
Comments by jerikson40 (page 65)

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    12 years ago
    New York
    Hot Pussy
    "On a couple of them I was waiting for a dick to slip out" OH NO YOU DI'IN'T !!!!! :)
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Hot Pussy
    I must be in the minority. Not sure why, though. Tiny waists, big tits, pretty faces...seems awfully female to me. Now if they were the really pumped ones that looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger with a wig, then yeah, I'd blow lunch. But a little tone and muscle definition gives me a boner. Damn, those chicks make me want to jerk off. I may have to visit a strip club today.
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    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    BTW, londonguy, here's an example of our stupidity... The US spends 33% more per student on education than the UK. Yes, that's 33 freakin' percent. And as a result of that spending we rank below the UK in math and science. Now, one of the most common ads on TV here is teachers complaining about not enough money being spent on education. The same teachers who are never evaluated on performance. Ever. We're freakin' morons.
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    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Your election
    I'm not going to get into a political debate, because that shit never turns out well. Let me just give a more 'social' view of the state of our election system. Most Americans are idiots when it comes to understanding the slightest bit about how our government, our economy, our businesses, our foreign policies, our education system, etc., all work. We have no clue. Instead, we spend our time listening to politicians and the media, who cater to our stupidity, and engage in constant political gamesmanship, without actually saying anything or doing anything. And we blame all the bad stuff on our politicians, instead of ourselves. We're morons. We're more concerned about "enemies" and "opponents" than figuring out how to make things better. So we spend our time blaming "the other side" with moronic name calling and "he said, we said" games. It's disgusting. And the vast majority of Americans have no clue what a good leader is. We'll elect someone to the highest office based on nothing more than the fact they gave an awesome speech, or the color of their skin, or the fact they agree with us on an issue they have absolutely no control over. We believe whatever we want to believe, but none of us does the slightest bit or research on issues. We're idiots. Luckily, who gets elected often doesn't matter nearly as much as we want to believe. Once people get into office, reality hits them, and often their ridiculous ideas and ideals go out the window. Anyway, election day is tomorrow, not today, and my guess is it might be a while before they can project a winner. It's an incredibly tight race, so there's probably gonna be counting going on most of the night, and it might end up taking a few days. So don't hold your breath.
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    12 years ago
    My Attempt At OTC Part II
    And BTW, it may be an interesting exercise to compare a guy's concerns vs. a girl's: As I mentioned, the girl has a list of hundreds or thousands of concerns. On the other hand, what are a guy's concerns? Well, there are only a couple: Is she hot, can I afford it, and, oh, BTW, it's illegal. And the moment you ask her the question, all but one of the questions are resolved. You've already accepted that it's illegal and you're willing to take the risk, and you've already decided she's hot enough. Once she agrees on a price, you're golden. But for her most of her concerns are just starting. If it was me I'd be shocked if a girl said yes, and far less surprised if she said no.
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    12 years ago
    My Attempt At OTC Part II
    Yeah, maybe desensitization would make a difference, but keep in mind that you may never know what a particular woman has for her internal warning signs when it comes to guys. Most women trust their intuition, and it might come down to something as small as "Ooo, I didn't like his beady eyes", or "he didn't have a trusting smile". But I agree, you want someone who has done this before, preferably many times, and is reasonably comfortable having sex with a strange man in a strange hotel room. And as far as I can tell, that means that she's had to convince herself to suppress a whole lot of things in the back of her head that tell her "this is just wrong". Though I find it hard to believe that, once she's waded thru all of those hugely important danger signals and concerns, she gives a damn whether you're wearing a suit or not. But hey, what do I know.
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    12 years ago
    My Attempt At OTC Part II
    I've never done it, so I'm not nearly as expert in these matters as others. But I do know a tiny bit about women. 1. She's a girl, and she's taking a huge safety risk going somewhere with a guy she doesn't know. You aren't taking that risk. Many/most women think that the world is filled with perverts who are waiting to get them alone in a dark alley and kill them. They're taught that since childhood when teachers and parents pound into their heads not to walk alone or talk to strangers. So don't be surprised if any girl in her right mind would think twice. 2. Convincing a girl to have sex with you is probably not the best idea, in any situation. It might work okay, but if she really doesn't want to then it's far more likely she'll just go thru the motions, or be nervous, or tentative, or whatever. 3. Most women believe that sex = love, and anyone who does otherwise is a slut and a whore, neither of which are good. 4. It's illegal. It's not easy for some people to decide to do something that is illegal and could cost them their jobs and a bunch of other stuff. Keep in mind that getting arrested for prostitution could result in your picture being posted where family members, and your daughter's friends and school teachers could see it. Bad scene, man. 5. There are a hundred thousand other reasons why a girl would turn you down. Maybe you remind her of her father, or her brother, or she's turned off by older guys, or is on the rag, or she just had a bad experience with some guy OTC, or a million other things. Seems to me that if you ask and she says no, then just move on to another girl or another club. If she hasn't already decided, before you even come along, that she wants to do OTC stuff, then she probably isn't someone you want to deal with.
