
Gay Questions

New York
Okay, I have a couple of questions about, well, gay issues. Honest questions.

1. If gay guys are attracted to men, then why do gay guys act like women? I've never understood that.

2. The other day I'm flipping channels on the tube, and I come across a show with two young guys in a lip-lock. Making out. Daytime TV, probably a soap opera. Then they pull each others shirts off, fall down on the bed, and start making out. Now, I'm not the kind of guy who gets easily offended. Can't remember ever being offended by something on TV. But this time I felt physically repulsed. Almost wanted to blow chunks. And it occurred to me this was probably the first time I'd ever seen guys doing any sort of gay sex. And for the first time in memory, I was really offended. Not just a mental note of "oh, that's nasty", but a real negative physical reaction. Kind of like you'd expect to feel at the thought or sight of someone having sex with an animal or whatever.

Now, to my question. I've always assumed that almost all guys would have a similar reaction. But nowadays, is it, like, unacceptable to have that reaction? Don't all guys feel the same way? Are we not allowed to be offended by stuff, but everyone else can be offended by stuff they don't like? I don't get it.


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    If you don't like it jerikson40, then don't like and be PERSONALLY offended. That's your right.

    Other people's sexual orientation is none of my business. I am NOT offended by their sexuality.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    And why do lesbians use strap-ons?

    Never understood that either. If they want a hard dick, there are plenty of real volunteers.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    There's sexual preference (you like men) and a sexual identity (you want to be a man). I know a transsexual who took hormones, literally grew breasts, and lives as a woman (minus the penis) yet only dates and prefers women.

    So the man dressing and acting as a woman 'feels' like a woman. But, the girls who use strap-ons are more of a fantasy of 'gee I wonder what it would be like to have a penis??' and not necessarily gay.

    I'll see what lopaw says...
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Gay guys want to be women is why they like them
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    A person's personality tends IMO to drive their behavior, be it masculine, feminine or otherwise.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Gay men being 'feminine' is a stereotype. Plenty of hetero men who are feminine acting and homosexual men who are masculine.

    If it's a purely physical reactions I'm not sure how "wrong" it can be. Though I think it's really more mental than you might think. As to is it wrong to be offended, that's a harder question. Is it really offensive or has society just told us it's unnatural and offensive? When the Greeks and Romans were superpowers they didn't have an issue with it.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    It appears that persons like jerikson40 have an issue with it, and certain religious groups also.
  • TortillaChip
    12 years ago
    The gays Alucard wants to leave alone, everyone else he wants them to live by his rules. lmao
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    1. You only recognize the effeminate gays - there are others that are masculine. You probably don't recognize them.

    2. I know what you mean, but the channel clicker is right there.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Because they are whores
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    So your offended- BFD. There is plenty of shit on TV that offends me- religious shit, political shit. So I change the fucking channel. Now that wasn't so hard
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    "So I change the fucking channel. Now that wasn't so hard"

    'What do I do about it' wasn't my question. I guess you can't answer the question I asked?
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    Let me comment on #2 first. It's still sort of a free country. You have a right to feel offended about whatever. You just don't have a right to interfere with other peoples lives because you are offended. (getting on soapbox... loony republicans don't have a right to force people to live puritan lives because they are themselves messed up sexually... getting off soapbox)

    As for #1... Sexuality is biologically determined. It is not a choice. Reputable scientific studies have shown that gay male brain are much more physiologically similar to straight female brains than straight male brains. Lesbian brains are much more physiologically similar to straight male brains than straight female brains. I'm wildly oversimplifying here, but think of it as if an X chromosome and a Y chromosome swapped a chunk of DNA and ended up with a female brain with female desires etc. inside a male body. Again overly simplifying here, but really girly gay guys are just wired that way.

    Of course, once you accept the scientific truth of #1, then hopefully #2 would no longer be an issue.
  • Player11
    12 years ago
    I believe sexual orientation is more of how the brain is wired. Gay men act like women bc thats how their brain is wired IMO.

    While I am 100% heterosexual, I am not out to bash people because of their sexual orientation. Many strippers are bi or prefer girls.

