waiting for the IDF to come to where he was, but he was turned in by those so called innocent Gazans and returned to Hamas terrorists, yet you claim we should make a distinction , fuck that, if there were any decent people around they would have hidden him and kept him safe, too bad you don’t have any clue about what is happening in that part of the world. Not to mention that they forced the ambulances bringing the hostages out of Gaza to drive through a gauntlet of ordinary Gazans who pelted the convoy with rocks. Why should I care about the suffering of people that poked the bear and now want sympathy because the bear has claws and teeth.
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