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    12 years ago
    Taping OTC
    "...how would you feel if an escort had several videos of you fucking her (or whatever shit you might be into) on tape locked in a cabinet?" Holy crap, I'd be pissed. But then again I've never used an escort, so it's not a problem. And personally, there's no way in hell that I would videotape us if I did use an escort. That's just dumb. But like I said, if the OP does it then that's fine with me. :)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers offering to share their joint with you.
    "Does it mean that I am special? A trusted preferred client?" As much as you'd love for that to be true, I doubt it has anything to do with it. Most likely nothing more than a social gesture, no different than you offering a guest a beer. Of course there's probably also be a subconscious attempt to make herself feel better about doing something naughty by bringing someone else into it. If I do it, it's illegal. If others are doing it too, then it's okay.
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    12 years ago
    Cleanliness In SCs
    Y'know those investigative news shows where they go into hotels and take samples of the sheets and blankets and stuff and find all kinds of insanely disgusting shit all over the place? Y'know, hotels, where supposedly they wash that shit every DAY? Well, I'm guessing it's infinitely worse in a strip club where guys are having sex. So I think it's probably best to not even ask. Just walk away dude.
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    12 years ago
    Taping OTC
    BTW, mrrock, personally I think videotaping your hijinks is fine. As long as it's just to jerk off to later on or whatever. Just don't let ANYONE else get a hold of it. Hey, if nobody else knows, what's the harm? Yeah, it's slimy, but so what? Now, if you let it get out, that seriously sucks and she should kick you in the balls. Just keep it private, and get rid of it when you're done.
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    12 years ago
    Taping OTC
    BTW, an interesting point the lawyer made in that link... Keep in mind that the conviction on obscenity and labelling was made UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, and in California, where supposedly porn is legal. Holy crap. If they can get a conviction under a liberal administration in a liberal state where it's already "legal", just imagine if Romney gets elected and decides to try a case in Utah.
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    12 years ago
    Taping OTC
    "....if you are filming with the consent of all parties involved and have an intent to distribute you go from the illegal transaction of prostitution (in most states) to the legal transaction of producing pornography (in most states)" Oh, geez, not this again... Paying money for "sexual gratification" is illegal, and called prostitution, and it doesn't matter if there is a camera filming it or not. If a jury believes you are paying for sexual gratification, you're guilty. And if a jury believes that the porn you produced is "obscene", you're in a world of hurt, because now it's a federal charge. And if you distribute it (ie, give it to someone), you're in even more hurt. And if you later distribute the video (ie, put it on a website, etc.), and don't follow federal requirements for labelling (called the US Code 2257 requirements), etc., you're in another world of hurt. Just ask the guy in California who got convicted earlier this year and is looking at at least 10 years for federal obscenity and 2257 labelling convictions: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/apr/28/local/la-me-obscenity-trial-20120428 http://gregpiccionelli.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=57&Itemid=29 And if you film without the required local permits and insurance, you might be guilty of a bunch of other stuff. And if you didn't get the right consent forms and use the video later on, you could get in more trouble. The reason why guys in California, where porn production is considered "legal", get away with it is because there was a ruling long ago where they couldn't prove some actors were doing it for "sexual gratification", and also it was an attempt to get the producers in pimping/pandering charges, which didn't stick. But that doesn't mean that any state can't re-evaluate that and come up with a case against you if someone complains. Yeah, you might get off, but it's certainly not a slam dunk. And in the process of figuring it all out it would cost you lots of money and pain. It depends on what a jury says, and NOBODY can predict that. Just read that second link above, where a lawyer warns the porn industry about that recent case, and what a dangerous thing it is. Bottom line, adding the porn production aspect to a prostitution case might actually end up being worse. Prostitution is a misdemeanor, but when you produce porn now you've entered the big leagues of federal obscenity laws. Yeah, it might save you, but there's no way to be sure. It sure as hell isn't a 'get out of jail free' card. But I'm not a lawyer, so do your own research. You'll find out there's a lot of porn guys real nervous and looking over their shoulders because the laws aren't clear. And all it takes is someone complaining, or a new administration, or a DA willing to bring up charges.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Off topic: Windows 8
    "It is 2012! In simple terms you can bookmark the IP address when you first access your router" Awesome. Great information. BTW jab, baby...Are you freakin' serious? THIS IS 2012 !!! YOU SHOULD PLUG THE FUCKING THING IN AND IT SHOULD AUTO INSTALL AND SET IT ALL UP WHILE YOU DRINK YOUR COFFEE !!! We were doing this same insane shit back in the 80's when Windows first came out. But people are so used to monkeying with this nonsense that they think it's normal, and they just enjoy finding novel ways to make stupid, counter-intuitive shit work.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Off Topic: Chris Christie
    And of course, you can't even mention anything remotely political without the morons gathering around with their childish hatred of anyone who disagrees with them. And we wonder why our government is so fucked up. It's because of the morons who elect these guys.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    concern or not
    "As much I hate to say it Jerkison is correct" Why do you hate to say it?
