
Comments by jerikson40 (page 76)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    High Value Good Contact Laps at $10 across USA.
    BRAVO, dude... Seriously, that's a brilliant idea for a thread. Bravo. Now, will you accept $15 laps, or do you want to limit it to $10? Some clubs have, like, a 3-for-$30 or similar deals. Anyway, for the SoCal and Phoenix area, off the top of my head they are: 1. Flamingo Theater, Anaheim, CA 2. Deja Vu, City of Industry, CA 3. Ron's Barbary Coast, Gardena, CA 4. HiLiter, Phoenix, AZ BTW, most Deja Vu's in SoCal, I believe, provide $10 laps, though I can't vouch for the mileage. However, there are clubs with $15 HM laps, and which may have regular specials like I was mentioning: 3. Sahara Theater, Anaheim, CA (3-for-$30) 4. Starz, Gardena, CA ($15 laps only) 5. King Henry VIII, Gardena, CA ($15 laps only) There are others in the area, but I'm either not real familiar with them, or I'm just forgetting about them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    "Reminds me of the movie Idiocracy where one of the polices main duties is to make sure whores actually put out for their tricks like they are paid to." What's your point? Right now they monitor whether whores are turning tricks, or even offering to. So what's wrong with monitoring the other half of that? You hire a building contractor to build an addition to your house. After a day he skips town, barely even starts the job. So you go to the police, right? What's the diff?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    Now if I ran the world, here's how it would be... 1. Government subsidized strip clubs, with strict rules for club performance and quality in order to receive subsidies. All lap dances at least Very High Mileage (I will write the definitions and requirements), and all strippers at least a 7, lap price cap of $5 for 3 minutes. 2. Government subsidies for strippers for self improvement, such as boob jobs, lap dance lessons, customer service lessons, etc. You get a subsidy IF you are a 7 or more (I'll define...), have consistent quality lap dances and customer service, as well as meeting other performance goals. The money for this would come from existing programs which are a freakin' ridiculous waste of taxpayer money. Therefore, no increase in taxes, and we'd direct probably about $500 million bucks into the program. Considering that US federal spending is on the order of $4,000 billion, that's peanuts. Now, there are about 2,000 clubs in the US (well, more, but I'm rounding off to allow for crap clubs and inactive ones). So I'd limit the program to the top performing 500 clubs in the country. BTW, kinda interesting...25% of all the clubs in the US are located either in Florida, California, or Texas.. Anyway, 500 million bucks divided by 500 clubs gives a $1 million subsidy to each club, each year, and strippers who make the grade. And if I need to go for $1 billion, I will, so don't mess with me... So you've got, each year, all the clubs in the US vying for the chance to win $1 million or more in free subsidies. And if the owner offers free lap dances, and no cover, he scores more points in the subsidy contest. And if the girls are doing lotion dances, 10 points. And if the cities in which they are located provide protection and support to the clubs, they stand to get preferential treatment with any other federal or state programs. And I'll be the federal inspector who makes the rounds to ensure compliance and performance. If I go into a club incognito, and a chick who is a 12 comes up to me and offers me a dance while she's jacking me off, then gives me a mindblowing lap dance, and when it's over she says "oh, that's on me" and charges me nothing, that club gets a smiley face on their appraisal. Now, with, say, a $2 million subsidy per club (or more if other clubs/strippers get less for non-performance), a certain portion is given to the any strippers whose performance exceeds a certain score. Some of that must be used for self improvement, but a portion can be just a bonus to use as she wants. Now of course the government would enter into a deal with various plastic surgeons, etc., to minimize costs on the self improvement part, but those savings would be passed on to the girls. S So if a boob job costs $10k, but the feds strike a deal to get them at $3k based on quantity, each girl gets the difference. And the more she invests in self improvement, the better her chances next time to get the subsidy. And once you've paid for your boob job, you still get a high score for excellent tits, so you still get the self improvement subsidy even though you've already made the investment. So dancers could be looking at something like a low end minimum of $10,000 each year, up to who knows how much, maybe $50k or $100k. Each year. Free. And no income tax on it (cause I said so). However, they have to sign up for a minimum time of service (like the military) if they're going to accept the subsidy. Oh, and all the clubs have federal protection against any local harassment or 6 foot laws or other BS. Anyway, that's my platform, and I'm sticking to it. Vote for me in November. And I approve this message.