
Comments by gsv (page 28)

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    13 years ago
    Escort 101
    @Contango6 - Tijuana is a true gem. You're lucky to live close. Can't wait till I get another chance to head back there.
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    13 years ago
    More Rules from 5 Pros and one Neophyte
    #7 - couldn't have said it better myself. Everything you said there pays dividends in having the dancers like you more, and often gets you better mileage.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Pros and Cons of Being a Strip Club Regular
    I'd say I'm a regular at one club and your pros and cons are pretty accurate. The girls do know that there is money to be had from me, though there are definitely guys who spend a lot more. The biggest thing that helps is I'm developed somewhat of a 'rapport' with the girls at the club - they're more comfortable with seeing me OTC as there's a level of trust assumed, etc.
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    @shadowcat. my bad. I agree with rickdugan's comments though. If they want money badly, might as well take advantage of that opportunity there and see what they're willing to do for you.
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    @shadowcat - $5? honestly, that's such a negligible amount (especially in the context of a strip club) that I could see myself giving that as a tip.
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    13 years ago
    Mileage is not just a car thing
    On Line Sugar Daddy Sites and the Girls They Attract
    I agree with your general conclusion. OTC with strippers is just much more clear and better. On these sites, it looks like you just get played completely.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @tigerfan3, among dancers that don't work at extras clubs, etc. I would say the rate is actually pretty low. At huge 'extras' places' or clubs like Adelita Bar and Hong Kong, well you can probably assume the girl has _some_ kind of STD.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @sharkhunter - if you ever come up to NYC, go to Flashdancers. Friday night or Saturday night especially, you're going to find legit knockouts all over the place. You'd be hard pressed to say any girl is even below 7 or 8. Amazing place.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    jackslash - LOL, I felt the same way when I read that comment.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @SuperDude True, that's pretty much the rule to go by. However if you can position yourself as not 'really' being a customer of theirs in the club (i.e. don't be the guy that always spends $$$ on LDs - put the money toward stuff like buying her a drink instead), then I know from experience that you do have a shot at seeing them outside for a date. Once you're in the customer zone though, even if you do manage to see them outside, you're looking at a pay for play setup.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @skibum609 - depends on the specifics I guess. Around here, there isn't a girl below an 8 on the night shift at the club I go to. Maybe a rare 7 here and there. Go to a night club?Just not the same at all.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @Stiletto25 - Good to see your input. That's about spot on with my experience on the customer side of things. The 'game' you play in trying to get a date with a dancer isn't the same game you'd play in your average night club. And it is also true that not all strippers have 'fucked up lives.' Most of the ones I know are just trying to make a living or support themselves through college, etc. Sure some may be into drugs and all that, but I know a few that barely even touch alcohol (they often order non-alcoholic drinks often in the club), drugs being out of the question completely.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    "If you're in the top 5 to 10% of people in terms of "game" why would you want to bag a stripper instead of a hot non-stripper?" Well as I said above I don't know if the top 5-10% argument is really true. But a stripper is going to be (much) hotter on average. Some clubs around here I'd love to get with ANY of the girls that are there.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    "First of all it should be known that all strippers are only about the money, most strippers have fucked up lives outside the club, and only 5 to 10% of people have enough game to bag a stripper." I would not say that. Getting with a stripper is a different game than getting with a random girl at any given night club, etc. There could be cases for the former is easier than the latter, or perhaps results in getting with a hotter chick. (speaking from experience)
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    @biggb011 - but you knew that this was her job going in. Her job is to basically pleasure men for money. The difference here is that it isn't your job to get LDs from other girls, that's something you have to decide to do. Personally, I think it should be fine if you get LDs from other girls, but I can see why this girl wouldn't appreciate it. It may seem like a double standard, but that isn't entirely so. Anyway, why don't you just approach other girls for dances? I don't know how your club setup is, but personally I would just tip some other girls I like on stage, they'll generally approach me for a dance afterward, and I'll say yes. Simple as that. Start doing this, and the girls will realize that you're open to getting dances from them.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    Yeah, in most cases, you just need to look at it as short-term fun. No doubt there are some girls that could actually be decent relationship material, but they are few and far in between.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    skibum raises an important point. The girl is working there to earn money - she has to give dances to guys that want them. It's just part of the job, it does not mean she actually has an interest in those guys.
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    13 years ago
    Levels (Journey) of a Strip Club Hobbyist
    Yeah, a lot of people seem to be getting caught up on the terminology here. Let's not be too concerned with semantics guys. I think there are certainly some true points in the post. Admittedly, it does not take too much effort to get OTC generally - I'm convinced that many guys can pull it off. It is really mostly about the $ at the end.
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    13 years ago
    Vegas VIP Room Experience
    Yea, that sounds like a pretty good time, but I would also be interested in what you paid. Most important though is that you had a good time and what you paid was worth it to you :) A lot of people here are used to getting FS for under the cost of a champagne room (with no sex) in markets like NYC, etc. It's really all relative. :)
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    13 years ago
    Advice for Strip Club Owners (and dancers) From A Regular
    I fully agree. Well said
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    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    I guess you can't generalize the same facts about all young guys - some are successful in their early age, have the money to spend, and will treat the girls well too. I know I do my best in this area, but I can see that not all young guys will do that, especially the ones with limited income. It is slightly weird to see old guys at the club (we're talking over 50-60ish), but I do understand where they're coming from. More power to them for coming to see that hot 20-something year old ass. :P
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    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    I guess it really depends - there are merits to younger guys going to strip clubs, especially places where the dancer quality is so high that you're not even likely to find too many college girls, etc. that are as hot. Not to mention, to get girls' attention at a strip club takes little effort - it's all about the $. For someone that has the $ to spend (some young guys do), it can be worth it.