    I knew of such a lesbian couple at the club but found out after I did the other one. I met Marilyn, a 20 yo blonde of German, Arabic, and Cuban extraction from Miami at a SE club where I am VIP. I fucked her several times there in VIP and once at Centerfilds. She was a really good fuck and CG with her got me off everytime. In 2011 she disappeared and I did not found out what happened until I met E. E was a hispanic blonde the same age as Marilyn. I fucked her seven times mostly itc in VIP but once Otc. She had a much tighter one than Marilyn (really tough to get in), was a squirter, but could not go as long as Marilyn so not as good a fuck. E said Marilyn had been her fiancee (but they suffered a painful breakup) and Marilyn had told me she had a Personal Financial mgr who would not let her do otc (it was E.). The weird thing is E is married and now posting shit on FB about how she loves her husband (go figure). E now dances in Tuscon, Marilyn is also out in ARiz. Both are FB friends and I keep tabs on them. I have a variety of accomplishments as a hobbyist: stripper mistress of 4 yr, seeing two girls dance at club on stage at same time I had fucked, rotating 1 stripper and 3 SA girls, and then fucking both members of a Lesbian or bi couple at different time periods 2010-2012 when going to club for variety (Marilyn and E). E was one of first gals I layed down on couch and fucked mish in VIP just pounding away.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    The question as to whether or not others are offended or repulsed? No I am neither. I simply don't care since it doesn't affect me. To each their own. Everybody has a right to feel how they do. If you are physically repulsed, then so be it. As long as you don't force your opinion down anyone else's throat then who cares
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Personally I only get off with girls and I'm not interested in watching gay shit, either gay men or lesbians.

    Although like Player 11, I have done bi-sexual girls not knowing they were bi at first.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    1. Not all gay guys act like women. I am sure the so-called bear community is not feminine in any way.

    2. If they want to do that, let them. It's not like I watch that type of stuff on TV anyway.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    mjx01 sez: "You just don't have a right to interfere with other peoples lives because you are offended"

    Well, yeah, you'd think so, but in practice that ain't necessarily the case. Merely say something that offends a gay person, or a woman, or a minority, in any large company, and it's likely you'll get fired. Say the same thing on TV and all hell will break loose.

    My point is that if that same soap opera had shown some guy having sex with an animal, or having sex with a little kid, or sex with a dead person, the world would come to an end and people would go insane. The show would be off the air in a heartbeat, because it's offensive to many/most people.

    Now if you agree that most men are similarly offended by seeing gay sex, you would think the same rules would apply. My point is that apparently they don't apply. Try a very public complaint about them showing gay sex on TV, and you'll probably get some nasty backlash, and be labelled a homophobe.

    The reason for my question is to verify if most men feel the same way.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Dan sez: "1. Not all gay guys act like women."

    Well, yeah, okay, that's true and fairly obvious. But that wasn't my point. For those many that do, WHY do they do it?
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    "And why do lesbians use strap-ons?

    Never understood that either. If they want a hard dick, there are plenty of real volunteers."

    Unfortunately, the lesbians I know are NOT like those stereotyped in porn, so I would never volunteer!

    PS - No offense lopaw, since I don't know you. :)

  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I personally think that being gay is just being to lazy or frightened to go out with a girl. A gay man already know what another gay man wants and has to do no work to get it. When a man wants to get a girl in bed he must at least talk to her and convince her he is worth the mess. Most gay men are also terribly selfish and only care about themselves and never have to worry about kids or a woman to care for. No strings. Kind of like OTC without paying. I also aree with jerkison if I want to watch porn I'll tune to porn. That crap on daytime TV gay or straight is in bad taste. I really can see why Rosie O'Donnell claims to be gay but I'd bet good money anyone who touches that is well paid. I heard her parents had to hang a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to go near her and when he did she ate the pork chop and the dog fur and all.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    "Well, yeah, okay, that's true and fairly obvious. But that wasn't my point. For those many that do, WHY do they do it?"

    Why does any male, hetero or otherwise, act effeminate? Probably a whole host of reasons from brain chemistry to environment.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I've heard hormone unbalances during pregnancy can play a role from some reputable paper out there some where...
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    jerikson- stop trying to validate your homophobia by asking others if they fee the same way you do. Most of us obviously don't. So your a homophobe....so what? As long as you don't go around bashing people who cares? Nobody here does. There is only one actual gay person who posts fairly regularly here on TUSCL, and I'd bet a paycheck that she doesn't give a shit what you (or anyone else for that matter) here thinks about her or her lifestyle.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    sclvr = sick liver?
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    @tfag- if I wanted to listen to an asshole, I'd fart. So fuck off.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Wow, sick liver is super quick-witted is he not?
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    yeah I sure as fuck am, dougster/tittyfag or whatever the fuck other names you use here. You don't like it don't fucking read it.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago

    Get a life you pathetic fuck. ROFL
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Get a life vivi24 aka txtittyfag, you're annoying as fuck.
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