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    12 years ago
    concern or not
    "I wondered why do they connect with these pimps anyway?" Because they are fucked up in the head. If you knew their background you'd probably go screaming into the night. Abandoned and/or beaten by drunk fathers, mother was a hooker, foster homes, you name it. Or maybe they were just born fucked in the head. You'll never understand it, and you'll never, ever fix it. It is what it is.
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    12 years ago
    concern or not
    "Except I don't hang or care about girls with pimps" Maybe, or maybe you just don't know about it. The point is, before you "teach him a lesson" keep in mind that whether it's a pimp or a boyfriend, you have no idea what he, or they will do. They might turn on you and report you to the cops for beating him up, or the guy will get his buds together and beat the crap out of you. If he's capable of beating up a girl, he's fucked in the head. Pimp or not.
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    12 years ago
    concern or not
    Joey sez: "Have you ever felt s sorry by the bruises they received" Never seen a stripper with bruises. Though I've been in other countries where I've seen people who make something like $3 a day if they're lucky, and live in tiny shacks with open sewage flowing nearby. Can't afford food for their families, no way they can afford medical treatment. I'm sorry, what were you asking?
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    12 years ago
    concern or not
    All of us have a natural instinct to protect women, and we'd all run over and pull the guy off if we saw him hitting a woman. But we also have a natural instinct to assume everyone else is rational. Which they're not. Ask any stripper, any woman, and she will agree that there is a dirty little secret inside many women where they are attracted to the kind of guy who treats them like crap. And they'll rationalize it, and often blame themselves for the guy beating her. Totally irrational, but nevertheless true. Mikey sez he'd beat the crap out of the guy. Fine. And then what happens? The guy gets even more pissed that some guy she's screwing at the club beat up on him, so he takes it out on her and beats her more next time. And she sticks up for the guy when the cops come because she loves him. And it's her fault, not his, that he beats her. The only thing that helps her is if SHE decides she wants help. Like I said, she can call 911 just as easy as anyone can. And if she doesn't then she doesn't want help.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    concern or not
    "Any girl being struck by a man in front of me, I'm stepping in. And if my fav had a bruise on her face she was trying to hide, I would teach him a lesson" Wow, sounds good. Go for it. See where it gets you. And see if it helps her out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    concern or not
    Years ago there was a news investigation show (can't recall which one) which did a special on the homeless in San Francisco. Which as we all know is the homeless capital of the world. Anyway, some reporters went out on Market St and thereabouts and met some of the homeless folks, spent some time with them, and picked three of them with the most promise, and worked over a period of many months to help get them back on their feet. The homeless folks assured the news people they really wanted to get back into society, get a job, and turn their lives around. Over a period of time, all got jobs, got apartments, and seemed like they were back on their feet. Needless to say, when the news guys checked back months later, all were back on the street. Strange as it may seem, for the most part, people choose to be in whatever situation they are in. No matter how bad it is, and how irrational it seems, they probably prefer it. Giving money doesn't help them. Give a man some fish, it feeds him for a day. Teach him how to fish, it feeds him for a lifetime. But if he really doesn't give a crap and doesn't want to change his situation, there's nothing you can do. Although giving him stuff might make you feel better about yourself, if that's important to you. And personally, I think that's really what's behind most people's efforts to help others.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    concern or not
    How are you going to help? If some asshole is doing something illegal to her, she can pick up the phone and call 911 just as easy as you can. You can encourage her to do the right thing, but what you may not understand is she probably chooses to be in that situation, whatever it is. It's like people seeing a homeless guy on the street. You assume, well, he has no money, so if I give him money and a job he'll be okay. Actually, no. He's probably got mental problems and wants to live in the street so he doesn't have to deal with life. You could find him a job, encourage him to go to work everyday, and help him out, but guaranteed in a couple months he'd be back on the street. Chances are you really don't know what would help her, if anything. And consider this: if she wasn't a hot stripper, but just a chick at McDonalds who got you your Big Mac, would you even give a crap? Dude, many of the people you pass every day on the street have problems as bad or worse than that stripper, and you can't help all of them. And even if you could help one or two, you probably don't really KNOW what they need (as opposed to what they say they need). And as a result you could end up harming yourself. She'd likely end up taking advantage of you, and in the end she'd still be in the same situation. You don't know squat about her, and probably never will. She's probably lying, and probably always will. If you want to help people, send some money to the Red Cross to help the people on the East Coast who lost their homes. Or hop a plane and volunteer to help dig out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    vice-cops-caught-on-video-at- Treasures
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    12 years ago
    Off topic: Windows 8
    "Once you go Mac you never go back" No question. Apple has always designed stuff so that it's easy and intuitive for users. Microsoft throws shit together that's so freakin' counter-intuitive and difficult to use that it boggles the mind. But most of the geeks and no-life twits who use it just love figuring out all that complicated shit. So MS doesn't give a shit, they know they've got almost a freakin' monopoly and they can put out whatever they want and people will fall over themselves praising it. So when Apple forces you to use all of their iShit, it's forgiveable. At least they design their OS's the right way.