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    What women say, and what they think, is often worlds apart. Some people say what will make them look better than they are. Saying "I'm cool with it" or something like that is a whole lot different than actually doing it, or liking it. The fact is, most women aren't into gawking at the opposite sex dancing for them in a club. Whether that's straight women gawking at men dancing, or gay women gawking at other women dancing. If the WERE into it, there would be a TUSCL for women PL's, sharing info on the highest mileage lap dance clubs with the hottest guys with the biggest dicks. It ain't there for straight women, so why would it be there for any other women? And just because you say you're okay with something, doesn't mean that inside you're not seething with disgust at a hot stripper because, even though guys tell me I'm hot, my legs are too skinny and my nose is too big and I've got that ugly mole on my back and I'm getting that little pooch in my tummy from too much Haagen Dazs. And they're looking at her, not me. She's such a slut !!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    I think it's probably lesbians that enjoy strip clubs. For the most part, at least. Now, if you were to say that more and more women are deciding to be lesbians, hence the increased interest in strip clubs by women, now THAT I would believe. Heck, how many straight women go to male-dancer strip clubs on a regular basis? Yeah, a bachelorette party on occasion, but chicks in general aren't into that sort of thing. Count the number of strip clubs in your area, then count the number of male-dancer strip clubs for women. If you can find any. I don't know, I just don't see it for the general population. Of course you'll find that the small segment of lesbian women who like strip clubs will say that LOT'S of women like strip clubs, but that's kind of like gays in general trying to convince the world that everyone is gay. It just ain't true.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Douchebag Reviews
    Yeah, the "didn't partake" thing is more of a personal beef I have. Many of us go for some sort of mileage or extras. But if you don't, why do you go to a club? Well, to watch pretty girls, I suppose. So what's there to review? Not a lot, IMO. The review comes down to "Yeah, the girls are hot/not hot, and the club is decent". And that's about it. Which is fine, but do we really need a review for that? Especially when 20 different guys will give 25 different views on whether the girls are hot, and none will agree. Now, if you say "every time I go there a dancer reaches inside my shorts", then BAM !!! that says it all. Cameras, security, etc., all become non-issues, and if you're looking for some sort of action, you know right away. Hints about stuff like this are useless. Because there's a very wide variation in dancer and club attitudes about mileage. As we all know, lap dancers can either try to get you off, or not try. And that is a HUGE difference in your experience. And you'll never know about any of that if the reviewer just says "I went in, the girls were pretty, but I didn't partake". But anyway, yeah, if you're not there for dances or extras or anything like that, and just want to go to a club for a drink and watch pretty girls, then "didn't partake" is, I suppose, a useful comment.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    OF COURSE people sell profitable businesses, as well as quit profitable jobs, for legitimate reasons. That's a no-brainer. HOWEVER, if you own a profitable business, and want to sell, what do you do? Do you go down to the local real estate broker and say "Sell this for me", or do you try to beat your friends, and relatives, and all the guys who know how profitable you are off with a stick, and ultimately decide not to put it on the market but sell it to someone you know, or someone in the business who knows how to manage it? My point is, having a real profitable business show up on the market for anyone to buy is rare. Very rare. I'm not saying it can't happen, but just look in your town at the history of the strip clubs, the good ones, and think of how many times they have been sold. And for those that have been passed on to new owners, what percentage do you think was a purchase on the open market, versus selling to a friend, or big corporation like Deja Vu who will pay big bucks for it? Do you really think some guy from out of the blue is going to thumb thru his local paper, find a highly profitable strip club in his town for sale, buy it, and make a lot of money? Not