Why I'm Going Broke

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Thursday's visit to the strip club:

Cover charge (free in afternoon)................................................ $0.00
Drinks for myself, my favorite dancers and the cute waitress.....$140.50
Lap dances, etc...........................................................................$550.00
Valet parking...............................................................................$7.00


That damn valet parking is killing me.


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avatar for jerikson40
13 years ago
My last visit to a strip club:

Cover charge plus drink................$20.00
Drinks for myself, dancers.............$0.00
Lap dances ($10 each)..................$40.00
Valet parking..........................$0.00


Dancer gave me a great handjob, so I left very happy.
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
No valet charges here in Columbus but mileage is nothing like Detroit.... I know some guys who park on the side streets by penthouse and they get away with walking in without valet charges. During the day this is safe but not sure I would try it at night
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

I guess it depends where you go. My typical Flight Club budget is similar to yours. Whereas, if you can stand the ugly girls at Bogart's across the street, it's inline with jerikson.
avatar for jerikson40
13 years ago
Bummer. Sounds like Detroit sucks.

Umm, on second thought, you guys should probably stay in Detroit. LA is much worse.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago

If this is an EVERY day expense or several times per week, I can see why you are bankrupting yourself. You can help this by "Low Balling" like jerikson40. Or just find a place with Free Parking. lol
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I don't mind those valet parking fees so much. It is the $1 tips to the bath room troll that are killing me. :)
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Last visit I made...

Cover charge .................. $00.00
Jack (drink/tip not action).....$11.00
Lap dances......................$00.00
Dancer Tips.....................$10.00
Valet parking...................$00.00


Inexpensive when no dancer catches my eye!
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Yesterday's visit to The Penthouse Club, Detroit, Michigan:
Cover charge ................... $00.00
NO drink........................$00.00
Lap dances......................$00.00
Dancer Tips.....................$10.00
Valet parking...................$00.00


Inexpensive when I resist the Penthouse handshake :)
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
It doesn't matter what I may spend inside the club, the effing valet fee will always annoy me; so much so that I now turn away from a club whenever the valet approaches me. The last club visit for me that involved a valet fee was at Subi's in Southgate. That was a stunning visit in terms of satisfaction with the dancer's efforts but I will always be pissed with the $4 valet fee that I paid. I have not a single regret over the many hundreds of dollars that I spent on the spectacular dancer that I encountered that night.

I can't rationally explain this psychological block in my mind about valet fees but it exists and it won't go away. No human is 100% rational 100% of the time.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
If "LOOKING" is all you're after, it sure doesn't cost much. I prefer some physical interaction. LOL

"The last club visit for me that involved a valet fee was at Subi's in Southgate"

Art, there are parking spaces & places right next ti Subi's so paying the valet isn't a necessity there. I KNOW, I've used those spaces & places before.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
"Lap dances, etc......................................................................$550.00"

I hope that there was an awful lot in that "etc." I don't pay that much for FS VIP or even OTC in most places.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Clubbed & VM - Sounds thrilling. Can't wait for the reviews!
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
steve, I won't be writing a review on PH this time. I will be at one of our other gems tonight. I'll review that.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Vm and clubber you boys make me feel good.......from time 2 time I will club on a $20 or less as I either can't find what I'm looking for or saving up for a wow experiance
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago


Total $00.00

Interesting educational system you have in Michigan! :)

steve, juice, Che,

That was the last visit. Most times I stop in while working. If I see no one that interests me, I am out quickly. Right now, my favorite is concentrating on school so not working. THAT helps keep costs down. :)

avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Maybe VM was using the Al Bundy "dollar on a string" technique
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

@jackslash - what was the $0.50 for?
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
No, Clubber, and steve. I had my head up my ass and didn't pay enough attention to checking my post for accuracy. Here is the correction:Yesterday's visit to The Penthouse Club, Detroit, Michigan:
Cover charge ...................$00.00
NO drink........................$00.00
Lap dances......................$00.00
Dancer Tips.....................$00.00
Valet parking...................$00.00


Inexpensive when I resist the Penthouse handshake :)
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
My last visit was to Flight Club. I usually figure about $100 an hour but Flight Club is more expensive than my usual dives, plus I got there at 12:30 and was trying to cram in a lot of action in a small amount of time.

valet $7
cover $15
1 drink plus tip $11
dancer drink plus tip $15
dances $150
dancer tips $30
total $228
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
my last visit

cover. $8
bathroom troll tips. 3 or $4 estimate total for the night
pizza slice. 2.50
beer. 4 for about 4.50 ea or $18
parking free
one dollar tips. about 4 or 5 dollars if my memory is correct
dances. none
It was kind of disappointing.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
total was about 35 to 36 dollars
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
I'm more bothered by the $140.50 for drinks... How many was that? I hope at least 8
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
It must be fun to have THAT much money to club with.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
what I spent yesterday:
Gas ................... $15.00
Tolls...................$ 5.00
Spaghetti...............$ 2.00
Paper Towels ...........$ 2.00
Shredded Cheese.........$ 2.25
Bread...................$ 1.99
Bag of Tostitos.........$ 3.49
Chicken Breasts.........$ 6.22
Habanero Peppers........$ 1.13

avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Well Jack, look at it this way. At least you are having fun. Now if you were following txtittyfan's financial advice (i.e. to have shorted treasuries over the last three years) you would lose money even faster and have NOTHING to show for it.
avatar for rell
13 years ago
lol... heres mine
Cover charge................................................ $0.00
Drinks for myself, my favorite dancer........................$20.00
Valet parking................................................$9.00

avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Lol gator I love it !
avatar for hammerthor
13 years ago
Have had some pretty cheap trips the last few time. My main favourite seems to be everywhere I'm not, so I've found another girl I've started liking a bit. Anyway, tonight was still on the cheap side;

Cover Charge $0.00
Drink + Tip $8.25
Lapdances $60
Total: $68.25

I had planned on going for another VIP trip with that dancer, but they ran out of time for her stage show at the end of the night, so she ended up changing into street clothes and getting ready to leave. Oh well, saves me money, I suppose!
avatar for mike80
13 years ago
Last night went to the local Deja Vu...

Cover Charge/Drink..$10.00
Lap Dances..........$20.00

I walked into the club with around $170 intending to spend all of it, but after 2 hours only 3 dancers talked to me and only 1 was interesting enough to have a dance with and she suck horrendously.... I was beginning to wonder if I had the bubonic plague or something.

It was a cheap night.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
My desire for my ATF. ;)
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Those who shorted treasuries like txittyfan advised are sure getting clobbered today. Assuming they weren't wiped out already.
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