very likely, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    Interesting... I haven't noticed the trend towards women going to strip clubs. Not sure why that would happen, though. Do they actually enjoy it, or is it a flash-in-the-pan, cool for the moment thing? Is it really a trend across the US? Because if they don't really enjoy it, or it's just a temporary cool thing for lesbians or something, I think it's premature to consider it the next big thing. I'd be interested in having some of the women here comment, 'cuz with all due respect, what a middle aged guy thinks might not be real valid. Myself included. And Romeo, while you have some interesting thoughts, I think you're taking this WAY too far and making some pretty big assumptions about how influential things are. To assume stuff is going to change that drastically in 5 years, or even 10 years, is, IMO, a HUGE stretch. And the whole "stripping becomes mainstream and socially acceptable" thing is, IMO, very questionable. Dude, there's a reason why so many strippers are so screwed up, and so many take drugs, and have such screwed up private lives. It's because stripping is now, and always has been, what Mom said was only for sluts. And most young girls wouldn't be caught dead doing it. It generally attracts girls who have some sort of emotional problems, because nobody else wants to do it. Just ask the guys here who keep posting about how tired they are of listening to strippers blab about their messed up lives. And yeah, technology might be making it easier for people to hook up outside the club, but to say that OTC relationships might supplant marriage just because it's easier to stay in touch is just, well, not realistic, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    And now that you mention it, Vince, I am really pissed at this hologram thing. I remember long ago in college everyone was talking about holograms, and we all thought that in 10 years you'd be going to hologram 3D theaters and shit and everything would be 3D like that. But here we are, decades later, and you don't even hear about holograms. Do they still do holograms anywhere? Does anyone even care about them? That sucks. Kinda like the George Jetson space car that I figured we'd have by the time I grew up. And here we are, decades later, and the best technology we can muster is a freakin' Prius or whatever, and no space cars even on the drawing boards. What a gyp.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    Okay, TABB, um...I must be, like, really old or something, because I didn't understand a fucking word you said.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    I'm not sure about that.... Women hate strip clubs. Young women, old women, all women. Personally, I think what has become "accepted" is all of that stuff which ISN'T an older, white, corporate male. Those guys and their nasty greedy corporations who destroy the environment and take advantage of poor, minimum wage workers are the real enemy. Those who used to be criticized and downtrodden are now accepted. Minorities, gays, women, are now the heroes, solely because they are minorities, gays, and women. So if a strip club is perceived as a being part of a greedy corporation, it is hated. And if it is perceived as also taking advantage of those poor unsuspecting young women who freely decide to work there, it is evil. And if a woman in power has the opportunity to shut one down, she will. Society hasn't become "free-er" and more open and accepting, it has just shifted its hatred. (damn, that was good, if I do say so myself)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    Interesting question, tough one to answer. Since you've had a 15 year break, I think you're in an ideal position to notice a trend I've noticed over the last 10 or 20 years, and that is that mileage seems to be coming back. In another thread on LE, etc., I mentioned how I thought that the 80's and 90's started a big push to clean up strip clubs, and mileage dropped at most or all of the famous high mileage clubs due to city pressures. But now, especially in the last 5 or 10 years, it seems like that is slowly coming back. Now you have clubs offering not higher priced on dances, but lower prices. Hell 10 or 20 years ago you couldn't find a $10 lap dance, especially one with high mileage. Now the $10 or $15 HM lap dance is fairly common. But who would have predicted prices would actually drop? Sure as hell not me, but it's just wonderful. Who knows why the pressure seems to be dropping off? Heck, I don't. Maybe cities are so busy worrying about having no budget to do anything that strip clubs are the least of their worries. Maybe if the economy improves, and cities get some money, they'll go back to spending their time and money on useless stuff like strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Escorts, LE/DT/PO, Clubbing and TUSCL.
    Personally, my totally biased and unsupported view about LE and strip clubs is this: In the last few decades, it seems to me that, throughout the country, there has been strong pressure on strip clubs to limit naughty stuff. Lots of the cities that were famous for high mileage clubs got slapped with 6 ft. laws and all kinds of nonsense. Tampa, NY, Phoenix, etc. And I think the main reason is this, though I can't prove any of it: In the decades since the women's movement started in the 70's, women have become more and more a part of business and government, compared to, say, the 1950's when many/most were housewives. Now you've got many city councils with a number of women members, as well as other government positions with greater representation by women. And as we all know, women hate other women who are prettier, and might take away their man. You will NEVER hear a woman compliment a prettier woman, unless it's some backhanded, catty swipe. So as women gained power in the 80's and 90's, they saw strip clubs as a threat to themselves personally. Of course that is totally contradictory to the whole concept of a women's movement, where women should be supporting their sisters in the freedom to achieve whatever goals they have, even if that means stripping. But hypocrisy is not important, it's about power. So throughout the 80's and 90's the high mileage strip clubs, one by one, saw their city councils enact tough limits on clubs. I'm sure we can all give stories of clubs that were, back in the 70's, hotbeds of all kinds of fun, nasty stuff. Hell, just look at some of the San Francisco and LA clubs back then. There were pretty much no limits. But now, in the 2000's, things seem to be cooling off, for whatever reason. And high mileage is back. Nothing like it was in the 70's but it's certainly coming back.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    inno123, let's say you own a business, and that business is giving you a net income of, say, $4,000 a month. It's like having a job, and getting paid $4,000 a month. Now, why would you quit your job that's giving you a steady income? Unless you found a better one out there... People don't get rid of income like that unless there's a reason. You don't "get out at the peak" unless selling the business is going to give you enough money to retire or something. And in fact when you sell the business most of the money you get will go into paying off loans and shit. Be VERY suspicious of someone wanting to sell a profitable business. Because there may be some HUGE headaches behind the scenes that he can't handle, and probably nobody else can handle, especially someone new to the business.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Douchebag Reviews
    Uh oh...guess I touched a nerve in some guys... And I guess around here when you criticize it makes some guys all cranky, like they haven't had their nap. Um, guys, y'know it might be better for your health and stuff if you try this: Learn to laugh at yourself, and not take everything so, y'know, serious. I freely admit I've made douchebag comments in reviews before. No big deal. See, I didn't explode by admitting I'm human. Try it. See if you explode.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    BTW, I think that after you run the numbers, instead of offering the dancers "health insurance and give the girls more of a cut on the dances", instead you'll be telling the waitress not to give out too many cocktail napkins because you can't afford them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    Ooops, I forgot... Unless you find a profitable club that's already in operation to buy (which nobody would want to sell in the first place), if you're lucky enough to find a space to lease in a good location (where they'll allow you to have a strip club and give you a permit) you're going to need to find some way to get a loan to remodel, make a nice interior, signs, etc. That's big bucks. And you'll also need to hire an accountant and a lawyer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    I would agree with those recommending caution. If you haven't run the numbers, even prior to considering the public service you want to do for strippers, you may be in for a rude awakening. Just sit down and make a list of expected expenditures vs. expected income. I think you'll quickly see that it would be tough to make it work. Check what the commercial lease rates are in your area for, say, a 5,000 to 10,000 sq.ft. (or whatever size) building. Then figure in where you're going to find a club in a good location with enough traffic to get customers, and not too close to the competition, and not too close to a school, etc. And if you want to buy an existing club, figure out why someone wants to sell it in the first place. If it was making money hand over fist they probably wouldn't be selling it, would they? And then figure the other expenses: electric (all them lights), insurance (remember, you're an employer, and you also need insurance if a customer falls on his ass), permits, licenses, cleaning, security, bouncers, bartenders, waitresses, managers, liquor/beverages, dishwashers, and on and on. And remember you have to pay staff for the entire time you're open, say, 11am to 3am, which is 16 hours a day. And then figure out where you're gonna get strippers, and how you're gonna have a big enough stock of them to keep you going for every shift, every day, allowing for the typical stripper shit of them deciding not to show up because they're independent contractors and don't have to if they don't want to. And then look at your favorite club during the long dayshifts, and figure how many customers come thru every hour. Dayshifts, when you still need to pay staff, but you only get 3 customers an hour who pay entry, buy a drink and a couple of dances. So you have, say, at least 6 employees working each shift (manager, 2 waitresses, bouncer, bartender, door guy) at minimum wage (say $8 per hour) which is $50 per hour just on wages. And if you're open from, say, 11am til 3am, that's 16 hours a day, and a total of $50 x 16 = $800 per day just in wages. And if you're open 25 days a month, that's $20,000 per month in wages. Add that to the tens of thousands of $$ in leases and other expenses every month, and you'll need a lot of customers each day to recover that. I'm guessing you're gonna have to make thousands of $$ per day just to cover expenses. And that means hundreds of customers, every single day, and enough hot strippers to keep 'em coming. And then figure out where you're gonna get customers. If you can find a successful club to buy that's in operation and doing well, you're extremely lucky. Otherwise, you'll have to drum up business and compete with the other guys in the area. Which means advertising and promotions, which is another expense. Dude, it's not easy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Don't fall asleep in the Champagne Room
    Okay, what the fuck is "bottle service"?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Your Favourite Club - What Makes It Special?
    Thanks, Art. I owe you one. From now on, if I ever feel like complaining about a lack of strip club talent or anything else strip club related, I'll just keep telling myself: "At least your only choice in clubs isn't the Rig Pig in Nisku, Alberta, with its oil patch ambience" That's sure to cheer me up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What Strippers look for in a potential client.
    Dude, stop thinking it's in any way your fault. And stop asking a bunch of clueless, middle aged guys what a young girl is thinking. Because they have absolutely no clue. There is no right answer. It depends on the girl and the situation and a million things. It's not about logic, it's not about anything other than the fact that they're young girls doing something that their moms probably told them was a bad thing, and doing it for money. This crap about "man up and go ask them" could be a recipe for a crappy time or a wasted $20. Who the hell knows? Maybe none of them wanted to be there that day, maybe there was a fight in the dressing room, maybe their menstural cycles are synchronized and they're all having their periods and it's bitch central, or maybe their best friend died of a heroin overdose. Who the hell knows? You don't know, nobody here knows, and ultimately it doesn't matter. But there's no reason whatsoever to do what the guys here with absolutely no self esteem immediately do, and blame yourself. If you're having a crappy time, then get up and walk down the street to another club. Or stay there and try to salvage it if you feel real lucky.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubs that are liberal with the "extras" action?
    Yeah, you're right Estafador.... I apologize Ms. Vavoom. I guess I got a little carried away. It's just that I'm always looking for a hot lapdance from someone hot like you. And, well, I guess I get a little frustrated sometimes. It's just so rare that hot girls will give it up. Well, unless you write them a big check or something. Anyway, I apologize.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Escorts, LE/DT/PO, Clubbing and TUSCL.
    Estafador, I really wouldn't worry about LE getting info from this site. As was mentioned in another thread, there are methods we use to hide info from LE. For example, when discussing paying strippers for "extras", we refer to "Benjamins and Franklins". It's a well known fact that law enforcement officers don't know what that is, and can't figure it out. Also, we use very clever methods for disguising names. For example, we'll write "I fucked G*na up the butthole and paid her a Benjamin". Again, nobody in LE will have the slightest clue who it's referring to. And the cleverest method we use to describe potentially illegal activity is to say "...if you catch my drift" or "...if you know what I mean (wink wink)". Clearly, only us strip club perverts can decode that. So I think we're safe.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Douchebag Reviews
    Actually, I think Alucard is a good guy. He gives some good reviews, with a lot of good information. And yeah, like us all he throws in a few douchebag comments in his reviews, but over all he's doing a service. So I respect that. So I don't dislike him at all. In fact, I'm kinda fond of the guy. Like a little puppy nipping at my heels.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubs that are liberal with the "extras" action?
    "What I meant by $20 dances is that $20 is the going dance price at most clubs I have been to and my "extras" wouldn't be done on a dance, but in the champagne room where they should be done." A bit of a side issue I thought of after reading Vavoom's discussion of her going rate for extras. And this doesn't apply to her, just to some strippers in general who use "stripper logic". And that is this: Some girls won't do anything extra for a mere $10 lap dance. Or maybe even for a $20 lap dance. Or maybe even for a $40 lap dance. They have their self respect, and it's just not right to give yourself away for that small amount of money. On the other hand, many strippers will sit around texting for most of their shift, or spend it in the dressing room. And then occasionally they'll get off their butts once every hour or two and do a dance and give out some extras. Maybe it's for $50 or $100. So let's say their net income from that is maybe $25 or $50. Hell, I don't know, whatever they net per dance.... Now, if they had gotten off their asses and got a bunch of $10 or $20 dances, they could have made that, and probably more, in the same amount of time. Or maybe even less time. Either way, they've given their bodies away for a net of maybe $25 or $50. Whether you do it in one shot, for one guy, 5 shots with 5 guys, the take-home's the same. Interesting.